SHOWJUMPING AFTER A FALL ~Bicton 3 day event (Part 3)

SHOWJUMPING AFTER A FALL ~Bicton 3 day event (Part 3)


1 год назад

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Julia Banes
Julia Banes - 01.08.2023 00:45

... whew. I cannot imagine doing that; yes I've gotten back on after falling, even cracking some ribs in primary school-age, and also five years ago, fracturing my left ankle, coming off a THB, but definitely not competing. I said so in the other vid and I'll say it again - your "realness" with showing the full life of a rider, has created this fanbase you've got, and everything was there for you to get that Badminton show. You did the hard work, with an incredible team, and it all came through. Very much a thorough fan now, all the way from Africa.

Baileyfireland - 22.06.2023 21:00

I’m glad you were ok but OMG jumping the start box fence!!!! WTF?! Bless her ❤❤❤❤

Evie's Vlogs!
Evie's Vlogs! - 15.06.2023 08:54


FoxDragon - 28.04.2023 06:40

I used to know a girl that did jumpers, she had a tattoo on the inside of her wrist where she could see it under the edge of her glove. It said "Fear Is A Liar"

Chidesters Farm
Chidesters Farm - 08.04.2023 23:59

❤How long to get her back?❤

Danien 24
Danien 24 - 04.04.2023 00:46

I love how supportive everyone around you is and the friendship you all have with eachother ❤ unfortunately in my experience with horses there are so many judgy people and bitchy people it put me off competing forever I couldn’t cope with it anymore, I ride horses for the fun now and love hacking my boy out and galloping about and do some competitions here and there. Constructive criticism is so different to unnecessary nastiness and just putting people down, which obviously never works! So glad you were okay after your fall xxxx

Irina Rapport
Irina Rapport - 30.03.2023 18:55

Were you diagnosed with a concussion? Here in the states, if you come off, you are done from that point on... I'm glad you were able to get back out there and you and Jam looked lovely.

Irina Rapport
Irina Rapport - 30.03.2023 18:44

Holy shiiii... And how she just jumped the start box...

Ellie Groarke
Ellie Groarke - 27.03.2023 22:05

Are youbok

Sophia - 24.03.2023 01:04

Late comment, but we are all so proud of you. We love and appreciate you for being true to yourself.

Boots to Hooves
Boots to Hooves - 21.03.2023 01:57

Watching this back now knowing that only a fraction of megs fear was explained is incredible. Honestly I can’t even admire more how at the end of the day she just trusted herself to ride! She is such an inspiration, and one incredible rider, well done Meg. So glad that she is finding a proper way to get her confidence back now but this round really couldn’t showcase anymore the determination and drive that this women truely has. ❤

James shelley
James shelley - 13.03.2023 20:15

Why am I crying watching this! You were so hard on urself, these things happen. So glad your all okay, can't believe how big that horse jumped the white fence x

pippasaurusrex - 10.03.2023 23:47

that jump over the start box was lovely though, pointing it out

Kaz Sasha
Kaz Sasha - 27.02.2023 11:10

Phew Megan we only found out about this yesterday when out for lunch with Kenny! So glad you were ok and how brave are you !!!!

Elina Parkkonen
Elina Parkkonen - 14.02.2023 12:17

The biggest hug to you brave Megan 💖💖💖!! You're such a sweetheart. I'm so happy that you have such caring and loving people around you. Take good care💕.

silver swans united
silver swans united - 30.01.2023 14:15

i hope your okay your my idol and wow even tho you fell of you got stright back up aslo i was super supriesd jammy jumped the start box!

Piper Mcerlane
Piper Mcerlane - 19.01.2023 00:16

i have a grey conamara at homename gumpy and he could never do anything like what jam and dee do he is one of the most lazest ponies in the world

WAMama - 12.01.2023 00:18

Bless little Jam Jam's heart taking the gate. She is such a champ.

Sandra Andersson
Sandra Andersson - 05.01.2023 23:04

Does anyone knows what classes she competes in? wondering because she is like 24 right? if she compete in horse classes with jam and dee when they are ponies? its impressive if she does :D the lowest class on horses is 90cm right?
