The Future of Integrative Oncology, Dr. Andrew Weil

The Future of Integrative Oncology, Dr. Andrew Weil

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@mauriceguiheen7181 - 29.10.2024 01:48

And Dr Andrew wiles.

@jennysheets3763 - 31.10.2024 08:01

Legend. ❤

@gebhardlong6556 - 01.11.2024 06:09

Dr Weil is a legend. But is obvious he does not read the journals. The number one cause of early mortality is Diabetes 2. The only way to actually put D2 in remission is low carb....

@RiazMotlagh - 01.11.2024 06:10

What a gem! Thank you

@TheVafa95 - 01.11.2024 08:44

If you want to relax, instead of drinking alcohol, meditate. Why drink poison, either in excess or in moderation?

@Sag07 - 01.11.2024 17:01

How do you feel about purchasing mushrooms from people who do homegrown

@lindajones4849 - 01.11.2024 17:11

Hello Dr. Weil: recently there was testimony before the House Ways and Means Committee ( lead by Senator Ron Johnson) about our toxic food supply due to the addedsugars , pesticides and depleted soils. The ground level protests may be beginning BUT I agree with you that unless wellness is made profitable it will never be mainstream.Cancer drugs are highly toxic, anyone taking them should be asking their oncologist how they make sure their patients are safe. One of my first cardiac rehab patients was a 40 year old woman who nearly died because of the cardiac toxicity of her chemotherapy. She was left with permanent life altering cardiomyopathy.

@stephenwren520 - 12.11.2024 03:49

I guess Dr. Weil never took a close look at RFK Jr. and Donald Trump.

@brebeufgarcia1090 - 24.11.2024 23:09

Dr. Weil is one of the ones who may be healthy but just couldn't get rid of his pot belly and fat. Oh well.

@jakobw135 - 30.12.2024 19:25

What is your answer to Dr Michael Greger who suggested that FOOD & LIFESTYLE is a better option to treat the breast cancer then chemotherapy?

After all, you put chemotherapy in the same boat as the DISTORTED THINKING of vestigial organs!

@jakobw135 - 30.12.2024 19:25

than ...not then

@RM-xr8lq - 08.03.2025 02:43

quack doctor that pushes pseudo science
