How Google Maps fixed India's street name problem

How Google Maps fixed India's street name problem

Phoebe Yu

55 лет назад

1,825,884 Просмотров

When Google first expanded Maps to India in 2008, there was a problem. Many streets did not have names. This was before phones had accurate GPS, so unless you had a compass telling you how far you've travelled, directions on Google Maps were pretty much useless.

UX researchers and designers knew that people used landmarks around the world - but how did India do it? India was huge untapped market for Maps, so Google better fix the problem - quick. Here’s how they did it with scrappy, but effective user research.


You're busy, I gotchu
0:00 - A big problem
1:08 - Meanwhile, at the Google office
1:38 - Figuring out a plan: landmarks
2:05 - Quest begins
2:36 - 4 key findings
3:05 - The solution
3:58 - An important lesson


#Google_Maps #India #UX_Design #Web_design #GPS #Landmarks #User_research #usability_studies #No_street_name #Indian_streets #Google_map #localization #Maps #navigation #product_design #user_experience #Google #Product_Localization #User-Centered_Design #Google_Maps_History #Pune #User_Research_Methods #UX_research #technology #Innovation
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