Lawn DIY: Should I Add Lime to My Lawn

Lawn DIY: Should I Add Lime to My Lawn

Centipede Grass Channel

54 года назад

9,863 Просмотров

Lime is used in lawn care to raise soil pH, the level of acidity in the soil. It is a measure to only be taken when pH is too far out of the ideal 6-7 pH range. This is usually 5.6 pH and below. There are different types of lime and the best means to determine lime type, or whether you need lime at all, is through a soil test. Addressing soil biology can also affect soil pH so test your soil and workout an overall plan before adding lime to your lawn. #lawncare #lawncare101 #lawncaretips #lawntips #lawnmowing #lawnmaintenance #grass #warmseasongrass #wateringplants #centipede #bermudagrass #staugustine #zoysia #fertilizer #npkfertilizer #npk #organic #organicfarming #organicgardening #organicgardener #TifBlair #grassseed #JohnandBobs #humicacid #humic #pesticides #pesticidefree #soiltesting #soiltest #soiltips #soil #soilph
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