This LUNALA team just WON a MAJOR tournament • Pokemon Scarlet/Violet VGC Battles

This LUNALA team just WON a MAJOR tournament • Pokemon Scarlet/Violet VGC Battles


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@DaSpoinkman - 11.03.2025 23:49

QOTD: Loaded dice Palkia is my pick for most underutilized restricted.

@Wafflefrieslmdh - 11.03.2025 23:50

This is truly a mahina pea moment

@benjaminphipps8325 - 12.03.2025 00:02

I’m been playing a groudon team you featured weeks ago with a chlorophyll shiftry. Super fun to outrun everyone

@averagememer57 - 12.03.2025 00:10

QOTD: Leftovers Dragon dance necrozma dusk mane, with Galar zapdos or urshifu water

@alexandercamachoterrazas3002 - 12.03.2025 01:08

You have to try Alejandro Terrazas team

@jonathanbarrus2326 - 12.03.2025 01:20

Are we going to see you use Wolfey's EUIC team?

@jonathanbarrus2326 - 12.03.2025 01:21

Are we going to see you use Wolfey's EUIC team?

@jordangreen7198 - 12.03.2025 01:29

Aaron is so smart bro dude is genius

@IlikeTurtles316 - 12.03.2025 01:31

Is there any reason why aaron sometimes hides his wins, losses and No.of Battles stats? Just curious.

@MathiasWashburne - 12.03.2025 01:45

Shout-out to your fellow draft-leaguer @jameswbaekpkmn for placing 5th! Dude went 11-1 with a Mienshao!

@TheGoldenPorsches - 12.03.2025 02:06

No shade at all but cybertron vgc ladder is some of my favorite content to fall asleep to, just chill vibes all around

@Alchemistake - 12.03.2025 03:05

hello aaron, how did you get the paste? if you got it from behzad, can you make him get in touch with me somehow? for world cup of pokemon reasons. I suspect he can play for my country, We didn't know he existed before :D

@77d3 - 12.03.2025 03:28

Qotd: Zacian

@ikaros4464 - 12.03.2025 03:50

You know I'm gonna say it, but I'm still a believer in max speed Life Orb Groudon.

@Olivia757-t4o - 12.03.2025 04:10

My favorite Pokemon, won?!?! Awesome!!!

@kirbyhat5 - 12.03.2025 04:20


@michaelblair7141 - 12.03.2025 05:01

I LOVED doing replay analysis, but it is quite difficult to do so in-game without a way to save replays (like the VS Recorder). Still wrapping my head around why they got rid of that feature.

@zeeblerfilms - 12.03.2025 05:33

gz on the move and new job!!

@realistic_delinquent - 12.03.2025 05:50

Base form Palkia is being slept on

@Shiradrenaline - 12.03.2025 06:29

Cool thumbnail! I'm so glad you got to play this team... and so quickly, too! Getting to your costream in time to experience this with your commentary was a blast. 🥰 Thanks for posting!

@davidshutlar9052 - 12.03.2025 06:34

Tera stellar on the urshifu it also good at picking up a KO on terastalized terapagos with close combat, which otherwise would be able to survive one then KO the urshifu in return.

@hectorfley4371 - 12.03.2025 06:36

One restricted set I think is slept on in CTS environment is Tera Water, Choice specs, Water Spout Kyogre with rain up.

It is the closest thing to G-Max Wildfire this generation. It can be hard to position, but it can end games in 2 turns.

It has taken me to masterball every month Reg G have been active.

@jacobjensen7704 - 12.03.2025 06:37

QOTD: There’s no way there’s not a winning Kyurem-W team out there.

@tlyee6166 - 12.03.2025 06:38

im ngl u made this team look broken; legit no counter play except for meteor beam missing

@mattfurda366 - 12.03.2025 06:46

Hope everything goes smoothly with your transition to a new place and a new job, Aaron! 💜

@jordangreen7198 - 12.03.2025 07:27

Aaron have you won anything ? Or made top cuts ?

@IronBoffin - 12.03.2025 08:25

I love how even in a format where we hear how “boring” legends can be, that there’s so much room to be creative and have any Mon put in work.

@elgronian3432 - 12.03.2025 08:31

Honestly i think Zacian is still a strong underused pokemon in the current format it has great damage output although its a bit inflexible it could fit well into a lot of different team compositions as groudon is less popular nowadays and its typing is only really threatened by Koraidon which could be shredded by a max speed play rough 4x super effective move I think that if people find the right pairings for Zacian it could really make a big comeback

@danielcatalan9794 - 12.03.2025 08:42

that urshifu on game 4 probably doesnt have a speed Ev investment.

@spartanxbear9076 - 12.03.2025 09:52

i felt that game two meteor beam miss in my soul

@walkingfurret6196 - 12.03.2025 10:10

Recently getting back into vgc glad to see your content is still super helpful

@TsuchiGamer06 - 12.03.2025 10:27

Glad you're back Aaron! Hope you like the new city!

And also funny, I was talking about legendaries with a few friends like the day before Lunala won. I specifically said Lunala isn't used much and only during double restricted


@Zephyr77 - 12.03.2025 13:37

Aaron your content is so good, really enjoy seeing conceptual breakdowns followed by demonstration, this format will never get old

@ryanlordjanie - 12.03.2025 15:27

“Hang in their scarlet and violet”
Acknowledging this game is trash

@JacksonHorschel - 12.03.2025 15:53

Not gonna lie, this team seems invincible

@DanTheMack95 - 12.03.2025 16:08

Been trying to make Ho-Oh work these past few days after seeing these slept on restricteds win regionals <3

@NotOnQ - 12.03.2025 18:53

This may not be intended, but the 29 Speed IVs ion indeedee is also good to make sure you underspeed Rillaboom to set terrain

I really enjoyed running rillaboom with 29 ivs when iron crown was making waves to allow me to lead with it. Iron crown mostly ran ground and water tera, so Rilla with terrain really put them on the backfoot

@zachuvgc8660 - 12.03.2025 19:25

I think the metagame is the least hostile towards Eternatus thay it will likely ever be. CIR are generally switching to Fairy Tera, CSR are still largely Fairy tho others are popping up, Miraidons are slowing down so Etern's 130 Speed can be fast enough, with Chi-Yu you can pin Tera Dragon Zama, Koraidon is up and Etern resists the Fire and Fighting moves they run. Plus bro has like, one of the craziest stat spreads out there

@slimebot3377 - 12.03.2025 19:48

Comment for the algorithm

@shadmanjojhon1201 - 12.03.2025 21:25

I still believe Miraidon has hidden potential that's not locked to choice specs.

@maddie2267-t2j - 12.03.2025 21:42

Call me crazy but i think eternatus has potential. I've experimented with scarf eternatus because you can dynamax cannon miradon if it has no tera or sludge wave all the tera fairy on restricted mons. You can even outspeed and shadowball caly shadow. I'm still very new to vgc but i feel like a skilled player could crack the code and use it effectively. Ive always wondered as well if you could run some kind of bulky set too with its high hp and access to black sludge

@DE7EC7IVE - 13.03.2025 04:36

hello everybody, hope everyone in this fine community is doing well and is having an excellent week so far... firt of all, i would like to thank mister Aaron for always giving us such great content... i have a bit of a request, i guess you can say idea or suggestion for a future video... for the last couple of months i've been playing Reg G on Showdown without using a restricted 'mon; i just don't like restricted mons and i refuse to use them... i've been having mix results; sometimes i play good, but sometimes it's very difficult to overcomer the power disadvantage... but i have been enjoying the challenge, so i don't mind if i loose... i was wondering if you mister Aaron could try to play Reg G with no restricted... i feel like it's fun because there is an added challenge and i actually feel like i've bee improving, since it makes me think so much more abouit match ups and what not... i'm still struggling to find a team that can handle the main restricted mons but i try to keep a core of Incin, Urshifu Rapid Strike, Farigiraf and Flutter Maine... can you give this challenge a try and how would your team look?

@XDDavie - 13.03.2025 05:20

Means a lot to us (me for sure at least haha) that you post! Happy to see you back! Good luck with your new endeavors!

@Epiphany850 - 13.03.2025 06:53

Koraidon With Venusaur or Jumpluff for fast sleep powder surrounded by an aggressive core of Flutter Mane and Chi Yu is my answer for a slept on restricted set.

@vermillionorange3294 - 13.03.2025 07:49

Eternatus for sure! It's surprisingly great at dealing with FWG cores and the consistent damage output is nothing to scoff at. Poison also hits the meta for unresisted damage, and you have flamethrower for steel types like Zamazenta and Zacian.
