Problems Being A Vegetarian – Dr. Berg on Downsides of Vegetarian Diets

Problems Being A Vegetarian – Dr. Berg on Downsides of Vegetarian Diets

Dr. Eric Berg DC

9 лет назад

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@Gino419 - 16.01.2024 00:01

If your either vegan and vegetarian, but drink soda or juice from the store. 😂

@Dmarshall072 - 03.11.2023 02:50

This a food culture problem, the western diet is not adapted to a vegetarian/plant diet. We don't have dinners or lunches that a proper vegetarian like in say India where a vegetarian meal is plentiful and contains everything you might need. We think of salads for plant diet which is rubbish and an incomplete meal.

@dkny39 - 25.09.2023 17:52

It is not as easy to do as we think you are so right . and some persons force themselves to become one and then fall right back

@helenahandkart1857 - 20.09.2023 17:43

The honeymoon period lasts longer for vegetarians than for vegans, to the point where most vegetarians mistake malnutrition for 'ageing'.

@Gsoda35 - 05.08.2023 03:07

I love the way this video starts. like listening to a casual documentary.

@BigA7982 - 11.07.2023 21:17

The longest people who live longer are Asians and they eat Fish and vegetables so meat isn’t bad it’s just the amount of meat your eating.

@rtarita529 - 20.05.2023 06:41

Vegetarian doesn’t mean you can’t eat eggs or cheese.. maybe you’re thinking vegan ?

@dcsparkyify - 10.05.2023 23:11

Have you got a video for a healthy vegetarian diet?

@dalelerette206 - 24.04.2023 06:14

Mom told me that the earliest parts of the Bible indicated humanity was vegetarian. According to mom, eating meat came after the Flood. I think she might be right about that. I suspect about 70,000 years ago the Great Deluge happened. Then we started eating meat.

@RobertsDigital - 22.04.2023 13:40

I am in italy
I have met over 13 Italians who are over 100 years old. I always ask them what they eat. Meat is always included in their diet. So is fish, cheese and vegetables. However the main secret to their longevity is the freshness of their food.

@Tikutae - 19.04.2023 23:52

I doubted anything could be wrong with a plant based diet, but I must say after a while of veganism, it's not the holy grail.

@PeteJWall - 14.04.2023 13:36

My guy, you realise vegetarians can eat eggs and cheese, right?

@PeteJWall - 14.04.2023 13:33

"Most vegetarians don't actually have very many vegetables." How did you reach this scientifically bulletproof conclusion, doc?

@mswani4694 - 14.04.2023 02:59

If u are eating lot of veggies u are increasing ur retained cellulose content . We humans are not ruminants to digest cellulose. Our digestive is designed to digest vegetables and meat both but in balanced amount

@shanthi3152 - 07.04.2023 01:04

I’m gonna quit non veg , not feeling great for killing animals n eating 😢

@christophernupp4591 - 06.04.2023 02:12

Problems with following doctors advice is that you die a lot sooner than what you are supposed to

@bartsmith1304 - 06.04.2023 02:08

I love your videos but this one was a little snarky in my opinion. I've been a 50 year vegetarian and feel just fine. But I am following your keto info and fasting recommendations to lose a little weight,

@edslick9577 - 20.03.2023 23:03

I'm a lacto-ovo vegetarian. According to the nurse practitioner who sees me, the amount of protein in my blood is sufficient. She also said I get enough vitamins and my organs look fine. I do 20 or more pushups at a time every day. It's a myth that you cannot get enough protein on a vegetarian diet. I avoid eggs most of the time but often consume non fat yogurt. The yogurt I get contains no added sugar, little salt, and almost no cholesterol. I also eat plenty of veggies. When I ate meat on a regular basis, I was around 330 pounds. I'm now down to about 200 pounds. It's good that Dr. Berg eats plenty of veggies, but I'll bet he consumes too much meat and is at an elevated risk for cancer. My maternal and fraternal grandfathers died of colon cancer, so I decided to give up the traditional American diet. I see a pattern that others can choose to ignore at their own peril. According the research I've looked at, vegetarians have an 8 percent lower incidence of cancer than nonvegetarians. I think the figure for vegans was 17 percent. That's statistically significant.

@michaelbarry8373 - 10.03.2023 19:17

We are omnivores. If you go without meat you need to make up for it.

@geetalikhera7913 - 09.03.2023 23:44

I was hoping to hear Dr Berg talk about beans and sprouted lentils for proteins for vegetarians. And I want to know how it affects the ketodiet

@PussGreyPussMeng - 06.03.2023 08:52

Honestly I would eat meat but if the animal die of old age or natural causes

@PussGreyPussMeng - 06.03.2023 08:49

The reason why I'm vegetarian it's because I love animals I don't want to kill or harm them
If there's a way you can get meat without killing or harming then I won't go vegetarian but still I do eat eggs and milk because those things do not kill or harm the animal

@Jeeperswally - 02.03.2023 09:04

A proper vegetarian doesn't eat egg. but eats cheese milk honey all the other Vegan off limit items. I have been a Vegetarian for 48 years. I am 48 years old and I learned nutrition from a very early age and know how to cook and understand what is required to live this way. I was in Special Operations in the military which was extremely difficult to do but again I was raised with the complete knowledge. there were no Gardine burgers or any of the Processed Vegan stuff until the 2000s.I will eat only some when I am desperate. I was a buff 195lbs into my 30s. He is correct about just getting clean proper nutrition.

@manfredchladt8465 - 28.02.2023 12:29

I appreciate Dr. Berg also respecting the vegetarian/vegan lifestyle, at least to a certain degree because his advice may be helpful for people like me not against the keto lifestyle but against eating animals.

@AlexSantF - 27.02.2023 21:38

I've never eaten a meal without some kind of animal product and I'm in perfect shape and health. I would never even consider going vegetarian. There's just no reason for me to.

@frankwilliams3036 - 22.02.2023 01:29

So you should eat meat. LOL! You're correct about the granatarian. Not all vegatarians or vegans eat a healthy diet due to eating too many simple carbs and processed burger ( in moderation it's not bad meaning once every two weeks), but you don't need meat to get good proteins that don't have the high fats and colestorals the meat does. If you're a vegatarian you can eat eggs, cheese and other animal based foods, but I'm a vegan, and if you could see me, at 55 years old, I have more muscle tone and mass that most men in their 30's. In order to be a vegetarian or vegan you should do a little research to find the MANY protein sources that you can get on a plant-based diet, which is really what I eat. Plus plants provide every kind of amino acid that the body needs. I supplement like an athelete, but I you don't want to take a lot of supplements, I would recommend three: Vitamin B-12, a good DHA omega-3 ( which you can get from flaxseeds-and flaxseed oil) and L-Carnosine. Do it right and you will see people aging while you look exactly the same because you are taking in more nutrients and anti=oxidants than a meat eater can possibly get.

@averytoker1645 - 09.02.2023 23:03

Keto diet is the new vegan diet

@unaidelafemorales2907 - 02.02.2023 18:19

Thais guy is so wrong… where are the studies showing all that data you say

@greekphilosophy - 24.01.2023 05:32


@greenbike9475 - 21.01.2023 21:29

Doctor, could you please help me and make a video for people with IBS and DAO deficiency + Gluten Sensitive and a past Salmonella infection. Even a reply will be appreciated. Thanks

@Tamara-ys1lq - 21.01.2023 10:59

I can‘t eat meat.. I love animals so much. It‘s impossible. What should I eat?

@honestlyyours1069 - 20.01.2023 23:54

I would hate to be a vegetarian. I love meat too much. It fills me up, gives me energy and strength, and is a great source of protein. I am in good health and have been eating meat for over 60 years.

@SanjeevDD - 16.01.2023 05:59

There is a generally highly intelligent community in India - Tamilian Brahmins. An example genius mathematician Dr Ramanujan who knew infinity. They don't eat meat or eggs. How have they flourished for generations?

@ThePatynight - 09.01.2023 02:45

I used to do the keto low carb diet…then after some years I went to a doctor to get a checkup and some blood work. My cholesterol was high due to this diet. I’ve changed to vegan….was the best thing a have done to my life.

@delani447 - 08.12.2022 13:52

Eating processed food weather you are vegan or carnivore or omnivore is bad no metter what so based on that it doesnt matter what you eat it will end up bad. People should eat fresh and staright after picking up from the field. All about healthy lifestyle is in yogic culture. There are some old information on where we get nutrients from in this video that should be corrected as they are misleading.

@makagrabe... - 08.12.2022 08:09

People nowadays just ride the hype to make them feel different. Everything in in the interenet just ride

@craigeyerick8198 - 06.12.2022 21:04

I need to lay this on you Dr Berg. In my mind you are discredited. Those despicable vegetables that you eat and promote essentially do nothing other than take up stomach space which could and should be replaced by foods rich in fat and amino acids. You stayed on another video that we will have to wait and see the results of the carnivore diet long term. B***** just go back and study bodybuilders before steroids were popular and see what kind of diet they ate and their level of health and where those people are that kept away from ergogenic substances are today. Carbohydrate is the scourge of nutrition. Anyone from a muscle building Arena knows you can do one of two things. First option is protein and carbs and zero fat as much as possible. The section and better option is fat and protein and zero carb. This was used by Vince guaranda, look him up and he advocated this type of diet to his gym members. Again either go carb protein, which is inferior or protein fat and low carb or no carb. They did a thing called carbohydrate loading every fourth day or so. You need to go back to the drawing board my friend

@goldentapfilm850 - 30.11.2022 02:22

Hi DB do you have an updated video? I’ve stopped meat through feeling sluggish and being smelly in the wind dept. On day 5 but don’t have a roadmap ! Thank you if you read this and answer

@biswaruprana1970 - 27.11.2022 15:46

The problems of being a meat eater is that you are literally eating the flesh of another sentient being who wanted to live. When it died out of fear and suffering it released all those stress hormones. As a doctor you should be updated with the latest studies of plant based diet and benifits of vegetarianism rather than pitching for eating corpse just for vitamin B12.

@julia912d5 - 07.11.2022 05:22

This is exactly what I needed to hear. I've been miserable every time I've gone vegan. My hair is been getting thinner and thinner, I've been losing unbelievable muscle mass and tone. I'm exhausted and have always gained weight on a vegan diet, regardless of how many times vegan gurus have told me it was supposed to reverse diabetes, on a vegan diet I actually became pre-diabetic and then in the low numbers of diabetes. So I'm back on a low-carb diet and the weight is coming off and I feel and look so much better.

@chelseacarter58 - 06.11.2022 23:49

I’m going to go pescatarian for a good while. Supplement protein and eat fish and eggs

@gamzekececi8161 - 25.10.2022 21:56

There are no tangible sources of help for a vegetarian/plant based diet in this video, besides further advertisement towards MEAT AND DAIRY consumption. The only thing of use mentioned was "pea- and hemp protein" right before the video ended (which really isnt ground breaking news). Not sure how to take this video?

@luciavasile2895 - 12.10.2022 08:10

Yep..and blood sugar will sky rock big time...i try that before,and i was getting hungry every 2 hrs. That's what actualy what those profit doctors outhere want's you to do. Nope...i stick with carnivore/ omad fasting. Becose in less than 3 monts i lost 45 lbs and i am not hungry all the time. Also my blood sugar went down to normal. I also fixed my thyroid,and my blood preasure too. And here comes the bonus for me: " I DON'T TAKE TOXIC MEDS ANYMORE". But that's just me. You all do how your own body respond. Good luck to you all😀👌👍

@biswaruprana1970 - 20.08.2022 15:19

A proper vegan diet helped me loose weight by almost 10kgs over a 1 year period. I feel so much better.

@ugorosano3777 - 01.08.2022 10:23

Dr Berg, I would like to know, as a pescatarian, how many times a week would you suggest to eat fish? Is it true that some of the fish out there, which contains mercury and other metals, can create more negative than positive effects on our organism? Would you please add a video on pescatarianism, and how we can reach high levels of health using our diet regime to the max?
I once read somewhere that a study proved that being pescatarian would prolong life more than vegetarians or vegans, is that true?
Thanks for your research

@user-nx1sw3tk5x - 31.07.2022 00:00

I’m a vegetarian, have been for about a decade and I find this information so impactful. I think it definitely matters if you do vegetarianism the “right” way, which I definitely haven’t been. I’m definitely running on vitamin supplements, carbs and plenty of sugar (like too much). Definitely on me, but this video definitely helps puts things in perspective.

@macheo6272 - 28.07.2022 14:18

I want to try that grass fed eggs

@desertcultissickness8199 - 14.07.2022 03:24

Most people don't know the meaning of vegetarian. There is no need to be vegan. You can eat eggs, milk etc. Learn to cook vegetarian meal from Indian recipes. There are 80,000 recipes for proper wholesome nutritious meal.
