Why Billionaire Philanthropy Won't Solve Anything

Why Billionaire Philanthropy Won't Solve Anything

Second Thought

2 года назад

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DeiAndre Penny
DeiAndre Penny - 25.09.2023 19:20

As I learned from Riley on the Boondocks,
“The 1st rule of charity is that You never actually give away the fundraiser money”

Sal - 01.09.2023 18:27

Aye lets go a hasan shout out ive been just watching your videos non-stop

LiteStuff LLC
LiteStuff LLC - 29.08.2023 02:52

Are you kidding? I dodn't see where Mr Gates is no longer a billionaire .. the foundation concepts is nothing but a tax dodge. You say your "donating" your fortune - it doesn't seem to dissappear off your bank ledger somehow you still have it. When I see Mr Gates or any such foundations wealth drop every year until it is zero I'll call it a philanthropy otherwise its just a tax dodge...

Thomas Richards
Thomas Richards - 22.08.2023 11:56

It’s easy to hate on billionaires but just think where we would be without them. No apple, no google, Amazon, Coca-Cola, Pepsi, mc Donald’s, no cars the list goes on. Big corporations (and small ones) provide us with an income which we then spend and our consumer spending is one of the many things that keeps an economy afloat. Do I agree with a lot of things wealthy people do? No but just think what person being given a tone of power and influence would use it “nicely”

Don Lee
Don Lee - 21.08.2023 13:22

I think this video is a case of throwing away the baby with the bath water. Let me ask you. If your organisation got $10 billion in donations, should you use it all up for charity work instantly? It's likely, there isn't enough or the timing isn't right to take all of that money and be used properly. You can't cure cancer by spending $100 billion in just 1 year, but you might if you spend $5 billion each year with while using the remaining funds to put into the S&P 500, and do that for 50 years to come, with the fund growing on itself. That's a whole lot more efficient than the "normal" charities out there. My brother was one of the scientists working for one of Bill Gates medical research projects. A project that could potentially save millions of lives in Africa. As a PhD, my brother did not get a lot of money. He was being paid by "donated money" afterall. IN fact he had zero job security, because if this research project happens to be a dead end. He will be fired within days. Sounds harsh, but it's to make the most out of the money. Once my brother moved to a public company to work, he got paid more than twice as much. Say all you want, he's already been the richest man for like decades. If you think Bill Gates is in it only for the money, well, if he was, he would still be the richest man on Earth. he doesn't even have much stock in Microsoft anymore and he's not even on the board.

Asa Sd
Asa Sd - 20.08.2023 22:21

idk feels less based on facts and rather based on opinions and assumptions

Tiger Scott
Tiger Scott - 18.08.2023 05:00

Paper money is really debt....

That makes it easy to put a curse on a person because every thing is tied to money.

Their survival, their lifestyle, family, plans for the future all depend on pieces of paper...

That's black magic...

DimitryWasntTaken - 02.08.2023 11:44

Evil Redfash Tankie, big spoon 100 morbillion

Will Moffett
Will Moffett - 02.08.2023 00:08

Whoever sells the most retail items should obviously make all important decisions regarding all of our well being.

DvNHendo - 30.07.2023 04:57

Communist dog whistles galore. Jesus

Cassie May
Cassie May - 21.07.2023 21:42

They don’t care about anything but destroying the people! Let’s not forget that the government gives them the people’s hard earned money every time one of them does research on something the government want to benefit from like synthetic meat!

I’M A PIRATE, R YOU? - 20.07.2023 20:06

Can’t see the forrest through the trees. A millionaire will sell you a car, a billionaire will manipulate society. They don’t stay billionaires by money away to good causes, this is total surface level thinking.

Avish Choolun
Avish Choolun - 20.07.2023 15:13


Techcafe - 16.07.2023 20:41

billionaire philanthropy, virtue signalling greedbags greenwashing their evil greed

myAICOVERS - 16.07.2023 16:21

Can you be an overwhelmingly successful businessman without exploiting workers or being ultra competitive, in a very radical way

Tim Borg
Tim Borg - 16.07.2023 04:20

Bill Gates was the biggest SHORT Seller on Tesla stock, he was the one who nearly killed Tesla years ago !!!
This is why his wife left him too

Sizvahstar - 15.07.2023 14:36

Only 5% gets put into action? That's insane. As bad as this all is, by all right we should be admonishing whoever wrote the laws and whoever is failing at adjusting said laws or undoing them completely.

James Deininger
James Deininger - 08.07.2023 04:48

Second Thought, we don’t agree on much — But I’m 100% with you on this.

mogo - 06.07.2023 05:47

the rich looking reeeaaal tasty right now

Enable Chaos
Enable Chaos - 28.06.2023 13:50


J - Man
J - Man - 27.06.2023 02:28

Are you going to make a video on Jeffrey Epstein and the list of his island's visitors?

Martin Ziegert
Martin Ziegert - 25.06.2023 11:36

I worked many years as a Webdesigner, so make a guess how I feel, when I read on the Website of Warren Buffet: "We are very frugal and don't waste money on web design." This person doesn't want to become richer, they want us to become poorer because that's the key to getting more control of what think and say. It's not the money, it's the power.

Charles Randolph
Charles Randolph - 20.06.2023 00:31

Despite us outnumbering these selfish billionaires a thousand to one, all we do is talk and no action.

Gulben Ergen Admirer
Gulben Ergen Admirer - 17.06.2023 16:44

I became a criminal, because I Didn't want to be a victim.

Jacob S
Jacob S - 08.06.2023 19:03

Video over. Capitalism crushed. Come back next week. I just about fell off my chair laughing.

Bill Crane
Bill Crane - 04.06.2023 03:00

The rick fucks got rid of Elliot Spitzer promptly after he threatened them.

wutwutheeellloo - 02.06.2023 16:00

Ill-gotten gains? Literally just making money is ill-gotten gains? This video is so fucking bad. Wish the dislike button was back

WE ARE THE BORG - 21.05.2023 14:49

According to this principle, donors often stipulate that only a smaller percentage, such as 5% or 10%, of the donated money or assets should be actually spent on charitable activities. This is done to ensure the long-term sustainability of the foundation and to continue generating income for future charitable purposes.

Donors typically consider retaining or investing a portion of the money or assets and using the returns or interest to support the operational costs of the foundation as well as future donations. This allows the foundation to remain operational and grow, thereby enabling support for a wider range of charitable causes over the long term.

It's important to note that donors can decide on different percentages or principles. Each donor and foundation can have different approaches and prioritize various strategies. Therefore, it is crucial to understand the specific goals and principles of the donor and foundation in question in order to get a more accurate understanding of how the donations are being utilized.

Akanksha Dash
Akanksha Dash - 19.05.2023 22:37

Bill Gates has always been a scammer since day-1

dude - 12.05.2023 22:43

I never give to charity anymore. Including church charity. They are the worst. Real charity is giving, without getting anything in return. Jesus Christ did that.

Tshepo - 08.05.2023 08:38

Felt more like a person bias against billionaires. So you're telling me that not even an ounce is going to good ? You have to argue both sides of the story and not show bias against the snake, "devil billionaires who hate all of us " 🙄

Judge Dredd
Judge Dredd - 07.05.2023 21:20

I love Bill Gates

Alex - 03.05.2023 05:29

Well, because it solves everything for them.

View box
View box - 28.04.2023 01:24

Billionaires are the opposite of Robin Hood

MistaRee - 21.04.2023 17:52

I instinctively sensed that philanthropy was bullshit, but holy crap you explaining the details of it is mind-blowing.

Jorge Petraglia
Jorge Petraglia - 16.04.2023 05:05

There was an Argentinian , in the late 60th and well until virtually today, (his name is Quino) who created an amazing and very critical characters through his very sharp cartoons.
The main one was Mafalda (which is the name of this cartoon) and her friends whom in many ways represented the different personas we have in our societies.
One of them,,Susanita, (which means little Susana in spanish) said something really interesting that relates very close to this particular vlog : "Lets organize a nice party where we get to eat delicious and expensive food to collect money to buy dry pasta and rice for the poor".

I truly recommend to familiarize yourselves with this particular cartoonist, he became a Latin American classic as much as "One hundred years of solitude" by the greatest Colombian writer Gabriel Garcia Marquez.

Amazing and very informative show as ever, thanks amigo.
Greetings from Toronto.

KlausBahnhof - 14.04.2023 19:15

Those clips from the promotional video showing Gates and Buffet goofing around are peak cringe 😖

Joe Corner
Joe Corner - 29.03.2023 08:37

These videos are so politicised, you don't have to make every single one about Marxism and socialism and bringing down capitalism because people exploit it and are assholes and life is hard for a lot of people because that will always be the case no matter which political system gets a revolutionary movement into being used

Kumar - 25.03.2023 14:53

The moment I saw a video supporting Marxism...exit this channel as soon as possible.

victor promiseviz
victor promiseviz - 20.03.2023 10:58

what's the solution to income inequality?
cos if you give everyone 2 piece of egg(1 male and 1 female) to everybody, there are 3 turn out of events. which describes the rich, middle and poor class, some would eat the 2 piece of eggs, some would eat one and let the other egg hash and try to raise a poultry to sell eggs meanwhile some would let the 2 hash and let it grow and rather than sells eggs, allow the eggs to keep populating, they wld then divide the portfolio to sell eggs, sell male and female roosters, and buy other chickens and even open a bootcamp to teach pple and take their learning curve to open more farms and research facilities. I have to stop somewhere but the point is I realize the problem with capitalism and greed but humans are basically at the basic level greedy, think about it, why you not on the street trying to sacrifice yourself for others, and when pushed can be even, dare I say corrup, yes corrupt, watch Jordan peterson on this, we are imperfect pple living in a imperfect world thus making the world imperfect , we have come a long way and are getting better but I still think there's no truce or best scenario, even in so called utopia there wld be injustices and there are some problem that can't be solved because its human nature except, except you wld need to do a change to human nature which is impossible...except if `God our creator gets involved and he did in Jesus but not how you'd think , details for a diff time.

uv power
uv power - 12.03.2023 01:57

telling a socialist they should give away there money or they are a hypocrite is the same as telling a prisoner they should not eat if they do not like prison food. A prisoner eats the food in prison because they have no other choice, it does not mean they have to like it, A socialist has no choice but to hustle and keep their money and private belongings because they live in a global capitalist system where everyone else is keeping their private money to themselves so if the socialist gives their hard earned money away then they will just get poor as nobody will share anything with them. Capitalism is a prison on the economy and as a prisoner one has no choice but to get with the program and live by Capitalist rules and culture

uv power
uv power - 12.03.2023 01:51

Being a socialist does not mean giving all your money to charity or even the less fortunate because that will not solve anything except for making yourself poor as you live in a capitalist system where nobody is going to help you so you have no choice but to survive. Being a socialist just means somebody who does not believe a billionaire should exist and believes nobody should be in poverty to the point where they need to depend on the average earner who is already struggling themselves

uv power
uv power - 12.03.2023 01:42

Charity = giving breadcrumbs to the unfortunate in a Capitalist system.
Socialism = a system where less people are unfortunate therefore meaningless Charity is not needed
Charity does not reduce poverty it enables it because it gives the rich good publicity and an excuse to continue being billionaires and average people respect them more.
If Charity did not exist people would have a lesser perception of billionaires and therefore would bring us closer to a revolution

Bane Yama
Bane Yama - 10.03.2023 07:36

Mrbeast fits this roll...

Dazen Guile
Dazen Guile - 07.03.2023 21:48

is it okay for me to say “f**k Bill Gates!” if he paid for my entire education? 😔 does my happily spending my refund checks mean i’m guilty if worker exploitation?! 😣😣😣😣

Hugsun - 04.03.2023 15:24

Dissapointingly biased. There are many issues with billionaire philanthropy and even the possibility of someone being a billionaire is questionable. This video nicely highlights some of the problems but is so shamelessly biased that it can't be taken seriously.
First of all, foundations have to give 5% every year. Now that's too little but eventually they have to give it all. The video makes it seem like they just have to give 5% total.
Bill gates' philanthropy has done a lot of good, much more than training farmers for coca cola. The malaria work is an example of a really good work done by them.
The issues with ill gotten gains and reputation cleansing are still there but arguing against something by focusing on the worst examples doesn't make a convincing argument, it's just preaching to a choir.
