How to Start SLEEP TRAINING | Infant Sleep Tips for Beginners

How to Start SLEEP TRAINING | Infant Sleep Tips for Beginners

Bridget Teyler

4 года назад

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MW - 14.10.2023 15:39

Crying for 30 minutes?! NO

Caroline - 13.10.2023 20:53

I find your use of “mamas” quite irritating. Any number of caregivers who aren’t mamas are watching this.

singleandfabulousme - 12.10.2023 11:50

6 months into motherhood I was so tired, stressed out. My LO only napped for 20 min after hours of soothing. He didn’t like the stroller, he didn’t like the crib, the swings, nothing really worked. I did the sleep training to save myself (I was exhausted, looked awful - like an old lady or a zombie, depressed and not enjoying myself, my baby and life)
and I am so happy I did it! My husband is also very proud and thankful that I had the guts to do it. Now my kid is 4yo, sleeps in his own room since he was 6mo. And he is a happy and a smart kid.

Julia Gillies
Julia Gillies - 10.10.2023 17:58

My daughter has twins and neither will take pacifier any advice?

Khadijah Ali
Khadijah Ali - 10.10.2023 06:57

My son is 14 and I recently had a baby.. I feel like I have no clue what to do these days; I’m trying to be a more conscious mum this time around. I’m dreading the sleep training. I fear putting her in daycare because she cries hysterically at nap time and I don’t want anyone to lose their patience with her.. I’m just trying 💔

KA - 21.09.2023 21:28

I have a seven week old and I cannot get her to sleep or nap or at least have her stay asleep . I’ve got a noise machine a sleep sack you name it . I’ve tried it all and nothing works . Sometimes I spend hours at night trying to get her to go back to sleep and I can never get her to nap . When she naps it’s only on me or in a moving pram . At night she’ll start sleeping in her cot but when she wakes up for a feed I cannot put her back down there so I Co sleep with her but even that has stopped working . I’m at my wits end I don’t know what to do . I’m constantly a bit sad and emotional because I’m not getting any sleep at all .

Miranda Massoo
Miranda Massoo - 18.08.2023 21:06

I managed to get two teaspoons of watery baby cereal into my babies at their last feeding before bed and they slept much longer and sometimes even through the night and eventually all night. That little bit of fullness helped so much. They’re grown men now😊

Jazz - 08.08.2023 23:50

With this method what do you do after the 5 minutes of crying if the only way baby will calm down is on the breast? Patting or pacifier won't work

A Furious Child
A Furious Child - 26.07.2023 03:19

Hi Bridget!
I am trying to get my daughter of 4 months on a feeding schedule and sleep schedule. Some days she sleeps quitw well through the night and all morning, Other days she struggles and wakes up a lot at night and refuses to go back to sleep. She would get super energetic and wants to play on those nights. I try not engage her in playing, so she keeps crying and fussing. Of course, she only gets sleepy around 3 or 5 AM... what can I do get her to sleep without waking up, or at least make her go back to sleep quickly?
P.S. lights are mostly off in my home at night, just a night light in the bedroom, as to not distract or energize her. I also use white noise.

Helen By
Helen By - 24.07.2023 14:59

Thank you for this video. It is very clear. I would like to know what to do if your baby wakes up earlier than what the schedule says and starts crying. Do you pick them from the cot or go, try to help then sleep again, or leave them there until their waking up time?
Also, I would like to know what to do if they fall asleep on the pram or the baby carrier right before nap time. When that happens, I go back home ASAP. But does that sleep count as part of their nap?
And, finally, even though my baby is already 5months old, she wakes up 2 or 3 times at night to eat. And it is to eat, it is not because she can't sleep. I don't understand why that happens, as she eats quite well during the day.
Thanks a lot.

wet cat
wet cat - 16.07.2023 08:53

my god... letting your baby cry for 30 minutes or an hour? Do you know what your baby thinks during this time? "I am going to die because I am alone and I am going to get captured by a lion" This is what all body of research tells us. Unfortunately pediatricians dont read research. Baby left to cry even for 5 minutes consistently develop deep trauma... know what you are going into, moms

Datz210 - 01.07.2023 10:28

My bubs 4 months old. So it’s okay to let them cry for short periods? It’s so difficult to let them cry.

Camisha Chavis
Camisha Chavis - 26.05.2023 01:14

So should I start both naps and bedtime at the same time? I'm the one that's struggling to put my daughter down because I never wanted to hurt her by letting her cry but this is helpful. I honestly want to do the most gradual transition as possible for my benefit because I have a hard time with it so far because she cries so much when being put down. She is so used to going to sleep while feeding both for naps and bedtime. She's 5 months old. Where should I start?

annabeth s
annabeth s - 10.05.2023 14:27

I was 100% ready everytime I attempted to teach my baby to self soothe, but 2 hours of on and off crying, and 40 minutes non stop crying, has be quitting everytime....4 months of little to no sleep is taking a toll on me...I feel like I'm living life in a blur....

Alejandra Panzera
Alejandra Panzera - 03.05.2023 20:36

So disappointed that you are promoting sleep training and telling parents it is ok to let their 4 month old babies cry for one hour. So much for natural births, letting a baby cry it out is not natural. Quite the opposite.

Mary Ash
Mary Ash - 03.05.2023 16:07

What about turning the fan on instead of white noise.

Ashley W
Ashley W - 01.05.2023 23:37

I know a couple of families who sleep trained and regretted it. It’s not for every baby or every parent.

Laura HS
Laura HS - 28.04.2023 00:41

I want the science behind that says that letting cry your 4 month baby for an hour is not hurting them. As a neurodevelopmental senior scientist that is just not ok. And there’s evidence behind that.

Simra Kanval
Simra Kanval - 27.04.2023 14:15

Is it possible to sleep train with a pacifier or do you need to wean them off the paci

Rachel Riggenbach
Rachel Riggenbach - 22.04.2023 21:49

My baby started sleeping through the night at 6 weeks and slept grate until she turned 7 months old. Then she started waking up once but stays awake for an hour on longer so here I am

Sarah Brown
Sarah Brown - 19.04.2023 03:12

I have a 2 month old baby doesn’t like to sleep by himself

Beaver_Squeezer - 02.04.2023 22:45

Does this work for preemie's? 🥺 my baby is gonna turn 4 months old but his corrected gestational age is 3wks right now.

Elena-Luiza Soliman
Elena-Luiza Soliman - 30.03.2023 13:25

My baby is 2 months old. He wakes up 5/6 times before he goes actually to sleep at night.
Also i end up putting him in my bed cause I am tired .
At 2 months he doesnt sleep at all in the day,hes awake from 8 to 1 am
Is a hell.

Priscilla Mata
Priscilla Mata - 27.03.2023 08:13

Question,for white noise I heard it’s not very recommend to have it on all night but that it has to be no louder than 50 decibels if it’s 7 feet away from crb but what if it’s next to the crib how loud does it have to be and do you recommend leaving it while baby sleeps every time or just all night?

Zebby - 27.03.2023 07:03

Hey dads also*

Miriam Hedin
Miriam Hedin - 26.03.2023 01:45

As a mom of 3 I approve this message. Sleep training is necessary for your sanity. Without fail moms I know who do not sleep train cannot get their child to sleep easily later on in life. It’s something we are responsible for teaching them. This is exactly how I did it. Consistency is key!

Raquel - 13.03.2023 08:28

Can you speak on the Montessori method of sleep training😊

Chicken Permission
Chicken Permission - 22.02.2023 00:03

Saving this video. My little will be 4 months in about 2 weeks and I’m definitely ready to teach her how to independently sleep. I’m very encouraged to know though that cuddling for a nap or 2 won’t derail the process. My babe is way too snuggly 😂

Lilie - 09.02.2023 05:10

How do you feel about pacifiers?

Barbsie Art
Barbsie Art - 24.01.2023 22:35

What about the night feedings ? Don’t breastfeeded babies need to wake up every 3 hours for the feed? And if not does mother need to pump the milk during the night to support lactation ?

AnimeROL - 23.01.2023 16:31

I was just starting to put my 2 month old down for naps during the day and then naturally he got his first ever cold. So we’re back to the start lol

Kateřina Rousková
Kateřina Rousková - 15.01.2023 23:54

I don’t do any sleep training and the thought of leaving my child alone crying is just horrible. 😢

Monica Carr
Monica Carr - 14.01.2023 16:32

can I apply this method while co-sleeping?

Bee - 13.01.2023 01:57

Letting a 4 month old baby cry for an hour?!

Cheyenne Howell
Cheyenne Howell - 12.01.2023 06:45

Also I’m so upset at all the “don’t do this” or “you have to do this” and sleep training is a huge debate. I’m so happy she isn’t like This. It was so relieving to here her say “if you want your baby to sleep on you, don’t hold back” because so many articles say to not do that. But like I love when my baby sleeps on me. It’s so heart warming and I only have it once with her. I don’t want to feel guilty when she does or when she sleeps in someone elses arms.

Cheyenne Howell
Cheyenne Howell - 12.01.2023 06:41

I need help! My baby used to sleep so good in her bassinet. But now she HATES IT. I tried everything!! She is only 6 weeks and only wants to sleep on me. I tried putting her Drowsy but she just wakes back up. I tried putting her in there fully alseep. Wakes back up. I tried doing a bedtime routine. I tried the heating pad trick. I’m lossing my mind. I don’t know how many times I wake up with her on my chest because that’s the only way I get sleep and I get really scard doing that. Please help. She breast feeds for comfort a lot of the time and I’m trying to wing her off of it. Expecly falling asleep on the breast. But I don’t know how to do that well either

Shayla Zumstien
Shayla Zumstien - 12.01.2023 06:05

I wish so badly that your product recommendations were more easily accessible in Canada!!! I love your videos so much but like 70% of the products you recommend on your channel aren’t available in Canada :(

maja kriskovic
maja kriskovic - 07.01.2023 00:35

I would NEVER leave my baby alone in the room and let her cry. It is so unnatural as we are mammals.

Mari An
Mari An - 03.01.2023 04:53

It's easy to get them to sleep on their own before 4 months. The earlier the better

Venky - 18.12.2022 10:01

Blah Blah and Blah.. Fishing for actual points and I couldn't

J - 27.11.2022 13:50

Hi, if I don't nurse my baby during night should I empty my breasts or I could sleep during night without pumping, my breasts feel heavy when I don't nurse during night?

MendyCTruth - 26.11.2022 00:07

Crying releases stress hormones of cortisol and is not good for developing babies. Ending night nursing removes the baby-spacing benefits of breastfeeding for most women. One way to get more sleep is to safely co-sleep. (Research James McKenna for more information.) Both mom and baby sleep well, baby nurses at will so grows properly, and usually helps keep mom from getting pregnant again too soon. Pacifiers can cause feeding issues for some breastfeeding babies and can decrease mom's supply, can contribute to ear infections, and mouth malformations. Evolutionarily speaking, a baby sleeping separate from the mother is at risk of demise as no four month old is able to run and hide from predators. The real problem is our parenting practices are at odds with eons of human development. Your method is one of cry-it-out coupled with goods (sound machines, breast pumps, nutritional supplements, classes) from which you benefit monetarily.

B Cortés
B Cortés - 23.11.2022 01:18

Im shocked at your endorsement of sleep training as it goes against the biological norm. Normally I love all your videos but I cannot support this one.

I’m Momming
I’m Momming - 20.11.2022 03:59

I love your work Bridget! Big fan as a fellow parenting specialist too. But this video can be harmful as parents can be tempted to let their babies cry, which is harmful and can cause neurological damage and so much more. Baby is made to wake up at night, I highly recommend cosleeping instead to get your sleep needed 🤍

Sandra-Lee Imirizaldu
Sandra-Lee Imirizaldu - 03.11.2022 11:43

Thanks for your video and tips. I have a question should you still go every 5/10/15 minutes if the baby is not crying a lot? I feel that every time I go in she cries more afterwards.

Karolinna - 22.10.2022 10:10

In my country if you do the sleep training, you are the worst mother ever. There is this myth that it changes baby's brain in a negative way and it floods it with cortisol.

Lets DIY It
Lets DIY It - 21.10.2022 07:11

Just some constructive criticism. Us fathers take care of our kids too. It's not only mommas that parent

Kathryn Swan
Kathryn Swan - 21.10.2022 01:21

thanks for this! I am 2 weeks pp and nights are brutal. Also, where did you get your sweater?
