Lime is used in lawn care to raise soil pH, the level of acidity in the soil. It is a measure to only be taken when pH is too far out of the ideal 6-7 pH range. This is usually 5.6 pH and below. There are different types of lime and the best means to determine lime type, or whether you need lime at all, is through a soil test. Addressing soil biology can also affect soil pH so test your soil and workout an overall plan before adding lime to your lawn. #lawncare #lawncare101 #lawncaretips #lawntips #lawnmowing #lawnmaintenance #grass #warmseasongrass #wateringplants #centipede #bermudagrass #staugustine #zoysia #fertilizer #npkfertilizer #npk #organic #organicfarming #organicgardening #organicgardener #TifBlair #grassseed #JohnandBobs #humicacid #humic #pesticides #pesticidefree #soiltesting #soiltest #soiltips #soil #soilph