Don't let college financial aid stress you out! Fair Opportunity Project makes your FAFSA application easier with free 1-on-1 coaching. Our expert coaches are available via text, video, or phone call to help you:
- Complete your FAFSA in 25 minutes (average).
- Unlock an average of $15,000+ in financial aid.
- Open the door to scholarships & grants!
Even if:
- Your parents don't speak English fluently.
- Your family has complex finances.
- You're a first-generation college student.
- You hate filling out forms!
Fair Opp can help! We've assisted thousands of students since 2017.
Benefits of Fair Opp FAFSA Coaching:
- Decrease your anxiety about student debt.
- Relieve pressure to work full time while going to school.
- Know you’re not alone.
- Feel empowered to afford and succeed in college.
Don't miss out on the opportunity for money for college! Text "FAFSA" to 608-351-8160 to get started with your free Fair Opp coach.
Visit to learn more.
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