How To Jungle In Season 12: To GANK Or To FARM? | League of Legends Jungle Guide

How To Jungle In Season 12: To GANK Or To FARM? | League of Legends Jungle Guide


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@virkayu - 02.12.2021 01:42

NOTE (Spoiler?): Zed showed very briefly after full clear but he didn't show BEFORE this moment. 28 cs = full clear + crab top to bottom sequence - easy to miss if you're ganking/fighting. I forgot to edit the text after I pepeg brained lol (4 hours sleep sorry) ALSO: During Zed's blue invade he places a control ward but still kinda sus in terms of motives. Think a bit of a lazy brain fart for him rather than 'HEY LETS RANDOMLY CONTROL WARD THIS FOR HERALD' which he ends up losing anyway.

@NathanSMS26 - 05.05.2022 08:00

To gank farm or to season 12

@toruoikawa600 - 21.03.2022 17:19

my biggest problem is my team immediately being toxic towards me and them refusing to play

@pvtcunningham4425 - 27.02.2022 11:50

This title made me question my ability to read.

@valheia2359 - 27.01.2022 09:00

you’re an amazing creator! thank you for all your hard work

@cheesemaster6463 - 11.01.2022 03:17

i mean kayn vs zed clear was just a straight up mid and top diff, in terms of wave manipulation and flipping the lane in mid with an random 1v1 to the death.
the only mistake zed is doing in my opinion is the red buff start of the game, since getting early dragons dont amount nearly as much as heralds.
His pathing forced him to always end up on bot lane and do absolutely nothing.
kaysn playstyle is around enemies doing really retarded moves and having no vision wahtsoever not even thinking about the jungle tracking,
The moment you play with passive laners on both sides, zeds playstyle is far more superior and efficient.
Just think about death timers, objectives getting higher rewarded on killing people (while ur having more resources like items and smite upgrade to make it easier), while minions and jungle XP is getting more and more useless.

@dashanebrown9564 - 10.01.2022 19:01

I recently picked up Kayn, and idk man, my games feel like a coin flip, on other jgs like nunu I do alright but kayn because of the need to get orbs is different, if you tank and it fails your screwed, literally , I just need to learn what to focus on and when

@BluRez - 29.12.2021 07:49

Please get new mic

@toonolas9654 - 26.12.2021 13:03

How the first two seconds of a video makes u close it

@nifubias1494 - 25.12.2021 07:24

what skin is that in the top left of the thumbnail?

@rvstyss - 08.12.2021 12:36

It’s aight now

@chimokari8811 - 06.12.2021 05:24

this guy really talked for 15 minutes straight without breathing. toooooo much information for players that need to look at these types of videos to do well. you confuse more than you help when you're constantly talking. keep the information short and concrete

@gabrielbaieel8073 - 05.12.2021 05:06

If this supp played right The kain wouldnt have his way so easily

@donsensey - 04.12.2021 20:45

Hey! that's a new Vi's skin in the thumbnail or what? I want to see that image 's full version but I don't think that's a skin

@stuthagreathebrew7697 - 04.12.2021 17:22

I don't actively play LoL the way I used to but I have always main Jungle and I still watch your videos to keep up with the meta you do us justice ✊🏾😤 *Grrrr

@ValentinaBluedog - 04.12.2021 03:10

Is that a new Vi skin? 👀 (thumbnail)

@JH-fd9xt - 04.12.2021 00:13

is voli still okay? I feel like Im getting rekt left and right in jg.

@MrAnonisanon - 03.12.2021 17:47

Respect my Ivern!

@haheisenberg767 - 03.12.2021 14:17

Nice guide, just one thing that didn't click for me: Zed and Talon are not junglers, they are midlaners and seeing them in jungle is nothing more than a bug. Don't believe me? Remember how Sylas was treated when he was playable in jungle. Riot sent a straight message that midlaners are not wanted in the jungle so Talon and Zed should go back to trash where they belong.

@originalblizzardhawk644 - 03.12.2021 09:56

who's on top left in thumbnail? askin for a friend

@starryknight7700 - 03.12.2021 09:09

To Gank farm or to season 12

@SHACNBAKE - 03.12.2021 07:07

Thank you for all your information, even if i am a hated shaco main :P

@ggpt9641 - 03.12.2021 05:12

Sometimes, it's just fun to hear Virkayu talk at rapid-fire pace about jungling happening on screen and why things happened and what could've.

@zanderwakefield4201 - 03.12.2021 03:15

IM ON A 8 GAME LOSING STREAK IN THE JUNGLE I NEEDED THIS SO BAD that’s Bc I only started to main jg in s11

@PURLZb4 - 02.12.2021 23:47

Please make a video about punishing a ganking jungler! For example, what Zed should have done here!

@PeoplePleaser578 - 02.12.2021 22:51

So the Kayn is Malrang and the Zed is Razork xD

@stilli4986 - 02.12.2021 22:05

You've forgotten an upside to the Ganking approach: dealing mental damages to laners who deserve getting back some of the love they usually type.

@dippy4514 - 02.12.2021 18:24

im making the transition to mid lane this preseason, your content has been very informative and helpful, do you have any mid lane peers who make content similar to yours that youd recomend?

@migg_umm - 02.12.2021 17:20

Not related to the video .Is there someone that similar to Virkayu, but for the support role

@xlunaxlovex - 02.12.2021 16:38

This was much needed, thanks coach.. 🙏 I'm trying to go back to jungling and trying different combos and champions. Haven't been going well tbh with the lvl4 struggle, I think I need to limit myself to 2 or 3 champions and just git gud lul

@vergiiil - 02.12.2021 12:43

I'm not good at jungling but your vids really gives me confident to keep play and master that role thanks Vir.

@souffka - 02.12.2021 12:39

I would remove Lilia from the easy farming category, yes her spells aren't that complex but navigating her in teamfights and initiations is quite complex

@DonGustavoY - 02.12.2021 12:13

Hey Virkayu, big thanks for your content! You had a big impact on me reaching S10 the first time platinum and now just a couple weeks ago in the end of S11 reaching for the first time diamond. It is a great pleasure watching your videos, keep up the work :)

@gadget6569 - 02.12.2021 10:07

Thank you for the knowledge, as always.
So far I found that the actual meta favors a lot more turbogankers over farming junglers. After all, the champions sitting at the top for now are heroes like Nunu, Yi, Warwick or Rek'Sai who can spam ganks early and bruteforce those ganks with their speed or extra mobility.
The only thing that I found to equalize the balance is Predator. I play a lot of Lillia and I find that Predator allows you to match the turbogankers by bypassing traditional ganking process and just brute forcing through sheer speed.

I don't have to wait anymore for the lane to be favorable (low HP, out of position, vision deprived ...) now I can just pop Predator and run over ward to wack people with my stick. Is it skillfull? Hell no. Is it the only way I can match a Nunu without my laners wondering why Nunu has ganked them 3 times in 4 minutes while their Dark Harvest Lillia is still peacefully farming krugs? Hell yeah.

Now with the Predator nerf (and it had to be nerfed, the rune is blatantly broken right now) I'm curious to see if most of the farming junglers who relied on it will be able to stay relevant.

@wiellnyan - 02.12.2021 07:47

Farm form objectives, karasmai...

@baseballlagniappe17 - 02.12.2021 07:44

Another Great video from the raw spud jungler himself. Question, who are the best ganking junglers for season 12?

@StephenScray - 02.12.2021 07:01

Use your five senses; forgets smell, and feel.

@jonathanong3728 - 02.12.2021 05:43

NIDALEE IS A FARMING JUNGLER? how does that work? she cant scale that well last time i check. did something change?

@furanshiso7583 - 02.12.2021 05:27

Thanks for your job <3

@ivailoivanov01 - 02.12.2021 05:15

Your video are pure art!

@zahando8122 - 02.12.2021 04:54

I’ve just been spamming peer ww

@schmidtyhk - 02.12.2021 04:44

Hey Virkayu, thanks so much for the work into your jungler videos. I'm a new jungler and I'm learning so much from your videos.

I had a question to ask, I've picked up Warwick because I've seen he's decent meta-wise and easier to learn as a newbie. My only question is, I don't know the champions well enough yet to know what is a good/bad gank lane...are there any factors I should be considering?

@Bmanbones - 02.12.2021 04:37

I have no words, just thank you. Wisdom much appreciated. I was asking myself this question for a few days.

@diegodiaz8685 - 02.12.2021 03:56

Then the season is more gank oriented, but at the same time is late game champs oriented? Bc of the bountys, right?

@penanutpenuatya - 02.12.2021 03:48

I want to know about Wukong jungle. Is it viable? Can you make a gameplay on it in the near future? I would love to learn how to use it properly

@snave5188 - 02.12.2021 03:34

I spent 5 minutes trying to read that thumbnail

@Thevoidlezz - 02.12.2021 03:33

im still figuring out what to do 3 camp and or full if a champ could do both but crab always last in first clear but low elo is enemy is not pushed under there tower oke them we 3 camp gank

@JohnM96 - 02.12.2021 03:12

I would love a video about Junglers whose kits allow them to be relevant regardless of meta. Whether it's gank heavy, farm heavy, or whatever.

@edgarventura7497 - 02.12.2021 03:11

From what I've learned: Don't farm too much, and don't gank too much.
Basically my whole poppy playstyle of 4cs/min and 70% kp doesn't work aswell as before.
