Top Five Underrated Feats in Dungeons and Dragons 5e

Top Five Underrated Feats in Dungeons and Dragons 5e

Dungeon Dudes

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Cole The collector
Cole The collector - 16.09.2023 17:29

Actor was the first feat I ever took as a bard

Christian - 16.09.2023 12:51

ShieldMaster Homebrew:
"If you take the "Shove" bonus action before you make one attack, the creature you attempt to shove rolls with advantage on its dexterity or strength contesting roll.
" Logical explanation: If you attempt to shove a creature before you have attacked it, it will have the time to brace for the impact. This will give you a choice: "Should I attack it first, then shove, then take my action surge to attack it again when its prone? Or shove with disadvantage - attack- action surge - attack (both with advantage due to a prone creature)

Wizard Swine
Wizard Swine - 10.09.2023 20:11

I feel skill expert is a great and often underrated feat, particularly for martials. It's become by far my favourite barbarian feat due to the ability to get expertise in athletics, to the point where basically no monster can break your grapples or stand against your pushes. When combined with rage giving advantage and feats like grappler, tavern brawler, or shield master it's extremely useful.

An extra proficiency also doesn't hurt.

Andrew Peli
Andrew Peli - 09.08.2023 22:27

I think slasher is pretty solid on tank champions. The movement speed reduction really helps casters stay out of melee range. On a barb with multi attack, your chances of critting is about 20% per turn. A 20% chance to make all attacks you enemy takes be at disadvantage is really strong for a half-feat.

joey glover
joey glover - 07.07.2023 05:43

what do you guys think of the Chromatic dragon one. Playing in a game now and im tired of taking great weapon master every time and it looks really good. 1 bonus action you get 1 d 4 of one of those typs of dmg to every attack for 1 minute and you can use your reaction to get resistance to one of the listed dmg types It avgs to less dmg than great weapon im sure but still alot of free extra dmg and the defensive part seems quite decent

Kat Licks
Kat Licks - 27.06.2023 15:21

Spell Sniper and Shield Master are my absolute top two favorites.
600 foot eldritch blasts is a great way to make your GM have an anxiety attack anything there's sightlines.
Shield Master is amazing for having "Those" moments where you're the knight facing off against the dragon and completely negate the dragon's breath, peak heroic fantasy.
Spell Sniper and Shield Master both work together, if you're casting magic you're probably in dire need for more AC, and being able to completely negate most return fire is just amazing.
I've also had a pistol wielding shield master who made good use of cover, Nothing was getting to him.

Then my favorite use of shield master was a paladin city guard trained in the art of "You're under arrest" who'd grapple, shield bash, and then slap some manacles on targets. could also shutdown anyone trying to get to her allies and absolutely bully enemies with all the different shoves and movement one can get via crusher and shield master.

Evan Newell
Evan Newell - 21.06.2023 20:17

Don't you get advantage on Deception checks when you use a disguise anyway? I agree that it's fun conceptually to pair Actor with Disguise Self or a Disguise Kit, but mechanically it may not have much additional benefit. I think it's still a good feat either way.

Rhodri Evans
Rhodri Evans - 02.06.2023 15:09

I feel that Shield Master should provide +3 AC bonus instead of the standard +2.

Arcane Recovery
Arcane Recovery - 09.05.2023 06:26

Skulker! Skulker! Skulker!

How come no one ever talks about this feat? It makes you a living shadow who becomes invisible when you turn sideways... doesn't it?

Geoboat_ - 26.04.2023 03:00

Crusher is not just bludgeoning weapons. You can play a genie warlock and crit dealing bludgeoning aswell as shove them around (only with one eldritch blast beam or once attack roll though). Magic stone would work aswell or a sling.

The Angler
The Angler - 10.04.2023 03:30

Booming Blade isn't effected by that feat. Its range is Self.

Edrick - 05.04.2023 04:15

Dao genie warlock + crusher.

Comicsluvr - 31.03.2023 17:05

The Actor Feat is similar to, but better than, the Rogue Assassin 9th-level feature. You can get it way earlier and it has the Cha bump as well. However, in a game that's more combat-heavy, it's not going to be as useful.

Evil Pac
Evil Pac - 21.03.2023 20:52

I like to make a mace and board warrior in games in general. I've been thinking on doing a human fighter like that in dnd and seeing this video gives me hopes, as it doesn't seem to be the more praised race, class or build in generL.

Mezcla - 20.03.2023 15:37

sadly i don't think that spell sniper works with Booming blade/ Green-flame blade because RAW says make an atk against someone in 5ft of you. DM's can just "rule of cool" this but in AL i don't think this would work.

Murphies Law
Murphies Law - 13.03.2023 08:41

Shield Master + Crusher = the way I play Vermintide 1+2, actually XD
Never underestimate the power of the "shove" !
Now back with you into the fire, ugly beast. Burn ! HAHAHAH, BUUUUURRRRNNN !!!!! (burning area not included, wall of flame spell sold seperately)

Caleb - 06.03.2023 05:52

I see mobile taken on many many characters, definitely not underrated. At least not at the tables i've played in

Kolobius - 19.02.2023 23:18

I have a Changeling Rogue/Bard with Actor. I took it for roleplay but it's broken for me and extremely powerful

Whoracle1337 - 18.02.2023 18:39

Squat nimbleness is pretty freaking good for dwarf builds!

Gregory Criss
Gregory Criss - 17.02.2023 19:03

Crusher feat with Psi Warrior sub class was bananas. One of my favorite characters i've played. I took shield master towards the end of the campaign for icing on the top. I just came in, moved everyone to where I or my party members wanted them.

Travis Howerton
Travis Howerton - 03.02.2023 23:51

I have a Wood Elf Eldritch Knight with the mobile (and athlete) feat. It is hard to hit a fast, dexy, evasive, high AC PC that also has shield. I've only played that character for a few one shots and really want to play more with him. Such a fun build to watch the DM try to hit you.

Jar Jar Binks
Jar Jar Binks - 29.01.2023 01:36

I take the Spell Sniper feat as a Lore Bard almost every single time. Eldritch Blast with double distance....

Francesco Maria Grasselli
Francesco Maria Grasselli - 27.01.2023 05:15

I love shield master on human variant Paladins, if you want to play that type of character, bros, it works really weeell!
I say this expecially because of Aura of Protection and the fact that the paladin can play a really powerful strength based sword and shield type of character.

So from level 6 you gain the benefits of Aura of protection even on your Dexterity saves that are usually garbage on a standard paladin, but with the Shield master feat you gain really cool defensive features that works well.

Even on a sword and board Ranger this feat can works really well (take it only if you are playing variant human, because I don't like to slow down the asi progression and only if is a low level campaign I think, because later Ranger will get evasion and this feat becomes really less useful), the point of playing this feat on the Ranger is that you have already proficiency in dex saves, so you will be really good on that and if you take the optional substitute feature you can take expertise on Athletics and become a crazy shover with the shield, expecially if you are building a strength based Ranger (i know strength based rangers aren't the best but you know, there are always the exceptions).

Requiem - 13.01.2023 16:25

I played a human Paladin with Shield Master at level 1 for the Icewind module, got my character out of sticky situations time and time again, massively underrated feat.

Fluffy Dragon
Fluffy Dragon - 09.01.2023 06:42

Ah yes. Mobile. An underrated feat.

Raul Villalba
Raul Villalba - 07.01.2023 03:59

Shield Master and Mobile in a paladin of Glory allow 50ft at lvl 7, move between enemys or put prone them and add no dmg if You save dex saves

Sunny Frisch
Sunny Frisch - 31.12.2022 16:58

Mobile underrated? My Arcane Trickster/Bladesinger thinks otherwise…

wiggledix bubsy
wiggledix bubsy - 23.12.2022 03:48

Y'all. If you are a Paladin or Ranger and you take Fighting Initiate at 1st level, you can get your primary fighting style a level early and then you can take Blessed or Druidic Warrior only one level later

Sierra Andrews
Sierra Andrews - 22.12.2022 15:38

Mobile is UNDERATED?!? I've always considered it one of the best feats in the game O-o everyone in my group constantly talks about taking it and whenever they do all anyone can talk about it how great it is xDDD

Tired Mexican Dude
Tired Mexican Dude - 17.12.2022 20:47

Hey, Dungeon Dudes (and also Joe to some extent), because of you I picked Shield Master as the feat for my dwarf fighter and as a result, he ignored 39 damage (at level 4) from a breath weapon that otherwise would have reduced him to 1hp. So thanks for that, guys!

GrizzlyGrayGamer - 17.12.2022 04:00

Kelly, I love your shirt! Where did you get that!?!

Seras - 10.12.2022 11:32

Crusher with booming blade is beautiful, hit them with booming blade and shove them away so they need to move and take that extra damage.

Thomas W
Thomas W - 05.12.2022 18:42

Halfling monk with mobile!! (Removes sunglasses) mother of god!

someguyatsubway - 04.12.2022 09:11

Not me over here advocating chef bc of my Sword College Bugbear bard Gourm (ala Gourmand)
Stretchy arm sous chef carrying around spices cooking utensils and a chef hat while also tearing up bad guys. The last one you'd expect to make those rations something worth looking forward to and 'yet'.

Sam Durfee
Sam Durfee - 30.11.2022 17:53

Take the Actor Feat, or be a Level 3 Assassin Rogue.

Decisions decisions.

Chaos Tool
Chaos Tool - 27.11.2022 06:33

I just saw that one of the spells included in the spell snipers available spells is primal savagery, the attack has a reach of 5ft, so in theory the spell sniper feat would give you a d10 acid attack from 10ft away.

Drake Richter
Drake Richter - 26.11.2022 23:33

Funny note - Booming Blade does NOT synergize with Spell Sniper due to the change to its range (now Self, 5ft radius); however, it DOES synergize with another feat on the list: Mobile.

You make a melee attack as part of casting the spell, thus it triggers Mobile's effect of ignoring opportunity attacks - and if the enemy wants to chase you, they eat the extra Booming Blade damage. I have had Mobile on the list for my next character from the start due to the synergy with both Booming Blade and the Artificer Armorer's Thunder Gauntlet, and later the Winged Boots infusion.

Dirmus Loner
Dirmus Loner - 23.11.2022 18:43

Shadowtouched feat and feytouched are also underestimated. Imagine a Shadowtouched warlock with invisibility from this feat and another 1 or 2 1st level spells from enchantment or necro list 1/long rest. Or from. Fey touched from divination or illusion list 1/long rest (took 1 only the feats don't stuck) but invibility from Shadowtouched and from a slot of warlock makes the warlock an infiltration character and very useful at combat situations

Tim Jackson
Tim Jackson - 23.11.2022 04:20

Two come into my mind and they combo well together. Tavern Brawler and Magic Initiate. Tavern Brawler makes unarmed attacks do 1d4 +str mod damage as well as proficient with improvised weapons. Magic Initiate gives you two cantrips and one first level spell of a chosen spellcaster class. Except for Artificer that's it's own feat. Shocking Grasp is a wizard cantrip that makes a touch attack for 1d12 lightning damage. Here's the combo, unarmed attack + Shocking Grasp.
Basic I know, but 1d4 + 1d12 with bonuses as a basic attack? Shocking. Pun nintended.

Gary Gage
Gary Gage - 19.11.2022 18:20

That ruling on the shield master makes no sense at all. As a dm I can always change the rulings but this is a really bad ruling. This is like telling a monk he must punch before kicking. So bad

Orric Drago
Orric Drago - 17.11.2022 22:15

Mobile is the best

David Jones
David Jones - 17.11.2022 03:54

Shield master + crusher is what I was thinking, but on my pally

LikeToPlay Skarf
LikeToPlay Skarf - 16.11.2022 23:21

Joe sounds like JoCat. SnS for life

pom sam
pom sam - 16.11.2022 07:43

Currently playing an Aarakocra, Way of Shadow Monk with the Mobile feat and Gunner feat. Using a Musket in Range and close quarters with additional Spear head bayonet my DM allowed me to modify but use the separate stats for. Going pretty damn well. Only level 4 but damn do I have a lot of options for combat. Basically using the Musket like a quarterstaff that can kneecap folks and then talon attacking as bonus actions. If overwhelmed I can zoom into the air 50 feet and still make great damage ranged attacks. Only issue is if I get knocked unconscious but we'll cross that bridge if it ever happens :P

Wildehide - 15.11.2022 23:05

Played quite a few bards, I have literally never used Disguise Self on any of them. Used Actor a good amount though. Might be time to give it a go

Bod Boddington
Bod Boddington - 15.11.2022 12:51

RE: Shield Master shove & attacks.

Even if it is ruled that you can't use the shield master shove untill you take the attack action, you can use a bonus action between attacks.

Both the shove and a Paladin's smite are considerd bonus actions, and a Paladin's smite (from spell list) dosn't interupt it's attacks :D

So just like a paladin can attack, smite, attack... you should be able to attack, push over, then get that nice advantage for any follow up :D

Genghis Galahad
Genghis Galahad - 14.11.2022 07:02

My Protection Paladin is here for Shield Master! His alt in another league play setting in Barovia has the Duelist feat!

william meek
william meek - 12.11.2022 23:39

Sorry a bit late, but Observant is my feat of choice for the +5 passive perception. Makes it REALLY hard for stealthy enemies to sneak up on you.

Ericnox - 10.11.2022 00:33

I have a Warforged Artificer who uses the thunder gauntlets and has the crusher feat. He keeps enemies where he wants them, so everyone else can unleash the pain.

Ninjamonkey 554
Ninjamonkey 554 - 08.11.2022 04:44

I'm a bit late for this one lol. I have a war cleric that would absolutely love having a combo of eldrich blast and spirit weapon. Even in the campaign we are in there isn't a whole lot of enemies that are resistant to force damage haha. We are about to be lvl 8 so yay feat choice:)
