India: Anti-Muslim hate music | DW Documentary

India: Anti-Muslim hate music | DW Documentary

DW Documentary

1 год назад

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Random Human
Random Human - 17.10.2023 14:29

One sided hit job😂😂😂😂

Bobis - 17.10.2023 08:15

Love india

Chetan Singh
Chetan Singh - 13.10.2023 18:25

As a Hindu myself i can confirm ..

Hindu are killing muslims in India 😢

Sanil Karumba
Sanil Karumba - 13.10.2023 17:48

And im sure they used to preach love songs for other religions and yoga in the Madrassas and churches! Its just a peaceful spoof on abrahamic religions and their conversion missions which never really succeeded in India. By the way christian rock is also quite cool, you should check it out DW. And all this coming from the "peace loving land of Deutschland uber alles, which created "he who we dont speak about" known for its tolerance for other races and cultures. Hilarious!

Think Goodness
Think Goodness - 13.10.2023 00:16

These songs are not from India. Its false news.

BOB - 11.10.2023 23:59

Cool cool cool hehe

Swagat Pati
Swagat Pati - 11.10.2023 07:31

Modi hai toh mumkin hai

Lord Mephisto
Lord Mephisto - 10.10.2023 01:47

rndians are the most backward things in the wworld

Avijit Mazumder
Avijit Mazumder - 06.10.2023 14:23

Well i live in India & know the reality better. Muslims are the most Violent people ever.

Never wears a helmet on road, never says Bharat mata ki jay. All they talk about is getting more in number and slaughter hindus.

Amardeep Gupta
Amardeep Gupta - 04.10.2023 20:56

I would suggest DW to refrain from making any video on peaceful muslim community as doing so may result a Charlie hebdo masacre in Berlin.

Siddharth Modi
Siddharth Modi - 04.10.2023 12:53

The guy interviewed is absolutely right. can’t deny him. Its all because of bloody Jinnah

Siddharth Modi
Siddharth Modi - 04.10.2023 12:49

DW kindly raise your voice when the muslims do the same.. Get a good quality research.
No of muslims in Pakistan and No of Muslims in India is same more or less.
And the hypocrisy is that Jinnah wanted a separate Muslim country during partition.

Afterlife - 02.10.2023 22:58

DW ..BS leftwing media ...

PAWANESH PANDEY - 01.10.2023 22:03

140 करोड़ कैसे संभाले जाते है मोदी को पता है क्या सही क्या गलत ,देश इससे ज्यादा शांत कभी नही था इतिहास पढ़िए सबको पढाईये 1947 1971 1984 1999 2006 कांग्रेस की सरकार मीडिया दबा देती थी ।इससे ज्यादा खुली मीडिया कहि नही है जहाँ एक तरफा न्यूज़ न बताय dw वाले ,हम जानते है अफगानिस्तान इराक ईरान अफ्रीका क्यूबा मेक्सिको जर्मनी यूगोस्लाविया टर्की जापान मलेशिया तेल गैस सैंक्शन वेस्टर्न नैरेटिव फ्री स्पीच हेट स्पीच ,मोदी है तो सब मुमकिंन है आतंकवाद खत्म होगा

Andy S Andy S.
Andy S Andy S. - 01.10.2023 03:15

BJP is like NAZ*

Binge Watch Video
Binge Watch Video - 30.09.2023 09:23

Lehru and Gaandi media keh chamche 😅 😅 Jaiseh jaiseh election aayega pass yeh aiseh hi bark karege

Sheeraz Ali
Sheeraz Ali - 29.09.2023 07:22

Harami Hindus

BATMAN 123456789
BATMAN 123456789 - 28.09.2023 21:45

I agree that these are not the kinda of songs should be made, But I'm amazed that DW Documentary chose to show only one side of the story, there are similar countless songs against Hindus too!
As a professional documentary channel you should show both the sides & then let the audience condemn both!

VSSS A - 28.09.2023 15:42

people listen to this crap songs. whats wrong with them

Political Jam
Political Jam - 27.09.2023 11:18

Thanks my neighbor is moslim and everyday he turn quran on so I used to download this song donate to singers so I can turn the music up to keep my neighbor quite

Sohil Khan
Sohil Khan - 26.09.2023 21:49

Respect 👏

Ayush C
Ayush C - 26.09.2023 20:00

that makes no sense cuz hinduism itself promotes pluralism.... these people needs to be educated better.

Abc To Xyz
Abc To Xyz - 24.09.2023 19:28

Muslims are not minority..... They sing sar tan se juda

The Bunny 🐰
The Bunny 🐰 - 23.09.2023 20:28

I had never heard but thanks I will listen and suggest my frnds too thanks DW

Rein Pinebook
Rein Pinebook - 23.09.2023 06:31

A report made by a country where Nazism was born.

BHAKT Inc. - 22.09.2023 18:39

Country of nazi teaching us extremism. Dw have some self study about your atrocities on jews frist then come to India.

Ali Naqi
Ali Naqi - 21.09.2023 08:58

India is just full of flith and hate😢

Aamir Ilyas
Aamir Ilyas - 20.09.2023 21:36

Bravery/ Love for humanity, of this TV channel is extraordinary in this age of selfishness. 🌹💙💐🌹

HONEST JOE - 20.09.2023 19:55

Just like the Je-ws who took over the world with anti-semi-tism the Mslims are using the same underhand rule book.

keepshalal - 19.09.2023 06:27

These are the real terrorists in islam muslims HAVE TO Respekt every religion and be kind to every one ,its forbidden to kill some one just because he is not muslim ,its forbidden to even speak badly to some one and hurt them feelings no matter which religion it can be even an Atheist. They are violent and terrorist not the islam!

Abhay Naik
Abhay Naik - 18.09.2023 21:22

This hate is brought up by politicians. You won't see their kids doing this because they earned through this hate and has sent their kids to western countries... The poor are who fall into this trap and finish of the community

striker - 18.09.2023 10:03

Hindutva is a direct response to muslim fundamentalism and their hate of non-muslims. Go to those muslim hate speech programs and you will see why hindutva is on the increase to protect hindus.

Ex Muslims of India
Ex Muslims of India - 18.09.2023 06:51

Unfortunately Muslims are not able to maintain love relationship with any community of world while rest of the community are going fine with each other more or less.

Cosmic - 18.09.2023 05:18

All these chapris

KARAKURI KONNECT - 16.09.2023 21:36

Beautiful India

anonymous :)
anonymous :) - 16.09.2023 20:00

Unemployment ends , extremism ends. Hence our govt is focusing that nothing should be done in this sector.

anonymous :)
anonymous :) - 16.09.2023 19:58

there should be actions from both sides , there are bad apples in both sides hindu and muslim. and yes our govt is not doing much to stop any of these sides.

Kaustubh Nimbalkar
Kaustubh Nimbalkar - 16.09.2023 00:58

Pyscho DW plz also make a video on love jihad go hatya

mo arab
mo arab - 15.09.2023 15:50


Vishal Tiwari
Vishal Tiwari - 15.09.2023 11:16

DW, BBC, Al- Jajeera all are biased, they don't have guts to do documentary on thought system which murdered Kanhaiyalal and burning Europe.

yashwanth kancharla
yashwanth kancharla - 14.09.2023 00:31

Wonder where the minorities in pakistan are disappearing…. No one talks about minorities in islam countries but they want all the rights wherever they are minority. Recently I came across a muslim moron on instagram who was debating with me about why hindus worship cows. I tried to have a decent conversation with him by saying I will not interfere with your religious practices and I would appreciate if you do the same and that guy constantly said “ you people worship cows in india , how foolish it is and do you mooo when the cow dies”. He said I am ignorant and uneducated for worshipping many gods. I told him we have different principles in our religion compared to yours. He was saying muslims, jews and christians have only one god and constantly said the same thing uneducated and illiterate. There was another conversation with a taxi driver who was asking me why we dont eat beef and I told him that we consider cow as holy , so we dont eat it. He was saying , but it doesnt make any sense because its just an animal and you can eat it. I was shocked by the way these two muslims spoke with me. Its just how these people were taught from their childhood that islam is the only true religion and the ignorance of rights of others to follow their own religion is seen. Me as a Hindu know that muslims dont eat pig and I never ask them to eat and say its just an animal. There used to be significant number of hindus and other minorities in pakistan in 1948 and I would now like to ask about where they disappeared and about the forced conversions that happen in pakistan and bangladesh ? Why dont you cover about such incidents ? It doesnt serve the audience of yours and so you wouldnt do it. Wonder why christians, hindus, sikhs , jains and buddhists are living in India peacefully but have a problem with muslims. Wonder why Sweden had stopped taking refugees ( from muslim countries). Wonder what happened in Koln of Germany which reduced their intake of refugees ? As I am saying all of this I have very good muslim friends , very very good friends , my neighbors are muslims. We are living happily. I dont want to blame a whole religion based on the things done by few in the religion , but there is something wrong in the way few of these people had been taught about the religion and religious harmony thats leading to this chaos. Other than that I really believe no religion in its true meaning would never support violence or preach violence. Sorry if I hurt my muslim brothers but I wanted to say this. And I accept that Hindutva in a way is hurting this religious harmony in India.

Vicky Sharma
Vicky Sharma - 13.09.2023 21:56

Dear dw reporters , please make a documentary on the genocide of kashmiri pandits by so called minority community. What about pakistan there is sharp decline in the percentage of other minorities.

Harman Jeet
Harman Jeet - 13.09.2023 19:15

It is so unfortunate to see that people are spreading hate even in comment section. I know that reading this comment some haters may try to bully me but I will do what I have to do.

Banty Thakur
Banty Thakur - 13.09.2023 13:32

Buddy please share whole story not one sided

Rahil Rafeeque
Rahil Rafeeque - 13.09.2023 12:27

Guys India has North, South, East, West and Central. Come to south india you see a different people not like this.

Ajith J
Ajith J - 13.09.2023 11:40

This is a success story of BJP. Its like listening to patients from a mental hospital. The people with those stupid beliefs are going on increasing. Even electoral seats are going to be increased in those states. People don't seem to learn and grow. Until any intervention from foreign nation, this wont end. Whatever happens, public will suffer mentally and economically when politicians benefit from this.

Dhirendra Nayak
Dhirendra Nayak - 13.09.2023 10:00

Uh don’t preach us HR …better look at yourself …

Pilutsal--পিলুৎসাল - 13.09.2023 07:28

Hindus are the most radical race in the world today. Although not much was seen in the media. The extent of internal unrest in India is easily understood. Their attitude towards dissident Christians, Muslims and other ethnic minorities is evident.

angel jo
angel jo - 12.09.2023 07:25

min reason is illiteracy and very sadly influenced by propaganda

Huminity Peace
Huminity Peace - 11.09.2023 22:09

They are the member of terrorist organization R.S.S. Their Leader Prime minister Modi is the member of R.S.S who was the mass murder of Gujrat and kasmir massacre. Innocent Minorities blood on his hands. Him and his R.S.S members have been committing the heinous crime against humanity. Monipur minorities are being raped and killed by Modi’s R.S.S. In India under Modi's regime minorities are being treated as subhuman being as well as there is no space for minorities. This R.S.S was founded by the ideology of Hitler Nazism. Organization R.S.S founded by Golwalker whose ideological mentor was Hitler and ideology was Nazism. Golwalker is the ideological mentor of MODI. It is Modi's Hindutobad R.S.Sism. Modi did not follow the sanaton hindoism. Global communities and leaders must act now to stop it before it is too late.
