Is Organic Really Better? Healthy Food or Trendy Scam?

Is Organic Really Better? Healthy Food or Trendy Scam?

Kurzgesagt – In a Nutshell

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@BeautylibrAry28 - 07.12.2023 01:27

love your videos, but this one kinda seemed like u were trying to make the point, everybody wanted to hear. When we talk about the toxicity of pesticides, we can‘t leave out how the methods of conventional farming is destroying the soil. It’s the amount and the toxicity when used often and directly on the plants and the ground beneath it. You also left out the aspect of the mindlessness those producers use their „not so toxic after all“ pesticides. Google banana production and how workers die because of the pesticides that are randomly applied from planes while they are still working down there! The conclusion of such a video shouldn’t be „none of the options is better than the other, both have pros and cons“ or in other words: „buy the cheaper stuff, it’s ok.“ It should be: We clearly and finally need strict global standards for organic produce. Standars that have sustainability in mind. And yes, of course local and seasonal is the gold standard but that’s only in addition to true organic/ close to natural production methods.

@wilecatrexy - 06.12.2023 05:27

Yes to organic. Organics are encouraging natural life processes.

@user-dc4ok8im3u - 04.12.2023 03:32

Ambivalent pandering video like this is why literally millions of people died in Sri Lanka because pretentious liberal higher ups got infected by garbage ideas like organic food and declared their country should go 100% organic. Just google the aftermath.
Literally millions starved to death because of organic food lunacy.

@outsideaglass - 04.12.2023 02:30

Regenerative farming is the most important imo. Organic doesn't matter because it's falling for that classic blunder - dealing with only one symptom (pesticide use) instead of the actual problem: unhealthy ecosystems. The problems with farming are similar to the problems with climate change - one solution isn't nearly enough to actually solve the problem. You can't just look at one aspect of farming (pesticides) and think if you only used the best pesticides for the environment you'll be fine. Sustainable farming was a step in the right direction, but sustaining unhealthy ecosystems isn't enough. We need to use our knowledge of science to make regenerative systems. Instead of pesticides, for example, you introduce systems for ducks to thrive, and they'll eat the snails instead of you spraying poison to kill the snails, and so on. I highly recommend reading Omnivore's Dilemma, still accurate and amazing.

@Amit-bf1db - 03.12.2023 10:00

Am the only one bothered by calling the other farming method as “conventional” ? I guess the organic way described here sounded more like the conventional way of farming. The other should be called something like modern or synthesized farming. Not going to pick a side , but seems like the creators want to label “organic” as something special and “conventional” as something we should just accept because that’s how everyone does it now. When actually to me it feels the opposite - organic is something how it should be done , and the modern way is special way for making profits.

@rouleslite5312 - 01.12.2023 06:19

You forgot the best part. The price.

@missplovestoteach6294 - 25.11.2023 09:58

Currently the only type of vegetable I eat carrots I do you like lots of fruits but carrot how do you only exception for me only eating healthy stuff when it’s fruit but even then I don’t eat it that much

@wanghaowang5790 - 20.11.2023 11:48

Seasonal local food is key !

@Goldengamer7511 - 18.11.2023 05:05

Yes, organic is healthier but, it rots faster.

@gabrieltpc9078 - 17.11.2023 06:47

How to live and not die to young (am having diarrhea right now): eat healthy food

@salivator.x - 16.11.2023 20:56

i love these videos also the avocados grass sword is the same one from adventure time i really hope thats a refrence 😭

@walker9729 - 11.11.2023 13:50

Sorry but, No.... New to this channel, I went to a video on a subject I have studied already to see how well it was covered. Sadly this is terribly reductive- to the point of being misinformation. A little too much cherrypicking and presenting it like a 2 sides of an argument both with pros and cons is absurd. Organic farming is much better- for your body and your environment. But not all organic farming is the same.

Organic farming applies to a spectrum of methods- some not so great and others vastly superior to chemical farming. Just because some organic farms use organic pesticides and lots space to produce a small amount of food- that doesn't apply to all organic farming methods. A better organic farm uses pest controls that aren't poisons, like multi specie planting and inviting beneficial organisms to fight off the pests. Using fungi and beneficial soil microbes instead of chemical fertilizers is another huge factor. Organic foods grown this way are much healthier and more nutritious(and taste better too- grapes grown in California in volcanic soils high in minerals have more flavor, like the tomatoes grown in Italy's volcanic soils). The USDA has tested foods for their levels of things like vitamin C, iron calcium etc. A non-organic strawberry you eat today can have around 10% of the iron as one 75 years ago. Using chemical fertilizers (which also create a lot of pollution just to make and transport and again after it leaches out of the soil into rivers and oceans) kills the microorganisms in the soil which supply our plants food, like nitrogen, potassium and iron... Those microbes are also very beneficial for wildlife/ our ecosystem and wont cause dead zones in our oceans the size of Texas like chemical farming does. Organic is not just about wether your eating pesticides, it also means your getting more nutritious/ nutrient rich foods, have a smaller carbon footprint and is much less damaging to our planet. Multi-crop farming has been proven it can produce 3x the amount of food per square foot than monocultures. So to infer that all organic farms take up more space is absurd. Some organic farms are just massive monocultures, using space inefficiently and they do use organic pesticides- and really it is just a bs way to sell their product for more money. We need a better rating system than organic or non-organic and stop acting like is a binary argument like this video portrayed it to be. Some organic farms are fantastic and hands down better for our world and our bodies, and some aren't. How we farm and how we talk about it is incredibly important, as farming methods drastically affect our lives and our planet.

@_Thorondor - 08.11.2023 00:55

Well, this aged poorly. Now I keep seeing research articles about microplastics and pesticide levels that exceed norms, except on organic foods. At least this is the case in the Netherlands.

@JourG215 - 07.11.2023 22:27

I've been telling people this each time they recommend organic anything. I'm glad there's a video I can send them now.

@noroom4commies086 - 07.11.2023 04:51

Well i can agree with this, i still think the seed oils in everything is effing everyone up. And the insane amount of sugar.

@user-nr3id5nj6y - 06.11.2023 11:13

i think conventuonal is not bad.
food is include bad substance is natural things.
it is correct that we eat somehing is important than produced.
i love this movie
i encourage this channel from japan

@sucktater6242 - 04.11.2023 18:16

Grass fed organic

@tortoiseyeeter7232 - 03.11.2023 09:39

A lot of adventure time references

@22jawky - 02.11.2023 19:25

Our gut microbiom is the best fact checker, try fermenting a slice of whatever product in comparison to a non organic

@natersxd - 23.10.2023 15:00

I think that the main issue with conventional farming vs organic farming is the degenerative effect the wide-spread pesticide use & lack of soil health that is prominent within conventional farming. Conventional farming is "bad" because it over-emphasizes huge crop yields rather than maintaining soil health, this is the reason farmers need to pump so much fertilizer and pesticides into their farmland. We rip all of the nutrients out of the soil and never give it a chance to regenerate; ways to alleviate this would be by properly utilizing crop covers, more strategic crop rotations, and minimizing monocultures.

It's also important to note that not having enough food is hardly the reason there is a global hunger crisis. Worldwide nearly 1/3 of all food is wasted due to consumerism, ineffective packaging, and cosumer waste; thats nearly 1.3 billion tons. I think the problem should be less about making more food and more about making the food process more effecient to where it benefits more people.

Also, degraded soil health leads to more runoff, and in turn, more runoff of particulates and pesticides into our waterways; which is a whole host of different problems.

@ayam8850 - 21.10.2023 21:12

As someone who've never eaten vegetables, this video is indeed good.

@notsostrongaman - 20.10.2023 05:06

Watching it while growing my own veggies feels kinda good cuz i can control what goes in them

@michaelgerow3161 - 01.10.2023 10:41

My uncle told me the difference between a organic and non organic apple was tens or hundreds of thousands of dollars depending on the size of your orchard/crop.

@EQOAnostalgia - 30.09.2023 20:53

Yes organic is better. Go away.

@vanhelslinki927 - 27.09.2023 21:00

The one thing missed out that it would have been interesting or useful to include is the impact on species diversity. Organic much better supports a stable, if u natural, ecosystem, whereas common practices often destroy all other species in favour of the crop.

@Sumesest - 26.09.2023 23:17

I noticed in this and the gmo videos you didnt include meats. Does this apply to meats aswell?

@ll-sz9fl - 25.09.2023 06:45

Organic has more biodiversity. You want to extint insects and birds, go with the so called "traditional".

@catherine_404 - 20.09.2023 21:33

Isn't it simple? In theory, I mean, because in practice it's difficult to quantify. Imagine two crops of same tomatoes. One is grown in the fields and transported for hundreds or even thousands of kilometres to its customers. The other is provided similar environment, and very similar techniques applied - in greenhouses very near their final selling place.

Greenhouses require energy for heating and lighting. But transplantation of the distantly grown tomatoes which didn't need extra light, or heating, or complicated plumbing takes energy, plus they have to be cooled or kept in warmer than outside conditions. It's obvious that their production+transportation resources weren't equal. In an ideal world that would just reflect on their PRICE for the end seller, and the price would indicate which tomatoes required less work, energy and other resources. But we don't live in an ideal world, wages in these different regions may be different, and amount of work in those conditions will be different, and the laws of these countries can be different (bc imagine those open field tomatoes growing in the south of the USA, OR in Mexico, Argentina etc.), and there are import tariffs on top of that...

"Organic" breeds may just yield less crop by weight than, for example, hybrid varieties even in the same conditions. Hybrid varieties grown ethically would be absolutely better for the environment than those which used methods which harm their environment, but are "organic" by the letter of the definition. Seeds may be produced unethically. An organic products can be produced with unlawful labour practices. Some foods are grown to the detriment of their region, their farmers hogging water which may become insufficient for human needs for the reason of that plant being lucrative (avocados in Mexico or California - I remember hearing of something about avocados recently).

There is no simple label or definition which would differentiate between "good" and "bad" food besides good food not being poisoned by obvious and proven poisons like DDT or lead. There are certain harmful and unlawful practices, for sure, but you have to be some sort of megabrain to analyse every important issue on top of the difficulty of finding all the data you want to analyse. And you just wanted a simple salad! And there are also several more ingredients you want to buy!

@michaelbalfour3170 - 10.09.2023 21:19

Grow your own veg if you want more fresh nutrient dense food and to reduce emissions. Research is starting to show heritage variety food is more nutrient dense and modern varieties have been bred to produce greater yields i.e. more starch to bulk out the plant.

@lalop10 - 10.09.2023 16:38

Thank you fucking Monsanto!! For paying this fucking channel to propagate all your fucking lies about organic food!! Organic food is traditional food, before Monsanto came and started to destroy traditional ways of producing fruits and vegetables. Thank you again Monsanto for paying everyone to make up studies and brainwash people into thinking GMOs are ok!!!

@Alamania - 06.09.2023 14:08

when i think of Organic, I THINK OF ANIMAL ORGANS

@Pixel-fish - 03.09.2023 07:37

What you eat is much more important than how it’s produced

Me: what if one place coats their apples in uranium to act as a pesticide

@firstvoice5341 - 02.09.2023 11:20

If you want a game play modern warships

@andersonrodrigues8007 - 31.08.2023 19:48

Dessa vez vocês resolveram entrar num assunto realmente polêmico.

@fldsmdfrfromcloudywithacha7954 - 31.08.2023 02:01

Respect for Phaleur.

@Danig_Draw - 26.08.2023 17:41

Why the less like then visits >:(

@Sle3py_Plant - 25.08.2023 05:34

I love your videos and i have alot to say since this is my first comment sadly, but im a 4 yr watcher, and i have been enjoying your videos so much! and i hope the animation workers are doing okay! 2. the Bacteriophange plush is so cute! i might get it when i can! i hope your teams doing well btw! loves from me!

@animeXcaso - 21.08.2023 16:06

Organic is a scam to prey on average science analphabetism.

Boycott "organic" (or "bio" or whatever)

@birdup1312 - 20.08.2023 05:49

I do wish they didnt lump all Organic into one category. Id be willing to bet that theres a much bigger gap in nutrition between large-scale corporate organic vs. small scale farmers market organic than there is corporate organic vs conventional.

@cruellaestella1215 - 17.08.2023 22:18


@Gigachad-mc5qz - 17.08.2023 07:49

Imo you should be able to use gmo seeds for organic food. I tend to believe they are very safe and even help secure the supply of food for billions. If we didnt use gmos, we would still have bananas with almost no flesh and only seeds. Plants are always bred, gmos just do it in a lab.

@Diamondthetimewaster - 17.08.2023 01:09

Thank you thus video reminded me to eat fruits

@dailywalterstuff267 - 14.08.2023 10:27

Lease they know it the start of 2019 is the end of the world

@user-ou4bn7vq7c - 10.08.2023 16:36

As a Japanese I couldn't understand anything cos I'm not good at listening to English

@hatcik119 - 09.08.2023 17:34

As someone from agriculture, I think this video is not enough. Giving an organic label to a product is never easy, it is the proven final version of a lot of follow-up and analysis processes. Organic pesticide are a type of pesticide that contains ingredients of natural or plant origin. It leaves less residue and is therefore less harmful to the environment and human health. The dose is important even when we consume the healthiest thing, but it is not a correct statement to say that there is not that much difference. When we use the same amount of organic and chemical-based pesticides, which one do you think would cause more harm to the bee population?

@Jay-nj1rq - 09.08.2023 08:09

The whole chemicals bad, natural good mentality is one of the worst things in skincare. Like would you rather have the helpful ingredient along with every other irritating ingredient that makes up a natural plant, or would you rather just the good ingredient isolated?

@user-qj2yx5gz5w - 08.08.2023 22:30

My grandmother grows organic food. She calls herself a farmer. I agree with her. She is best farmer i know. I like grandmather’s cake with apple. And I like potato, which cooked my grandmother. We don’t talk a lot of time. I miss for her. I think I will call her on this week.
