Ukraine Unveils Its New Underwater Maritime Drone/Autonomous Torpedo -- Toloka

Ukraine Unveils Its New Underwater Maritime Drone/Autonomous Torpedo -- Toloka


1 год назад

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Div Divic
Div Divic - 14.09.2023 22:35

A new tax should be introduced in Britain for the war in Ukraine.

Craig Dillon
Craig Dillon - 04.09.2023 15:06

By the time this war ends, Ukraine will have a nice little arms industry going.

sailawayteam - 28.08.2023 14:18

Finally! Now we are talking - and soon kicking some serious butt!

John Francisco
John Francisco - 25.08.2023 19:44

Slava Ukraine 🇺🇦 ❤

Oscar Sebello
Oscar Sebello - 25.08.2023 05:24

Nice intelligent underwater torpedo drones developed by Ukraine & they really have many bright & clever engineers & scientists. Slava Ukraini!!

Sean Bryan
Sean Bryan - 18.08.2023 19:26

I 've been thinking that while Ukraine's sea drones have been very successful lately it won't be long before Russia develops effective countermeasures, and so the next logical step would be undersea drones.

croc501 - 30.07.2023 19:14

I wonder when Ukraine will use them

Arno Rebane
Arno Rebane - 17.07.2023 16:58

Was today the day this torpedo thing was tested against the Crimean bridge?

sonicboyPT - 17.07.2023 14:15

I wonder if they used a couple of these on the crimean bridge today.

O E - 23.06.2023 05:31

When are these things going to hit Russian ships?

Thomas O'Brien
Thomas O'Brien - 04.06.2023 01:10

Ukraine: design a drone boat that can handle an anti-ship missile. No need to go inside the net at the ports just stand off and watch the Russian fleet burn.

vinyl rebellion
vinyl rebellion - 30.05.2023 03:56

You need a mast. The camera data won't go through much distance under water. If they are fully gps programed then they just need to see satellites, but still need be close to surface, might as well have a mast. They need a thin gps and camera holder.

PM B - 26.05.2023 18:24

Anything on speed of these bad boys?

R M - 25.05.2023 22:55

Russia has developed a rock that can be tossed with commanders approval

Wedontneedem - 24.05.2023 01:30

Complete Hopium!

whitewolfstein - 09.05.2023 00:14

hahahaha...that's a joke.

hermelnder hans
hermelnder hans - 08.05.2023 02:28

Ok These Torpedos are pretty crazy

Protect & Serve Duty Honor Country
Protect & Serve Duty Honor Country - 06.05.2023 00:59

Cost the Russians dearly for starting this war.

jon - 03.05.2023 16:11

Ukraine's ingenuity with drones will be giving some bad people some big ideas.

Sm Tx
Sm Tx - 03.05.2023 12:04

Fun fact: modern torpedos don't sink a ship by their blast yield, but rather the air poket that is created under a ship when they explode under them... so a 5000kg yield torpedo is stupidly over powered, unless you're trying to sink something the size of a nimitz class carrier...

Pat Nor
Pat Nor - 02.05.2023 09:34

Something like that could even destroy underwater gas pipelines :)

Angus Abbott
Angus Abbott - 01.05.2023 20:38

It would be great if one of these can sink a oil tanker under the kerch bridge and cause a huge fire to cause more damage

Yuck Foutube
Yuck Foutube - 01.05.2023 19:46

Hmmmm.....I'm not overly impressed with this thing based on what we are being shown. Those things look to be VERY heavy and don't look to be very buoyant. I'm not a specialist in battery usage, but it seems that the size and weight of batteries could be a real limiting factor and those small propellers look like they would get a really serious workout and again, I'm not convinced that this thing is a viable weapon. I hope I'm wrong, but I know my cell phone and computer batteries don't perform like the batteries on those torpedo's would be expected to work. I'm also thinking of the battery packs in something like a Tesla as a relative comparison.

squee222 - 01.05.2023 18:38

Ukraine never claimed responsibility for the original Kerch Bridge attack. We should not rule out the possibility it was a clandestine operation that originated from within Russia. The truck bomb was travelling from Russia into Ukraine after all.

Paulie200 - 01.05.2023 12:01

Those pics probably make orifices clench tight among Putin's naval commanders. (The bad part is the tech is going to eventually be used by not just the usual a-holes in Russia and China but also by NK, Iran, and any other terrorist state with an ax to grind. So it's a big headache for NATO/ US war planners too.)

DownUnderDigitals - 01.05.2023 04:43

I know there are quite a few air defense systems that can take out drones in the sky, but, what about underwater anti-drone defenses?

Michael Moore
Michael Moore - 01.05.2023 01:26

I think if they strategically positioned some of the TLK1000 in between ships at Sevastopol, they could destroy most of what they have docked in that harbour.

Terry Windell
Terry Windell - 30.04.2023 20:15

So if the ruZZian torpedo drone is nuclear powered, what happens to the reactor when the drone explodes...???

eastendguy48 - 30.04.2023 18:16

I just gave US$25 to Nafo 69th Sniffing Brigade! Support the fighters! Slava Ukraine!

Rio Nijam
Rio Nijam - 30.04.2023 15:34

One word, Sevastopol

Hugin Starkstrom
Hugin Starkstrom - 30.04.2023 15:01

a few notes: range is from the point of activation. If small boats get close enough an enemy point of interest, then even the small torps can have a decent range. Smaller torps are easier to hide on a small boat. Big torps: don't think of targetting enemy ships but more likely the Crimea bridge pillars.

geoxrge - 30.04.2023 14:19

Does this make all capital ships of all navies obsolete? Can an aircraft carrier ever be safe, especially in port?

Walterwaltraud - 30.04.2023 12:59

Cost estimate for narco subs for cocaine Latin America - Canary islands 1 - 2 mio USD. Often constructed historically by ... former Warsaw pact engineers and navy officers. Well, this looks like a great use. Even if it won't work, it will keep the Kerch bridge defenders terribly busy.

warhorse03826 - 30.04.2023 11:10

it would be smart to make the TLK-400 air deployable. a nice big parachute on the back end, strap it under a Bayraktar in autonomous mode.."fly to point X, at altitude Y, with airspeed Z, and drop this in the water, and return to base." then guide the torpedo once it is in the water.

the smaller one would be hard to deploy like this, unless they make that mast folding. as-is it doesn't look like it has any folding in it at all.

JesusIsGodAlmightySavior GodJesus
JesusIsGodAlmightySavior GodJesus - 30.04.2023 07:25

So sorry to hear you "Always have to tell the ladies", BIGGER is not always better.
Oh dude, keep it down.

Cpl Nobby Nobbs
Cpl Nobby Nobbs - 30.04.2023 04:18

I didn't find any info about propulsion design in this video but assuming from picture there are electrical motors. If it's correct, I would like to say that this is a fake as electrical motor driven torpedo's of aprox same length as TLK 400 US Mark 45 Blok 6, 5.77m has a max range 15km and Russian TE-2 with length 8.3m has a max range 25km. By the way - US Navy changed Mk45 electrical to Mk48 with swashplate piston engine to improve range up to 50km and this is #1 in world. The change was done as it wasn't possible to achieve the range more than 30km with electrical propulsion despite piston engine much noisy.
Be realistic and make a look on battery of yr Tesla.

Andrew Gray
Andrew Gray - 29.04.2023 17:46

Is it possible that, with a 3 month loiter time, a couple of tlk 1000's are ALREADY lurking under the Crimea bridge, quietly counting down to May 9th !

Wils kr8
Wils kr8 - 29.04.2023 16:11

Interesting, I think the big one is designed for the bridge indeed, what else?

Nikita Romeo
Nikita Romeo - 29.04.2023 15:36

Glory to the Heroes! russia will fall, it is inevitable.

szabcsababcsa - 29.04.2023 15:30

What do you mean 5000 KG is 5.5 tons? That is exatcly 5 tons.

Greg Huey
Greg Huey - 29.04.2023 13:08

Thank you so much!

Slava Ukraine and Defeat for the orcs!!!

Paddy Wakk
Paddy Wakk - 29.04.2023 11:46

The largest payload you describe if targeted the kresch bridge will cause a lot of damage.

jmc2483 - 29.04.2023 11:21

Why the fk would they release info on this in a war giving Russia the details. Stupid if its true .

AdamosDad - 29.04.2023 09:33

A bridge bomb.

Hesty MK2
Hesty MK2 - 29.04.2023 03:06

I think the mast has more to do with communications which the antenna would be able to fit internally in the larger tubes. It's probably on the 3meter band

Notyer Monkey
Notyer Monkey - 29.04.2023 00:32

You wouldn't want that BIG BOY to break off the leash and run off on a kill'n Spree then...

victor - 29.04.2023 00:07

Once again I remind you that the Russian government is very serious with its intentions towards Ukraine. if they cannot achieved these objectives through conventional weapons. Nuclear, chemical or biological weapons may be brought into play. One thing is for sure they are deadly serious. ☹️😥🧐🤔

Carlo R
Carlo R - 28.04.2023 20:29

The Russian barbarism against a sovereign and independent nation, we mourn their deaths, and we stand United
with the Ukrainian people! 🇺🇦
The barbaric Russian army with their atrocities against the Ukrainian civilian population, the Russian invaders with their torture chambers, including rape, killing civilians, and the deportation of children and adults to Russian concentration camps, by the Russian forces, and the Russian monster dictatorship have no place in modern civilization. They need to be held accountable before the international tribunal, pay reparations to the Ukrainian people, and Russia has to lose their seat on the UN Security Council!
The Russian orthodox patriarch who was working together with the Russian tyrant as Sowjet Union KGB agents has no credibility as a Christian, he is in bed with the devil 👹
The Russian people who have been blindfolded by the propaganda machine of the Tyrant shall see through this war criminal and rise up against them in order to safe themselves for a free and democratic Russia!
