How to play Necrons: Lokhust Heavy Destroyer

How to play Necrons: Lokhust Heavy Destroyer


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@chadhenry76 - 06.07.2024 20:09

There is a lot of good commentary in this video. I just discovered this channel yesterday and I very much enjoy the way you simplify the unit breakdown, explain the strengths drawbacks, and offer ideas for other factions to deal with the unit. Lots of ideas to ruminate on in the videos. I also enjoy the enthusiasm and excitement you both have for the units you cover, so keep it up. One thing you gentlemen might consider is slowing down the pace of the dialogue because sometimes it's difficult to understand you. Thanks for the excitement content and keep up the good work!

@danjones3012 - 28.06.2024 03:34

I would like to see a new cryptek that can attach to large body type necrons other than wraiths.

Let illuminor Szeras who is a cryptek join skorpeks and a new one that can join lokhusts.
Being a destroyer based cryptek its ability would give the unit +1 to hit rolls and 2nd ability would give either cover against ranged attacks or fall back & shoot. Its weapon would be akin to the warden, a relic gauss that is an improved version of lokhust destroyers weapon. Cost 85 with t4 3+ 5w L6 oc1 to be statlined like other crypteks.

@simonneville3278 - 27.06.2024 19:42

🟣 it's a knife edge tactic, but the Destroyer Cult is dangerous tool to bring to any world, so I use The Deceivers redeploy ability to set up a LOS from these to a Monster/Vehicle of my opponent, then hope for First Turn. As I'm not overly competitive, I enjoy scary tactics like this.
😆 ... ... Simon

@michaelhaynes9820 - 27.06.2024 14:21

I run a set of exterminator h.destroyers with a lokhust lord and the arisen tyrant in H.crypt legion. Within 18 inches the average hit total with normally sits in the lat 40's. It's brutal against anything that isn't a 2+ or T12 and above. It's auto include for me now.

@Axiosf - 27.06.2024 04:45

I'm new to 40k and I've been enjoying the content lately, especially the "How to play" series. Keep it up guys!

@Dewoy1 - 27.06.2024 02:06

The one units i´ll never leave home when playing Necrons.

@Ginger33333 - 27.06.2024 00:12

These guys are pretty good in Awakened Dynasty, especially if led by a Lokhust Lord. They can have the Veil of Darkness enhancement to be able to do a one-off Hyperphase, or you can give them Stealth with the Nether Realm Casket for a bit more survivability in long range duels with enemy vehicles.

There's also the Strats. Conquering Tyrant lets you re-roll ALL hits if the unit is led and within half range, which is amazing for fishing for Lethals with the Gauss Destructors or Sustained 2's with the Enmitics.

You can also use Sudden Storm to give them Assault (remember, with Command Protocols they're already hitting on 2's without needing to be stationary for Heavy), so you can move them 8" and then Advance (with a free re-roll when led) to get a shockingly large move averaging 12-13" for a surprise re-position and volley that most people don't see coming.

You've also got Undying Legions for D3+1 reanimation on the fly, which can be amazing when paired with the Lord's Res Orb.

It's also not a best case use, but Hungry Void will get you 6 melee attacks, hitting on 2+, with Strength 5 and AP -1, with the Lord getting 4 Strength 9, AP -4 attacks with the Blade or 4 Strength 5, AP -3 attacks with the staff. Good for a desparate punch if you need to charge a unit on an Objective or something.

@livingdeadgirl40k - 26.06.2024 23:20

Never liked the models but they do can give a hefty punch, so warming up to them LOL

@MrUdarr - 26.06.2024 23:01

Big ass Gun = Love, like the Tau Broadside Railgun. i say most of the time i will run 3 with a Lord in the awakened Dynasty. they get some nice Stratagems in there. especially the Conquering Tyrant for FULL hit re-rolls (already hitting on 2s cause of Detachment so dont need to stay still ) Fishing for Crits on 5s from the Lord for Sustained 1 and you feel like an Ork player just better (hate Orkz sry).

@lonewolfroku - 26.06.2024 22:29

Great stuff! Love all the content gents, keep it up🤝

@bringdapain8462 - 26.06.2024 20:25

Best method I have found with these is to play them individually and try to triangulate firing lines, becomes hard for your opponent to take more than 1 down so they don't get bogged down in combat and still remain effective.
