How To Wear Ankle Boots With Skinny Jeans

How To Wear Ankle Boots With Skinny Jeans

Busbee Style

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@annlatham - 13.12.2019 20:17

They have tape for the jeans you can use to keep it rolled under

@christyfones6008 - 14.12.2019 05:36

Can you wear leggings with ankle boots? I just dont know🤔

@ErinCRN - 14.12.2019 06:20

Erin!!!! I bought an amazing pair of jeans today at Cherry Creek Mall at the Levi’s store. They are the Made and Crafted 721 Selvedge High Rise Skinny in Dark Wash. you would absolutely love these. A more formal jean. Can’t wait to wear these out on Christmas 🎄 up in Vail out to dinner with this gorgeous gold velvet Madewell top and boots.

@jayanthir8975 - 14.12.2019 21:57

So addicted to your videos! Super healthful

@cathynoll2256 - 16.12.2019 17:12

Your videos are very helpful.
Question: What are the rules for wearing belts? I notice you aren't wearing one in this video. Thank you!

@erikarodriguez9328 - 17.12.2019 03:45

What brand are your boots?

@gix2lee - 17.12.2019 08:45

Is this applicable to combat boots?

@cathyshannon2130 - 27.12.2019 01:48

You look so stylish in this video, Erin! I love your straight, sleek hair and red lip, and what a great silver blazer! I'm just catching up with videos after vacation, and hope you and your family had happy holidays!

@saritestreicher6616 - 13.01.2020 06:46

Monoblock color is the way to go..

@kimsandoval4173 - 18.01.2020 19:05

Thank you

@mindbodysoul8214 - 10.02.2020 21:26

Wow, I'm so inspired. Now I need to find a couple types of booties I need for these looks! Thank you!!!💕

@beenay18 - 23.02.2020 06:09

Do it for mens too

@wendyraye - 30.03.2020 05:03

I love the cuff sticking out of the bootie. I did the JCrew cuff without knowing about it - I wore men’s Levi’s (I loved straight line from my hips, hated curvy jeans) so I needed a quick way to make them into skinny jeans.

@vanessapersaud2485 - 28.06.2020 04:44

Loved this video . Thank you 😘

@rosemarydavis8729 - 10.08.2020 07:33

Thank you for all the suggestions—-I always wondered how to wear jeans with booties. Love the sailor cuff❤️

@annieb.829 - 28.08.2020 20:03

Thanks as always for the great are such a great fashion resource!!

@mantisarkar6535 - 11.09.2020 18:53

It's really helpful for me🥰🥰.
Love from India🥰

@lizabethlu8824 - 13.10.2020 04:30

I think the only way ankle boots look good with skinny jeans is tucked in Otherwise it looks out of proportion and is not flattering to anyone, makes your legs look short and feet look huge and clunky.

@pauletterichards4755 - 19.10.2020 20:19

Enjoyed this video

@danebug - 27.10.2020 01:31

Thanks for the video, Erin! I know I'm late to the party, but I'm trying to use your link for the booties and it appears it may be expired? It takes me to the ECCO site, but no product information comes up. Would you be able to let me know the style name, or provide another working link? Thanks so much!

@suzannebishop1237 - 30.10.2020 23:09

I'm so glad pegging (aka J Crew cuff) is back! I haven't done this since the late 80s :)

@zsazsak879 - 07.11.2020 01:04

What about Blundstone?

@stephanieobrien6702 - 09.11.2020 23:59

Hi! Any chance you could tell me the name/color of the booties in this video- the link is no longer active and I really like them. Thanks!!

@megalicious7757 - 11.11.2020 10:37

Oooooh those ECCO boots are fire! I giggled everytime you said 'booty/booties'. :)

@tatianazapata4559 - 25.11.2020 10:24

HI, congrats... great video.
I just got a beautiful suede ankle boots that scratches the outside of my legs although I wearing high tights pantyhose. I don't know what to do? I really like these boots.
Please, can you help me with an advice for this problem my skin is red and hurting in that area. Should I return them or keep it?
I'll appreciate any help.
Many thanks.

@odettewilliams3135 - 01.12.2020 10:23

Hi love the problem I'm 5'2" even short length trousers are long i just crunch mine up at the bottom is that ok ?

@GradKat - 21.12.2020 00:34

Great tips - thank you!

@yvonnepoblocki2168 - 30.12.2020 15:27

Thanks for the helpful Tips 🙂👍

@carenfort9798 - 02.01.2021 02:41

Thanks for your video! I was about to return 2 pairs of boots because I couldnt get my Jean's to look right with them but I found a method that looks great from your suggestions. Thanks so much!

@karenfrierson9550 - 03.01.2021 18:53


@laurafernandezcastano6493 - 13.01.2021 15:39

Thank you Erin! Every time I search for a certain topic I can find a video where you cover that topic. Love it!

@hollis1440 - 28.01.2021 17:02

I really like the 2 that leave no light color of the jeans showing. When you’re petite having that break shortens your leg.
“The J Crew” was a fad when I was young, lol 😂

@federicamanfroi - 26.05.2021 11:40

I am a not-so-tall person 😁, so the only way i really enjoy wearing the hem of my skinny jeans is the second one, with a kind of blending of the hem line with the upper part of the boot (and i use black jeans over black shoes). It creates an unbroken line which i prefer.

@nazy801 - 05.06.2021 13:24

What do you with a boot that has so much space when you fit in your leg?

@allisonbonnet3554 - 05.10.2021 05:57

The only reason why I gave this thumbs down is because I couldn't see any of the ideas behind the subtitles

@kathleenphipps2532 - 11.11.2021 01:35

What's the consensus on wearing socks that show? I get cold here from Nov thru to March 😂

@mariaschiavo644 - 30.11.2021 16:42

How do you wear duck boots with jeans?

@werlecar - 07.12.2021 08:21

I tried some boots at the store and it made my legs look too short with the boots. I’m 5’1”

@janet-o6c - 28.01.2022 23:45

I’m tall so most pants are too short.
I don’t have enough material to make a cuff with. It feels crazy to have skin showing without a cuff. The only solution I can come up with is to wear socks folded down to cover the skin. Help! lol

@suegiesige8320 - 18.02.2022 16:48

You are the knowledgeable older sister I never had, even though I am decades older than you! Thanks!

@g.o.6292 - 18.02.2022 19:12

Love these ideas! Thank you!!!

@dianebauby7136 - 24.04.2022 23:42

Great Video! I selected your link Style Made Simple and it's not available thru Amazon do you have a link I would love to have it. Thanks, Diane Bauby

@jilliansmith8080 - 04.10.2022 20:30

Need this for short thick calfs

@suzanross8150 - 21.11.2022 08:25

Those brown boots are great, what brand are they ?

@tvnongol547 - 27.06.2023 10:49

How much this boots

@anyajohnson338 - 01.08.2023 07:36

Very helpful, Thank you!

@LSinclair - 06.06.2024 00:03

VERY helpful!! Thank you so very much 😊

@kamidmisra4107 - 14.09.2024 16:34

obsessed wirh your video and your new look. Love these older ones too

@loriwestrum5120 - 20.09.2024 18:04

How do I wear jeans with my western booties that are slightly cut lower on the outside that dips below my ankle bone but the inseam side of the bootie is at normal bootie height.

@meshisha77 - 17.10.2024 22:03

Very demure??? 😂😂😊😊
