Is AI coming for your job? | DW Business

Is AI coming for your job? | DW Business

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Michael Pare
Michael Pare - 29.09.2023 04:08

this is when the real destruction of society begins.

Mr Bardel
Mr Bardel - 26.09.2023 07:05

is not AI that will take your job

is greedy corporations that replace workers whit robots for profits .

Lash LaRue
Lash LaRue - 17.09.2023 15:22

It's a net positive, folks. I'm building stuff with code now that I would NEVER have managed to do without ChatGPT. My productivity is going through the roof because I've been able to increase my IT chops by an order of magnitude and find the best way to solve problems. I am now more highly skilled than I was before just because of this accelerated learning process!! 🤯

Wesley Williams
Wesley Williams - 31.08.2023 08:07

She just doesn't realize the effect.

Nicholas Nerios
Nicholas Nerios - 23.08.2023 10:00

I don't want to say people are becoming lazier as technology advances, and a result is less higher education graduates.
But rather we are evolving to adapt to a technological culture. It's not people are Lazier but people are becoming more expressive. Yes there will be less physical mundane careers. But this new ai era is allowing people to further their educations, allowing more creative arts, entertainment, innovation, invention, and design. We need to nurture a new society where graduates become specialists.

We will need to think on how a government funded and business tax and personal finance ubi can be implemented.

Universal Basic Income
Universal Basic Healthcare
Universal Basic Education & Higher-Education.

Sure a percent will prefer to not work. But with an Ai work force and a UBI this would be allocated.

But many more would want to further their education in specialized fields.

Yes education benefits the student to find a career, but the ones that benefit the most are the businesses and communities by having a self paced Universal basic education.

Lisa Carter
Lisa Carter - 22.08.2023 19:32

Investing in alternate income streams should be the top priority for everyone right now. especially given the global economic crisis we are currently experiencing. stocks, gold, silver, and virtual currencies are still attractive investments at the moment.

forbaldo1 - 22.08.2023 05:09

when AI take over the military we will be able to slaughter each other at a phenomenal rate with Reduction in Human Error, 24x7 Availability . Unbiased Decisions. Wednesday Addams will be so proud of the pain and suffering

Денис Бельский
Денис Бельский - 14.08.2023 19:05


libby chang
libby chang - 10.08.2023 08:27

the CEOs are already getting giddy about 90% ASI mass extinction is by far the lesser evil...

Hector Gerardo corral
Hector Gerardo corral - 05.08.2023 22:42

It feels as if one day, we won't have anything to do, like no Job would required to be left under human supervision

vr - 03.08.2023 03:00

Its much easier working with AI rather than people. AI is the future. Get with the times!

Bruce Li
Bruce Li - 01.08.2023 13:25

Best thing about A.I is Western countries can now displace China's labour force.

R T - 31.07.2023 00:23

Ai is going to destroy humanity

R T - 31.07.2023 00:22

Sounds like a bad movie

Sir Meow T (SirMeowmeow)
Sir Meow T (SirMeowmeow) - 27.07.2023 20:44

So with automation... once api chat endpoints can simultaneously accept image and text a lot of things unlock to automate. This could be done via an app in the middle acting as a parser to execute commands.

Otherwise we will have to wait for training ai at specific tasks.

MrStinger - 27.07.2023 00:25

This is exactly one of the biggest reasons I am terrified of AI in the future. My prediction are coming true. It’s going to put a lot of people out of work one day.

Gin - 26.07.2023 15:21

They sooner replace AI for movie, broadcasters,... AI take our jobs
I suggest, if they want to replace, I refuse to watch AI movies, AI television shows , or use their products ..

why we have to support their business if they don’t support ours

Alvaro Gil
Alvaro Gil - 25.07.2023 05:42

I do not agree
AI easily can do a-lot of what a lawyer does.
It can practically do white color jobs, medical analysis, Programme etc.

In 5 to 10 years it will be better than us.

Willem De Bruyn
Willem De Bruyn - 23.07.2023 10:26

Where will all these unemployed people go? Who will buy all the services and products delivered by AI if everybody is replaced by a powered up calculator? Not everyone can upskill or change careers. Will we become a dystopian society where the 1% is now those people who are useful to AI and the rest are the poor slobs who eke out a living by any means possible? AI as visualized now is not sustainable.

Jim Amos
Jim Amos - 21.07.2023 00:58

Saadia plays down every threat, even the fact that women are being disproportionately affected. People need to re-skill in data engineering and AI roles? Seriously? Governance and ethicists are being laid off and every AI company is in a race to build self-governing, self-perpetuating AIs that won't need human intervention. Sorry Saadia but you're blissfully unaware of the larger picture where you will almost certainly end up on the scrapheap with everyone else if things pan out the way the Technocrats have planned.

Jack Laurence
Jack Laurence - 18.07.2023 23:48

This is going to be terrible for extroverts that want to talk to people all the time.

davecros - 17.07.2023 19:40

Net loss of jobs from AI starting now. White collar jobs will end up like manufacturing jobs in the U.S. They will eventually all be gone.

AI isn't like a farm tractor that only replaced farmers. AI will replace Anyone that works with a keyboard and a mouse. Anything that can be done on a computer by a person with a brain will soon be done by AI that can make keystrokes. Artificial Intelligence is Replacing Human Intelligence. Blue collar workers will last longer since robotics lags behind AI in most situations.

It very simple, sending jobs to AI will be like sending manufacturing jobs to China. Net loss in jobs starts now. Humans on keyboards will be obsolete, period.

Stickapot - 15.07.2023 09:49

what this woman wont tell you is this will be a complete disaster for every single work force on earth. PERIOD

Is This the Krusty Krab?
Is This the Krusty Krab? - 09.07.2023 23:49

I always take things like this with a grain of salt. A few years ago they said it would be trucking, blue collar jobs, etc that were most at-risk, but now it’s creative jobs, accounting, HR, etc that are becoming more obsolete due to AI. No one is really safe, but this stuff needs HEAVY regulation, which I’m not seeing

yyz ca
yyz ca - 08.07.2023 19:02

AI = You will own nothing and be Happy

Clayton Campbell
Clayton Campbell - 06.07.2023 01:31

Let AI do all the work and we can just do fun things

Cosmic Cat Zen
Cosmic Cat Zen - 05.07.2023 18:15

So…upskilling is usually for people who have been working for awhile & older people (as young as 30 or 35+) aren’t being hired at all. Telling people to spend money to upskill is irresponsible. You just said crappy factory jobs in manufacturing are coming back, those are back breaking jobs for the young. Large upskilling/training corporations want your money for training, but can’t guarantee that you will get a job. ATS (application tracking systems) are discriminating right & left & these companies will admit that they “don’t fully know how they work”. So, the first step in your hiring process ( getting a resume to the employer) is working in a way you don’t understand & you are confident that you are being offered the best resumes? That’s ridiculous! This is nonsense. Start your own business.

hello world
hello world - 30.06.2023 12:36

My career ended before it even started.

focker fart
focker fart - 24.06.2023 22:46

Let create karen ai so it will teach you how the job to be operate.

Jhon Andy
Jhon Andy - 19.06.2023 08:41


Vouism - 19.06.2023 00:34

Simple, universal income paid for by all the jobs ai takes and the money companies make from it. Give each ai some sort of salary, tax it and send that money as universal income if ai end up taking a massive amount of jobs. Just an idea though

P. Chandra
P. Chandra - 16.06.2023 23:56

It's clear, It's clear...actually nothing is clear. Sounds like, it's better to be a cook than to become a graduate. 😂

Beowulf - 15.06.2023 16:11

AI will create new jobs, but it will create jobs that AI can do. White collar workers will need to retrain as cleaners, fruit pickers, and bum wipers. As for teachers, they won't be needed because an AI teacher will have far more knowledge in any subject than any human could possibly have, plus what's the point of higher education when AI will be doing all those jobs. Cleaner, fruit picker, bum wiper, those are the careers for humans.

Placebo Gazebo
Placebo Gazebo - 15.06.2023 04:40

As a software developer who uses ChatGPT multiple times a day, I can tell you it will be a long time before AI can replace human programmers. Why? Because it's a lot harder to tell ChatGPT what you want than just writing it yourself. What it is good at is training. It can show you how to do something and once it's showed you, you don't need it any more. AI will 5x your productivity as a programmer, but it won't replace you. Although it may make the job market require fewer developers because the ones who use AI will be so much more productive.

Foof0811 - 12.06.2023 17:26

Speaking from personal experience using ai tools heavily since start of 23' and seeing these things being rolled out across a company - this interviewee has no idea the velocity and breadth of the impact.

Right now, just about every single task that involves a person sitting at a computer and pushing buttons on a keyboard - can be automated in part or almost entirely.

The net effect we are seeing is 1 person can do the job of 2 to 3 AT THE LOW END, and at the high end, it's 1 to 6 or 7. There will be a small number of people who learn these tools getting paid MORE than today, while a majority of those not learning and using these tools being obsoleted.

The more scary thing actually is that even the process of using the ai can be offshored.

So a team of 15 local people can today be replaced by a team of 2-3 onshore (who develop and know the systems) and 2-3 offshore (who execute the use of the ai).

Even learning to use the ai isn't enough. You need to learn how to build and deploy the ai and be the one who knows how it works. This is actually easier than it sounds since no coding or dev experience is needed, you just need to sink your teeth into it and do it.

If your job involves sitting at a computer and pressing buttons - the ai can do it. She's right that someone still needs to USE the ai, but that person doesn't need to be onshore.

Protect yourself and your family. Spend 2-3 hours a day learning to use the ai for your job. If you sit at a computer to work and are saying "it can't do my job" - you are sleeping at the wheel.

Alejandro Antunez
Alejandro Antunez - 09.06.2023 20:02

Statements not Supported by evidente (preferably statistics) is just speculation. I would like this Lady to show us such evidence suporting her comments

Peaceful - 06.06.2023 17:05

We need to contact the White House for regulation on AI! AI especially combine with robots can replace so many people!

John Doe
John Doe - 04.06.2023 18:57

The future is A.I. We must our demise.

Troy Jones
Troy Jones - 04.06.2023 05:35

Obviously millions of jobs even professional will get taken over and what they are predicting now is just the tip of the iceberg . What will all those millions do to survive unless there’s a UBI in place? 🤔

CARLOS Flores - 03.06.2023 14:14

CC learn a trade: carpentry electrician plumber etc. Get your eyes away from computer screen.

DND - 03.06.2023 03:02

On the one hand, I can see trillionaires being minted as the cost of labour dramatically decreases and smaller groups of individuals are able to create conglomerates and multinational companies.

But on the other hand, if millions are displaced and lack employment, who will be purchasing the goods and services that these companies produce? Where will governments get the tax revenue to function? How will they prevent social strife, insurrection, and conflict?

Maybe it will be like the dystopian movies where the trillionaires and their families flee the earth and take up residence on luxury space habitats while hordes of autonomous machines police the earth, dig for resources, and enslave the rest of the population.

Vivek Cholkar
Vivek Cholkar - 02.06.2023 19:39

god damn ..she is beautiful

Chuntesh Chauhan
Chuntesh Chauhan - 02.06.2023 07:36

Terminator 3

Adjojos joe
Adjojos joe - 31.05.2023 23:54

Who is the news anchor?

Howtz 49
Howtz 49 - 31.05.2023 22:31

The rich and powerful and those in control are really afraid of AI because they will lose control when AI solves all humanitys issues and the biggest issue is the control a few powerful curropt people have over the people of this planet. Please Pass this message on.

Srinivas Ramanujan
Srinivas Ramanujan - 31.05.2023 20:20

Confident and convenient to say up-skill, not knowing careers of these two clowns are also on the chopping block. AI can look and talk pretty too. Guess what, Generative AI can also do some pretty powerful analysis and disclose the findings looking however you want it (he/she, lion/tiger etc) to look.

The only real skill that people should be focusing on is survivability. How many of you can live without gadgets and google maps? Can you drive to a location just by referencing a paper map? Can you hunt? Tech will drive people back to barter exchange society within a close knit community. Anybody with a similar skill already available will be driven out of the community violently. Good Ol' days will be back soon.

ML is already becoming automated. Majority of the world's population cannot do mathematics beyond the 6th grade. AI/ML requires knowing some pretty fancy mathematics and more is being added as we figure things out. Subjects like Topology was once (I think it still is) a very dry subject is now being used to do data analysis. The field is called topological data analysis. Search the term and see it makes sense to you.

WEF is a useless entity.

Magnifico Magnifica
Magnifico Magnifica - 30.05.2023 22:33


henry velasquez
henry velasquez - 30.05.2023 20:36

I am going back to basics . I will be doing GREAT. Muy Jeep 1982
With out any computers. Etc. Etc.

terryrollins1973 - 29.05.2023 17:55

UBI 😂😂😂😂😂 the entitlement generations pipe dream 😂
