2 Hour Compilation of the Darkest Secrets of Reddit

2 Hour Compilation of the Darkest Secrets of Reddit

UE Stories

3 года назад

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@midokutensei - 21.07.2023 23:35

Bro what is up with uncles 😭😭

@motherazura - 01.07.2023 19:36

you have no idea how badly i need to know about "the noodle incident."

@shydog7276 - 26.06.2023 05:30

I love how this topic had the capacity to be really sad/bad but there's so many absolutely pure and wholesome stories in here.

@ethanlopez3787 - 25.05.2023 09:12

What is the name of that wolf on the cover

@ItsKaileyBitch - 31.08.2022 14:18

His wife is John Wick

@mojojojo560 - 27.08.2022 03:49

That white lie about doctors contacting that DVLA about potentially dangerous drivers should be a real thing.

@effystrange - 26.07.2022 03:27

That deer story is beautiful

@lexzem1123 - 19.07.2022 19:16

Dated a guy who was super honest but emotional numb and I miss who I started dating

@maryduhon9769 - 15.07.2022 16:54

My mom's sweet tea made my brother's kidney stones move on out. He acclaimed it as miracle nectar lol

@maryduhon9769 - 15.07.2022 16:35

One of my best friends growing up was violently raped by her brother when they were teens. She was already struggling with life. Her mom blamed her and soothed the brother. Her dad (a pastor) remained mute and tolerant. The last time I saw I was 42 telling her to leave my house because she had come at a traumatic family time high as she could be on meth. I had dealt with all her mental and drug issues our whole lives. When she told me she needed space because I was toxic for her I told her that when she comes back to herself again (as I cycled with her through it all, being ghosted and picked up again etc) to not bother with the apologies. Ran into her about 2 years later and she tried to hug and act friendly I just didn't respond. I wasn't rude but i.just walked away. Ill.put up with a great deal. When I say I'm done it's not a bluff

@YoutuberGrudge - 20.06.2022 20:12

I'm dying of liver disease. I don't tell many people. Only one knows.

@linnyroro3177 - 11.06.2022 19:54

OMG the one about the mom giving the baby up for adoption at 14 and then having another baby girl on the same exact birthday as her first child she had and that she hated herself for abandoning that child broke my heart, she didnt abandon that baby, she gave it a life she couldnt at the age of 14. oh man that one actually brought me to tears and I am sitting here crying as I type this. The crazy thing is that Oct 25, is my little sister's bday also, so that is also weird to me. I guess its hitting me super hard also because I am dealing with infertility at that moment and have to fly halfway across the country to be able to have a special kind of egg retrevial for my IVF.

@linnyroro3177 - 11.06.2022 19:22

the one with the dip and carrot cake had me laughing because at one point in my life I would not eat sweet potatoes to save my life that was until I got pregnant and then craved them like crazy, it was the same with sour cream, grilled onions and fried oyster(still wouldnt eat them even though they smelled delicious, i hate oysters), well my brother in law hates sweet potatoes also, but we all went to this restaurant we love and him and the waitress asked if we would like dessert and she mentioned bread pudding, one of both mine and my BIL's favorite desserts, so we asked how big the serving was and she told us definitely big enough for the 2 of us to share, it was huge. Well she brings it out, him and I eat this bread pudding and kept talking about how good it was, so because of that my MIL and SIL wanted to try it. Well my SIL right away knew it had sweet potato in it because she loves them, thats when she asked us both, "i thought both of you hated sweet potatoes, but you're fine with eating them in this bread pudding" we told her good job at trying to make us stop eating it to give it to her, but she had the chance to order some. We finished it off and when the waitress came back my SIL wanting to know if she was crazy or were we the crazy one, asked the waitress, "was that sweet potato bread pudding" and she said "yes, its it so delicious, I had never heard of putting sweet potatoes in bread pudding til I started working here" my BIL and I just looked at each other and were horrified. I got pregnant about a month or so later and the rest is history, ill eat sweet potatoes any way but fried, just not into the sweet potato fry trend.

@hugoandre96 - 02.06.2022 20:37

Two secrets. One that my parents know: I don't like my grandmother's chicken soup, it's so bland yet she makes absolutely amazing Hispanic and US food. I just love her too much to tell her that I never like eating her chicken soup.

Next one only my mother knows: My family, especially my grandmother makes amazing chicken filling for chicken sandwiches, my step dad on the other hand, it's so gross. It takes like eating raw onions and I can't taste the chicken or the mayo, but I love him too much to tell him. This is the same man who made me love eating meat loaf and is a great cook

@zerohasnovalue1681 - 27.05.2022 05:46

Why would that deer be on the porch 🧐hmmmm

@musical_costumer7976 - 04.05.2022 23:15

Ok these stories are so wholesome I love them 😭😭😭😩❤️

@ashleymarie6585 - 02.05.2022 20:21

Ohh no the deer on the porch one sent me 🤣🤣

@AshesAshes44 - 30.04.2022 01:31

Being able to do things, big or small, for friends and family especially, is one of the genuinely nice things in life.

@knuckle12356 - 18.04.2022 23:47

Tattoo guy - He learned that night that proper maintenence and storage of firearms was key to their reliable operation...

@mzstockholm926 - 07.04.2022 16:37

One time my wife accidentally slept on an unalived her new pet kitten. I told her it died because it was sick. Not because she slept on it.

@IdahoRanchGirl - 14.03.2022 11:03

I'm the same way with fear of wasps bees and mostly hornets! Used to just be bees, but after meeting hornets, bees aren't as scary, they don't go after you like friggin hornets! Especially bald faced hornets, they're frigging MEAN! And big. And plentiful. And I just can't help it. I try to just be normal like everyone else, but anxiety just rises. I can hear them if they're around. I can also tell if the sound is a hornet, bee, or fly. Just by the sound. I absolutely hate being so scared of them. It ruins summer for me. I love winter so much bcuz I'm relaxed.

@Kris-vb9uz - 22.10.2021 20:43

Considering ghosting my parents once I move out due to them being emotionally abusive and while having inability to express their emotions properly

@sdondavis - 04.10.2021 13:18

This is all garbage. Clickbait.

@kathyinwonderlandl.a.8934 - 26.08.2021 13:36

Simpsons poster of the family of son? Now that’s one cool Mom! Great present 🥰

@tiasmum893 - 16.08.2021 17:17

The clown story 🤡😭❤️

@Roshea - 07.07.2021 12:17

Hearing about people just putting up with inconveniences for the sake of not making someone sad or upset is very annoying lol

@gland5848 - 04.07.2021 10:18

That painting is haunted.🤡

@BloodNote - 26.06.2021 01:10

The story of the husband having HIV and still having sex with his unknowing wife should be in jail. 😡That whole family is mentally fucked to be forgiving towards that..🙄

@veenitamalviya179 - 22.06.2021 10:14

I can't believe the amount of cheating from both the spouses..

@bobsaget6720 - 18.06.2021 22:47

Can confirm the mayo dip is amazing

@NormaJean951 - 18.06.2021 08:10

The wasp story is probably the cutest thing I’ve ever read.

@GrndAdmiralThrawn - 10.06.2021 23:07

So much abuse and rape

@colejizba8784 - 09.06.2021 01:49

That girl who was hiding stuff and guns sounds like Erica Hale from spy school lol

@arniegarza1902 - 08.06.2021 16:53

Dude seriously whos ever dad that was id the best dad ever no questions asked ill be three in 15

@samanthadotson5358 - 07.06.2021 23:12

"If my dad had to bend to find it, he didn't find it"

I do this with my husband 🤣 hes a big guy with back problems, works like a fricking charm no matter what the occasion

Thought I was sooooo smart 😅

@thisguy9536 - 05.06.2021 07:25

Granny banging . aaahhh life. 😜

@devilsdeckofcards - 04.06.2021 19:25

My girlfriend misspells a lot of words, and is dyslexic. At this point I just misspell the words with her and honestly find it endearing and wholesome how we call each other dumys (we spell it like that usually) While misspelling dummy. And a bunch of other words we auto-pilot the wrong spellings of

@therotbells - 04.06.2021 10:00

The bee one seems a bit too close to home
Though if someone did that for me I would hug them and never let go ever

@GreenAppelPie - 04.06.2021 00:56

Lol I used to be afraid of bees and had no problem telling my wife or anyone.

@Tori-eo7sf - 03.06.2021 20:26

A lot of white gay men say they're black women inside. I don't understand why, it's so weird and offensive
