WHAX vs. DEATH Zone Cap & Crash Siege

WHAX vs. DEATH Zone Cap & Crash Siege


3 года назад

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@Wflesh - 10.09.2021 04:49

Really sad that at tonight’s siege you guys pulled the biggest cheese move. Your Zerg is the largest in the game. Alone you had more than W tonight. You called in allies. Instead of fighting you self sieged. That was the most pathetic thing I have seen in crowfall.

@mistarecoil6926 - 09.09.2021 04:12

Hand shake - is a must , (should instance like a EK and capable of holding the full Alliance of both alliances at war ) will end all this non-sense. Like NAP's - 10 shields vs 5 shields or less! A shame it has came to late. Should of been on deck after release dregs. ACE waited to long.
Rip CF

@swaggames_ - 09.09.2021 01:13

Gonna miss reading all the boomer salt. Too many old dudes can't hit buttons quick enough to play NW pvp. Maybe there's still time to get back on the SB emu LOL.

@mrseafrog - 07.09.2021 22:06

Claiming victory in a game that isn't even ready for release or able to stay up for more than 2 months with any sort of population isn't a victory. The ONLY people worth fighting in this Alpha are the same people you have been tryharding against for the whole testing phase. That's like Beta testing a game at 100% while others are casually trying to figure out the game and saying you won. You never even tried to take one of Deaths main keeps. You attack those keeps that they obviously didn't care about because they just capped it after kicking you out, out of spite. When you claim a W, make sure its because you were the actual best on the server and not just the most active in standing in circles avoiding the real PvP!

@zeeshanish1 - 07.09.2021 07:48

Will ACE fix this? Probably not.

@drakano4662 - 07.09.2021 03:26

So here is the thing. I feel like the night before you all zone capped us to avoid us attacking you. I would think the only smart move would be show up earlier. lol I mean you guys always complain about our alliance beating you. If you put half the focus you put into making excuses on learning the game mechanics you might win a dregs one day. Just a helpful hint.

@rafamelodiniz - 07.09.2021 03:06

So you complaining when doing the same thing, maybe even worse. You made a coalisions with everyone that matters in drags 2 (after launch) to zerg HAX everywhere when HAX dos not zerg and still managed to loose.

@billflynn9962 - 06.09.2021 18:42

double the numbers and they still turtle... W put the nail in the coffin for crowfall
