This place where God descends! Ise Grand Shrine Amaterasu-oomikami

This place where God descends! Ise Grand Shrine Amaterasu-oomikami

cool japan

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According to the Nihon Shoki, around 2,000 years ago the divine Yamatohime-no-mikoto, daughter of the Emperor Suinin, set out from Mt. Miwa in modern Nara Prefecture in search of a permanent location to worship the goddess Amaterasu-ōmikami, wandering for 20 years through the regions of Ohmi and Mino. Her search eventually brought her to Ise, in modern Mie Prefecture, where she is said to have established Naikū after hearing the voice of Amaterasu-ōmikami saying "(Ise) is a secluded and pleasant land. In this land I wish to dwell."[4] Before Yamatohime-no-mikoto's journey, Amaterasu-ōmikami had been worshiped at the imperial residence in Yamato, then briefly at Kasanui in the eastern Nara basin.


#Ise_Grand_Shrine_(Building_Complex) #Ise_(City/Town/Village) #japanese #Travel_Channel_(TV_Network) #Goddess_(Character_Rank)
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