Major Arcana Commentaries #10 | Top 10 Anime Betrayals (#1 May Surprise You) [The Ephrommentator]

Major Arcana Commentaries #10 | Top 10 Anime Betrayals (#1 May Surprise You) [The Ephrommentator]


1 год назад

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@fracturedlight8120 - 25.12.2022 18:35

Common Luna W

@odd_wrld - 26.12.2022 00:13

lunaticthegame my favorite television channel

@DShy96 - 26.12.2022 13:59

Ngl, I was kinda waiting for a video from you. Was worth the wait.

@Dreq458 - 28.12.2022 08:11

Okay, so 6 degrees counting degree 0 and yourself. I forgot almost everyone's names even after listening to the explanation 6 times to get everything right. And I'm betting that you and/or E-guy will play clips from degrees 0-3 and have, probably minor, points defending and/or critiquing them as well. That's a lot to keep track of on its own. Did I count everything correctly? ... Who's the guy in degree ... 4? ... 5? again? Dammit, counting degree 0 messed up my counting.

God I hate degree chains too 😅

@leonmason9141 - 19.01.2023 20:53

👌 *Promo sm*!!
