8 Signs Your Best Friend Is Becoming Toxic

8 Signs Your Best Friend Is Becoming Toxic


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@Psych2go - 15.09.2020 14:08

Is your best friend becoming toxic? Comment below.

@lilja5june - 31.01.2024 03:28

In middle school I was in a toxic friendship and it hurts me so much because I didn’t even realize it! She was my bff and the first person to show me any kindness when I moved from NY to NJ. In the end, she started being super mean to me and treating me like I was trash but then sometimes when she felt like it, she would be the sweetest person ever and comfort me. One day she was feeling down and out about something and I asked if she was good and that’s when she snapped at me and said some really hurtful things. I realize then and there how toxic she was and my feelings were so hurt that I just went to the bathroom and cried my heart out. Ever since then, I avoided her as much as possible and tried not to talk with her because I tried with all of my heart to be a good friend and be kind and she just hated me the whole time. Now in High School, she has her own friends and moved on quickly I guess. Me? I am alone and we walk right past each other like we never were friends…

@foxlover477 - 21.01.2024 01:08

My best friend has started to become more and more toxic I can't tell If I'm being a crybaby about what she's been doing or if she's being toxic. I told her my crush and she promised not to tell but she broke my trust ever since she told the ENTIRE CLASS OUT LOUD that I liked him including my crush! and that wasn't the only time she's done that. she also says mean comments to me like once I made a drawing, I worked really hard on It and she said, "OMG so not cute!" and it made me sad. and almost ever recess she plays with the popular girls and leaves me and my friend. And finally, when I try to talk to her about this, she says things like "It was a joke!" or "Your being dramatic." so tell me am I being dramatic or is she being toxic?

@Momoslayyy - 20.01.2024 03:49

I’m scared to leave my toxic friend group because I have no one else to hang out with

@user-ry5vj3xt6q - 19.01.2024 14:16

I have one friend before but she chaged at the new year

@AndrewGamer-1668 - 17.01.2024 06:02

my friend just started being mean to me and he hurts my feelings by doing toxic stuff in games and in real life

@user-ok8mr6qz7h - 16.01.2024 17:24

Sometimes it’s not obvious until you’re introspective starts seeing friends behavior you’re not aligned with and you make accuses to yourself for their lack of honesty and integrity

@flowerbloom5782 - 04.01.2024 10:50

I realize my bff really has a habit of picking at my insecurities either that’s my past mistakes, my insecurities, and jokes about them in a sarcastic way. I talk to him about it but I worry that even with his apologies. He won’t change. He is too stuck in his ways. I’m trying to be more direct because I care about them but that shouldn’t be over my own. I am honestly done. I am done getting hurt by someone I care for.

@thecoconutgamer1 - 04.01.2024 05:35

i don't know how to say but i want to let a fake friend go but i like her

@clara_hasa_normaluser - 02.01.2024 23:41

yep, my friend is 100% toxic, I know it now, she got into a ballet school, and now she thinks she’s better than me even though (sorry) she’s not even that good.. she always is trying to one up me and more.

@generoberts7648 - 30.12.2023 12:11

" It's a very sad position to find yourself in. We are people and tend to forget that particular aspect of living. I appreciate that Psych2Go respond's and remember's the point's of 'Life'. Thank You All."

@gwenculver1040 - 19.12.2023 23:39

Not my best friend exactly but I’m having problems with a friend of mine who I know is toxic and manipulative and I feel as though that person is using an unfortunate situation to their advantage to get closer with my best friend. Which isn’t inherently bad, but I also feel like their bonding is putting a wedge between me and my best friend. Overall I’m feeling trapped by that friend and a little desperate and aggravated because of the way my best friend is responding to the situation. It seems she’s getting closer with my toxic friend and further from me. I’m hoping everything works itself out because I know I’ll be devastated if I have to end my friendship but I’ll also lose myself if this goes on for much longer

@millpondsebastianchanel - 19.12.2023 05:25

When I tell my friend about my life he always says “Did I Ask” Bruh

@fmfarhad3249 - 12.12.2023 21:00

It happened today😢 i don't know why we can friends together sins to years she told others about my crush 😢

@HREAnimationz - 06.12.2023 04:27

Wow, my friend is definitely toxic.

@soph.studios21 - 03.12.2023 12:25

My ex friend did intentionally hurt me and betrayed into thinking she didn’t trust me enough that I am a good person in my own actions and words. It was a mild toxic to be in her shoes to deal with for me.

@okkkletsgo - 25.11.2023 05:13

how can i end the friendship with no bad vibes? i want us to stop being close but talk from time to time but idk how to do that

@ANIKO.__.XINNA.CUPCAKES - 21.11.2023 20:03

i don't know if my 3 bestfriends are toxic or not my one best friend she usually is mean and makes me cry alot, there isnt a single day without us fighting my other best friend is rlly sensitive i dont mean to hurt her but i always get blamed i try my best to change but i have anger issues and its hard to control. my 3rd bestfriend is really nice and she tries to control our fights and is always there for us. Everytime we get in a fight i cry so much making my family worried for me.. Please help.

@jonathannaughton8554 - 13.11.2023 05:53

Sadly yes ive known them for 3-4 years but they always say my drawings are bad and my OC's are ugly and i need a break...

@klaracujickuzmanovic4689 - 08.11.2023 23:08

I think i need to end my friendship

@abigailalicata3074 - 07.11.2023 20:06

My best friend was being rude to me today. And this is all the stuff She does to me.

@NiniAnimations-kv3pv - 03.11.2023 05:12

I watched this and ALL of these signs are my "bestie", she has the same name as me and copies me in ABSALUTLEY EVERYTHING! she uses me to be cool, she is the mean one, and everyone is one her side and thinks I'm the bad one. 😭😭😭💔💔💔

@StarArceusKari666 - 03.11.2023 04:19

My friend is i think being toxic to me without doing any of these… i feel bad for myself😢

@michaelclark4043 - 02.11.2023 07:38

Everyone you lose is NOT a loss.

@sonyachirrey2727 - 31.10.2023 19:21

I got rid of a toxic friendship too

@galaxykitten651 - 25.10.2023 06:31

Me and my friend have been friends for 13 years, but over the last few months it’s just been exhausting to be with them. They’re super rude to me all the time and then they’re suddenly in a good mood and wonder why I don’t really want to hang out. They don’t give me time for myself (I’ve been struggling with mental health) and don’t respect it when I just need space.

@SpunkySophie - 21.10.2023 16:08

My friend is hurting me on the inside and she called my friend fat which is her insecuritie

@Queenbee-vv2yg - 12.10.2023 01:44

3 of them.😁😅🫠 the most hurtful ones

@doodlethenoob4697 - 10.10.2023 16:11

i need so much help to know if my friend is toxic or not, because honestly its so confusing. my sister told me my best friend is toxic but im really not sure. my friend here is honestly not a very good person. she likes to gossip about so many different people, tries to mock autistic people, VERY arrogant (she thinks shes the best, like shes the most smartest and prettiest and like everybody will like her), disrespectful to my other friends, very nosy and sometimes doesnt care about my privacy, and also likes to scam people in games like roblox adopt me. but also, she listens to my problems sometimes (but doesnt really say much), protects me whenever someone is bothering me (but then ends up wanting to start a fight with them when they're minding their business) and thats all i know thats good about her being my friend. sometimes shes very fun to be around with, but other times, its so draining to be around her as she can make me feel either so left out then sometimes on the spotlight. its kinda draining since this friendship has been putting my mental health kinda down. but idk, i need help to know if i should stop being friends with her. theres limited people in my life that i can ask for advice, so i decided to write this to everyone in public. im not sure if people will read all this tho.. i just wanna say a lot man. if someone needs some more signs you can ask me ig. ok pls reply to my comment 🙏

@HONEST123. - 09.10.2023 09:39

Here's what i have to share about my BFF 😢 we are a trio😢
1. They intentionally hurt me
2. They make me feel insecure
3. I don't like being around them

These 3 are the most relatable for me in this video
So are my friends toxic?😢
Even if they are I have no choice but still be friends with them
Bcz They are the only one I have 😢😢

Please reply are they toxic😢

@puahsandy1213 - 29.09.2023 06:18

My bestie (from roblox):
1. No
(Meaning: we give and receive equally but usually when we get bored we get each other because we usually do this and play things to not be bored)
2. We usually compete in things but also care about the success.
(Meaning: we usually compete in things since there's nothing better to do but if the other is successful then the other support.)
3. Sometimes.
(Meaning: I'm most likely the other friend, sometimes I accidentally break the trust because I have short memory. But we don't betray each other, since we are fron two different countries away from each other.)
4. No
(Meaning: we hurt each other because we fight a lot, but to be honest it's because of stupid things. We eventually forget it and forgive each other, and sometimes we hurt each other because it's bestie language.)
5. No
(Meaning: she changed me for the best, shes like my first ever bestie that had been gone for years. Unlike my second bestie who changed me and left.)
6. No.
(Meaning: we don't make each other feel insecure because we always support each other no matter what.)
7. We can't
(Meaning: we are from different countries, I'm from malaysia and she's from Philippines. We meet in Roblox, We literally can't do that.)
8. We are always comfortable with each other.
(Meaning: we've been with each other for a while now and always excited when meeting each other.)
Is my bestie toxic?
Answer: I don't know. (Again I'm getting mixed emotions.)

@khushbooprasad6519 - 28.09.2023 21:53

Thank you

@Fennwer - 28.09.2023 00:35

I am worried because this describes my bff since I feel she was trying to compete with me as she also said today “Why are you always so fvcking late?” And every day we rate how tired we look (1 =the best 10=the worst ) and she said “I look like a 5 “ so when I rated her I did something close to her rating like 4.2 and she said “why did you rate me so high “ also she also told me I should trim my eyebrows and she also always denies things when I confront her about it and she also always competes with me like always trying to be right , I felt really upset since this video described her but I don’t want to let go of our 13 year friendship .. what should I do!

@mickehog76 - 27.09.2023 12:15

I have just ended a toxic friendship. She tooked away my pieceful life. It both feel good and not good to end the friendship. Good because I can start to sleep good again and do what I like with joy. But not good because I don't want to hurt her feelings.

It might sounds narcissistic, but this time I need to think about myself.

A friend should be someone who makes your life better. And you make your friend's life better too.

I know I did the right choice. I hope she will be okay one day and can get a new friend, who is a lot more compatible with her than I was.

@theyluvvkatiee - 26.09.2023 05:57

I kinda hate doing storytimes but I feel like this is an example of what could be one of the most toxic friend groups ever.

So I had this friend group right? It all formed before the beginning of 6th grade with J and T. It then expanded and we added E. The friend group was toxic in the first place as J and T would often talk about me behind my back, J would talk about T behind her back, T would talk about J behind her back, and lets just say it was an every day thing. Well the entire thing broke out whenever J was dating M but cheated on M with J (another J so im gonna call him JU). Mind you, JU was in 3rd grade when we were in 6th. Well E and I made a plan to tell M that J was cheating on him, it just felt like the right thing to do. That plan later got introduced to T, which then told J because J was around M all the time. That never ended up happening and that very day an entire fight let loose. I mean, thats when A got involved. Yk I tried escaping from E multiple times because she was so toxic. She’d talk about me behind my back and never considered how I felt, it was sad. Well that day everybody was exposing each other, T ended up unfriending everybody, but the rest made up a plan to not fight like this again, ofc none of them listened and they ditched A and I. I unfriended J and E because I needed to. (Btw M did end up finding out J cheated on him with JU.) Then all of a sudden E texts me and tries exposing me for things I didn’t even do. Saying that I need to grow up for no actual reason? I tried to let the past lie but of course E never really lets anything go. A and I are still best friends but everybody else hates each other. E still talks bad about me behind my back though.

@Blender696 - 23.09.2023 00:02

I’ve only been friends with them for not even a month and it’s already like this.

@mikemaswepa2221 - 22.09.2023 06:28

Thanks so much I ready found my bff

@percubit10 - 20.09.2023 18:49

That was my father. I had friends who betrayed me I had a lot of trust on people and friends. I feel like an empty shell.,

@irmarakviashvili3710 - 10.09.2023 10:53

Psych2Go, this video was really interesting! But, I have several questions. Are fake friends and toxic friends the same ? How to spot a fake friend, if she's or he'ztrying to hide it from me, so that I can't spot it easily? Thank you for interesting videos, I really enjoy and learn about friends, mental health!😍💖👍✌️

@ItzTocaLeah - 10.09.2023 10:35

Sadly, I had a friend we’ll call “Kate” me and Kate didn’t have any friends at the time so we decided to talk. We became really close over time. And then we came over to each other houses, texted and even told each other’s secrets. But then, I met another girl we’ll call “amber”. Amber wasn’t popular and we thought she was harmless. So then we become a 3. It was going really well until Kate thought that me and amber liked each other more then kate. Then Kate went behind my back and told amber all of my embarrassing secrets and all the things I’ve done in the past that make me feel guilty. When I found out, I swear I hated school and never wanted to go back. Then I heard that Kate was making up untrue rumours about me! It made me so sad that I wanted everything to go back to the way it was.

Then I saw a therapist and she told be to let her go. It was so sad because I had a fear of making her angry and keep making rumours about me. But then amber was supposed to be the nice one, right? We’ll she was even more toxic than Kate. She was like her but 10x worse. After that I just started hanging out with other people. It’s going well so far. But Kate and amber are still giving me the “look”

@SammyTheCat-hn3si - 05.09.2023 15:01

After seeing this I know I’m Toxic

@SOSShesInDisguise01 - 30.08.2023 09:03

I actually have a friend who used to this most of this stuff to me and we kept splitting apart throughout our friendship. Unfortunately, I kept getting back together with her because I expected her to change. She never did. Anyways, I’ve split up with her completely now because she decided to slap me across the face and now I’m done with her haha

@pakipakelchloe7197 - 27.08.2023 10:55


@Justp0wer - 25.08.2023 23:26

I have a friend. he always makes me feel insecure. I am not really comfortable around him. I talked to him before about it he said he didn't mean any of it, but it still hurts me. Sometimes he says stuff that really hurt me and we just keep going. Most of the time it's something trivial but it really makes me question my worth. I don't want to lose him because I don't want to hurt him. I don't want to be the one who left first.

@mangle-py4cj - 23.08.2023 08:02

The fact I wanna end my friendship so bad, yet most the time I’m a piece of glass to them. So the can’t see me and avoid/ignore me the whole time.

@Yourpallysally - 21.08.2023 03:04

My ex best friend was a terrible person they used me,lied to me, acted like i was their therapist,and worse when i ended our friendship they made all our other friends leave me and send me death threats all i wanted was to be happy

@slugstaster - 19.08.2023 16:49

This helped me a lot to rethink this friendship, this friend of mine literally yelled at me and gave me the silent treatment afterwards because I was having a depressive episode and not "listening to what he's saying", he says I give in to social pressures and I have negative energy. Like bro OBVIOUS I'm going to be negative, I have depression damn
