Real Reason Russia Gave Crimea to Ukraine

Real Reason Russia Gave Crimea to Ukraine

The Infographics Show

2 года назад

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@xhorxheetxeberria-td1hu - 18.09.2023 08:51

Returned? It was transferred not returned. Because there had never been a Ukraine ever.

@thomashjensen1556 - 07.07.2023 23:21

It is actually worse for Putin than described in this video. THe current "status quo" is only maintained by Putin spending an immense amount of money he doesn't have. With the current rate of consuming money, Russia will simply have spent all its available reservers before the end of this year. Once that happens, the Russians will be unable to maintain its current rate of expenditure for the military. This will happen even if the Ukrainian offensive fails - and it certainly doesnt look like it will.

@chefdean7257 - 07.07.2023 09:00

Is there a Crimea River ? 🤓

@thefrench8847 - 06.07.2023 16:58

Because Nikita Khruschev Ukrainian.

@TheJcrist - 16.05.2023 20:46

This video is basically half false half garbage. No real reason has been named. The real reason for Russia to take Crimea was to ensure no NATO fleet is stationed in Crimea. Sinilarly, the core reason of the current conflict is the same - to kick NATO out of Ukraine. If course, demilitarization and denazification of Ukraine is also important but this is secondary. The neutrality of Ukraine was the key condition of its sovereignty. Since this condition is broken there can be no Ukraine in the 1991 borders.

@Leafwick - 24.03.2023 20:51


@dackelachtbeinig2830 - 21.03.2023 18:53

A bad video.

@ktu668 - 18.03.2023 15:19

It's a bit like Gibraltar being part of the UK or Spain What do you think.

@MrBernt1968 - 18.03.2023 11:38

I apparantly totally misunderstood the concept of giving a gift. I always thought when i gave something it is not mine anymore and cant be taken back.

@purpleblastoise - 16.03.2023 21:35

Crimea is Russia, the treacherous Khrushchev was not only a stooge for the Western imperialists but a Ukrop nationalist and his illegitimate state the Ukraine invented by Vladimir Lenin is being used by the whole world to launder money.

@sheldondinkleberg6525 - 10.03.2023 22:34

Me, a white guy: 😧

@dfrank5182 - 06.03.2023 00:22

Of course, the UN is not yo be trusted.
Dnd the Ukrainian occupation of Crimea.
Crimea for Crimeans.

@upstairs1307 - 04.03.2023 23:25

I was expecting many more inaccuracies — there were a few, most of which are at the end, where your personal bias becomes glaring for all to see and hear.

@smi2le4ever - 25.02.2023 18:30

He should probably focus on getting the s**t out of his pants.

@shakostarsun - 21.02.2023 20:35

Just look at prior elections the pro Russian parties were fading everywhere except Crimea Khersons pro Russia party got rekt in elections but pro Russians in Crimea dominated 2006 to 2014.

@ANTI_KREMLIN - 05.02.2023 18:16

CRIMEA was part of the RUSSIAN SSR but since the RUSSIAN SSR decided to transfer CRIMEA to the Ukrainian SSR in 1954, that's RUSSIA'S LOSS! Under the current INTERNATIONAL LAW & CHARTERS, CRIMEA IS UKRAINE! LONG LIVE, UKRAINE!

@silviaargent551 - 01.02.2023 18:30

You missed the coup with the help of the USA in 2014 why????

@moneygetter4826 - 24.01.2023 19:41


@petersmith2487 - 24.01.2023 09:28

Slightly misleading title. Russia did not give Crimea to Ukraine - this was done by the Soviet Union.

@__Milica__ - 08.01.2023 08:50

as a serb i love the both country russia and ukraine but we supports russia for some historical reason like we are a closest ally with Russia in 1807 to now and ukraine is not recognized kosovo(south serbia) and our government has a good reletion with ukraine for that but in real the peoples love each other.... The Crimea is hard situation both country want this land but more Russian live there but originally Crimea is ukraine(accordint to the video) but i don't wanna to say for crimea is Russia or Ukraine. and Ukraine has more losses than Russia bc Russia is using their 20% of power and about 100-150krussians fightning on the front and Ukraine has 200k soldiers on the front but those russians which is will coming to the front those are about 250-500k which is now under trainings in somewhere in Russia so tfirst look the winner is Russia in this war looks Russia has many countries which part of russia like Nkorea where the russian ammos come, China and India whos buy the russian gas and oil to support the russian economy , Iran where the russian drones come and Syria whos sends troops to the ukrainian front and while russia has 5 supporters where Russia buy something and sell something and got troops to their war then ukraine got the modern western weapons which so much better than some russian versions and aid pack but russia has modern tanks, larger aircraft and navy than ukraine and better anti air, rocket projectors. so i think this war is become tie if Russia has so many losses and those soldiers which is on the training does not arrive to the front, but idk write your answer for "who do you think to win russia or ukraine?". +America is was & in so many wars like Syrian civil war, Iraq, Afghanistan.

@hairharbor5080 - 20.12.2022 09:46

Let's hope for complete Russian victory in 2023. Kiev and everything south and east needs to be annexed by Russia. Let Poland, Hungary, and Romania devour the scraps of Ukraine that are left.

@gaamesso8002 - 13.12.2022 17:08

This is a very unfortunate situation. It is difficult to respect Ukraine's territorial integrity, while at the same time also respecting the Russian-speaking majority's right to self-determination.

In my opinion, Crimea should be a largely (or fully) independent entity. Crimea doesn't belong to Russia, nor does it belong to Ukraine. Crimea belongs to the people who live there, all of them, regardless of language and/or culture. Not to mention the indigenous Crimean Tartars.

But if independence isn't possible, it should at the very least be an autonomous and demilitarized zone, in the same vein as the island of Åland (a demilitarized and autonomous region within Finland, a solution found to be satisfactory to both the Finnish government, as well as the island's swedish-speaking majority).

Although Crimea was autonomous when it was under Ukranian control, it was still militarized, which led to the potential discrimination against Russian-speakers by members of the Ukranian military with anti-russian views.

Therefore, an autonomous and demilitarized Crimea under the control of Ukraine, might give the Russian-speaking majority some reassurance that they will not be forcibly assimilated into Ukrainian culture. However, a UN security council resolution would be an ineffective method (since it has become clear that the US and Russia would veto any decision seen as unfavoruble to themselves and their respective allies). The way i see it, the only way this could be legitimately achived is through a referendum monitored by independent and politically-neutral NGOs.

But with the way things look now, these solutions seem very unrealistic. I just hope that truth and justice will prevail in the end, for Ukrainians and Russians alike, and that the victims of this almost decade-long conflict will finally have their voices heard.

@johnking6252 - 06.12.2022 18:57

A warm water port in the south . Major requirement for a major Nation.

@paulhusby8344 - 05.12.2022 17:39

Verbal pacing? Ouch. Please slow down and use a some voice inflection? Great content.

@johnwightman7549 - 03.12.2022 23:12

no mention of the irrigation canal! crimea being chronically short of water it was decided to build a canal from the dnieper. According to kruschev's son he decided there would be less red tape if crimea became part of the ukrainian ssr. Western sources are reluctant to discuss this because from 2014 the ukrainians built a dam to cut off the water supply to russian controlled crimea, which rather tends to make the ukrainians look like bad guys

@chazspm - 02.12.2022 22:05

Unfortunately this misses the majority approval of ukrainian independene during the breakup of the USSR in 1991. It's an important event between the 1954 transfer of Crimea and 2014 occupation.

@alanmountain5804 - 30.11.2022 22:56

I have always been fascinated by the crimea. So much so that in 2009 I was looking at buying some land overlooking the sea of azov. It was cheap and the view was amazing. A polish friend of mind talked me out of it . I owe him big time

@daliborperkovic3918 - 30.11.2022 22:42

I can't believe you didn't mention the fact that, durin the referendum for Ukrainian independence in 1991, the majority in Crimea also voted for this independence.

@martincicchino1228 - 30.11.2022 20:50

Historically this video is. at best, visually and factually sloppy. The Russian state Duma was formed well BEFORE the Tsar resigned in 1917. (Not after he resigned as stated in the video.) The image of Tsar Nicholas II as the Tsar in power in the early 1800s is just, again just sloppy. The use of the modern-day Russian flag as the state flag of the Tsarist Empire is (about 2 flags too soon), and again, just sloppy. I would go into detailed analysis of your factual inaccuracies, but my job is not to do your job of proper editing.

@global.citizens - 28.11.2022 02:39

Russia didn't gave Crimea to Ukraine, this was not a gift. In exchange of Crimea who later became an autonomous region, the Ukrainians ceded the entire Belgorod region for Russia to do whatever they want with it

@ericaforret4595 - 26.11.2022 14:55

The maximum that 🇷🇺 can obtain from the current war is to create a new demilitarized, independent, neutral state in Crimea and thus force everyone to accept it (Kosovo style). Nobody will ever accept annexetion of lands of another country - that is just a foolish Russian dream that will lead to the absolute defeat of the Kremlin !

@philippgruebler - 26.11.2022 10:43

Can you please stop say Gorilla war instead of guerrilla war

@PyroNexus22 - 24.11.2022 14:05

Give Crimea back to Crimean Tatars!

Also, I think it's time we start calling them Crimeans, because they're the rightful owners of that land. The word "Tatar" was used by Russians to denote any Turkic-speaking peoples. For example, Azerbaijanis used to be called Azerbaijani Tatars. But calling them that almost makes it sound like they're not the local population.

@ChrundleTGreat - 24.11.2022 11:01

I, like most people, thought Russia would rapidly overtake ALL of Ukraine during that first month of the invasion. I assumed the Ukrainian military would fall back and disperse into an insurgency and the war would linger for years. I am SO happy to see that Ukraine has taken advantage of the last six years of US/NATO partnered military training and the gifts of weaponry from the US! I fully believe that Russia is showing the world who they really are right now: a country ruled by criminals and liars. The subordinates of Putin have robbed the Russian people for years diverting the military budget into their own bank accounts and it shows now in their losing war.

@nigelhaywood9753 - 23.11.2022 13:13

The Holodomor (famine) of the thirties is generally considered to have been a planned genocide of the Ukrainian people. It was part of Stalin's repression of the outlying, 'less Russian' Soviet States. Stalin was interested in the land mass of Ukraine, with its access to the Black Sea, but not in the Ukrainian people who posed a continual threat of rebellion. The Holodomor was an opportunity to free up some space that he could fill with Russian speaking non-Ukrainians.

@arniciaurelian6767 - 22.11.2022 02:17

Do you like fiction Hollywood stories!

@ACE-kg2jc - 16.11.2022 09:50

The last part about Russia loosing more men and resources in 2 weeks after invading ukraine than the US lost after 20 years in Afghanistan is completely biased and false. Please do your research properly and deliver your information in an unbiased manner.

@peterziggyw - 15.11.2022 22:05

It is impossible to understand post-1991 Ukraine history if U.S./Euro activities in Ukraine (CIA, NATO, NGO's, etc.) are completely whitewashed out.

@thomastaylor9586 - 15.11.2022 16:02

Perhaps Ukraine can promise to let Russian people speak Russian, without getting holocausted

@maranathaafrica - 10.11.2022 11:40


@kristjanrom9429 - 09.11.2022 15:28

Eastern Ukraine always strongly voted pro-russian candidates and have a huge russian minority in some places like Crimea even a big majority therefore it makes sense they voted to join Russia, specialy since increasing violence against russian population in Ukraine

@StenAkeDahl - 09.11.2022 12:02

From Crimea one can s ink the russian fleet but why wait they can and should sink all of them now.

@gregoryleo4640 - 08.11.2022 10:57

The title of this video is incorrect. Russia did NOT give Crimea to Ukraine. Neither Ukraine or Russia existed in 1954. The transfer was an internal administrative transfer within the Soviet Union. When the Soviet Union was dissolved in 1991, each former SSR became an independent nation keeping it's existing borders at the time intact. Crimea has never belonged to the present Russian Federation, which began in 1991. The occupation and annexation of Crimea is illegal because Crimea is legally part of Ukraine. The referendum is illegal because the proponents did not have approval from Ukraine's central government. The illegitimate referendum was mandated by the invaders after Russia's armed invasion and occupation.

@seyahatdelisilenurbey - 07.11.2022 13:15

Crimea for Crimean Tatars!

@johnsmith-ce2tq - 05.11.2022 07:24

7000 in 20 years 1 mio dead population and fighting men in sandals, 7000 in 2 weeks fighting almost nato and a well armed fighting forces, 20 years and lost to sheep header, Russia will not lose. and pace will happen

@latinheart2708 - 05.11.2022 05:16

Vey interesting and informative videos, but why on earth do you have to speak so fast? Is the script so boring to you so you are in a hurry to get to the end of it? Its not boring to me, so please read it att a reasonable pace. Be kind bear in mind that many of your folowers are not native english speakets.
