Complete Tank Nations Guide For Every Nation - Which Nation Should You Choose? (War Thunder)

Complete Tank Nations Guide For Every Nation - Which Nation Should You Choose? (War Thunder)


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Dãzë - 14.08.2023 08:56

Japan was my second natiom after the us and has be the MOST fun ive had tbh. Uk tree pisses me off cause you get to the battle after 10 minutes just to get one shot and get stuck driving for another 10 minutes. But really CAS ruins my fun with everything, no matter what i do i get killed by cas nire then another tank no matter what nation. Personally CAS ruins the game and fun of any tech tree

Blue - 03.08.2023 00:37

The US tech tree definitely feels like the most balanced tech tree.

turtle gaming i like turtle
turtle gaming i like turtle - 19.07.2023 10:14

Im with the germans and when i first started i was destroying everything until i met the god forsaken T34 then i hit a hard hard learning curve but i got better and im at the point to the tigers and im getting frustrated bc im hitting the enemy tanks where i know i can pen them but it wont do damage and then they one tap me but im still learning

Tariq - 18.07.2023 06:47

Thanks man u r a legend

Xtariz - 12.06.2023 08:32

Don't start with german tanks... it makes you feel like everyone else shoot potato canon...🤣

sparrow - 10.06.2023 01:27

Ive grinded through about 3 quarters of the us tank tree and ive noticed that my playstyle does not really like it except dor the 75 shermans as i noticed after all this time that i tend to run out and brawl which obviously aint good on a us tabk except for the 75 Sherman because they tend to have terrible armor. I then proceeded to play the german tank tree and i got the mini panther in about a day without premium because they have good armor and strong guns. Panzer3j1 for example, u litterly just angle. I dont think ive had one non ghost game that i have not got 6 or more kills in a German tank. Really shows to how much armor affects ur playstyle

Dylan Depetro
Dylan Depetro - 03.06.2023 20:38

Idk. My experience with American and german SPAA… I personally feel that it does not matter how much led you put into the air, what matters is how accurate it is. Example, my current favorite spaa is the german Sd.Kfz. 6/2. Why? Because I find it has the ability to one shot many aircraft… granted, I have not yet unlocked the wirbelwind and it is sort of low on my priority list to unlock. Tank destroyers are very high on my priority list.

CuzYNot - 18.05.2023 20:27

'"balanced top teir" yeah ok friend

Soviet Onion
Soviet Onion - 17.05.2023 16:38

i started with america a few years ago and then i kinda got stuck halfway through, switched over to germany and i noticed i was doing so much better, later i bought the tiger 2 sla.16 because i needed some help but still, i felt that america was really tough, due to the peashooter guns on the heavies. i loved germany so much.

Steven Toast
Steven Toast - 01.05.2023 10:53

I picked Italy as my first.

Im regretting it.

BroBomba - 12.04.2023 03:13

I've gone America > Germany > Britain > Sweden > Russia. My highest are Sweden and America with Sweden being my favorite, though I do plan to return to America soon. I mostly dabbled a bit into Russia see what its like, and it will likely be my 3rd tree I push for top tier in.

Sweden can be tough. The lower to mid tier is not all that bad, but once you get to the Strv 103 series is when you really feel the pain. Gaijin unfortunately broke hull aiming which makes aiming with a 103 difficult at times because it wobbles, but the 103A is bearable because it's sloped armor is an absolute nightmare to penetrate when you're sniping and ambushing. The 103C is where it's just no longer worth it because APFSDS becomes common and completely negates the slope This is where I crumbled and brought the CV premium vehicle. You will be penetrated by basically everything, and aiming can be too time consuming due to wobble meaning you won't get the first shot off in a face to face confrontation most of the time resulting in your death.

The following 104 and 105 are ok, but nothing to write home about, especially in an up tier, but once you get to about 9.0 all around life gets way better and Sweden starts to become top tier and very competitive against other nations. You gotta sharpen your teeth on everything else before then. The only other complaint is the lack of ground pound in its air force as Sweden favors rockets over bombs, and frankly I think rockets just suck most of the time. It's not bad if you're looking to do air superiority, though, and its helicopters are generally alright. It is for sure a tree meant for more experienced players.

Rääh - 09.04.2023 22:23

I like the game but I hate the game. I am shit and I don't like arcade but I don't survive 2 min I realistic.

Jimmy Wold
Jimmy Wold - 09.04.2023 03:41

Chose japan because I am fascinated by the zero, and wanted to use it. My current lineup is the m41 scout tank, a7m2, the 1.3 light bomber (for lols) and the Mitsubishi I-II. it works pretty well on longer range maps, especially when playing against the Americans and their endless CAS

Simon Ross
Simon Ross - 06.04.2023 19:56

So British is only England?

G H - 06.04.2023 15:34

Americans, please, please stop referring to Great Britain as England, or we’re going to start calling all Americans Californians.

HAAA - 01.04.2023 15:49

I play german tanks and im always 1 shot

Mason Pierce
Mason Pierce - 28.03.2023 03:28

Amazing video

ToasterHotHead - 22.03.2023 12:19

I was born in Russia…so I play almost exclusively Russia/soviet. Though I do have a few cheap premiums from some of the other nations and I have gone up the Italian a little cause why not.

Blitz 1.0
Blitz 1.0 - 22.03.2023 10:04

fun fact, almost anny russian tank like the t44 t34 kv85 is1 is2 can be destroyed with one shot if you shoot to the right or left of the turret

M3dus4 - 21.03.2023 12:28

wicked vid

Da_Enderdragon - 13.03.2023 20:29

Great vid, though I have to disagree with you on one point. Swedish SPAAs. You are correct, they are not good at the SPAA role they are assigned, but I have seen (and pulled off) excellent shots with them.

The L-62 ANTI II and the Lvkv 42 can one-shot most of the T-34, KV and Sherman Lines.

I don’t have any higher that lvkv 42, so I don’t know how they perform at high tier, but their mid tier can go head to head with monsters like the Wirbelwind and Ostwind.

Stefano Cleri
Stefano Cleri - 15.02.2023 19:16

Hi huys, I noticed that the gun zoom is not that optimal, I'd like to use it at its maximum as soon as I toggle you know if there's a sort of shortcut for that?
Or is that normal? It looks very hard to me to actually see and attack people that are very far, while they don't seem that impacted...

Minimeister317 - 08.02.2023 04:06

I just started a few days ago and so far USSR has really been shit but I am trying to stick to it and hope it gets better. At the moment all tier 1 and tier 2 tanks gets oneshotted by most as they are square boxes on wheels, the transversal rate of the guns is abysmal, the cannons are underpowered and weak for the most part.

Grandmaster C
Grandmaster C - 26.01.2023 14:37

There is no england tech tree.

ø - 24.01.2023 20:12

I love Japanese tanks and started with and am still keeping at them. My love for them was because of just how small their starting reserve tanks are.

11274reece - 12.01.2023 02:40

Thanks for ignoring the rest of the UK :)

boon Noo
boon Noo - 10.01.2023 14:38

Trust me when I say British tanks from 6.3 up are out matched by everything at it's BR. At 8.3 everything has actual Modern day rounds while u are stuck with a shitter version. Also most of the newer things that were placed at that BR have thermals and laser rang finders. With all of the newer thing being put at 8.0 to 9.0 BR most of the British main tanks are out classes by everything Russain and German.

Domn94 - 09.01.2023 01:51

Can you make a update for this video? Thanks :)

Corsin - 01.01.2023 18:34

I disagree with the Britian tank bit... Their ammo is shit. Sure they will nearly always pen... but the enemy will nearly always get to shoot back and 1-shot you because the 'needle' shots dont really do alot, the fin-stabilized rounds that russians/Us and germany get are way better.... Also they dont have turret mounted MG's like the US get the 50cals, so they are more vulnerable to airstrikes and lighter vehicles. Squasheads also seem fairly useless vs russian tanks. And the British are stuck with these shitty sabot rounds from 5.7 until like 9.0

n1co - 24.12.2022 16:38

my favourite tree is the American one which i have the most play time in then it’s the British tree tied with the US as my favourite tree and second most played tech tree and then there is Sweden which is also tied as my favourite tree and it’s my third most played tree.

Lembo101 - 15.12.2022 18:02

I'd say with the Fire and Ice update Sweden has actually become very well rounded in the middle tiers. I'd imagine the grind to 7.0BR would have been tedious without the Finnish T-34, Panzer-IV, and Comet I. I don't dislike all the casemate tank destroyers, but I do like the option to do some front-line brawling too.

Andrew Henson
Andrew Henson - 06.12.2022 00:00

Honestly? I started with the Russian tech tree. I had a really good time in lower tiers, able to 1 hit about any target out to really extended ranges. The armor definitely saved me several times where I should have been dead. I had a match a while ago playing as an IS-2 where I pretty much single handedly beat back the majority of the enemy team, of mostly German tanks, due to the incredible armor and ruthless firepower of the Russian heavy tank. I even had a 500 pounder bomb land within ten feet of me, level the entire block, FLIP MY TANK IN A FULL CIRCLE, and I was still shooting afterwards.

Hatsuzuki - 05.12.2022 04:38

You clearly have no idea what you're on about. Japan is the best nation in-game. Even the 2.7 Chi-He has a great gun. You're really underestimating the Japanese tanks here which shows you haven't used them much at all besides doing memes.

VirtualHolocaust - 23.11.2022 23:47

Bro why ya saying japanese are garbage. They really arent. Sure they can be glass cannons. but my god the arty they have the HE is glorious.

Spido68 - 20.11.2022 14:02

Too bad there aren't WW1 tanks. Would be great fun to have the weird british tanks vs the german one vs the 3 french tanks

Spido68 - 19.11.2022 23:19

The german start has some little issues with the outrageous flat armour of panzers 3 and 4, even some StuG /StuH

Dylan Vorster
Dylan Vorster - 17.11.2022 21:30

You forgot to mention the Russian bias

Garrett Brown
Garrett Brown - 13.11.2022 03:57

Got to about 7 with the Germans and decided I need to start a new tree. The T34 is too iconic to not grind out

opposed2logic - 09.11.2022 13:12

im swedish, i feel like i have to play sweden but god damn i do not like the tanks. im only entering T2 (highest nation is ussr at 4, but i just came back from a 4 year or so break) but i just hate it. feels like literally anything will one shot me, anything. my shells have good pen but absolutely no after pen damage so i need multiple shots to take out crews.

the airplanes are alright. strong 13.2mm cannons for anti air which means when you do hit you get kills, but the performance of the airplanes (im just entering T4) is pretty iffy. many have significantly worse stats that they did in real life, likely because they're fighting pre 1945 planes while they were made after the war ended mostly. however it feels frustrating that the flaws are accurately modelled but the strengths are not, giving you quite bad flight characteristics but its saved by very good cannons and ammo for AA.

they have a decent bomber so far, no good straight up ground attack planes yet, but im hoping for the t4 attacker to be decent at it, working on unlocking it now.

really wish i didnt hate the tanks so much. i want to unlock more tanks and progress down the tiers but im just having such a shit time playing t2 sweden. eek.

Chris Lammert
Chris Lammert - 09.11.2022 04:15

after adding finland, the sweedish tree is 10000000x better and filled out

Chris Lammert
Chris Lammert - 08.11.2022 09:19

huge down side to russian tanks: They have HORRIBLE depression, so good luck even aiming level sometimes

George Szweden
George Szweden - 01.11.2022 18:50

Big 3:
america: do everything
germany: overhyped
Russia: bias

Kyle Garner
Kyle Garner - 29.10.2022 19:06

I had great success with Japan. Great way to learn how to play at every BR with consistently underpowered tanks

KurtchenTheFur - 28.10.2022 17:09

After abandoning the game for so long and now watching your video (even tho not new but very informative) i learned i might have picked the wrong nation with sweden. xD I was wondering, why other tanks were doing so well compared to mine in low tier br. Now i know why.

Thank you!

UselessBunny - 28.10.2022 01:36

Playing Italy with Germany only or Japan with Germany only is basically just you as the only Italian/Japanese Tank either completely dominating the enemy or getting crushed into the ground with you having most of the time no to little impact to the match.

joshua mccabe
joshua mccabe - 26.10.2022 22:55

Is there a aircraft version of this list

Panzeh5473 - 21.10.2022 07:09

Forgot to talk about depression and elevation, Japan is great for getting to a hill because their cannons can go too low, or too high, which Russia is ass for that, very bad depression Atleast for wwii ones I don't really play Japan but that's a very good pro

Red heavy • 1 year ago
Red heavy • 1 year ago - 19.10.2022 07:02

Honestly I love italy.
