Proud we could attend and help a little! ♥️25.5. was the day of the grand 💥opening of the "Therapeutical garden" for the oncological and long term junior patients in FN Motol, 😷one of the biggest hospital wards in the Czech republic. Reconstructed, innovated and revitalized through the relentless efforts ⚔️ and incredible work of - a foundation, 💖 whose goal is to help oncological patients in the Czech republic. 🙏 Check out the interview with Pink Bubble, and the story about this place. In all of the years, there has been a lot of fantastic work behind F♥️undation, and we are grateful for it BIG TIME! 👍#impactfund #cryptocharity #help #oncologicalpatients #cancer #chemotherapy #radiology #patients #pinkbubble #cuddleme #fnmotol #prague #praha