The Runescape "Rich Man Mindset" (OSRS)

The Runescape "Rich Man Mindset" (OSRS)


2 года назад

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@spencergear - 07.01.2024 04:39

Yeah i got like 8 bill now mostly from nex and just buy whatever i want 300m on sweats for nex is nothing if you make 1b back...

@COOKIESIXTEEN - 08.09.2023 13:35

True there are a lot of parallels between IRL and runescape, like me being so rich that I forgot I had a couple mil in my coffer, and quavo forgetting he had 50k in a backpack from a few years ago

@Xinderkan - 07.09.2023 15:51

Whatever gets you the most enjoyment out of the vidya game is the best mindset for you

@lickey8919 - 20.08.2023 15:54

Ig if your goal IS to make gp than this makes sense. otherwise its a niche take that i think applies to a very very small percentage of the userbase. Like your long term account goal is just to simply grind GP for clout or a job (rwt)

@Grimguard - 20.08.2023 14:57

"Play efficient gpscape"

Nah. I don't have autism. I buy the idea in this video if you also factor one more thing into opportunity cost: the risk of burnout. I comp caped on RS3 before EoC, and this exact mindset ruined the game for me. Not treating OSRS like this has led to some pretty fun gaming.

@brycegriffin9271 - 19.08.2023 19:29

Burnout is the biggest thing you have to fight playing OSRS. I've learned in my time playing that doing max efficiency GP/hr methods are not worth it if you're bored as hell of it. Vorkath is boring as hell, don't be afraid to send COX/TOB/TOA/Nex/CG or even GWD with the boys if you're finding it fun. As long as you're not at fuckin KBD, the GP will come.

@xLeRaCo - 16.08.2023 20:52


@tinywightspider8678 - 17.07.2023 09:42

ugh cant stand this game anymore. just look at the comments here. narcissists using the info vid as an opportunity to talk about themselves. That’s all everyone is interested in this game - me, me, me! fk off. all of you. hope the servers r kill soon enough.

@Rapidpancake - 08.07.2023 07:52

Yep and this is why I don't play a main

@randomrandomnesss2188 - 15.06.2023 04:03

This is the reason I started an iron man years ago. There’s no logical reason to do anything that isn’t the best gp/hr on a normal account since BIS everything is purchasable at the GE. IM mode solves all these problems by making TONS of content relevant for progression and can’t be considered a “waste”

@willo0x433 - 24.05.2023 18:07

this mindset is what led me to start rwt and then just do whatever the fuck i want in-game

@oaka7616 - 17.05.2023 12:17

The impact of self-esteem on life is absolutely massive. What you feel you deserve and what you feel your time is worth depends on how highly you think of yourself. Regardless, we see that people with higher self-esteem tend to become more successful in their ventures. However, there is a fine line between healthy self-esteem and narcissism.

@mastermight2 - 16.05.2023 20:25

Well okay but then if we want to determine the best gp/hr then actually playing OSRS becomes one of the worst methods to spend your time. Instead what you should do is invest your time into increasing your knowledge and skills on either an area that has a guaranteed high pay off (such as petrolium engineering or software engineering/computer science), or invest your time into a potential big pay off like a business. This way you will probably unlock a very high pay scale (let's say 100 dollars an hour - I think this is not an unreachable amount). This will then be your best moneymaker, outclassing every moneymaking method in the game itself (when using all your job income to buy bonds). Meaning that you will never actually have to play the game and still be able to get the best moneymaker in the game (outside of the game)!

@liamberry121 - 08.05.2023 18:32

I'll stop doing herb runs when I get that damn pet! 😡

@berrietjerunescape - 05.05.2023 14:50

counter argument in favour of doing herb runs post 99: I work a fulltime job, I have 3 breaks in a work day, doing herb runs during those breaks earns me 800k every day while i dont have time to do other content. When i get home im still geared for another herb run & im still at the last patch i did (usually lumby or ardy to save tp's) so id say doing the herb runs like this earns me 1m a day with <20 minutes of active play time

@WhydYouChangeMyHandle - 27.04.2023 19:41

TLDR for this comment: This is pointless, since either people are already doing this mindset, or this mindset is not for them (not robots, going to burn out, etc.). We already naturally do what is right/efficient/etc. for us individually to do. For some reason people who do have this mindset get on a high horse about it just because they have different priorities (i.e. opinions, lifestyle, etc.).

Opportunity cost is a fallacy for at least 95% of players who aren't robots. People will socialize and play for fun and don't send raids back to back to back to back (for example: relax a few mins after the raid, catch up on irl texts/etc.). To follow your example, the 4m that someone is missing out from sepulchre coffins is not going to be made up since they're not just gonna be grinding raids every second of not training agility. I do things when I want to, not because "that's how I'm gonna get gp" (though gp can influence my choices). It's kinda like how theoretically people could just work more hours IRL for more money. Sure, they could, some do, but even those that do could theoretically work more, so it's the same argument. We do things when we want (or rather we don't do them when we don't want to). The same freshly maxed account from one player could be vastly more poor than another player who did things more economically, but it's the same maxed account. Yes the timeline is different, but to a certain extent there's no changing that since time in a video game is irrelevant unless it's considered consecutively (24 hrs at a time is big deal but playing total 24 hrs is nothing) AND unless you're a robot who thinks they want to complete every third age completion log item and finally die a sad death at the age of 80 when their whole life has been devoted to nolifing a video game. Yes, there ARE people who are like that and want that, but I'm saying these are fringe cases, and are almost the only ones where considering time as money and opportunity cost actually matter. It's like saying "don't take your arms for granted, some people are born without them" like sure... but practically it's not useful nor pertinent information. It's like you said, EVERYTHING comes down to things that are efficient for THAT person to do (amethyst while editing). People already do this. If people didn't do this, then you'd have to tell people to stop walking to varrock from ogre lands when they could hometeleport and walk from lumby, and that just doesn't happen because it's human nature to do what is efficient and best for you. There is no argument to be had, everyone is already optimizing things for themselves as is. Back to your herblore vs vorkath... it's the same thing, assuming people stop what they're doing, ungear, regear, and go do vorkath is the same as ungear, regear, and do farm runs, except the content is different (skill and mechanics wise) and different time frame. For some reason you're comparing things that are incomparable, which doesn't even matter anyway since people just do what they want anyway for money. One thing is already the better option due to intensity, play time schedule, etc.

As an addendum TLDR for those who DID read, this amounts to saying that opportunity cost due to time is irrelevant or "doesn't exist" (especially in a video game but also in real life). Why? Since in a video game, the time scale is practically infinite (provided the game is like this one where there is enough of a community/etc. that it won't really ever get shut down (and if it does get shut down then it doesn't matter cuz eveything is gone xd)); and in real life the time scale is also infinite since you'll either make enough money already that it doesn't matter if you make more, or you're already trying your hardest to optimize things in a comfortable way to get to that [or a more comfortable] point.

@randy5606 - 26.04.2023 23:57

The thing I dislike about this mentality is that is reduces the game down to grinding out the best money making method rather than just enjoying the game as you go. Me doing herb runs after 99 is simply that I have a ton of seeds and don't take long to run

@adamwoolston253 - 25.04.2023 19:10

Herb runs do give a nice mental break for some grinds though. Even if they’re inefficient. Sometimes taking eight to ten minutes (banking at a little more relaxed pace and not being tick perfect, etc) every two hours or so of a grind you don’t particularly enjoy is enough to keep you going.

Remember, logging off because you’re burnt out is 0 gp/hr.

@orphscookie8047 - 21.04.2023 06:59

This entire video is basically saying "you should play ironman if you want to enjoy the game for what it is, If you want to play a cookie clicker/tycoon game, play on a main and only do the most efficient methods possible"

@Arkantos1900 - 02.04.2023 18:54

Its weird to me because doing inneficient things or casually (except skilling like mining for example it can go fuck itself) i get more burnt out than doing it efficiently.

I tried farm runs alongside bosses but after two runs I got bored and just farmed the boss instead. In that time of the farm run I could have killed two muspahs for the same gp.

@mayaanonymous1077 - 29.03.2023 01:39

sounds anti-fun

@Anemeethious - 24.03.2023 13:36

I just do herb runs for all my pots. Kind of like iron man.

@Grena567 - 10.03.2023 23:28

Why play when you can work an irl job and buy bonds. Way more efficient that way

@Xortrox - 28.02.2023 01:23

Same reason some multiloggers play 50+ accs

@Xortrox - 28.02.2023 01:22

Cheapskates has entered the chat

@Renzo9898 - 27.02.2023 07:09

Something to think about is how you define “rich”. Are you rich because you have alot of GP? Or are you rich because youre having fun and never burning out? Same can be said for life. Are you rich because of your bank account or are you rich because you have life fulfilment?

@SquallTheBlade - 24.02.2023 13:21

What a sad mindset ngl fr fr

@TreyVacovsky - 17.02.2023 10:27

tldr.... you gotta spend money to make money

@alexiosmaximov7813 - 16.02.2023 15:05

My main disagreement with this concept is that ever since I started playing, I've consistently made more money from flipping than from PVM or ingame activities. For that reason, it's been beneficial for me to cheap out on gear and instead keep a good chunk of my money in the market. That might change now that I'm approaching the levels for Alchemical Hydra but just saying, for some people this might be a consideration

@shoon3032 - 13.02.2023 07:03

I feel like going by this mindset in sessions would just scare players away, and make it not as much enjoyable. This is at least from what I'd assume a new player would think. Just play the game how you want to play it, and have fun. If this method is how you have fun, awesome! I just don't believe everyone needs to have a rich man mindset. I play on my level 126 acc, and often get annoyed by how players at my level act at raids, nex, and even just godwars. It's never relaxed, and never just having fun, it's all "why aren't you doing this, that's not perfect" and personally, I get quickly burnt out from the experience. I just want to have fun lol and crave people who can game somewhat high level, and still be laid back.

@redmonk3y064 - 13.02.2023 06:42

its funny watching this, I realized that I slipped into the rich man mindset after unlocking vorkath and rune dragons

I went and bought like 1000 inventories of each resource just so I could spend less time banking and more afking rune dragons for example

@Secultoo - 11.02.2023 16:58

I would rather uninstall the game then pretend its a job where i have to be efficient at all times.

@YumejiFujiwara - 09.02.2023 02:22

Pvp is the only good money making method lol

@mdccxxvii - 23.01.2023 18:55

Ironically the opportunity cost of playing thousands of hours of Runescape versus doing something else with our lives... well it's pretty astounding.

For most people who play this much I'd think that what we do on RS is fairly meaningless compared to the hours that could be better spent on health, hygiene, diet, exercise, sleep, career, friends, and family.

I'd definitely consider myself addicted and that I'd be better off playing less. Obsessing over getting the most value out of efficient play would further degrade my mental health.

It's important to keep the bigger picture in mind. RS isn't everything.

@gangrenegengar1254 - 20.01.2023 11:56

I think it’s important to respect your own desires if you hate your best moneymaker. If the thought of doing your best money maker gives you the desire log off and do something IRL instead… maybe doing your 2nd best money maker isn’t so bad.

This is a game. It’s important to enjoy playing the game. if you’re grinding just to get the most money, and you’re fucking miserable and hate doing it and not having fun… why are you playing a game if you’re not having fun?

Take a step back take a breath and remember how you had fun when you first started playing. Were you having fun because of max efficiency? Probably not. Do what gives you the most enjoyment. Don’t treat it like a job, It’s a game :)

@llVIU - 18.01.2023 04:50

maybe people do inferno runs with trash gear because it's their first time and they're just learning? Why waste money when they're not even gonna get the cape in the first place?

@phenomgaming3245 - 08.01.2023 18:59

U mean the osrs cringe man mindset?

@makingstan - 08.01.2023 16:31

Just play the game however you like it, I'm doing konar slayer because I wanne do a big chest opening when i get 99, really inefficient but I wanne do it.

@Blittsplitt5 - 28.12.2022 07:57

To all the slow people in the comments who missed the point of the video:
He's not saying "grind the game for 10+hours a day efficiently", he's literally just saying be smart with the time you do play and know how to efficiently use every hour. If you can reach that higher level of moneymaking, skilling or bossing, then do that so you see higher returns faster, rather than sticking to content you're comfortable with.

IDK how you all missed the point entirely. Especially if people want to get to the end game, doing fucking zulrah, herb runs and God wars will literally take you 3 of 4 times longer than if you did Nex or expert ToA for money. Be smart with your time. That's it.

@zabfourtyfive3797 - 27.12.2022 03:31

first of all, runescape is a game you play in your free time, and games are supposed to be fun. when you try to shorten the time playing, it is not a win, it is a lose, because you steal your own hours of fun while (in most cases) also lessen it by forcing yourself to not play casually or the way you want to.
then there is the next misconception : trying to be faster and more effective wont save you time. since runescape is not your job, you may quit whenever you desire. so if you really love zulrah, but force yourself to grind vorkath since its more money, in the end the process of earning the gold you need for whatever may be shorter, but since you lose motivation in the long run due to content you dont like, youre more likely to slow down on gains in the future.or even worse, you burn yourself out and you quit/take a break, which then is a time loss on the graph in the end as well.
and finally there is the misconception of the rush to the top. my bank sits at 1,3b after some years, and the only thing i really want but cant afford is the tbow. but since your accumulation of gold accelarates by design in osrs, it wont take me nearly as long to grind another 1,2b for it, now that im doing phosanis or cox instead of mlm and tempoross. so getting rich in this game is just a matter of "keep moving at whatever speed you desire", since the way is too long to sprint it all the way. and once you have the gold to be able to play more efficiently, it also will come naturally, since your skill and knawledge of this game will grow, too.

btw calculating opportunity costs for something you do out of enjoyment and you could ignore completely if you wanted to without consequences is absolutely hilarious and made my day

@sleepinggiant4691 - 26.12.2022 22:01

I actually think the complete opposite. I don’t get why people constantly have to metricise everything in how long it would be in Vorkath hours. Skipping fun engaging content (because it’s less profitable then grinding the money meta) to get out of the mid game is mind numbingly boring and will ultimately lead to burnout.

From my experience I tried to find a number of different passive, casual money makers and alternate between them (farming contracts, herb runs, birdhouses, cooking). It was a little bit of an ironman mindset to be honest. On paper it wasn’t at all efficient but small profitable activities over a long period of time massively increased my bank in the mid game. Now I have a big enough bank to do play the game in the most fun way (using dragon darts, blood fury etc with max gear). Doing these semi passive money makers consistently and avoiding burnout is the rich man mentality IMO.

@smiley.6534 - 26.12.2022 13:06

This is such a dumb mindset on how to play this game, just have fun stop worying about this damn bullshit lol.

@ricky5369 - 16.12.2022 17:44

I calculated different opportunity cost of tables vs oak dungeon doors from the wiki rate of 900k/hr vs 550k/hr. Obviously the rates will be lower than perfect but both will be lower. I think my number was a bit over 7 mil/hr

@fattrolls8094 - 27.11.2022 00:11

I just barely adopted this mindset. Mostly because I can’t play as much anymore so I figured hell I’ll just blow cash on better supplies idc if the profit is less. I find overall I actually make more because things get done faster.

@jdturkdrcox - 26.11.2022 23:38

This happened to me on my account when i used to play. I can efficiently do vorkath and zulrah. I started zulrah with like 70 range, 45 def and 60 magic. Now every economic decision i make forces me to assume i'm doing one of these bosses. So the expensive route alot of the time is the better route. BUT it did slightly make the game more annoying for me as it does take away some of the freedom that runescape has given us.

@pistabacsi462 - 20.11.2022 19:08

This is noob level gp/hr. I once made 60 mill in 4 minutes after buying bonds and selling at GE. Super efficient and you can get the head start you need on your account without having to worry about tick perfect herb runs. That being said don’t indulge on this method, it does take away the accomplishment from the game somewhat.

@probong2053 - 20.11.2022 05:00

I tryed making a iron man, a pker, and a dfs pure. All of which are collecting dust. The ironman i started playing for 2 or 3 days got so bored of doing weird stupid shit just to get a rune scimitar. And countless clues for staff. I ended up not logging bk into osrs for close to 15 months. For me efficient gp scape is the only way i enjoy my time on osrs. If im not making 5-150m per day on osrs what am i logged in for? I cannot stand skilling. I just avoid it at all costs. There a ton of quests i havent done and my account is near 7 years old. I cant stand doing quests because most of the meaningless itens cost gold and youll never yse them again. Also it takes away from my raiding time. I logg in to do toa and cox. I love the thrill of seeing purple lights. Purple flames. Skilling genuinely makes me logg out. And when it comes to infernal why wouldnt i just buy it while im at work? Seriously lol. Im not going to learn infernal cape boss just for a stupid cape. These guys spend hours in there. No thanks i got coins. Why even be logged in for a single second doing something u dont want to do? Questing? 🤮 Skilling?🤢making mills at toa and cox? 😎🍻😀❤️

@derda3209 - 15.11.2022 20:46

I don't know what people are doing having 5min herb runs. I clean my herbs during my run and still get just over 2min runs with 8 patches including banking (bank tag with layout to efficiently grab everything). Assuming the 9th patch doesn't take over 30secs, this should be half the time.

@Noahakavalkrie - 05.11.2022 18:00

Yeah if you’re a player who stays awake at night thinking about your bank value, this is probably great- and great video. I like the analysis of opportunity cost and supply costs- it’s not something most players consider.

Personally though, I like to enjoy the game, so this mindset gave me cancer.
