Why Ireland Has Fewer People Than 200 Years Ago

Why Ireland Has Fewer People Than 200 Years Ago


1 год назад

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Andrew Hazlewood
Andrew Hazlewood - 16.11.2023 03:31

Are you sure the 1821 American population was accurately measured? Did it even count the First Nations people back then? Pretty sure there are many American countries whose population plummeted after European invasion.

liamnois - 06.11.2023 23:32

Being Irish the full story is quite sad 😢

Amanda Beaty
Amanda Beaty - 08.10.2023 04:25

Why Ireland has Fewer People than 200 Years Ago? Because of the potatoes famine that the British crown couldn't care less about. Not only were these people Irish but they were poor.

Monsieur - 08.10.2023 00:33

Irish Famine was sad, I wish i could've feed sexy irish men with my juicy kebab, love from Turkey <3

OJK - 07.10.2023 14:37

The British are known for their "caring" nature <3 ripping their nets out from under our feet when we need help. No surprise.

wexfordrob - 01.10.2023 05:17

Man you missed that in the last recession hundreds of thousands left for Australia and elsewhere. The difference is that foreigners have infiltrated the population . 20% of the population is now foreign and 30% is the prison population is now foreign. Thanks Europe. So nothing has changed only the rats that have replaced the British and the dredges of Europe and Africa have replaced the indigenous population
Unfortunately you forgot to mention that the British were responsible for the systemic death of millions of Irish people just like in India. They were nazis long before hitler came along

Travel the World
Travel the World - 30.09.2023 09:17

Right im off to Ireland bye!!!!

Travel the World
Travel the World - 30.09.2023 09:11


Rob j
Rob j - 27.09.2023 11:57

Ireland doesn't need asylum seekers to ruin their society

Connor Turk
Connor Turk - 17.09.2023 08:43

Britain and British people is gay

Orla Hayes
Orla Hayes - 14.09.2023 15:33

Although well-meaning, your video is horribly simplistic and barely touches on the atrocities done to us by the English for centuries.

Most of the land was owned by English lords, who were not resident in Ireland, so their estates were managed. Irish Catholics were banned from land ownership in large areas, particularly in very fertile areas. As a result most of the native Irish Catholic population were tennant farmers, paying their landowners.
Each landowner was expected to export a certain proportion of his crop/livestock to England. Essentially England used Ireland as their personal larder.
Each tennant farmer had a quota to make, in order to be exported. If the landowner's manager did not think the farmer provided enough, they would engage baliffs to remove more food and livestock from that farmer. If there was nothing else to take, the farmer and his family were evicted/deported to the colonies.
Potatoes could be grown in otherwise poor soil, not suitable for higher yield, profitable arable crops such as grains, or for good quality grazing for more expensive cattle.
As a result, potatoes were often the only crop that tennant farmers could grow for themselves on land not given over to the crops the landlords wanted for export.
Tennant farmers subsisted on a diet of potatoes, dairy products from a poorer quality cow, whatever vegetables they could grow for themselves and whatever fish/game they could catch.
Many of the waterways were also owned by English landowners, so often fishing was not possible legally.

The birth rate in Ireland may have been high, but so was the death rate, particularly in infants.

Tennet farmers were dependant on their children for farm labour, and in particular male children to be able to take over the farm if the family were allowed to stay for another generation.

The English caused the Genocide of the Irish.
They then went on to use this blueprint repeatedly with other countries they had colonised

The National Library of Ireland has many resources as a starting point for anyone interested in this controvertial period in Irish history.

De Shenab AJ
De Shenab AJ - 13.09.2023 23:52

i feel sad that happend to irish people before 😢😔 i swear that irish people are the nicest people ive ever met, such a pure heart they have.

Warriorx269 - 12.09.2023 02:03

I hate living in Ireland.

Via Ra
Via Ra - 07.09.2023 13:04

Dignified folk! Let them grow and live well

Ryan Rodrigues
Ryan Rodrigues - 03.09.2023 12:33

Answer: Queen Victoria's Irish famine

hannah brady
hannah brady - 02.09.2023 01:31

1 word famine

Hill-Side - 31.08.2023 15:51

The short awnser: the british its all becouse of britan

Hello World
Hello World - 29.08.2023 21:31

And England wonders why Ireland is bitter

SAGAR GUPTA - 29.08.2023 11:34

As an Indian SWE can I immigrate to Ireland and get job? Are companies willing to sponsor Indians job visas

Robert Harrington
Robert Harrington - 24.08.2023 10:12

It may be almost 2 centuries later, but Ireland still faces enormous native immigration problems. As someone just gone through college, the exodus of people my age from the country makes it seem like little has changed. Impossibly high rents and a non-existent housing supply are forcing people out just as hunger did in the past. There's no future here for most of us, and I myself will be forced abroad as well. It's heartbreaking, to be honest.

Daniel Monroy
Daniel Monroy - 22.08.2023 03:51

Let's be honest here, the "potato famine" was an unnecessary famine. This was not because the Irish became overly dependant on one crop, it was because of their subjugation to England. The fact was, that the potato was not the only crop grown in Ireland. There were several other crops grown at the time, which could have dissipated the effects of the potato disease. Whatever was affecting the potatos, affected only potatos and not whatever else was grown. But, the Irish did not own tbe land in their own country, most of the land in Ireland was owned by the English. Essentially, the potato was the designated crop for the Irish and anything else was shipped to England; famine or no famine.

Jeremy Beau
Jeremy Beau - 21.08.2023 17:13

Because England killed 1,000,000 people and caused the migration of 2,000,000.

Cillzee - 18.08.2023 14:47

I think any irish person will agree there is nothing more entertaining than hearing som1 say "im irish" in the thickest American accent on paddys day 😂

Jaylin Awdisho
Jaylin Awdisho - 17.08.2023 02:15

This video kinda leaves our Ireland losing a chunk of its country to Britain

PeterAJB - 16.08.2023 02:14

Google the 1740-41 irish famine, it was proportionally worse than the Potatoe famine. The difference was that in 1845 you could emigrate and so people did, ans continued to do so.

Famines killed people in the 1860s and 70s in Scandinavia, with farms continuing to export food legally as was criticized in the Irish famine. European famines killing a third of the population are not unheard of historically. Famine first stopped being a cyclical feature in the Netherlands when food becoming a market system. All subsistence farming societies are at risk of famine.

The Irish potatoe famine was definitely a case of government failure. Famine prevention methodology did not exist in 1845, what did were new ideas about free markets. In the long term free markets are the only solution to famine that has ever worked. They were wrong that it was the solution at the moment of famine however.

Tldr; the population of Ireland reflects a desperately poor and repressed country with acess to emigration, that is what transformed its demographics. Famine was an inescapable part of society from the begging of civilization until very recently. The Irish potato famine stands out because it is relatively recent and those who experienced it had the opportunity to leave and pass on stories in English speaking countries.

Hostile - 15.08.2023 20:50

"Elves" Good one nick. This was his comment to this title.

Blackadder75 - 15.08.2023 18:34

the catholic church: babies babies babies!
the irish: nah... we're fine....

Joe McKim
Joe McKim - 15.08.2023 10:58

A huge chunk of the irish population immigrated to places like America. I think its safe to say that there is more Irish Americans than Irish people.

diederik eding
diederik eding - 15.08.2023 00:56

Lots potato good. Little potato bad.

HHfun - 13.08.2023 17:26

4.9m + 1.9m +6.8m?
so it hasnt declined it just stayed at 6.8m

quitpayload - 13.08.2023 04:08

I'm Irish and basically none of the information in this video is new to me. Despite this, it blew my mind when you put the populations into perspective like that. I'd never thought of Ireland's population in that way

SOPHIE - 13.08.2023 02:41

I hate how people say "Oh yeah I'm Irish too.Sooo yeah hehe" And I thinking do you speak a lick of Irish Oh you don't And there like 0.79% Irish

ruks - 12.08.2023 12:01

17 min video which can be explained with two words.... THEY MOVED

Karen Dunne
Karen Dunne - 12.08.2023 11:14

Great video, but I'm pretty sure the Famine has been reclassified as genocide

Cheese Boi
Cheese Boi - 11.08.2023 04:30

No potato=bad

Paddy Mallory
Paddy Mallory - 10.08.2023 20:19

The new Irish are making their smelly unwashed mark

Matt Stuttard
Matt Stuttard - 09.08.2023 16:34

Well that’s going to change with the importation of Bangladeshis and Africans who will outnumber the indigenous population within a few generations.

P Hann
P Hann - 08.08.2023 18:51

I would add that the southern Irish were Catholic and that may have made the English content with the depopulation of southern Ireland. Basically it was a genocide by either negligence or design. I am not confident about the increase in the population of Ireland since the 1980s as the rate of emigration from outside has diluted the actual Irish population. Last year I understand there was 73,000 emigrants. Think of the Math basically that is equal t0 1,000,000 people going into the UK.

Bwkjam - 08.08.2023 00:54

The final victory of Irish nationalism will be when Northern Ireland votes to peacefully reunite with the Republic not through force, but because the Irish are a better bet economically than the chaotic UK.

Абсолютно Случайный чел
Абсолютно Случайный чел - 07.08.2023 16:35

Never ask:
A woman about her age
A man about his salary
A british what they did in Ireland in the middle of 19th century

Artificial_Z - 07.08.2023 15:18

Famine and the british

happyPankeyk - 07.08.2023 05:09

nirvana - breed

apjpisared - 06.08.2023 23:20

Re. those severely misleading GDP figures...And yet all I can think of is if we had 27 million people we'd be like Bangladesh or worse today. Sure the state is inept at handling barely 5.2 million now. Look at the sheer material poverty people are forced to live in due to lack of housing, by developed countries standards it's very bad. Adults sharing houses (that families should be renting/owning) til their late 30s or early 40s before either buying a home, inheriting a family home/deposit for same, or emigrating to have their own roof over their head. So if you have 5-6 30s and 40 seomethings or 20 somethings sharing houses for decades, you have less houses for families, so you have more homeless families, and more people paying outrageous prices for rooms and houses and the sparsely existent flats, only like 5% of our population live in apartments, the average in Europe is something like 42% according to Eurostat. The housing conditions are even worse for economic migrants like Brazilians who are forced/desperate enough to live in illegal favela style tenement sublets of 25 to a house with 1-2 toilets per that house. When I go back next year I'll be trying me luck in Belfast, the Republic has not got the housing sector nor the infrastructure of a so called first world country.

Shane Woody
Shane Woody - 06.08.2023 17:33

There's more Irish in America than the entire British isles lol

jojo khan
jojo khan - 06.08.2023 10:46

it's kind of sad that the Irish population is declining. i visited Ireland back in 2015 with a few friends and honestly the Irish are the sweetest and funniest people ever and the landscape is so sooo breathtaking. hope to visit soon. love from Pakistan.

Shaun DGB
Shaun DGB - 06.08.2023 01:23

After just watching this, trying to think of what little I know of my family tree. I am in Victoria, Australia but the last person in family tree that came from any other nation was Ireland in 1890s. But before him there were others that line up with this famine period in Ireland. I think the ones that went to Victoria were decades after the famine but also have ancestors that came from Tasmania and some of them were born in Ireland and some must have emigrated from Ireland in this time period as a result of this famine but do not know much about them. But I suspect some went here and others to places like America, Canada and New Zealand and never saw each other again. Never been to Ireland but it would be fascinating to go there one day and imagine what life was like for my ancestors both before and around that period. It is crazy to think how Ireland itself was stunted in growth in this period and how many left those lands and had to start a whole new life on other sides of the world as far away as America and Australia.

Mr.BaryOnyx - 06.08.2023 00:31

As an irish, i like potatoes
