How to pronounce the Celtic Sabbat names in Wicca

How to pronounce the Celtic Sabbat names in Wicca


6 лет назад

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@hillary4372 - 04.04.2019 04:08

This was very helpful. Thank you.

@caseyjen82 - 01.05.2019 01:22

Just saw this was a year ago, but wanted to say thanks for post anyway! Helpful.

@sighn1780 - 15.07.2019 05:37

Lol "wiccan"

@arimonL - 01.08.2019 05:43

So Lughnasah is like lunacy but with an A at the end?

@emilybristow6611 - 11.09.2019 20:12

Thanks for this! I'm putting together a presentation for a class and I was DREADING mispronouncing the sabbats.

@GorillaGamingo011 - 18.09.2019 17:25

It's SAH-wiñ in Scots. And SOH-wiñ in Irish. I wanted to double check and your video was the first to come up. There's subtle difference between irland and Scottish. The same could've been said about England but the Roman empire changed that :p

@cassandrathomas6015 - 08.10.2019 03:58

The first three sounded like they had more letters than the written word, and the last one, the longest written word, sounded like it had less xD

@TilveranWrites - 24.10.2019 03:33

Thoroughly enlightening. Cheers!

@williamwraspir1509 - 14.12.2019 23:01

You should make more videos and link your instagram 💁🏻‍♂️

@lilithssilvermoon3208 - 31.12.2019 05:58

I love your video

@fionalynnshaw - 01.01.2020 19:04

Awesome!! Thanks Micheal ~ how words sounds carry energy and I love hearing you speak them ✨

@rebeccaroberts982 - 25.01.2020 01:11

unusual face for this concept. Nice...

@whitewitch1105 - 29.01.2020 17:24

Very interesting ty

@winothedword8644 - 31.01.2020 17:01

This was awesome! Thank you! Now I won't sound so much like a yank when I stumble through pronouncing these lovely sabbats. xoxoxo

@honeyandmud - 01.02.2020 14:53

ohhhh good sir you are lovely to both watch and listen to. thanks for this, blessed imbolc!

@annheintz5786 - 01.02.2020 19:43

Thank you!

@rohanawolf2089 - 02.02.2020 21:51

Very helpful! I wouldn't have know this was a first time for you posting. Well done.

@Brit210able - 03.02.2020 00:55

Thank you!! Was needing help with pronouncing and this was very useful.

@just_kos99 - 15.02.2020 17:47

I've been consciously pagan since February 1987. I never considered myself Wiccan because, to tell the truth, I don't agree with the "Wiccan Rede." MY ancestors had no problem with causing harm to protect kith, kin and clan; one's got to fight for one's own and land, no? Any way, fairly recently I was embracing my Anglo-Saxon heritage. Got some great books, and in one I had the shock of my pagan life: "wicca" and "wicce" are real words. I thought Gerald Gardner and Doreen Valiente had made "Wicca" up. Turns out everyone I've known involved with paganism (including myself) have been saying it wrong. It's actually "witch-ah" for men, and "witch-eh" for women. Since I found this out, I've been referring to myself as UU Wicce (UU = Unitarian Universalist). BTW, UU has a pagan community called "CUUPs": Covenant of UU Pagans, if anyone wants to look that up for more info. UU isn't the Unity Church, which sadly, too many people believe. It's two traditions that merged in 1961 and is very inclusive. Its concept has been around for centuries. Before "Unitarian" became common, people called themselves "Anti-trinitarian." Two famous examples are Isaac Newton and John Milton. Thomas Jefferson, too. Anyway, sorry going on here. I was very excited to find your channel and look forward to looking around more!

@TheSscarydave - 17.02.2020 02:49

Loved your vid Thankyou and BB

@suzanneflynn1001 - 17.04.2020 21:29

Hey, you have been absolutely essential to me. Can you also pronounce clockwise and counterclockwise? I found tuathal online and I still use deosil. Thank you, Suzanne (I lived in Belfast for 4 years).

@totallywitchin - 18.04.2020 08:11

This is a great resource for solitary witches who need some pronunciation help. Great video. Short and to the point. Clear voice. Terrific.

@coyoteroams - 02.06.2020 07:40

came here because dr reid butchered the pronunciation in criminal minds and i wanted to make sure that samhain was actually pronounced THIS way lol

@tofuwiener - 17.07.2020 08:39

thank you so much!

@Genalmoore - 19.07.2020 02:26

Thank you Michael, this was great. I have shared with my group and I hope you continue to make vids!

@kelymurphree - 31.07.2020 01:58

Blessed be thank you for the lesson. 🙂🙃

@SammDickens - 31.07.2020 18:07

Thanks very much for that. It's very helpful. I always joke that the Irish are eloquent but illiterate. Love it though.

@sherridrake7351 - 02.08.2020 01:14

Thank you, Cheers and just know I stumbled across this just now and really enjoyed your knowledge!

@stephaniemattingly841 - 02.08.2020 19:45

As a ancestral Witch with Irish in her bones it's always nice to see and hear the old language and how these Sabbats are supposed to be said. It irks me so much that Hollywood doesn't do their research. I'll be noting your video for reference in my next podcast episode. Thank you brother.

@tara6959 - 10.09.2020 21:54


@WOLFROY47 - 20.09.2020 14:01

actually you sound dublin to me ? but, you didn't ask, what's the crack ? but to the point ? i am surprised to see that your post is still up there. and no that's not a criticism, the old ways had a purpose. you work with nature, and community matters. there's to much ( profit before people) these days as if, what we eat and drink is unimportant ? a people divided against themselves cannot survive. and we, all, have to live here. the earth, is our material bodies home, and if, we disrespect it, we end up with nothing. and for children who think that playing around with things they think is just a laugh, please, don't dig up something you can't get rid of. vengeful spirits poltergeists ghosts, and other things, are not something to play around with. yeah they do it all the time on the goggle box, but that's make believe. their actors. but this is the real world. so show some respect and understand what your playing with. namaste

@samanthajday - 06.10.2020 17:19

As a Brit in Florida, I loved hearing the Irish / American combo accent.

Very useful, thank you.

@jessgeoghegan - 19.10.2020 21:49

I love this video .. haha 🤘🏻❤

@JuliaGhoulia87 - 30.10.2020 10:50

That was really cool

@noodlyappendage6729 - 02.11.2020 23:19

They aren’t Wiccan holidays. Wiccans adopted these holidays. Wiccans also adopted the term Sabbat/s from Judaism. I think Wicca is actually a pretty cool religion all in all and it’s positives out way it’s negatives. I’ve noticed many people getting into Wicca in their youth and as they get older they get involved with less dogmatic spiritualism. I’m not a Wiccan myself but have much respect for Wicca and Wiccans. I have a massive urge to join a group of Wiccans. Get amongst them and feel what they’re all about. ✌️

@sarahaligned - 10.11.2020 19:38

Thank you so much! You have such a nice accent.

@PermacultureDesigns - 09.12.2020 19:28

great work !

@brandyjean7015 - 01.02.2021 12:33

Thanks. Peace out.

@bloomingwitch7755 - 01.02.2021 15:52

I'm so glad I stumbled across this video. Very informative and you are really lovely to listen to. Thanks 😊

@authorlindsayswanberg1978 - 22.03.2021 23:27

This is wonderful, thank you!

@YvonneAburrow - 16.05.2021 14:42

When I first started in Wicca in the early 90s I was taught to say Saveen for Samhain so I think that must be the Scots Gaelic pronunciation. I think the English (including me) should go back to the old English names of these festivals, like Hollantide and Allantide for Halloween/ Samhain, and stop nicking the Irish names (though maybe that horse has probably long since departed). Lammas of course has a completely different origin and backstory to Lughnasadh.

@sarahcampagna1447 - 08.07.2021 00:54

Thanks dude!

@Joiemcgee - 14.09.2021 18:54

Thank you for the excellent explanation- make more videos-

@BLOOMrose864 - 23.09.2021 14:22

I know the video is already 3 years old, but that helped a lot thank you :D

@christheother9088 - 21.11.2021 23:46

"Simple man with a smart phone". I might steal that line.

@jenniferalexandra8961 - 30.04.2022 07:22

Thank you for this. As a Irish/Scottish Pagan transplanted in the US a few generations ago, seeking my roots back home through language and common practice, I appreciate your diligence in translating the old to the new world.
Blessings 🌙 ✨

@patriciatowe5753 - 22.06.2022 17:26

This was excellent, so informative!! Thanks!!

@Raeitc - 28.12.2022 06:58

Thank you!

@carlosvanoosterzee6520 - 22.05.2023 14:05

Thanks for helping, it was very clear. Could you also help with equinoxes and solstices: Yule, Ostara, Litha, Mabon? 🙏 Thanks!

@kacheek9101 - 16.03.2024 08:01

So, so helpful! Thank you!
