Wireless Bridge Mode - Networking

Wireless Bridge Mode - Networking

PowerCert Animated Videos

2 года назад

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Villareal, Nathaniel V.
Villareal, Nathaniel V. - 18.09.2023 21:53

Goodday, can i bridge a router that's already in a bridge mode?

mtb54703 - 17.09.2023 01:20

What SSID does the router in wireless bridge mode broadcast?

Harley Me
Harley Me - 14.09.2023 12:27

if you have a router like that... KEEP IT..... you can wipe the bios and but ddwrt on it.. the wrt 54g is unlockable to some pretty neat stuff

Jayden Stowe
Jayden Stowe - 14.09.2023 03:22

does it increase wi fi signal?

KT Sonkar
KT Sonkar - 09.09.2023 21:02

How long singnal is it's connected each other in wireless

xBl4CKyFTWx - 31.08.2023 12:50

how do i UNBRIDGE my house network

natebayne - 22.08.2023 16:56

I am curious … I have an asus nighthawk router as well as my modem/router from ATT fiber … Will one bring the other down if I bridge them? Or am I misunderstanding how it will work

Galleon - 15.08.2023 23:58

Watching your videos takes me back to the good ol 90’s

çemişgezek sakini
çemişgezek sakini - 15.08.2023 14:33

great video. You just nail this work man. Respect

Ian Chang
Ian Chang - 06.08.2023 13:09

It looks like becoming a AP in this mode, right?

Navigator00001 - 04.08.2023 20:26

May I ask if it is possible to configure a wireless bridge that the bridged wirelessly router (2nd router - on the right) would be available by using a computer connected via ethernet cable to the host router (1st - on the left) (available by browser and IP address for example like the first one)? And if the answer is 'yes', how make a configuration of both devices to make it possible. Thx for the accurate answer. If not possible - then what are the options to get access to the 2nd (bridged) router when is in the bridged mode?

rdenaway06 - 01.08.2023 19:36

How far can the two routers be from each other while maintaining connection? I have a small building in my backyard some 70 yards away.

Andrew Sparrowhawk
Andrew Sparrowhawk - 01.08.2023 17:40

Great video many thanks

Cyber Fleamarket
Cyber Fleamarket - 29.07.2023 02:26

Very helpful!! Thanks

KEVIN SURIEL - 23.07.2023 18:18

how did the 2nd router get its internet connection in the first place lol.

Oi Shirley
Oi Shirley - 21.07.2023 07:36

I literally forgot how. Skipped your video until I found what I was looking for. East and fast. Thank you.

Mohammed Bessar
Mohammed Bessar - 09.07.2023 21:20

Thanks for the video. I have a question
In case if the Linksys, what do you mean by its own independent wireless network? does that mean that they have their own SSID and new passwords? not like Wifi extender ?

Paul Cottier
Paul Cottier - 01.07.2023 11:23

Hi, I have put my Linksys router in bridge mode and connected it to the main tp link router via ethernet. When I want to connect to the internet can I use the linksys wireless connection or do I have to use the tplink connection wireless connection ? thanks

cy912 - 30.06.2023 21:27

Best video ever on how a wifi bridge works! Non-technical laymen's terms way of explaining so anyone can understand. Thank you thank you THANK YOU!

Glenn Roback
Glenn Roback - 21.06.2023 21:49

Is a bridge the same as a wireless repeater? Bc I just put my router in Repeater mode to give Internet to the lower levels of my house.

Simon Gray
Simon Gray - 20.06.2023 00:26

What is the actual router that the animation is based off of?

Louis Nelsen
Louis Nelsen - 12.06.2023 14:05

Can you please define for me what a short distance between the two buildings are. And what I'm hoping for is I have a friend that has very fast Wi-Fi and he is approximately 400 ft away from me. Would something like this work for that for connecting me to him via two routers preserve a more simpler way to go?

Rene Lopez
Rene Lopez - 12.06.2023 02:19

muchaaaaaaaas gracias friend, he estado buscando esto hace meses y nadie me entendia. explicacion perfecta gracias. Saludos desde Peru

Jenny Gorrin
Jenny Gorrin - 09.06.2023 19:24

some recommendation for a starting as intern in cybersecurity, thank you all!

Ahmed Abdulrahman
Ahmed Abdulrahman - 21.05.2023 15:52

Now am I am confusing about what is the difference between wireless bridge and WiFi extender ?

Olaf Elsberry
Olaf Elsberry - 19.05.2023 05:41

I’ve got to say, because of you I have a deeper appreciation and understanding of computing.

Zain Plays
Zain Plays - 13.05.2023 02:13

keep making more videos !, learning cybersecurity from Udemy and didnt understand few things in lecture on home routers and just today i watch alot of your video topics such as what is subnet , gatway , modem , router , and more to undertsand more stuff and just watched that lecture again and now i understand fully like getting more excited to learn from you about these basic networking things in a simple animated video to understand perfectly. Thanks a lot !

Ulises Pena
Ulises Pena - 23.04.2023 15:53

Am network admin now

Halo 2 Bullseye
Halo 2 Bullseye - 17.04.2023 20:22

You make (potentially) complex topics clear for people. Thank you.

Roald80irs - 12.04.2023 15:12

Thanks a lot for this video! Explained everything crystal clear!

myusrngml - 09.04.2023 17:28

So do you really only need one router / wifi access point to have bridge mode support as the other one just sees and services it as another wifi client?

Mohammad Imitiaz
Mohammad Imitiaz - 31.03.2023 08:30

Wonderful explanation!

Scott Mestel
Scott Mestel - 19.03.2023 10:57

Really good information, that was super clear thanks very much.

And Csm
And Csm - 19.03.2023 03:28


Muthu Raja
Muthu Raja - 07.03.2023 10:06

Good Explanation 👏 with Animated video

lenso010 - 28.02.2023 23:48

does it also transfer IPTV (IGPT) protocol like poweline adaptors ?

KickAssets - 21.02.2023 15:03

What an amazing video!

Sergio García
Sergio García - 16.02.2023 17:23

For a wired connection between routers, should the ethernet cable be config A on one end and config B on the other end? due to the connection is being made between the same type of devices? Should the cable be straight or cross config?

/oof - 07.02.2023 00:19

Your videos are so clean man. I appreciate how you simplify things

dale bock
dale bock - 30.01.2023 03:34

great presentation thank you

SIDΞKICK - 29.01.2023 05:15

Just a question. i have a modem from my ISP. it has 2.4 and 5G wifi signals. but the 5g signal could not reach me on the adjacent room. i wanted to extend the signal to the other room but i don't have an Access Point or a wifi mesh. i do have a second router which is a linksys EA6100. it does say its dual band with 2.4 and 5g signals so i connected the router to my ISP's router in Bridge Mode ( not Wireless Bridge Mode ). the problem is, that the WIFI SPEED on this linksys EA6100 router seems to be capped at 80-90mbps when my ISP speed is 300mbps Fiber. why is that ?

Rich - 24.01.2023 21:01

Very good explanation

Mahu UBAO - 23.01.2023 21:06

Excellent ... well done ...

Layarion - 15.01.2023 15:09

Now i have good reason to bye linksys and to blacklist netgear. i mean jesus christ, it doesn't let you mesh the networks?

The Engineers Instinct
The Engineers Instinct - 11.01.2023 02:14

Nice Explanation.. I want to confirm just one thing that both routers should in wireless coverage range ( distance)?
And if both routers should be in wireless coverage range ( distance) that is very short, so is there any other way to connect for longer distances?

Vinodjain 00001
Vinodjain 00001 - 10.01.2023 01:51

iball-baton-ib-wra300n3gt what custom rom will be ok.....???

ChrisC2 - 07.01.2023 08:14

Very nice explanation

James Brodski
James Brodski - 07.01.2023 00:58

Great video! Thanks for making it.

Carl Dean
Carl Dean - 01.01.2023 22:23

@PowerCertAnimatedVideos I have a question. I have two PX2lte-4GL modems/routers that I want both units to communicate. For one of the units, I connect to it using an ethernet cable or LAN as a network and have it as an "Access Point" for mode, while the second unit is configured to have "Wifi" as a network and "Repeater" as a mode with the same SSID and Password as the first unit. At first, the first unit with LAN is giving me an unknown IP address from another device which I assume is the second unit until the IP address appears. Does that mean my first and second units are communicating with each other now? Thank you.
