Amateur Radio (Ham Radio) as Fast As Possible

Amateur Radio (Ham Radio) as Fast As Possible


7 лет назад

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Ixdet - 21.08.2023 22:38

How do you find stations in ham radio

Offenbarung2.9 - 12.08.2023 06:52

amateurradio is pointless and a waste of time

Robert Nitschke
Robert Nitschke - 25.07.2023 02:40

I had my Ham Licence taken from me because I missed the due date for annual payment. FU ham radio Australia.

Harry Hamster Channel
Harry Hamster Channel - 30.06.2023 10:45

11 minutes ago (edited)
Good for them! Amateur radio covers the whole world, about an inch deep.
911 was 22 years ago. Let it go.
Everything's sci-fi until it happens. There's a lot of capacity out there. Haven't you seen the trucks? Your information's guaranteed to remain public.
I credit no one but the Chinese capitalists. Grandpa died and the kids got into the walkie talkies.

techi one
techi one - 19.06.2023 02:43


Pineapple on Pizza
Pineapple on Pizza - 13.06.2023 15:38

It's a smart dude hobby. Expensive too 😂

Ron Owen
Ron Owen - 16.03.2023 08:40

That math just doesn't compute... 700k US, 1.2mil Japan, only leaves 1.1 mil left for the rest of the world🧐

Wood Chuck
Wood Chuck - 12.03.2023 19:05


Basketball Bear
Basketball Bear - 01.03.2023 07:20

Bouncing radio waves off the moon/meteors... what a load of bullshit.

Richard Sullivan
Richard Sullivan - 19.02.2023 00:40

Good job you explained nothing

Simply not funny
Simply not funny - 13.02.2023 03:39

Are you ham radio operator?

Nicholas Sauer
Nicholas Sauer - 11.02.2023 21:51

Just bought a book to study for my license. Apparently, there are parallels between how Tesla Coils work and Ham Radio. Being someone intensely interested in Tesla Coils, I was recommended to get my Ham Radio license. Hopefully, I will learn a lot about the concepts as well as find a new hobby.

John Murrin
John Murrin - 31.12.2022 18:58

space station is fake

Jaut-76 - 29.11.2022 00:27

This video reignited the flame for HAM radio inside of my during 2020 so when my exams were cancelled i decided to take the plunge an get my licence. Thank you for this and talking about this as we need more young people like me in this hobby.

Alan J
Alan J - 17.07.2022 03:19

So much for fast as possible. Idiot.

Turtle - 13.06.2022 21:33

Wow Linus. I didn’t know you were a HAM. Just working now towards my license

Batman - 12.06.2022 21:13

You forget. It's expensive. You need to pay lots of $$$ for licence.

The Art of Engineering
The Art of Engineering - 21.04.2022 07:15

After being a ham in my youth...and then being at sea as a ships radio officer I am now back on air and the scope of the hobby is massive! You can work digital....thru to Morse code ...YES people are still doing is a simple mode that allows the construction of simple equipment. So much fun to be had! de VK2AOE 73

Josh - 18.04.2022 16:48

A lot of us off-road trail folks are licensed operators. It makes keeping up to date on trail dangers much easier.

Kyle V2
Kyle V2 - 17.04.2022 07:14

My uncle contacted the iss I am now here

Tyler watt
Tyler watt - 11.04.2022 13:55

i wanna get me one of those mchf rs-918 radios.

Jay Roland
Jay Roland - 09.03.2022 15:49

What on earth is "amacher radio"? Do you mean 'amateur' radio?

Rapid_Rabbit - 18.02.2022 04:26

Ham Radio is a mental disorder. Everyone has a two-way radio in their pocket called a "Cell Phone" so Ham Radio is redundant and stupid.

Bill Kitchen
Bill Kitchen - 02.02.2022 20:44

Hello, why has my comment gone? I typed it in twice and they both disappeared.

Prof. G.Y. Land
Prof. G.Y. Land - 20.01.2022 05:19

Why are some HAM operators such terrible boring people? I have a HAM license, I must be an exception, but than, I hardly use my license as it is always the same boring nonsense. If I want to talk to someone, I use my cellphone.

rex - 10.01.2022 17:32

So my first ham radio what should i buy? Thanks

Souren Uchat
Souren Uchat - 03.12.2021 03:28

l- l- Linus?

axiomist - 01.12.2021 05:35

Thanks !

Mike Herbst
Mike Herbst - 09.11.2021 19:36

vy 73 de DL8CY

Bussi - 01.11.2021 01:46

Leave this channel fast, it’s a waste of time full of ignorance’s

Bussi - 01.11.2021 01:45

You are a bit of course

Joe Savary
Joe Savary - 03.10.2021 14:26

Well said. Been a ham since 2009, and have enjoyed various parts of the hobby.
And only limited by what you do, or do not want to explore. Hope to be back to hf, once the tower and new antenna are in place. Looking forward to the dx already, 73 from VE1JES

rwl0323 - 17.09.2021 07:20

"due to it's simplicity compared to things like the Internet...." okies.....

Mrmuffinman97 - 15.09.2021 08:08

Mario bear

Mckais Kimmes
Mckais Kimmes - 14.09.2021 21:33

Would be fun to see a ltt raspberry pi tutorial for making a ham radio

Mark Morgan
Mark Morgan - 13.09.2021 00:33

Could do with something like this for us ham ops in UK

Guilherme sampaio de oliveira
Guilherme sampaio de oliveira - 07.09.2021 05:03

We need HAM radio to exist so we can always talk with each others regardless of government and corporations intentions.

Holden Bippert
Holden Bippert - 06.09.2021 10:02

I wonder what exactly would happen if you transmitted a HAM radio at 433.92 MHz. I wonder how much chaos would ensue

SuperOtterBoy - 04.08.2021 13:03

I had no idea Linus covered Ham until I saw this this morning! After the last year and a half, I've become more interested in crisis management and survival. I got into radio through a nerdy fascination with shortwave. Seems to be a slight resurgence in interest for the radio hobby online recently too so I know I'm not alone. I think the hobby needs more coverage like this, by individuals people of my age group and younger relate to. Not to disparage the expertise of the older, wiser and clearly more proficient HAMs that have kept the hobby alive but there can be an air of an elitist "old Boy's club" about certain radio clubs and groups these days. I think with the current spate of crises due to climate change and all, the importance of radio in a true emergency needs to be emphasised! You never know when some loon will burn down your local 5G tower! Haha!

Ken Price II
Ken Price II - 02.08.2021 13:24

thanks for making this video to help explain to the younger people

Tommy Boy7
Tommy Boy7 - 12.07.2021 11:07

Thanks for sharing

Ham Radio DX
Ham Radio DX - 06.07.2021 08:50

Great video, Ham Radio needs more exposure and a larger following! Cheers

옹이뉴키 - 30.06.2021 15:55

So, amateur radio operators with a license could have more flexibility and more fun in their own little non-commercial ham radio stations. That's what it finally boils down to? Hmm☺

Its simplicity sounds like a big selling point and it looks more reliable than more up-to- date means of communication in a state of crisis.. Having moon bouncers and meteors functioning as satellites and so on.. this part sounds interesting.. Space rocks can do their part.. I am not sure whether my understanding of it is correct.. hmm.. I don't know the ABC's of machinery and tools and electric parts etc..🤨

옹이뉴키 - 30.06.2021 09:47

An amateur radio? I am an amateur too but in a different field.. hehe
Sorry , it has started to take a wrong turn..😐

There are people who are socially more dexterous in knowing the rythmes of those they work or hang out with. They are so professional and experienced with it that they know when to join the dialogue and when to remain silent, and when to turn up the 📻 and when to turn it down.😁 It's one of the most critical approaches in building better human relationships and lessening conflicts between people, I would say. hehe

Amateurs(exactly like Ja-mae) in any field are not very interested in things like setting the tone for diverse views (more perspectives , expanded understanding to difference ). They don't care about what others would think about them when they need to, almost always out of sync..hehe..😁 That's exactly what happens to Ja-mae, an amateur piano player , every day when she is playing the 🎹 out of tune , making her upstairs and downstairs neighbors mad 😏..

William Hollinger
William Hollinger - 27.06.2021 20:14

Well, I saw some church friends have one and I was like this is new and I might want to give it a shot

gyssele - 24.06.2021 21:19

haha got this recommended when there's only a few days left until field day
