Elon Musk: War, AI, Aliens, Politics, Physics, Video Games, and Humanity | Lex Fridman Podcast #400

Elon Musk: War, AI, Aliens, Politics, Physics, Video Games, and Humanity | Lex Fridman Podcast #400

Lex Fridman

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Mr. VOID★OUT - 13.11.2023 12:29

My dad trained a chimp and a tiger. He said the tiger was like a house cat compared to the chimp.

EGOIST - 13.11.2023 12:26

Did Elon forget he renamed the site to X he's been saying "Tweet" the entire video LOL

David Petruic
David Petruic - 13.11.2023 12:26

Brilliant interview, anyone who listens would gain something from it.

Truth - 13.11.2023 12:24

I guess one way to think about it is Elon is fighting hatred in the Eternal Realm and here in reality. By buying Twitter, we all knew it as this echo chamber ruled by the left. Where the claim was any speech counter to their held beliefs and values was hate. And they countered that by de-platforming and silencing any opposing views. That was real hatred. Elon put an end to that and I'm thankful that he did. And changing the name to X just stomped on it and put it out of its own misery.

Gazmend Qose
Gazmend Qose - 13.11.2023 12:20

Really hope that Lex and Elon continue these conversations at least X2 year . That would be great to get a good perspective of Tesla , SpaceX, XAI and Newralink progress . Great episode as always.
Favorite quote “ Young men who don’t know each other are killing each other for old men who know each other “ How do we stop the cycle of the relentless military complex starting wars for profit?

FlameBossGaming HD
FlameBossGaming HD - 13.11.2023 12:19

Elon knows size does not matter when problem solving... China's population dilemma as well as being economically reliant on an ideology superimposed upon a model historically flawed in resource allocation and data decimation. USA, as the Chinese scribes are aware, have a vast amount of superior knowledge lying waste to the spectre of time in the vast vaults of data documentation derived from creative freedom. America deviating from its foundings expresses a deviant vibration of destruction as demonstrated by the demonrats in power of resource management.

Jason Metcalf
Jason Metcalf - 13.11.2023 12:19

Seems logical to assume the nut ripping is taught in drunken monkey

graham mewburn
graham mewburn - 13.11.2023 12:19

Current warfare is oil dependent.
The discovery of oil peaked in 1964.
Mankind is in the end game of oil.
Was it Einstein who said ww3 will be the last large scale war. After that we will return to sticks and stones.

Orion Xavier
Orion Xavier - 13.11.2023 12:16

Elon: "There will always be war."

...Only with the current evolution of humanity. But "Man" is something that shall be overcome.

"Man is a rope, tied between beast and overman — a rope over an abyss. What is great in man is that he is a bridge and not an end."

In other words, great change and evolution requires "plotting one's own downfall." It requires the annihilation of culture, religion, identities... Everything people believe makes them who they are. All of which feed ego's nature of absolute self-interest, fear, scarcity, isolation... Which is the antithesis of our true nature, which is belonging, unity, love, beauty, joy.

Ego is at the heart of the world's woe. It's what we must overcome. At first, we can only cease identifying with it. Eventually, through lack of use, the physical aspect of ego (in the brain) will atrophy over the centuries, leading to a biological form that is more in alignment with the nature of consciousness, or rather, more aligned with the perfect alignment of the Source of consciousness (which many call "God").

mahesh basavraj
mahesh basavraj - 13.11.2023 12:12

Great interview.elon is so chill given so much responsibility he handles. Legend!

Victoria A
Victoria A - 13.11.2023 12:12

Zelensky is a young man, not an old one, and one willing to stay and fight with his people in the capacity of his role. young people in Ukraine are dying for justice, young men in russia are dying for greed. Don't ever forget when Ukraine liberated occupied areas the common people cheered. When Ukrainian lands were occupied there were no celebrations. keep in mind Russia had many MANY good relationships and active trade with NATO full fledged members before they declared war on Ukraine in 2014. This fantasy that joining NATO means a country will try to kill or hurt Russia is a pure untruth and propaganda lies. Just because international news didn't flood about it in 2014 doesn't change truth, or the justice that accompanies it. All that to say, that they are not dying for no reason in Ukraine, as a matter of charity and justice we ought to support them and they ought to clean up their corruption while fighting a war but it's genuinely an unfair and difficult and heartbreaking position they were put in because of Russia. They could have have a peaceful relationship with both. Russia rejected peace. It is evil and wickedness. Yes the United States is generally an anomaly super power. They tried buying already conquested countries from other countries but as far as colonizing, europe, russia, and china are the only super powers that have and are trying. China not yet, but they CLEARLY SAID THAT COLONIZATION IS THEIR GOAL. WICKEDNESSSSSSSSS!!!!! GOD BLESS AMERICA!!!!!!!!

Zachary Davis
Zachary Davis - 13.11.2023 12:08

What a completely out of touch position from Elon on Gaza expected it from Lex,

I know he's a self hating Jew but Elon expects d sense. It's not revenge they have 300'ofnournppl.

Keep pandering to ur Muslim auidnenves

John David
John David - 13.11.2023 12:07

The difference between humans & all other life on Earth is we kill for pleasure & greed.

Also, we are the only species which doesn't need war to exist.

giamamillionaire - 13.11.2023 11:59

Please point of correction....Elon is not an American....he is African

Justice NDOU
Justice NDOU - 13.11.2023 11:59

Also Musk seems to forget that the entire existence of Israel is based on Hate, historically and recently, even in the Bible the existence of Israel was based on hating others for their own beliefs. no matter how much they justify their beliefs to be true beliefs but their society still is based on Hating others and Murdering Them. They are Pure Evil disguised as Good

Truth - 13.11.2023 11:58

Lex Fridman, You sir, I must say, are truly a role model. You've had Elon Musk sit down with you on this podcast four (4) times. I can only imagine what that would be like personally. I know what questions I'd ask though. Great Job!

Ben Harkin
Ben Harkin - 13.11.2023 11:57

Hate is the killer, Kindness numbs hate, only forgiveness kills hate. How to do that.... Work to love the unlovable.

O. Rothe
O. Rothe - 13.11.2023 11:55

Musk knows what the people want him to say. That's the no 1 reason he is such an succesfull scammer.
Hate me, but he is evidently a pathological lier.

Justice NDOU
Justice NDOU - 13.11.2023 11:53

yeah but you are all talking and forgetting that the country which actually created HAMAS is Israel and they are serving the purpose of Israel , in this light one can see that they did this in order to allow Israel to achieve its goals which is ethnic cleansing of GAZA
