Ben Shapiro Reacts to Traditional Wife TikToks

Ben Shapiro Reacts to Traditional Wife TikToks

Ben Shapiro

1 год назад

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Trad wives are women who dress up as 1950's classic television wives and adopt traditional gender roles. This trend seems to be picking up momentum along with hate on TikTok. Is there really something so wrong with it?

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Working _Man
Working _Man - 27.09.2023 05:51

MAYBE this is only me but at least I know who I am and I know my goals.

I can cook, clean, drive, dive, fix almost everything in the house, work 80+ hours aa week to have fun money even after I give money to the woman for fun, I take care of cars, lawn mowers, I can rebuild engine, I am well educated, I am fluent in two languages, I pay all the bills, I have IQ 154, I read books, watch movies, play games on hard level, I can shoot and kill anything in my way, I can intellectually debate, I am traveled and much more. (Many man are like the universal tool). Yes sometimes we do act like tools because you ladies are only using us as tools not a partner.

To all you ladies. If man find out the woman is more trouble and does not help. Why would we be with that woman. No reason. You women ALLOWED PORN. We have two heathy hand with speed you will never achieve. What do you have, complains when staying home doing most day nothing if you do not have kids. In bible woman is helper of man. That is why women are feeling better when they do not have to deal with external shit. We deal with extremal shit. We provide. We are build as providers. PERIOD. You try to take that, ok, be my guest. In that case I do not need the woman. What for?

Be partner not burden complaining bitch. We already have to deal with HR because one look at boobs. So ladies. F.U. if you do not change and in that case we are better of alone.

PS: Already married for 24 years (one woman) and I must be doing something right. She does complains but not as much and life is good. and one more thing I have ) debt, house paid off at 28, both cars for me and my wife paid off. Nice saving and I am now 40. Oh forgot, I got us estate in Europe too for my wife's portfolio so if I die, she is taken care of financially. Just think about it. Two people cooperating. I was born in communism if you quests about my money status when I was put on this planet. It does work and GOD is NEVER EVER wrong.

Shawn - 27.09.2023 01:46

I hate to say it, but anyone on TikTok can't be a Traditional Wife. WE traditional wives don't have social media accounts, don't have TikTok - don't become popular. Why?
Our time and attention go to our children, husbands, God, service, community, and home.
I am a traditional wife, and you will never know me.

That's like saying the women who have only fans page are respectful women. Nope. You can't have both.

Caitie KH
Caitie KH - 26.09.2023 23:47

Proud “trad” wife! My husband works and supports us financially while I take care of our home. I make sure when he gets off work, he feels like he can relax, have a good smelling, emotionally warm home, and a delicious meal. We are trying to conceive and will be homeschooling as well! I decided about 6 months ago that it didn’t make sense to work for another man to make that man richer! My husband owns his own company so now I can help him in any way I can and make our OWN family richer.

Henry and Nolan the big crlppas
Henry and Nolan the big crlppas - 26.09.2023 04:37

Ben Shapiros such a fuckin geek

JodyCoyote - 25.09.2023 04:55

Hilarious! I have only dated 1 person whom I married. We had 2 kids and are still married and in love 39 years later. It is a joy to share my life with my husband and now have the joy to be part of our kids and grandkids life. I don’t understand how twisted these people are and they seem so sad.

BTW I got a stage 4 diagnosis and my husband stayed by my side and our kids support us as well so add me to the statistics for your spouse staying in the marriage.

Cheyenne Shines Sunshine
Cheyenne Shines Sunshine - 24.09.2023 20:02

All these women are home alone laying around... what's the difference between doing that for your just are doing nothing laying around, being alone and miserable literally... instead of the bigger picture.... it's not natural to me... lol every women deep down knows they want this!!!!!

Cheyenne Shines Sunshine
Cheyenne Shines Sunshine - 24.09.2023 19:59

I'm a traditional wife!!!!!! AND? Women are meant to be in the home... raising their children not just standing in the kitchen staring at a wall.. its cooking for your family, and raise your children, help your husband... etc,... the 1950 were amazing to families... my grandmother was so fulfilled in life if you think you will get that by being single and materialistic.... then all power to you!!!!!!! Lol! Not me! Im not spending my life watering plants .....alone.....

Cathy Bates
Cathy Bates - 23.09.2023 03:03

It seems like most of the people spouting those absurd beliefs have never been there. Have no experience in the subject they pretend to be experts on. For obvious reasons they cant maintain a relationship, so don’t want to see anyone else doing that. Anything worth doing takes some effort!! It works so much better for everyone if the mother stays home and makes a home for the family. It’s better for the family, the country, the crime rate, the suicide rate… our country was soooo much better off in the 50’s. But they weren’t there… how would they know? If everyone was encouraged and taught how to maintain that kind of lifestyle instead of being pushed to be alone women would be so much happier. I feel most of the unhappiness in women’s lives came from loony feminists telling women they deserve more!!! You deserve a job outside the home… work all day, then come home and try to make a home. The feminists made it sound like there is something super glamorous about being a working mom, so women were made to feel they were less than they could be if they didn’t work! It’s all a lie!!

ohhimark - 22.09.2023 11:28

The porche CEO didn't even have a "trad wife" they were only married since 2019, being together for 12 years before getting married in your 70s isn't trad life

BriZZell - 21.09.2023 20:39

So that's what your wife looks like lol. A very refreshing commentary

BriZZell - 21.09.2023 20:28

Hzhahahahahah 1st video he's about to pass out

TH - 21.09.2023 05:00

Proverbs helped me grow into the woman that I was proud to be under God. People don't finish the proverb ... it begins with being submissive to the Lord your God. The husband must also have a relationship with God

Jennet - 20.09.2023 23:54

Wow!! She's a sad one, what's she on?

Patti Adams
Patti Adams - 20.09.2023 03:49

If you are a stay at home mom, you don't need a lobotomy. Get involved with your kids school, pta, your church , etc...of course you need a yummy husband like Mr. Cleaver😊 he's a dreamboat!

BaseballBruja - 20.09.2023 00:31

my mom is a trad wife but doesnt dress in 1950s stuff thats not her. My dad is support of her and she of him. it works.

nope - 18.09.2023 16:13

"We should go back to previous gender rolls!" "Oh so you want to take away women's rights and never let women leave the house and make them suffer?" "That's..............not what I said at all."

Sumair Abbas
Sumair Abbas - 18.09.2023 04:28

I am sure that all those women who are complaining most of them are single or in miserable relationship. Because no man wants to marry a woman who has no respect and regards for marriage. These type of women end up being totally alone buying cheap cigarettes from 7 eleven at 2 AM

Baca World
Baca World - 18.09.2023 03:44

I love being a TRAD wife. Honestly if you care about your kids, then you should 1000% TRY to be a stay at home mom if you can.
Your kids ABSOLUTELY NEED YOU! I spend 8-10 hours a day with my kids and although it hard. It’s so incredibly beneficial for them and us. Trad wife’s are doing a great service for the community.
The kids are the future, maybe if your mama’s stayed home y’all would be a little more mentally stable. ❤

Estefania Heart
Estefania Heart - 17.09.2023 23:17

Y’all are a bunch of lonely broken overstimulated people I’m so lucky to be a 23 year old, married with 3 children under 3 and it’s family over anything I have yet to find something more important then family their is no amount of shots, parties, sleeping around or career or friends that I would choose over my family any day once you have kids that’s when you learn to stop being selfish and truly become a women or man

ANIMA ZEN - 17.09.2023 12:23

Wow,tradwives 🤩 I want them 2 b my best friends.

Joygernaut M
Joygernaut M - 17.09.2023 04:25

With all due respect. She’s exaggerating, but she’s not wrong. Let me tell you about my ex-husband’s grandmother. She met his grandfather during World War II. She was a nurse and he was doing construction on one of the military hospitals. He pursued her, and they dated for about six months before he asked her to marry him(good Catholic girl no sex before marriage so engagements moved more quickly because everybody was young and horny). Of course like a lot of people, he was putting on his best face, and very charming in the beginning. She married him and they had seven children(and two more they did not survive, which was also not uncommon until vaccines came out in the 50s).
Granny always had a smile on her face, kept an immaculate home, and made beautiful meals for her family every day . She never complained.

Grandpa on the other hand, never once took the children or his wife on a vacation. But he golfed every weekend and went on a two week fishing trip with his buddies every year without his family. Grandma was not allowed to have a drivers license, or really any hobbies outside of the home that didn’t serve the family directly.

Grandpa got sick and died at the age of 72 from complications of heart failure. In the last month of his life, he was even more miserable than usual, commanding her around like she was a nurse again, blaming her when he didn’t feel better.

At his funeral, she was quiet . She didn’t cry she didn’t see much of anything. She hugged her children and was there for them(not surprisingly none of them were super close to their dad, but they still cared about him and were mourning his passing)

Not even a week after the funeral, granny decides it’s time to get her drivers license and buy a car . She was 70.

She lived to be 92 so she had 22 years without him, and they were truly the happiest years of her life . As soon as the burden of being the perfect homemaker was lifted, she was free to live her life as she pleased. She took cooking classes. She traveled. She learned how to build bird houses because she loved birds and she had a shop full of tools that her deceased husband never use. She figured she might as well put them to use.

When granny found out that she was dying, she took it really well. I’ve never seen anyone so graceful in their last monthes. At one point my father-in-law approached her and asked about funeral arrangements. His father had bought them side-by-side plots in cemetery adjacent to the church that they frequented when the kids were young. She looked right at her son, and said I do not want to be buried and chained to that man in death like I was in life. I want to be cremated. I want my ashes to be spread over the ocean. It wasn’t until the last month of her life that she finally said anything negative about the hell she endured for almost 50 years of marriage.

That was the reality of the housewife in the 50s . Powerless. Unable to get a bank account in their own name. Unable to get birth control without husband’s permission. Chained by culture and religion. Having baby after baby.

Just because our grandmothers didn’t speak out, doesn’t mean they were happy . Many of them lived in silence, suffering, and modern women are simply refusing to suffer the same way.

Okole puka
Okole puka - 17.09.2023 01:55

ben is beaver cleaver

Susan Ganey
Susan Ganey - 16.09.2023 21:29

Marriage is a covenant. Together with G-D as the center of our marriage, we have been blessed with 5 children and will welcome our 7 th grandchild at the end of the year.
We have rejoiced and struggled together.
We've both worked very hard to walk in covenant with one another.
Thirty-five years this October.

Alice Marie Martin HavenTorch
Alice Marie Martin HavenTorch - 16.09.2023 09:25

Out of all your videos over all of the years I truly believe this is the most powerful effective message you've ever shared that will heal the people 🎉 Thank you for addressing this. Please keep up the standard.

Dapper Dan
Dapper Dan - 16.09.2023 08:36

Oh yeah I mean why are some of these liberal women so ugly like not just internally also physically so ugly looking not the jugular appearances but why are these girls looking so nasty exactly who are you taking to take marriage advice from some person that's been divorced 6 times sundestin married for years

Sir Awesomeness I
Sir Awesomeness I - 15.09.2023 19:32

I’m keep a screen cap of that eye roll.

Thomas Hooks
Thomas Hooks - 15.09.2023 19:22

Those crazy women are dragging ass in these videos. That one couldn't even be bothered to pick her head up to speak. 😆 just once wish they would tell it how it really is, they’re miserable so the whole world should be miserable too.

GamingDuology - 15.09.2023 18:41

Keeping woman off of social media is better for them .

Dawn T
Dawn T - 15.09.2023 04:10

I worked, took care of the house and raised 2 kids. I retired at 52. Life is wonderful. My kids are grown and I have a ton of free time. It actually takes very little time to cook and clean.

Ravi Gupta
Ravi Gupta - 14.09.2023 13:47

I love this man so much 😂😂😂

Ravi Gupta
Ravi Gupta - 14.09.2023 13:43

I lost it in the red clip when the edit “nice” popped up 😂😂😂😂

JT - 14.09.2023 06:47

Okay, I’m at a retreat with the San Antonio Needlework Guild. JUST this evening a friend told me about drinking strawberry daiquiris and watching their play while their children play. AND using the cold drink to sooth one of her babies teething pain. It worked.

too funny
too funny - 14.09.2023 06:02

Ben’s face is everything 😂

That Bread Pudding Tub
That Bread Pudding Tub - 14.09.2023 01:24

Back to the kitchen we goes

Jamie Soden
Jamie Soden - 13.09.2023 22:24

Happy Wife Happy Life 👍

Ironwood Busted
Ironwood Busted - 13.09.2023 19:35

Quick reminder that Ben's wife is a Doctor!

Brent J. Peterson
Brent J. Peterson - 13.09.2023 18:23

My faith in humanity is restored 💪

Travis Priest
Travis Priest - 11.09.2023 23:02

Any woman that speaks in/with voice fry I can not ever take serious. All I can do is laugh and walk away. And yes laugh in her face.

Goaster - 11.09.2023 06:26

When my kidneys started failing, my girlfriend of 6 years bounced. And did it while visiting her grandma out of state. Over the phone she dumped me. I couldn't argue. On dialysis till this day. That happened in 09.

Jai Shri Ram
Jai Shri Ram - 11.09.2023 05:41

There are Muslims in red.. 🤣 I have to ask.. 🤣 do you wear hijab.. 🤣 then you are too traditional. For me.. 🤣🤣🤣 he he he he.. 🤣

inaciocook - 11.09.2023 04:36

Its funny how the traditional wife Lady was obviously happy and doing waht she wanted, besides looking gorgeous, and the other ladies, well... The other ladies did not... To say it politely!

Bonnie Clark
Bonnie Clark - 11.09.2023 03:28

They took tons of tranquillizers called Miltown or Meprobamate. My Mom was one and it drove her to alcoholism. Good look with this, it comes off as sexy but when the orgasm is over and those calls to really live come duck.

Bonnie Clark
Bonnie Clark - 11.09.2023 03:27

Insane asylums and more. Rear Window was based on true situations

Shay Velasquez
Shay Velasquez - 10.09.2023 22:10

The 8 minutes on the dot has me rollllingggggggggg 🤣

Carol Winch-Buist
Carol Winch-Buist - 10.09.2023 14:31

Tomorrow is our 47th wedding anniversary, I was a stay at home Mum , my husband has basically been providing for all my financial needs. We made many mistakes together, he has seen me at my most ugly ,I have seen him at his most ugly. We have hated one another, laughed, cried, raged and treated each other badly. But we have always forgiven and now we laugh at how crazy we were and thank God we never got divorced. Our two adult children are loving and devoted to both of us and our five Grand children adore us.
Now this man who came into my life when I was just 16 is dying. He has cancer and now I get to be all that I can be for him, it’s my time to give back to him to take this last walk together, I will hold him while he dies and I will be honoured to do this when the time comes. He will be surrounded in so much love as he is now. We don’t talk about the hard times we remember the good time and I remember how great this man has been and how much he has done for his family. We will be separated for a short time until I see him again in glory. If this is traditional then I embrace it with my very being.

Magical Frijoles
Magical Frijoles - 10.09.2023 05:57

I think that original trad wife is incredibly talented. She deserves everything she wants.
