How Erdogan "Saved" Turkey's Economy

How Erdogan "Saved" Turkey's Economy

Money & Macro

1 год назад

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@fatihbilgin1075 - 23.10.2023 15:05

Economy of the world work like a network . All the money it generates has to go to top . More interest more money sucked out of common people and richer gets richer. Erdogan tries to not get his country robbed but, he cant win he is going against this network. He is all along. More interest lest productivity in manufacturing because , money you will need its too costly. There isnt much he can do .

@mavikartal7775 - 20.10.2023 22:44

We did it Patrick, we saved the city

@ereneren7419 - 20.10.2023 12:17

işte gerçek Türkiyeyi satışa cıkardı Reis artık. önüne gelen halimizle dalga geçiyor yazık tek düşüşcesi..seçimler ve kıymetli koltuğu Kim Takar TÜRK milletini hem taksa da olur takmasada öpe öpe sececeklerini biliyor Reies..

@ercancul8840 - 13.10.2023 16:48

Türk ekonomisinin kurtarılmış hali mi bu? İzlemeye dahi tenezzül etmedim başlığı okuyunca.

@adia4789 - 28.09.2023 05:23

Here’s a couple of diary entries from me, a Turkish woman who doesnt know much about economy stuff:

April 2021
The car I wanted was a little over 100k liras when I started saving money. But the more money I have in my bank acount, the further I am from buying it. Its value keeps rising every single day. This feel so surreal. My money is losing its value and somehow vaporising as I am holding it in my hand.

February 2023
Saving my money as american dollars was the smartest thing I’ve ever done. Still cant buy a car though, more than half of the money I need to pay for it is just taxes. Everything feels so unfair.

@user-uu5xf5xc2b - 11.09.2023 02:35

much thanks for this explanation

@EuropeanQoheleth - 06.09.2023 22:23

Saving something isn't only a religious concept. I wish people would stop putting this word in scare quotes already.

@ozanege3893 - 29.08.2023 23:21

as a 12 year old turk who should NOT be worrying about my future ı can confirm that i do

@MirsadaPobrklic - 16.07.2023 01:10

Goth vilh hih blajbrnh bosnah hokadh dojckadh nih adreh stath hih vikh nikdh nih vohbkonh joktnh mih vrnvihah kdnh hih nuth fostekrnh nsjbrh ladh vohih levrnh sdreh zenvijah mih nijsh

@JS-jh4cy - 10.07.2023 08:33

So with the lira going down long term does that mean an foreign expat can move to turkey and live cheaper there in every day items?

@TopGustice - 02.07.2023 14:07

As a Turkish man in Japan, I definitely confirm that even foreigners cares more than Turkish governments..

@neinlan-eg2kg - 02.07.2023 08:21

Saved or destroyed

@ntanilo - 01.07.2023 19:35

Για τραβα Τουρκία να δεις τι έσωσε ο Ρετζι και μετά μιλάμε.
Θες και τα λες αυτά η σου ξεφευγουν;

@sinir-agi-gelistiricisi - 01.07.2023 05:31

I think the biggest problems in Turkey right now than the economy are; sociological problems, demographic distribution, cultural complexes, education, corruption, the problem of merit and the disappearance of the secular state understanding. Due to these factors, there are currently economic problems. The people who rule us come from within, our people are fundamentally problematic. As a citizen in Turkey, I can simply say that from my surroundings, when I got a job in a good position, the people around me wanted me help to hire them with loafing. We see a very good example in government. Turkey government is basically family company but the worst one. I think that if some problems are solved in basic, the economic problem will be solved in the long run. And there is much more to talk about.

@guygatineau281 - 01.07.2023 01:30

When an elected dictator start to think he knows better, thing start to go a little bit backwards!
Russia, China, Venezuela, Turkey.

@hashas459 - 30.06.2023 20:16

British pound is 32 lira
How the hell was the economy saved by the extremists

@sedatari6627 - 30.06.2023 19:07

Ya boş yapmayın ya ne yani şimdi yabancılar Türkiye'yi çok mu düşünüyor wah wah madem Erdoğan Türkiye'yi satıyor eee sevinin bak sizde para çok satın alın ,ama iş öğle değil adı karektersizler niye Erdoğan'ın gitmesini istoyorsunuz ozaman niye mi çünkü biliyorsunuz Türkiye büyüyor hemde size kafayı yedirecek kadar siz bakmayın kurların yükselmesine japon yenide yüksek ülke güçlü oldumu fark etmiyor ,bu sizlerin son çırpınşları yılanın kafası koptu kuyruğun çok sallanması birşeyler becereceginden değil işinin bittiğinden aklınız çıkıyor Neo Osmanlı diye biliyorsunuz Turhan birliği zaten kuruldu 20 yıl sonra görüşürüz bu iş birtek savaşa bakar ve işiniz onunla biter ne dolar ve falan filan bütün hükmünüz sömürgeler iniz hepsi bitecek isteseniz de istemeseniz de siz kendi k... Niza bakın borç batağında sınız güçsüzlerde sizden istiyemiyor şuanda tabiki ama devran dönecek

@Elon_Sucuk - 29.06.2023 17:41

he aynen kanka şuan dolar zaten 5 tele

@SEYqueen_1303 - 28.06.2023 18:06

First of all, the descendants of the president of Turkey are Armenian,По этой причине они направляют невежественных религиозных людей в Турции в Грецию, а не в Армению, у меня нет проблем с греками, открыто армяне лгут и говорят плохие вещи Турции, но религиозные люди даже не видят Армению и думают, что Греция создает опасность. Я думаю, вся проблема в том, что у президента Турции нет турецкой крови, чтобы пожалеть Турцию

@darknghtshop1629 - 27.06.2023 15:04

We are the only reason for Turkey's economy. ( America) We are making economic pressure. And the main reason for this is that they are Muslims. As a Jew, it is not nice to put economic pressure on people just because they have different religions.

@serhatakpnar4407 - 25.06.2023 03:36

Uyurken kıçını ört kardeşim...

@user-zx1pc9eq8w - 24.06.2023 19:32

Turkey has run out of US dollars in their foreign currency reserves, so the Turkish govt has to keep borrowing to replenish US dollars in their reserves. Without US dollars, it's very difficult to buy oil or energy. No country trades in Turkish lira when it comes to high-priced commodities. I predict the Turkish currency will continue to slide until it becomes another Lebanon.

@sultanhairbeauty4050 - 24.06.2023 12:45

amazing coment thank you

@user-yk1vl3hk8t - 24.06.2023 02:44

This man have do nothing for our land he is a lair and Diktator,but the turks don't see it.

@hzrtavukcu8549 - 23.06.2023 13:01

Muhalefet doların düşeceği den neden bu kadar emin, yada şöyle soralım bu iktidar başta olmaya devam ederse dolar neden yükselecek, ABD yaptırımları mi kaldıracak, türk ekonomisini mi rahat bırakacak peki ne karşılığında, s 400 alma, uçak yapma savunma sanayiye ağırlık verme bizden al. 50 lerde uretmedikte senden aldık ne oldu. Sürekli dışa bağımlı. Büyük orta doğu projesine karşı yapılmış bir adım mi, orta doğuda güçlü bir müslüman devlet görmek istenmiyor. Kendi uretmesin kendine yetmesin sadece bağımlı olsun ki istediğimiz zaman masaya elimizi vuralım, beyinsizler

@xFrostCross - 21.06.2023 18:26


@canyegane2406 - 21.06.2023 14:53

unorthodox methods = borrowing from arab states in return for sth that will fuck us in the long run

@javadnasiri_- - 20.06.2023 09:37

اقتصاد ترکيه خیلی ضعيف شده از قبل به خاطر اردوغان تروريست

@javadnasiri_- - 20.06.2023 09:36

لعنت بر فروشنده‌ ترکيه یعنی اردوغان

@bdot7187 - 20.06.2023 09:15

Who created unaware people they’re real responsible for these

@CemAkncbay - 20.06.2023 00:58

i say"we have a God,İndia has a cow."now look at the statistics of İndia and Turkey..WE ARE DROWNİNG!!!We cant even pay our house rents..A normal income is for example if i have to explain it in USD:you earn 4000 dollars a month..but all landlords ask for %300 more for rent..nice

@Rainoman - 19.06.2023 07:18

Saved the economy? Go to the streets, listen to the struggle....

@frenchpower5015 - 18.06.2023 20:32

Erdogan his big looser

@anon6861 - 18.06.2023 01:14

Update: It DID NOT work

@ataoloray - 17.06.2023 22:05

Erdogan has authority since 2001-2002. Make reaserch before you post please

@lightningspark212 - 16.06.2023 21:28

I am one of the Muslims. I do not know about Economics but Mr Erdoğan continues to stay in power due to propaganda, construction projects and by promoting the people who are fighting for him.

@Southeng8160 - 16.06.2023 19:37

Turkey is my country so I can say that you explained almost everything but you forgot one thing, justice system in Turkey. Most of foreign investors left the country because of democratic problems in the last decade.

@johnjohnfrederickh.webber2124 - 16.06.2023 12:09

I believe that growing lemons and converting the produce into lemon oils for industrial and commercial uses may provide wealth to Turkey as lemon oil is a good commodity to have onsale since it has a long shelf life...the lemon waste from oil extraction should be also converted into soil for agronomy as this soil is a valuable commodity and has a long shelf life. Turning vegetation into Methanol or Ethanol is also a good industry for Turkey to pursue. Many can participate in this because it has a limitless market overseas....

@drseven1275 - 15.06.2023 12:34

nice try ape

@boragoksu794 - 15.06.2023 11:13


@shqiperia60 - 11.06.2023 00:25

can you do one for albania?

@mehmetyildirim4513 - 10.06.2023 12:19


@coban1907XD - 09.06.2023 01:25

yani ekonomiyi aslinda kendimiz sikiyoz

@Ohbabybabyhaveuseenamy2night - 09.06.2023 01:10

Saved???You mean Destroyed?

@biri-or4pi - 08.06.2023 14:41

That was not a saving, that was a solding

@Truthseeker371 - 08.06.2023 11:15

In the late 90's Turkish Liras was considered one of the best profitable currency investment. Every economy declines after the hype. The current situation is high rent. All the tourism related businesses in Turkey are not attaracting the customers any longer, because of the competatively high prices of goods and services. However, in comparison to the higher living cost of European countries, the Turkish prices are lower. Industralisation and promoting agriculture is globally essential to progress thr economy. Behind all these common problems are the financial control and intervention of the IMF and Dollar trading. The world economy is all manipulated and dictated.

@kaankoyuncu8929 - 08.06.2023 08:20

Saved ?

@altaykalpak6667 - 08.06.2023 03:07

