Histamine Intolerance Support: What to Use?

Histamine Intolerance Support: What to Use?

Dr. Ben Lynch

2 года назад

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Ginz Sidhu
Ginz Sidhu - 20.09.2023 12:16

Why is histamine block plus is not available

Chris John
Chris John - 17.09.2023 10:39

I have found that sucking liposomal glutathione (200mg daily is enough) promotes early morning sleep (REM sleep). This is very good for clearing the head. It empties the “histamine bucket” at the start of the day. It’s also great for dreaming!

Rockwater Fitness
Rockwater Fitness - 12.09.2023 17:07

Last year I learned all symptoms during past 20 years due to my body's inability to clear "excess" histamine. Here's what I learned but before that I have a couple of questions

1) what is 1 HDU? How many milligrams of histamine can 20,000 HDU degrade? 

So, it appears, at least in me, that low DAO at the end of small intestine + ascending colon is what's causing the problem. That makes sense because DAO's greatest expression is here and in fact increases at farther the distance. Elevated histamine lowers the pH in this area of intestine favouring bad bacteria versus good bacteria. That's why when I went gluten free which in turn lowers intake of sugar fructan, symptoms subsided because I deprived bacteria in that area a food source. Now that I know it's histamine, my goal is to eliminate "excess" histamine and hopefully as the pH rises in this area of my intestine, it will favour "good" bacteria and NOT bacteria that ferment. 

While gluten free helped with IBS, it did not cure the problem, "excess" histamine. In addition to excess histamine lowering pH and altering the motility complex in the small intestine and in turn causing IBS + SIBO, it also triggered many other symptoms outside my gut. Thankfully, I have since learned a lot including that some are selling the enzyme I need. However, as you know, not ALL need the enzyme. I have learned it's possible, at least in me, that diet and avoiding alcohol are sufficient to eliminate "excess" histamine. Avoiding alcohol is the easy part. Diet not so much. Thus, what I am doing is drawing a line in the sand and putting everything on one side "pro-inflammatory or histamine" and "anti-inflammatory or histamine" on the other side. I am having a lot of success with this approach. And once I learned more about the dose dependent relationship I will throw caution to the wind about where I buy my DAO and how much. 


Cynthia Thurman
Cynthia Thurman - 05.09.2023 22:09

If you have histamine intolerance, do you have to take histamine block, or something similar, forever?

OurGreedyCorruptGovt - 04.09.2023 14:18

Thank you! I've had what I always assumed was IBS, but now I'm wondering if it isn't histamine intolerance. I always thought it was odd that I always get a runny nose especially when hiking or biking. Not sure if that is histamine intolerance related or not?

swisskyokushinkaikan - 31.08.2023 23:21

Hi great videos , I think coffee raises up my histamine , dealing with headaches for over a year , can’t figure it out , trying currently your histamine block but doesn’t seem to help much , as for the coffee , can u recommend a certain coffee brand that doesn’t trigger histamine ?

Tori Nance
Tori Nance - 17.08.2023 05:10

I ruined my immunity with mold and then the antibiotics used during the mold struggle before I knew. I haven’t been able to recover after 3 years. I can’t eat anything. I took 3 months straight of herbal and regular antibiotics

Gratitude Ranch
Gratitude Ranch - 17.08.2023 03:54

What do we do now that stratagene isn’t available anymore?

My 23 and me genetic genie is missing a lot of information.

I’ve had trunk itching which I thought was my liver (had constant nausea during pregnancy and obstetric cholestasis- felt similar itch but only on trunk after baby was born). Had a HUGE allergic reaction to mango where I was SO hot (man my ears were on fire!) and had hives down to my knees and felt like severe sunburn plus rolling in nettles. Took benedryl and realized my trunk itch went away! I’ve suffered with that for YEARS! about a decade! Now I know its related to histamines!

Notadonna - 14.08.2023 18:20

No audio anymore here. I double-checked.

Mark R Fitness
Mark R Fitness - 02.08.2023 14:38

Hi there is histamine block now called histamine digest?

Pamela St George
Pamela St George - 27.07.2023 05:28

Could glutathione have a relationship to why sometimes my bowel movements smell like perm solution (hydrogen peroxide)?

Audrey C
Audrey C - 25.07.2023 13:57

I am very sensitive to all I take. I’ve tried luteolin and quercetin but I have skin and GI reactions at best. How do I go about ? Great video thank you !

How To Sand A Floor
How To Sand A Floor - 17.07.2023 11:53

Very expensive though 😵

B Sun
B Sun - 10.07.2023 21:48

I expected that finally ,will get solution for root cause of histamine intolerance,but nothing....more and more supplements to cover the problem.Dr Chris Masterjohn is much closer to solution

AllHim Withme
AllHim Withme - 08.07.2023 00:29

Using L-Glutamine (Nutricost), whole ketogenic clean foods, immune boosting mushroom blends, and FASTING I totally healed myself of the most severe case of histamine intolerance I'm aware of. I was SO intolerant that eating anything at all caused me a severe asthma attack just from the histamine released by my body to produce stomach acid. I self-diagnosed when I thought I had really bad allergies (not knowing it was eating that was the problem) to grass, leaves, mold, etc so I started fasting to reset my gut and then noticed that I was FINE as long as I didn't EAT.

So, I learned about histamine intolerance from doctors like Dr. Lynch (thank you!!!), found the MCAS food lists, and started healing my gut and only eating whole, clean keto foods on the "low histamine" MCAS lists to avoid symptoms while I was healing my gut.

I fasted 23:1 80% of the time, 16:8 20% of the time and threw in a 3-day fast every month.

I went from not being able to swallow anything without a reaction to being able to eat all the high histamine food I want after 5 months with that regimen. Now, I keep taking the L-Glutamine and I continue to fast, but I read Dr. Mindy Pelz's book, "Fast Like a Girl" and go according to my hormonal needs as a woman.

I'm 51, female, 5'2", started at 129 lbs, now working to maintain my weight at 103 lbs (I still tend to lose by IF but Dr. Mindy's book is helping with that). My stem cell and human growth hormone production is through the roof as strongly evidenced by my majorly cut musculature. I haven't been this ripped since I was 30 and lifting weights at the gym regularly (which I'm not now, LOL). I live an active lifestyle, but WOW.

Jp88 - 01.07.2023 22:55

Thank you Dr Lynch very good explanation

vyzuqui - 01.07.2023 11:08

Is there a link between achy muscles and histamine intolerance? I take a magnesium supplement daily (magnesium tauraat, which also contains some P-5-P), but it only helps a bit.

Nacky Eads
Nacky Eads - 23.06.2023 01:39

Do the products in this video help safely with morning sickness?

Nacky Eads
Nacky Eads - 23.06.2023 01:38

Do the products in this video safely help with morning sickness?

effigy - 12.06.2023 09:52

Such a helpful video. Went to order some of the products but sadly noticed porcine kidney extract has been used. Would be great if a non animal derived supplement was available through Seeking Health.

Lrae Wintercorn
Lrae Wintercorn - 03.06.2023 05:37

What can I take if you are allergy to mammal?

Catherine McCormack
Catherine McCormack - 01.06.2023 21:45


tiffany mccoy
tiffany mccoy - 01.06.2023 19:08

Hey Dr. Lynch, my naturopathic doctor started me on the histaminx probiotic and I’ve had horrendous symptoms from it? What could this mean? Should I stop taking, start with smaller amounts? I’m not sneezing nearly as much but horrible bloat and anxiety.

Ryan Teal
Ryan Teal - 24.05.2023 16:50

Hey doc, great stuff sir. Let me ask you, if one has a histamine issue but ALSO has a salicylate sensitivity, would HistamineX still be a good supplement? It's been tricky sorting through whether Rutin and Luteolin and others in that formulation are going to aggravate a salicylate sensitivity. Thanks for your insights!

Celia Inurrigarro
Celia Inurrigarro - 22.05.2023 04:46

Its this for MCAS ??? I

Anne Repsch
Anne Repsch - 16.05.2023 17:27

So helpful thank you. I have discontinued estradiol and progesterone over one month ago. How long will it take to get it out of my system. Also have EBV. Help! Thank you. Anne

Jamie Rathod
Jamie Rathod - 07.05.2023 23:38

Thank you Dr. Lynch, this was very insightful! Much appreciation 🙏

B - 06.05.2023 05:04

Is it all mentioned in your book???flowcharts?i have bad mthfr

Olive - 05.05.2023 20:15

Hey Bad Dad, So I tried the DAO trick with no food in my stomach for 15 hours, not by choice, and my symptoms went away. What do I do now? Kill off the DAO eating bacteria with supplements like Oregano Oil?? Thank you for all your help and effort in this video. Really helps a lot.

RAW VEGAN HOMEBOY - 30.04.2023 08:12

thank you so much doctor for your knowledge. It has really helped me to figure out what is wrong with me.

Odelia Silva
Odelia Silva - 28.04.2023 18:31

So helpful! Thank you

ELIAKIM Joseph Sophia
ELIAKIM Joseph Sophia - 28.04.2023 00:53

Ben there can be an issue with zinc in women, after 24 hours of taking a low dose of zinc, 25IUs I then experienced neurological breast pains within 24 hours of taking it. Has soon as I stopped taking it, the nerve breast pains stopped within 24 hours. A friend also reported that she had pains after she took zinc too. We know that generally men have a zinc deficiency and women have an iron deficiency. I did buy your book, I haven't finished reading it yet, it's a lot for me to get my head around. I would really appreciate it if you could provide an article on your website specifically on chronic skin issues e.g. Psoriasis, Eczema and Dermatitis. Thank you.

RL Myles
RL Myles - 27.04.2023 04:48

I appreciate you speaking to us tonight I understand a lot now concerning myself thank you.

Tina Kendall
Tina Kendall - 18.04.2023 03:26

I tried your ProBiota Histaminx and it gave me a histamine reaction…my hands and fingers turned bright red within a very short period after taking one capsule. Is this normal?

a s
a s - 10.04.2023 22:47

How do I find out if I have Histamine Intolerance?

Fred Cory
Fred Cory - 17.03.2023 04:33

Histamine intolerance can really throw a wrench into the development of musicians who aspire to mastery on wind instruments. Same goes of course for singers.

Van Whalen
Van Whalen - 11.02.2023 19:35

Can you take this with Allegra or other anti histamines

Isaiah Ortiz
Isaiah Ortiz - 29.01.2023 03:17

Where can we get our genes analyzed like this chart shows? I would like to know what I should do/can do with my genes. I am receiving 23andme report soon and I did selfdecode also going take some time for that one to come in. I am already taking your histamine block plus. I have what I think is a fat disorder possibly Dercums disease but I am very thin male. I am taking dim+d aspartic acid+calcium d glucarate to try to stop the inflammation and lipoma tumors but i feel very lost.

Charla Borowski
Charla Borowski - 30.12.2022 01:27

If I’ve been having tachy and palpitations and chest pain, post infection, could this be MCAS , and would an anti histamine be good for me

💕Presouz💕 - 16.12.2022 19:51

Hi Dr Ben, you are my go to for MTHFR, now I figured out I have histamine issues. I have HORRIBLE ITCHY EARS!!!! BEYOND ugh.. is that histamine issues? I have been taking your supplements. HOW LONG does it take? I am avoiding high His foods too.. thank you for all you do..

Jodi Tucker
Jodi Tucker - 03.12.2022 09:00

HRH1 is it related to vertigo then? Could histamine block plus help it? Also, my teen son takes generic claritin at night, He has had constant allergy symtpoms for 3 years switch medicines it doesn't work, zysol, doesn't stop it. has comt val/val/ and one copy of c677t. can this histamine block plus hlp him? allergy scratch test taken showed reaction to everything they tested for, even tough tey gave im a steroid a week prior to allergy test, so his asthma woldn't act up. He is also high eosinophils and iron deficient and vit d deficenit, autism and adhd. He cannot wake up in morning wthout feeling sick and aching and he can't make himself go to sleep on time at night. Please, help me, help him! he was also diganosed with POTS and it all started at puberty around 2019 fall. finally can go to 1/2 day of in person school after being on homrbound online for three years. e is also beind a bit in classes because he cannot concentrate, and keeps getting ear infections, which then cause him to have worse adhd symptoms and even after he gets sick he gets more hyper. Could the antihistimne medicine he is taking, be keeping him awake, instead of making him sleepy? Trying to figure out what to order. Thanks you

Marleine Melvin
Marleine Melvin - 14.10.2022 21:33

Happy Birthday wishes to you!

Daniela Anghel
Daniela Anghel - 13.10.2022 02:31

Weird headaches, bowel movements, my legs shaking, thru all body feels like something is crawling in my veins,insomnia ( no sleep all night when I get those symptoms ),blood pressure is up and down the diastolic is high more like 9.8;exhausted. I’ve seen alergologist immunologist, cardiologist , did all test for allergies; came out I have out immune disease;all my childhood I had sever urticaria; no treatment so far 😢

Jenay Brown
Jenay Brown - 05.10.2022 19:58

mage in my brain which I believe is due to gluten consumption causing Gluten Ataxia. Now I’m gluten free again for about a month now and I’m not having horrible symptoms like balance issues, lack of coordination and I can use my hands normally. I’m dealing with histamine issues. My skin turns red and I get annoyingly itchy all over my body. So I want to tackle this problem and I’m so happy for all the information from this Doc and Seeking Health. People need this information, it’s so important because there are so many people out there suffering and conventional doctors have no clue when it comes to illness like this. They dismiss what they don’t understand. Over the years I’ve developed Medical PTSD due to the ignorance and huge EGOS of conventional medical doctors. When I’m on gluten I suffer from depression and intense anxiety (the world becomes a very dark, scary place) and when I’m gluten free I don’t have depression or anxiety. Finding out about how gluten affects me is the most eye opening thing to have ever happened to me. I’m so thankful for this year and I’m so looking forward to healing.

Jenay Brown
Jenay Brown - 05.10.2022 19:08

Seeking Health, thank you for this info and thank you for having representation on your website of People of Color

County Living in Style
County Living in Style - 27.09.2022 00:36

I wonder if this is a pathway to dementia 😮

Laura Smith
Laura Smith - 24.09.2022 18:28

Dr. Lynch, I struggle with low stomach acid, I have Gerd and acid reflux. I am drinking apple cider vinegar every day to help boost the stomach acid, but concerned about the histamine. Any suggestions?

I am a pink butterfly 🦋
I am a pink butterfly 🦋 - 09.09.2022 05:14

I take it on empty stomach and the food take to long to be delivered like 15 minutes and I stared feeling really jittery not good, so I never take itmore than 5 minutes before food.

FrostyBud777 - 02.09.2022 06:07

I have Citrobacter Fruendi and Farmeri Overgrowth. Great plains labs picked it up for me. Saved my life. Was dying, so sick, ER and Gi doc did NOTHING. Was soooo sick, It was ONLY susceptible to grape fruit seed extract, colloidal silver, and uva ursi.... Doing MUCH better with taking these three! Copper was low, ceruloplasmin was low , trying to get b vitamins, kill infection, get copper, zinc, calcium, etc. God bless you Dr Lynch Was having ringing in ears, but crazy enough, dry eyes, and dry sinuses, so not sure if it was histamine, or just total body out of wack due to overgrowth.

Trendy Girl Nails
Trendy Girl Nails - 16.07.2022 18:49

I cannot tolerate l glutamine. Is that the same as glutathione? I can only eat meat without a major reaction since having Covid. It’s scary!
