The Joys of Trophy Hunting

The Joys of Trophy Hunting


1 год назад

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@platinum_vault - 25.10.2023 22:30

I clicked on this video, because it was recommended on my home feed. I watched it from start to finish, because it is a great video. (I love these meta topics. I wish, more people would make videos about it.) Then i scrolled down to the comment section and saw my comment from one year ago. A lot has changed since then, but this video is still great. I still enjoy the last part most. I even made a video about the «dark side» of trophy hunting. That video idea was on my mind for over a year now and seing it finally hit the light of day makes me pround. It is incredible how we bond over the same hobbies.

@Pjvenom1985 - 19.04.2023 02:21

Nice video man, happy trophy thrills all. Remember to have fun aye!✨️🏆🍀

@Yayer-iz2ie - 12.02.2023 23:15


@largentbrewer - 06.01.2023 11:27

Here because of LSM call in show.
Great video! Keep it up man! 🔥

@40yearoldgamer91 - 25.12.2022 10:09

My dude this video speaks to my heart.

Also, I loved RE4 on GameCube and I can't wait to platinum the remake when it drops!

@gamemonster7 - 03.11.2022 21:18

I'd rather finish a game twice for the platinum than do an online trophy that takes skill and luck, great vid btw

@Olygrom - 31.10.2022 15:37

As someone who got way too into trophy hunting on PS3/PS4, partly due to OCD tendencies, and temporarily ruined some great games in doing so I welcome Nintendo not implementing them as it's given me a completely pressure free environment to enjoy a game to its fullest

@NarcolepticProphet - 27.10.2022 17:01

You say Trophy but I call em Cheevos. I always play a game once for enjoyment of story and freedom, then put it on hold then pick back up after watching secrets and stuff missed. I feel most gamers would benefit from this playbook.

@joey199412 - 24.10.2022 03:28

As an older person I never understood the appeal of thropies or achievements so I appreciate you making a video on them as it's a feature I personally never engaged with.

@bigdingus5359 - 23.10.2022 07:55

I personally think the trophy system is worse. Because nobody gives a fuck about any trophy that isnt a platinum, achievement points allow you to play a game how much you want, and the work you put in will still accumulate into your overall gamerscore. I play most games to around 80-90% but stop when it comes to collectibles or things that i know will be boring or require a guide every step of the way. I can understand why Nintendo don’t have them because its all arbitrary really.

@chattingbout - 23.10.2022 07:28

Your point about know when to quit really hit home. I spent 50 hours on red dead 2 story. It was my most anticipated game for years and I loved it. But then I spent another 300 hours getting the platinum and I ended up hating the game. The mystery and randomness of the open world became so frustrating trying to find specific animals to hunt and win poker games. I remember spending countless hours hunting for a specific chicken I couldn’t find. I’m talking like maybe 8 straight hours. Not to mention the 50 hours or so it took to max out the online character. It definitely left a bad taste in my mouth and I will unfortunately always remember the long trophy grind more than the story I loved now. Hope they do a ps5 edition so I can play it fresh and just enjoy the story this time

@cheesemanzombie9151 - 21.10.2022 01:34

That ending got real deep real quick

@P-Nello - 19.10.2022 06:47

Just the other day, my friend asked me why I hunt for trophies at all. I said "It's just fun"

@hopediedlast7230 - 18.10.2022 15:17


The sole purpose of video games is to harass minorities and women.

@cojin01 - 17.10.2022 14:26

You mean the adictiveness right?

@ImCurrentlyNaked - 14.10.2022 01:27

I actually quite like achievements in game, but they've got to be done well; simply having a "oh wow, you did the thing you have to do in the game to beat it" achievement is lame, it's like a participation trophy. I like achievements where it adds an extra spin or challenge to the game - Like how many games have a speed run achievements, or how Spelunky has an achievement for beating the game with no gold, things I'd never do were it not for the achievement in the first place.

@zakmckracken4018 - 13.10.2022 04:34

Bloodborne is the only trophy I've got and the only one i plan on getting

@hailey1256 - 13.10.2022 00:47

I personally use it as a distraction and it helps a decent bit. Life has sucked really fucking hard lately and besides work its the only thing im able to fixate on to distract myself from whats going on in life. Plus that trophy pop sound is incredibly satisfying.

@crdbtmn8232 - 13.10.2022 00:24

Great video

@aortaplatinum - 12.10.2022 20:36

So, why do so many people call them trophies if achievements were first and are still the most common name across platforms?

@rezm1r - 12.10.2022 03:24

For me the OCD effect that I live with is to at least accumulate 30% of trophies earned for a standard/random game so I know I played it and then some if I liked it. Anything above 30% would be games I dedicate SERIOUS time on and potentially 100%.

I like the fact that these games can show or track my recorded progress through all kinds of games made now and retro!!

@civilwarfare101 - 10.10.2022 20:49

"Trophy lists are a good way of checking if these people are legit or not".

Razorfist wants to know your location and kill you.

All jokes aside, I do feel like people like him encourage me to beat a game the "honorable" way. If I don't get the beat the game trophy, then I feel I didn't beat the game, people like him are the reason why I never go out of line when it comes to game beats.

@dumbdog611 - 03.10.2022 21:55

hey my name is landen

@SantosOverlord - 23.09.2022 21:16

while i like trophy hunting im lucky enough to be able to enjoy a game and ignore them if they are outrageous

@IISpacebreakII - 15.09.2022 12:05

I always thought Nintendo should have a "Sticker" system (somewhat inspired by Paper Mario) where earning the achievement grants you a sticker that you could stamp all over your profile and use as an avatar.

@TriplePV - 12.09.2022 16:01

Great video, really enjoyed it

@NamikazeNC - 10.09.2022 08:24

Awesome video! Nintendo pleassee add trophies!!!

@geojones1174 - 08.09.2022 15:44

I love trophy 🏆 hunting because as a gamer it allows me to explore more & approach the game differently at times.

Good video!

@alecbdavis - 05.09.2022 04:08

Stand down, LSM fan

@FyreTeGo - 04.09.2022 09:37

I used to enjoy it a lot and I still do, but the problem is that it takes away valuable time that could be used to experience something else. I have around 3 dozen games left to platinum on PlayStation, once I'm done with those I think I will stop trophy hunting. When I played Doom Eternal on PC, I didn't feel obligated to get those achievements (because trophies are more valuable than Steam achievements to me), but I found myself 100%-ing it anyways because it was so fun and it felt so satisfying too. That made me realize I don't really care about trophies or achievements, I care about the completion process itself. I found the same experience playing Nintendo first party titles, they don't have trophies or achievements but they were so satisfying to 100% because I really enjoyed the core game.

@coreywilson8161 - 04.09.2022 09:32

So what life is to short that doesn't I'm gonna play that has no platinum after it asks u to do this insane requirements

@coreywilson8161 - 04.09.2022 09:15

I love trophy I got 160

@platinum_vault - 03.09.2022 09:15

Hello, fellow trophy hunter. I expected a more exciting talk about all the great Plaitnum journeys and what not, but I appreciate the educational parts. And I really like the bit in the end. I am an advanced trophy hunter (at the moment I have 130 Platinums) and I feel more mature because I have experienced a lot at first hand. That is the most valuable thing that comes out of trophy hunting for me.

I am so glad, that my brain refuses to tap into OCD.
Am I bummed that I can’t complete a game? Yes. But not to an extend that I feel pain or force myself to play a game just so see the 100% or Platinum trophy. I hear a lot of stories from people that kind of suffer from the perfectionist/completionist mindset. I keep fighting that urge and I am glad, that I still have the upper hand (because I feel the tendencies).

I am planning to earn the Super Go Outside trophy from The Stanley Parable legit. Let’s see how this works out. This will be a glorious moment (if the world doesn’t end before 2032).

To be honest, I am glad that Nintendo hasn’t implemented an achievement system.
I am a fan of trophies but I see the dark side of trophies/achievements. In my opinion young children shouldn’t be exposed to it.

Great video. Pleasant voice.

@finisterre2415 - 27.08.2022 01:24

Speaking of the dopamine from the sound, I would kill for Steam to have better achievements, rather than it just silently popping

@iranianvoodoodoctor6778 - 27.08.2022 01:21

My favourite example of trophy hunting is the Legacy of the Dragonborn mod for Skyrim. It adds a massive museum which can be filled out with just about any item in the game and it’s the ultimate collector’s mod, with massive mod compatibility.

Great video btw! Would love to see more.

@Obozo_Gaming - 26.08.2022 05:03

For me, I don't seek out every achievement in games, but seeing the message pop up is nice.

@peyuco252 - 26.08.2022 01:45

i remember that the wii had trophies

@beary19 - 25.08.2022 22:00

great vid! just one question: why is the UI in your bloodborne footage different?

@chrishaddlesey6310 - 25.08.2022 19:23

As a Nintendo kid who grew up playing mostly single-player, narrative-focused games, I never understood the appeal of achievements: now that I play on Steam, I've had to deactivate the in-game notifications because they break my immersion. I also don't like how the platinum pursuit can prey on some people's compulsive tendencies and end up leaving a bitter taste in the mouths of those who loved a game so much they wanted to spend the extra time with it. I had a friend who grew up in the golden age of Halo 1-3 multiplayer, and I can see how GamerScore and rankings can enhance the social and competitive side of gaming. Unfortunately my first go at online competition was CS:Source, and the unforgiving gameplay turned me off completely.

The only game I've ever trophy hunted on purpose was Old School Runescape: I used to play it with that same friend back when our middle school didn't know how to block the website. I had always wanted to complete the Dragon Slayer quest, but back then nobody knew what they were doing (which was part of the fun). I made a new account when OSRS joined Steam, and I appreciated how the achievements are all meant to encourage players to experience the game to its fullest on their way towards the goal I already had for myself (rather than focusing on competitive rankings or pointless, repetitive tasks). Of course OSRS was different the second time around, all my friends have moved on and the community has optimized most of the fun out of it, but slaying the dragon and being able to show it off on my Steam profile gives me a sense of closure.

After watching your video, I still don't see myself becoming a trophy hunter, but I can better understand why someone would want to be.

@garryja513 - 25.08.2022 17:15

As a trophy hunter myself I could listen to you talk about trophies for hours still ! This video is too short.

@alternateize - 25.08.2022 10:52

Very nice and insightful video, keep up the good work!

@chaoticfirearm - 23.08.2022 22:16

Your channel is becoming one of my favorites. The future looks bright for you.

@PSXGamingMemories - 23.08.2022 18:49

Awesome video, its cool to look over the concept of the trophies and achievements. Like many I was totally addicted with them for years and enjoyed most of the games I managed to earn the platinum on, but I will admit that I too at times avoided finishing games because they didn't have a full list or found myself playing games that I really didn't enjoy just to get the trophies on them which did lessen the experience. As time went on there were games that I quickly realised that I was simply never going to be able to attain certain trophies or platinum games as many either required sheer luck or a great level of skill which I just couldn't do but at least I would try.

Batman Arkham Asylum was the 2nd platinum I ever got on the PS3 and people would always ask me how did you manage to get that because the game is so tough especially with combos & challenge modes & honestly it nearly broke me, I achieved it but not without a lot of angry moments so I avoided those modes altogether in Arkam City & Origins & for me now its just not worth the hastle. I also go the platinum on the Last of Us Remastered on the PS4 and although I love that game, it was a chore to get all of the trophies and I never went back to it after that.

But now I realise looking back as you mentioned that you also have to know when to walk away because if a game becomes to frustrating to achieve trophies then you are not enjoying the experience & could really end up hating the game because of it. The experience needs to be enjoyable for it to be worthwhile. You have to know your limits.

I still enjoy trophy hunting although when I have the time but the game has to appeal to make it worthwhile and if I'm not enjoying it, I will just move on. Sorry for the long comment, just I can relate to this big time. Again great video, really enjoying the content on the channel, keep up the great work, the videos are awesome!

@tylerpetty6823 - 23.08.2022 18:30

The last of us was a relatable game to present when talking about letting a platinum pursuit take away from a great game. In particular, the grounded plus which is a third ultra tough play through and the tedious multiplayer trophies that is a total of over 100 full matches, often each of which are twenty minutes or so. Took me 5 playthroughs plus a tedious 8hr collectible guide and a whole lotta multiplayer to beat TLOU but the story and character and world designs were so good, and the moments my wife and I experienced together as we watched the story unfold, left a lasting impact on us that deserved to be shelved properly once and for all. Thanks for this great professional video!!! Keep up the grind!

@boogarbutt85 - 23.08.2022 18:21

keep grinding, loving the vids 😤
