The Rapture and the Events That Happen After That

The Rapture and the Events That Happen After That

Robert Breaker

4 месяца назад

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@7ashoBeam - 23.03.2024 09:25

In 2 Tess 1:7-9 The wicked are destroyed by the brightness of Christ coming. In Revelation 20:5 The dead lived not again until the 1000 years were finished. This simple means that the secret rapture is another false doctrine being used to deceive.

@leawilliams8476 - 23.03.2024 08:59

The resurrection is not the rapture.

@leawilliams8476 - 23.03.2024 08:57

Christian Zionism of which I was once an zealous adherent is an offense to God and futurist dispensational rapture millennial third temple are ALL FALSE TEACHINGS NOT FOUND IN THE BI LE. DENYING that prophecy was fulfilled in 1st century is a crime against Jesus Christ and the false rapture teaching will cause many to fall away. Israel is a false entity. There are many antichrists building an antichrist system which is building an antichrist beast which the evangelical Zionists are aiding. The gap in the 70 weeks is a false innovation and not biblical. Putting every thing in the future is an abomination. The Jews in 1st century AD also believed fairytales about the messiah.

@rhondaadams4013 - 23.03.2024 08:14

I used to believe in a pretrib rapture, until I realized John saw Jesus at the clouds with the reaping tool in hand at the sounding of the seventh trumpet (Rev 14,15), which is the last trumpet. And Paul said it would be at the last trumpet (1 Cor 15:52). Then the wrath comes. Paul said Crist will descend at the sound of a trumpet, and there would be a shout of the archangel, and we will be caught up to the clouds, and he was describing what John saw at the sound of the seventh trumpet. The last trumpet is the seventh trumpet.

@CHARLES2448 - 23.03.2024 06:59

Read Ezekiel, of course you have, The Jews and their prince David offer animal sacrifice throughout the millennium, as ordained by Jesus. So they might be following the scriptures.

@dmariewalker6880 - 23.03.2024 06:28

Thank you Pastor Breaker

@JonnyUtah777 - 23.03.2024 05:39

This is a false teacher!!! Jesus Christ said the elect won’t be gathered til after the tribulation. Period

@Rambo88568 - 23.03.2024 05:29

The rapture is a joke.

@ladyblayze - 23.03.2024 03:34

Tribulation | Greek Thlipsis | Translated Persecution. The church will not be raptured before the the great persecution, or the great tribulation of those days as Matthew recorded Jesus saying in Matthew 24:29-31, starting with "After the tribulation of those days .... and ending with, "will he send his angels to gather his elect". The theology and Doctrine of pre/mid tribulation Rapture was founded while the book sealed up in Daniel (Daniel 12:9) - was yet sealed. However, now that the book is being unsealed, this pre-mid tribulation theology is now found erroneous because those reserved for the time of the end, have been revealed it. The teaching of a pre/mid tribulation rapture puts Christendom in danger, as they're faith will not have been adequately prepared to undergo such Persecution - Thlipsis - Tribulation, as they have been taught they will be raptured from it. This teaching must be repented of, as it is wasting precious time in preparing the church. God forbid, there is a situation that comes upon earth, where no pastors or churches of televangelists are available, only their bible and their memory - will they have received enough to stand? For what ever their faith was built on, will be the only faith they have to stand on. Seek the face of your God, ask him of your self whether this antiquated teaching is His true will, or the will of a church teaching themselves a lie. Repent of this teaching. Repent I beg of you, and prepare your congregations for that which will come upon this earth. I have studied to be sure of this finding over the last 8 years, and now it's more clear than ever that these scriptures have been mistaught, ignored and completely looked over but now they are being put in their proper place on the last days timeline and revealing glaring errors in a pre/mid tribulation rapture. Why do you think there has never been any clear teaching on whether pre or mid is correct? Because it's truth was sealed up, until the time of the end. Then we knew through a glass darkly, but now we know face to face. Yes, we will be raptured - but from the Great Day of the Lord, not the Tribulation. The tribulation is specifically for the Church. The Fifth Seal. For to go to heaven by rapture, alive and kicking is the greatest honor bestowed upon man, and you better believe the litmus test to be raptured alive is withstanding the "Tribulation of those days." Just as Jesus Said. I have amassed scripture backing, and have them available for reference in order to Study to Shew thyself approved. But as a scribe instructed unto the kingdom of heaven is like unto a man that is a householder, that bringeth forth out of his treasure both new and old, I too have been called of the Holy Spirit to bring forth out of his treasury of the Word, both new understandings to old foundations. The new has always been there, but their eyes had never beheld it, until it was brought out.

@metanoian965 - 23.03.2024 03:07

have you read the Bible ?
have you read the New Testament ?
Have you read any book in the Bible ?
what about one chapter ?
a paragraph ?
a sentence out of context ?
No ?
Then you are a true believer !

@johnrinke8080 - 23.03.2024 01:24

Do you believe in santa clause and the easter bunny too. How did our country get so full of completely stupid people ? Unbelievable

@user-xj1fu8bd8m - 23.03.2024 00:37

Why didn't God take out those in the Kingdom gospel when he brought in the grace gospel? If he has to take out those who believe in the grace gospel to bring back the kingdom gospel.

@ralphturner9091 - 23.03.2024 00:19

NO IT IS NOT!!! OK!!!.❤❤❤😊😊😊

@metanoian965 - 22.03.2024 22:55

where in the NT is it written that Xtiams must be Stupid ?

@ladyv777 - 22.03.2024 22:06

There is no rapture

@jandrost4664 - 22.03.2024 21:55

Jesus said we must be born again .
You are born again when you Holy Spirit in you don’t let you sin anymore.
1 John 2 and 3
To become born again you have to repent and ask Jesus forgiveness for your sins or ask Jesus in your heart.

Doing nothing is no option!

@CharlesWalker-qd4ef - 22.03.2024 21:55

I believe the Bible and everything that it says in it just the way that it says it people try to make it more complicated than it really is just read it with an open line to open heart that's the holy spirit to guide you and he'll lead you to all truth and the truth will set you free amen

@CharlesWalker-qd4ef - 22.03.2024 21:54

Seated with Christ in heavenly places already in the spirit all those who have accepted him and his Holy Spirit are already in heaven for God for you them already😊 and all the ones that he for knew he will also call back on to himself that's what I think the rapture is

@CharlesWalker-qd4ef - 22.03.2024 21:53

If flesh and blood cannot enter the kingdom of heaven then how are some people not going to die and enter the kingdom? I understand we're going to get a different body and I believe that when everything is changed everything is changed when the twinkling of an eye that's when we get our glorified body and let's go to the kingdom or in other words wake up and realize that we're already there

@hekilleen - 22.03.2024 21:47

5 liters is about 1.3 gallons for those of us watching in the US.

@cowboy9931 - 22.03.2024 21:25

The rapture is fake. Is was put there by the Catholic Church to keep people in the church and bring them the church. Learn Hebrew and translate the Real BIBLE no mention of the rapture. As a true Christian it is my duty to make sure your followers know this and you do for your knowledge. Peace be with you

@timwaters3759 - 22.03.2024 20:13

Stop. No

@DannyDSGB - 22.03.2024 19:25

I have a close friend who has turned Catholic and he doesn’t believe in the rapture or dispensations in the Bible. We both agree Jesus Christ is our one true Lord and Savior, and he died on the cross for our sins. I try to keep it on that with him, but it’s tough!

@kflashcarr888 - 22.03.2024 18:34

I am a Baptist because that was the church I attended when I was a child. I have been water baptized twice. It has been so long since I have attended. Recently, I have experienced different spiritual revelations about my ex, when she was attempting to come back. This has started me growing in faith again. I wanted to say this message brought me comfort and understanding. Thank you.

@lemnisgate8809 - 22.03.2024 17:18

Speaking a whole lot of nonsense.

@WDA- - 22.03.2024 15:58

Brother Breaker is one of best bible teachers on earth.

@APPARATVS - 22.03.2024 15:22

What happens to the Soul if your body is cremated rather than buried?

@tribeofIssachar1948 - 22.03.2024 14:53

😮From April 8th, 2024 til May 14th, 37 days.....that's 888 hours....Jesus name in Greek ( Ἰησοῦ) numerical value is 888😊 ... Rapture date..May 14th, 2024😮 let's go!

@DaughterOfChrist333 - 22.03.2024 12:22

Robert. You said you can not lose your salvation.
What do you believe about the once saved always saved.
About daily repentance.
About repentance means works.
In revelation. He says I will pull your candlestick out.
Could this mean you could lose your salvation
Thanks so much

@sherrieblack887 - 22.03.2024 11:18

I've heard put your Rapture Rug up....😮

@Leafs12 - 22.03.2024 10:52

He's a clone or a twin and it has been hidden from the world. Antichrist will never have power to raise from dead right. So seemingly the only thing that makes sense when he becomes perdition boy.

@myoneblackfriend3151 - 22.03.2024 07:01

Trump the Antichrist is here and still no rapture.

@santiagojuliao3695 - 22.03.2024 06:21

Dear Hno. Pastor Robert Breaker when you are talking about, "...we are going to leave our blood with our jewels and clothes during the rapture," I respectfully disagree with you in this argument. One of the main reason is that, if the Bible indicates very clearly "flesh and blood cannot inherit the Kingdom of Heaven," you cannot single out one element of our body and leave the other out. As Cristhian we are not only going to leave our clothes and jewels during the rapture, but also we are going to have a "Transformation" of our bodies regardless of what they are made of... Indeed, to be more cohesive with your arguments and the Bible, the apostle Paul emphasizes a "Transformation" of all components of our earthly body existence. Bueno, es solo una observacion Pastor Breaker y no se me achicopale que esta haciendo excelente trabajo y gracias por ser un atalaya en estos ultimos tiempos apocaliticos. May God continue to Bless You. Maranatha, Shalom, Shalom

@Rosiedelaroux - 22.03.2024 06:13

Man made rubbish

@theleastofthese5369 - 22.03.2024 04:33

Paul knew his demise... The WE is collective ... WE are the collective Body of Christ

@dottiehullihen9660 - 22.03.2024 03:30

I have believed in the Rapture since I first heard about this in my twenties a long time ago. I grew up in church and never heard about it or perhaps I was blinded to it. I think many are blinded to it because a lot of people just don’t get it or they favor the post trib view which I just don get. The pre trib is so easy to understand, I pray eyes will be opened soon.

@amadoaustria7825 - 22.03.2024 02:15

Is the pre-trib rapture really a blessed hope or the second coming of Jesus Christ? I just wondering🤔💯

@amadoaustria7825 - 22.03.2024 02:13

What is the Bible verse that needs to be prepared for the pre-trib rapture? I'm just wondering🤔💯

@amadoaustria7825 - 22.03.2024 02:08

Is there a Bible verse that pre-trib rapture? I just wonder🤔💯

@Jamestwothirteen - 22.03.2024 01:33

Let's hope they'll still have access to the Internet to watch these videos after we rapture out of here. 🙏🏼

@user-fq7vv3of2o - 21.03.2024 23:32

The mark of the beast forsure changes your DNA so youre not longer apart of God

@bryansanchez5641 - 21.03.2024 23:08

There is no ressurection (ie rapture) BEFORE the tribulation. My goodness folks read the words of Jesus in Matthew 24!

He tells us this occurs AFTER the tribulation of those days.

BOTTOM LINE: there is not a single passage that tells us that a very special group known as the “Christians” will be removed from planet earth exactly seven years before the second advent of Christ. NOT ONE!!!

@kathk3209 - 21.03.2024 22:11

The bible is clear that not all of his followers will be saved in the rapture. Some of us will endure through the horrible tribulation and be saved.

@DarkPaladin1130 - 21.03.2024 21:45

I don't think people judge others in Heaven. Regardless if your a "general" or a "private". I think fellowship and worship, acceptance is among all saints regardless how big your crown is.

@robinphinoxwonderbuoy3221 - 21.03.2024 21:19

uttered at the end of a prayer or hymn, meaning ‘so be it.’.

@mokokawi - 21.03.2024 21:06

yippee 🎉❤

@dawnbailey824 - 21.03.2024 20:38

14 years not 7 Seven seals and seven trumps. Ministry Revealed is another good channel for Bible prophecy we need to know.
