Watch: Westerville police release body-camera footage of encounter with civil rights attorney

Watch: Westerville police release body-camera footage of encounter with civil rights attorney

NBC4 Columbus

2 года назад

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Frank N. Stein
Frank N. Stein - 08.10.2023 01:21

Not only We the pupils, It also appears that lawyers do not know WHO issues "Government licenses". AND it is probably very foolish of me to explain, but I will anyway. Maybe the LIGHTS WILL COME ON FOR AT LEAST ONE PERSON!! Try to focus on SUPERIOR AUTHORITY!! > > License Defined. License is a Government issued picture/photo ID document and evidence of permission granted by a superior government authority to citizens to engage in an activity which is otherwise unlawful without permission from the superior government authority, and after the superior government authority is paid a sum of money for the permission. Some activities that require a license issued by a superior government authority include fishing; hunting; marrying; operating a motor vehicle."
We the pupils!! People do not have a RIGHT TO MARRY! Did ANY of U We the pupils KNOW THAT? It IS A GOVERNMENT PRIVILEGE GRANTED TO SUBJECTS FOR A FEE & FROM ONE OF YOUR SUPERIOR AUTHORITIES! Get that PEON PAWN?? GOOD! B A good obedient SUBJECT!! U only need 2 know 2 words, YASSUH MASSUH! Dumbed down indoctrinated & PROUD OF IT NINCOM- POOPS!

Jenn B
Jenn B - 15.08.2023 01:38

It was his office they needed to get back in your car and get on down the road there was no reason to run his license or anyting he work there it was his office it was his trash get in your police car and go arrest somebody that needs to be arrested quit aggravating people this is what's wrong with the world

Nextmatrixman - 29.07.2023 18:42

All our tax money goes to bs like this while real crimes happening elsewhere

Jonathan Gibson
Jonathan Gibson - 24.07.2023 09:54

I be mad two

Jonathan Gibson
Jonathan Gibson - 24.07.2023 09:54


John - 27.06.2023 16:55

That's why qualified immunity needs gone all 50 states

Dozer12 - 27.02.2023 22:27

What I don't understand is why the police are checking private dumpsters. These dumpsters are clearly on private property and they are being maintained by the landlord or the owners of the office complex. The only reason an officer should be on that property is if a tenant from that law office or the landlord called that officer, then that officer has no reason to be there and it's not up to him to decide who throws trash away or not

Skylar - 22.11.2022 19:50

The fact anyone is bogging up the legal system with a case that nobody lost anything for is baffling to me lol. Actual insanity, but for a lawyer to stuff the courts with court cases that’ll go nowhere is no surprise, waste peoples times, that’s all they are good for.

chronosfx - 11.11.2022 22:17

No comment because of no complaints, but we also won't comment if we decide to investigate ourselves for the next two years hoping you will forget about it.

JIM HOLLOWAY - 11.11.2022 15:20

The chief ran away...BIG suprise.

bill james
bill james - 10.11.2022 00:51

If no one has called to report someone dumping garbage on their property and do not have permission to do so why are the police even there bothering him. (yes I know he is black) This is the disconnect with the public and police they are there to enforce the laws not go looking for people to enforce them on.

jerry cruitt
jerry cruitt - 31.10.2022 13:44

What a sham this is! If incidents like this are so prevalent, and this negro soul is so easily abused, then the manifest answer is Apartheid!

Lc Buell
Lc Buell - 31.10.2022 00:18

I guarantee you if that attorney was white they would never have written down a thing about his driver's license

Missionary in Mexico
Missionary in Mexico - 10.10.2022 16:47

They picked the ABSOLUTE WRONG PERSON to f with.

Uzziel - 06.10.2022 06:39

Esau can't help it

JESUS CHRIST! - 05.10.2022 14:26

This is another example of how we have too many police officers on the payroll, if they have nothing better to do then go around and bother people for throwing trash in a garbage container we need to save some taxpayer money and start firing some of these people...

Salew Hepuni Pfuze
Salew Hepuni Pfuze - 22.09.2022 07:29

Don't they have the word 'Sorry' at the academy. If for all the wrongful arrest, detention, confrontation, harrasment, hurt etc is summed up with saying 'sorry' at the end of any wrongful episodes then all the mental hurts and agony could have been cut by half or even to zero. These dumbass cops their ego way too inflated to be humane.

Whatever you want
Whatever you want - 26.02.2022 19:41

Well let me tell you… How is a cop supposed to know you DON’T have a record. They don’t. Unless they run your plates at least. Imagine- you’re in the trunk of somebodies car with ZERO record. How are the cops supposed to find you? You better pray a cop pulls them over for being even slightly suspicious. So WHAT you were inconvenienced for 20 minutes. COPS are TRYING to find our MISSING brothers and sisters. PLEASEE I REPEAT PLEASE thank a cop for being a hero. Sometimes they look to play hero so bad it gets out of hand, and poor people get martyred. And yes cops should be accountable. But the little bit of good that is left in this word for proper peace keeping.. please! Let our cops do there job so they can identify TRUE CRIMINAL ACTIVITY.

vconcerned - 20.02.2022 20:55

The problem is the community have given the Police way too much power and thus it is no surprise that Police are arrogant and presumptuous; they "almost" always get away with it because there are no effective checks on their behavior. As far as the police are concerned you exist to serve them, not vice versa.

Mark Granahan
Mark Granahan - 24.08.2021 18:35

it's Saturday and Police respond to complaints of trash dumping at this particular office complex. First, it's suspicious when you dump on a w/e with few people around to see you, and second, that an attorney's office generated a whole trunkload of trash. I'll bet a hundred bucks the contents of the trash are from his house and not his office!
