Slasher Horror Game Where Nailhead Has Already Nailed You - Nailhead / Do They Know

Slasher Horror Game Where Nailhead Has Already Nailed You - Nailhead / Do They Know


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ManlyBadassHero - 03.12.2022 10:46

Welcome to the Let's Hammer Out A Comment Club, how Let's Hammer Out A Comment are ya?

Miguel Fernandez
Miguel Fernandez - 25.08.2023 22:57

nailhead nailed you hehe giggity.....

Olivia Fairchild
Olivia Fairchild - 03.06.2023 02:32

the second game seems to be about these little shape people (?) living in a nuclear winter, which is very common with a carbon and dust/ash/dirt stir dispersing into the atmosphere blocking out the heat of the sun. this is often due to large natural disasters such as the meteor that is the main evidential reason why your science teacher cant always say "oxygen shift" for major extinctions. i cant say these are people, because human biology cant withstand enough radiation to evolve into a functioning society to point THAT drastically different, its quite possible however, that certain other creatures have, again evolution takes millennia to perfect a single minor trait so if anything im just trying to sound smart and letting my autism be its own problem again, only the artists really know.

the dark lord
the dark lord - 12.05.2023 09:02

what is a cold start

The Holy Sword Of Light
The Holy Sword Of Light - 29.04.2023 07:09

Was there other endings for Nailhead?

dorpth - 27.04.2023 12:07

So the 2nd game almost exactly follows the order of "Long-term nuclear waste warning messages" that radioactive waste disposal sites are designed to convey to any possible civilization 10,000+ years into the future.

Trail of dolls = "This place is a message... and part of a system of messages... pay attention to it! "

Planes/drones/bombs = "We considered ourselves to be a powerful culture. "

Lack of wood, total darkness ="This place is not a place of honor... no highly esteemed deed is commemorated here... nothing valued is here."

Sickly warning scrawled on floor = "What is here was dangerous and repulsive to us. This message is a warning about danger. "

Heading down to the core = "The danger is in a particular location... it increases towards a center... the center of danger is here... of a particular size and shape, and below us."

"Presents in the village" = The danger is still present, in your time, as it was in ours. (okay, that might be a stretch)

Vague yellow triangle warnings giving way to skull warning = "The danger is to the body, and it can kill. "

Getting killed when you put your hands in the thing = "The danger is unleashed only if you substantially disturb this place physically. This place is best shunned and left uninhabited."

The planes, dolls, and isolation chamber glove thingy at the end were weird. Rather than something that would make sense to us, I think they were trying to convey a sense of just how strange all these warnings would seem to a far future civilization. A series of dolls seems as strange to us as modern conventional symbols might seem to them.

As far as the VERY end...I really have no idea. I think they just wanted a "the danger is unleashed" moment and settled on a quick scare. I think it would have been more effective if the kid found a way out, declare that he has to get back and tell the whole village about this place, and imply that he's already in the early stages of fatal radiation poisoning. Double dose of dread by leaving the idea that he's going to lead more unknowing villages into the deadly area. Much better than "and then you got crushed by a rock".

Wcat03blu - 02.03.2023 08:20

I have a papaw, i pronounce the second syllable the paw of an animal

Deemo Add
Deemo Add - 19.02.2023 12:16

Does he know?

seffa .. ! ☆
seffa .. ! ☆ - 10.02.2023 08:58

Love this thanks Manly!

Shade's Main Chamber
Shade's Main Chamber - 02.02.2023 07:57

The Second game made me sad...

I really need a full game out of that.

Foolish Fiend
Foolish Fiend - 30.01.2023 00:27

The first one in my opinion would be way scarier without that cheesy ending, perhaps with the box forcing itself on you or screaming as it burns

Abigail Standish
Abigail Standish - 26.01.2023 09:23

nailhead felt like an evil dead homage

Rifqy D
Rifqy D - 23.01.2023 14:56

in the second game, apart from the nuclear waste dump site. they had a tradition of making paper gliders and filling them up with seeds, so that when they fly, the seeds will drop.

like an airplane carpet-bombing the land, maybe the culture used to tell stories of a war or about the past, like the Lao's book of memories, but time has since long passed, people moved on and the stories have been forgotten, what was passed down and still survive time was the paper glider tradition, its meaning lost to the children.

Petr Přibyl
Petr Přibyl - 14.01.2023 22:38

Nailed it.

Sno_boi - 07.01.2023 10:51

nailed it.

Rai Cole
Rai Cole - 05.01.2023 00:30

you know it's a bad time when you're thinking "oh thank god the kid dies quickly from being crushed instead of The Alternative"

Golden Suzaku
Golden Suzaku - 02.01.2023 07:00

I actually really like Nailhead. It drops you in the last bit of a slasher/horror movie when everything has already got to hell and you need to sink or swim (but there's blood and sharks in the water).

Tyler Wilt
Tyler Wilt - 31.12.2022 06:34

Glad manly has seen smiling friends

NickMC512 - 30.12.2022 09:04

Thank you for providing such consistent, quality content. You will never know how much this will mean to the masses…but it means a lot. I wish you the best. Please keep it up for as long as it is healthy for you. It may not mean all that much for you… but for old men like me, it means everything.

I truly wish you the best in your endeavors. Thank you for what you have contributed.

Ballzach - 26.12.2022 04:08

Bruh Minecraft pumpkin

Apollo - 25.12.2022 23:56

nailed it

Thelothuo - 25.12.2022 09:16

Nailhead's protag clearly not much of a boxer, maybe more into wrestling.

Skeez - 24.12.2022 02:57

Manly knows what the fox said

fan - 23.12.2022 11:24

I guess he NAILED the first one

Sauce boy 🗿
Sauce boy 🗿 - 23.12.2022 09:37

Very sus tumb"nail" 🗿

Benjamin - 21.12.2022 07:17

These games are interesting 🤔

Beans - 18.12.2022 07:55

Near the end of the 2nd game, when youre on the cat walks. i coudla sworn i could hear the audio from that video about the first ever audio recording, the guy singing claire de la lune in like the 1880s. er well, the end of the game in general.

Masterzoroark666 - 16.12.2022 18:28

So, on the horror of nuclear disposal- I think it would hit harder if you were the one who doesn't understand what is written on the warnings.
As when it's just your character most people will just assume the character is a dumbass- while if it's you who doesn't understand along side the character it then brings in more anxiety and fear

Samuel Bacon
Samuel Bacon - 16.12.2022 04:44

Hey guys look it's scp-035

Phantom Gamer56
Phantom Gamer56 - 13.12.2022 16:54

i think the dolls were babys

⛧ Armund Wolffe ⛧
⛧ Armund Wolffe ⛧ - 13.12.2022 15:07

i love (/s) that we make nuclear waste graveyards look as cool as possible.
like, cryptic messages and symbols? weird, unnatural spikes and shit?
if i were someone from the future with no understanding of radiation it would seem like a cool place to go adventuring, to find ancient treasure or something of historical significance.

we have got to come up with something better than what ancient (to us) people did to guard their tombs and holy sites. it certainly didn't keep us out, why would it keep the people after us out???

FunGrif - 13.12.2022 07:27

I'm interpreting "Do They Know" as you're playing as robots or people mutated by the radiation in a nuclear winter

Romantic Outlaw
Romantic Outlaw - 12.12.2022 22:45

pov: squirrel stapler, but you are the squirrel

god is coming

recu - 11.12.2022 19:49

They absolutely nailed the presentation for these to be quite honest with you, really hammered it into my mind...

Nightengale - 11.12.2022 07:07

I wouldn't mind getting nailed, if you know what I mean ;)

Of course I meant crucifixion, what did you think I meant?

Tuna 🏳️‍⚧️
Tuna 🏳️‍⚧️ - 11.12.2022 07:07

👉👈 the who what?

Hyperbolic Arachnid
Hyperbolic Arachnid - 11.12.2022 05:55

Rebecca's died because she forgot to turn the temperature down 0.01 degrees before stepping in the shower it seems

Lil Poop
Lil Poop - 09.12.2022 02:15

SentinelZed - 08.12.2022 09:15

The skybeam was likely a satellite intended to beam information about the radioactive hazard... it had just been so long that it had eventually broken down...

Amanda Purello
Amanda Purello - 08.12.2022 06:36

both games had really interesting perspectives

Posthumanist Potato
Posthumanist Potato - 08.12.2022 05:09

You're suppose to remove the first 2 inches of dirt from the surface after a bomb's fallout settles and essentally bury it in a lead lined cell or holding facility. What you do not do it mix it into the healthy soil. They made documentaries about this many many years ago about the morning after.

Masterzoroark666 - 07.12.2022 23:01

"This is not a place of honour"

As someone in the comments bellow already explained- the Do They Know concerns the far future where non speak the language and symbols we use today, a future where finding the hazardous nuclear waste disposal site might not be understood as dangerous as non can understand the warning signs left there.

One game is already set in similar situation- character entering a disposal site they shouldn't have, with if I recall correctly nearly word for word placks that are usually left near these sort of sites.
The game was titled Mutated Reality btw, I know of it's demo so far.

Illuminati - 07.12.2022 22:12

For the second game, those dolls looks like human remains. All those stuff looks like some form of nuclear waste underground storage. The final box looks like those radioactive processing boxes with glove-holes. In any case, a strange game and while it could imply the misunderstanding of future species about the danger of long-living nuclear waste, there are still a lot of unexplained stuff (like the planes/drones or why those stuff are in chains, or why that ending?).

Matéo PAUSADER - 07.12.2022 11:15

Nailed it !

RainbowKitty_Slimez - 07.12.2022 01:04

Oh know everybody else is talking about the game but… the title is pretty misleading

Ivens_ArtBlock - 06.12.2022 19:18

it's been like 2 days and Do They Know is fucking me up monumentally because they don't. they don't know and there all getting sick. it's inspired me so much but I've also lost sleep thinking about it

Floofie kun
Floofie kun - 06.12.2022 12:52

Nailhead gave me some slight Evil Dead vibes

Skylab Beats
Skylab Beats - 06.12.2022 08:44

harlow lowkey kinda cute tho 👀
