A Conversation with Noah Antwiler (TheSpoonyOne)

A Conversation with Noah Antwiler (TheSpoonyOne)

Conversations with Curtis

1 год назад

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@GamerSverige - 15.12.2023 04:05

Got a nice sense of nostalgia from this 😄 Remembering watching the Ultima, phantasmagoria and SWAT 4 stuff as a teen 👌

@john_ace - 11.12.2023 00:33

I am really thankful for all the hours of good entertainment that Noah Antwiler has given me. I was especially amazed by his Ultima retrospective. I did not really follow all the drama that was supposedly happening around the time of the awesome-channels demise. Spoony was always one of the most entertaining people i have watched. I would like to see a return of the "golden-age" Spoony but i will not make any bets it will happen. I wish Noah all the best and hope he can find balance and peace again. I know how hard it can be to feel even just "kinda" ok.

@body_drift - 29.11.2023 00:51

I was seeing a girl for a while from Russia who told me about Phantasmagoria 2. Last week I started watching the play-through and wow! The game is AMAZING and really special for many reasons!! I'm picking up on these conversations now too. Great to see this (and those involved) get some recognition! Best wishes to all xx

@joeyleverton6800 - 28.11.2023 00:12

Spoony is the "Howard Hughes" of Internet reviewers. I'm happy he's on the road to recovery and taking care of himself. The guy is super talented but he burned alot of people and the general public can be an unforgiving mistress.

@leftymclefterson582 - 16.11.2023 02:50

Spoony Redemption Arc plos
Such a wholesome interview :)

@Namfooodle - 12.11.2023 18:26

Spoony should do Gabriel Knight 2, one of the best old FMV games.

@CharzaKitsune - 11.11.2023 06:19

Huh. I’m… torn. To say Noah, Lewis and Doug [of TGWTG] played a part in me not ending myself back at Uni (in 2010) would be an understatement for sure. That said, Noah burned a lot of bridges and goodwill with fans like me who only wanted to see him succeed and make amazing content for as long as possible. At this point while I’d like to see Noah return and get “back to basics” like he described, all I feel capable of doing is wishing him the best of luck in such endeavors. As one can imagine there’s a lotta baggage with me being able to support it.

@classified2430 - 07.11.2023 13:06

jesus christ man i love this video, i watched it and all the positivity you were giving spoony i thought “oh man he doesn’t know what happened he only knows spoonys early work” but then you explained what happened to him later on and it was the equivalent to not judging a book by its cover and i felt like a fool but im glad you decided to do this the only other spoony content that explains where he was or ended up his negative and its a recap from 5 years ago

@gv1lle - 30.10.2023 20:17

This was a great interview and I am grateful that you didn't throw it out.

@Vormav666 - 20.10.2023 22:21

the dogs name THAC0 is "To Hit Armor Class 0" which is from D&D if somebody is wondering

@Vormav666 - 20.10.2023 21:20

Come back Noah, you still have a bunch of fans who would watch your reviews and rants.

@markjustdiditc - 20.10.2023 09:28

i always find myself going back to spoony's videos, they are damn good, esp the gaming ones

@evercreed714 - 19.10.2023 02:59

I'm really glad you and Noah decided to post this because I thought the interview was fantastic. I used to watch Spoony back in the day and always wondered what happened to him. I'm glad to see he's alright and sounds like he's getting back on his feet. Paul, I do believe this helped Spoony out a lot. As someone with mental illness, I know how hard it is to do even simple everyday things, so I understand his struggle of getting back on camera and what a big step that was. You may have helped Spoony take his first step getting back into what he loves doing.

@michaelentwistle7464 - 11.10.2023 21:06

This is amazing, and I wish I'd known about this as soon as it had come out. Noah is one of the most influencial people in my life, having introduced me to D&D and making it feel okay to be a nerd. I got so excited when I found out you even knew about the guy! Great work, and I hope Noah gets to see this positive feedback

@mehendil - 30.09.2023 05:47

I miss Spoony

@Webhead123 - 26.09.2023 01:53

Good to see and hear from Noah again. I hope all is well with him. I remember first discovering his content back in 2009 and he made an unforgettable impression on me ever since. I still go back and rewatch his material to this day. Thank you for making this interview happen, Paul!

@EXSwitchback - 21.09.2023 12:28

Hi Paul, I just want to say Spoony's Phantasmagoria 2 review helped me through a tumultuous, difficult period of my life when I was in College. By extension, so did your acting. While Noah was having fun with the game, I honestly loved the concept of Phantasmagoria 2 and I thought your acting was fab. Especially considering what you were working with at times with the script! (Laughs) Thank you so much for being so kind as to reach out to someone who needs it now more than ever. I've had a long battle with Mental Health myself which is still ongoing, and sadly I feel only those in a similar position are able to understand how hard it is, and how draining it is, just to get up in the morning let alone come in front of a camera. Lovely interview. I support both of you and wish you all the best. Say hi to Blob for me. (And Thaco!)

@Omnicloudx13 - 19.09.2023 06:24

All I know about this guy is he screamed betrayal at E3 about some shitty xcom game and he got cancelled after that.

@artcrime2999 - 19.09.2023 05:09


@altrovic815 - 17.09.2023 05:03

Welp, it's been almost a year and not a lick has changed

@enilenis - 14.09.2023 09:03

Back then, games were worlds. They were realities. What looks cringe nowdays, used to be revolutionary in a world where media wasn't interactive. To be a character in a movie was amazing.

@CJY-to8gr - 09.09.2023 11:04

Paul, my 12 year old self and my younger brother would like to extend a massive thank you for this interview with Spoony! I've felt the internet has been a little empty without his wittiness and passion! Hearing that he is hoping to come back with reviews has just overwhelmed me..!! 🥹 Thank you both for this. I hope to see a lot more content with you both present. Understand you've made a lot of longtime fans very happy. 😉

@AlexWoahWTF - 02.09.2023 03:40

Gotdamn i knew this guy looked familiar, jheez great to see these two together.

@ZemplinTemplar - 26.08.2023 23:34

This was a nice interview. May Noah have better years ahead.

@BlueGuise9 - 22.08.2023 06:01

I'm so glad he's coming back!

@Cybershroom - 21.08.2023 13:43

I harbor no ill will towards Noah, the past is so cringe at this point that we have to be able to forgive and understand that people have to grow, we've all been shitty at some point, and being scrutinized by thousands of people isn't making things better. With that said, I miss his old content and I wouldn't have known or paid much attention to Phantasmagoria II without his input.
The game was so conceptually fun, I wish we had more point and click in that style. Oh and Curtis, thanks for being a part of it!

@markandersen2661 - 17.08.2023 22:32

God damn its so good to hear his voice again! I can't wait for what he decides to make

@jordanforbes149 - 17.08.2023 15:19

I heard that Curtis

@lordfoxbutt1919 - 13.08.2023 20:22

Wow haven't seen Spoony in years. I miss his content so much

@gurufabbes1 - 01.08.2023 18:47

we want him back! One of the funniest commentators I have ever seen. Waited years subscribed to his channel.

@CandyChaos7 - 26.07.2023 03:15

This video game... Is the bane of my existence... Looking at you Blue Demon

@benofavalon7121 - 23.07.2023 13:33

I just found this interview; greatly appreciated: I first learned about Phantasmagoria 2 through Noah (as many other people did, I suspect!). So cool you did this; great to hear from the SpoonyOne again!) 😊

@daku14 - 23.07.2023 04:19

Hi Noah, I'm a fan from Chile (south America) and I love your videos. Thanks for the amazing moments, I really appreciate the pasion and effort you always put in the reviews.
Please comeback, the one and only Lord of Tekken❤

@HectorCotto97 - 23.07.2023 01:18

I know it's been months now but after watching his old videos for so long, it's actually really nice seeing him again. I know a lot happened several years back but it feels really nice seeing him again like this, I missed this guy.

@southernfriedmedia3968 - 18.07.2023 20:36

this was so good to hear.

@grimguygames449 - 18.07.2023 17:41

So glad to hhear his voice again. Well done, Curtis

@mysticmarbles - 13.07.2023 18:30

People should just STFU about the movie unless they personally donated extra money specifically for that. None of this mad on behalf of others BS. I don’t give a F about $10 or whatever I spent nearly a decade ago. I’ve spent more trying out stupid new drinks at a drive through. I donated to support a creator, I never even cared about the movie. I’d gladly write it off as support to help him get back on his feet while dealing with depression.

@jeremybrown3544 - 13.07.2023 05:48

We love you Spoony!!

@MarioNintendoh - 10.07.2023 02:56

That felt good to watch!

@Tom-V - 03.07.2023 01:20

Thank you for this!

@dored85 - 29.06.2023 20:03

Spoony is such a cool dude. I remember his Captain America 2 review very vividly. Best wishes for him.

@Sitharos - 29.06.2023 12:24

I miss you spoony! I hope you come back when you are ready. You are super talented and I loved watching your content. I still rewatch it in marathons from time to time 🙂

@earthssingularity2039 - 24.06.2023 08:44

I would love to play Space Engine with you, Please, just try it out, no obligation, I do not expect a responce, I just want to plant a tree for you.

I love all that you do. Thank You for helping many out of the dark.

@rfc1526 - 23.06.2023 04:53

I would love to see Noah return to making videos, miss his old reviews and d&d stories.

@wildlander7507 - 15.06.2023 21:58

Spoony was the best, could still be the best, the only truly memorable person in his field, come on man!
Thieves world story
Final fantasy 8, all the counter monkey vids, come on spoony! Come back to us man, we have seriously missed you, all of us.
Edit: turns out, he is back!
Noah F*ing antwiler is BACK ! He is here ❤️❤️😂😂

@ContinuumSpanner - 15.06.2023 19:16

I really hope he comes back, missed his stuff for such a long time.

@Pancreaticdefect - 12.06.2023 04:54

Confession time.
I managed to get my mom to buy me Phantasmagoria 2 by betting everything on the hope that she wouldnt look at the box too closely and see the big NUDITY/SEX stamped on the RSAC advisory box. Because I aint gonna lie, thats why I wanted it in the first place and why I never gave up on the game until I saw that one, maybe 2 second, flash of boobs. But by that point I had become a bit invested in where the story was going and finished the game.

@Pancreaticdefect - 12.06.2023 03:54

I had the opposite introduction to these things. I played Phantasmagoria II back when it was new and found Noah because his videos were the first time I'd seen anyone other than myself play the game since.

@seanhauth1683 - 10.06.2023 19:17

i only discovered spoony a few years back and i found him hilarious! it honestly makes me happy that he seems to be doing better lately and it makes me hopeful that i can overcome my own mental health issues given enough time and work. noah is probably one of the few people that have been able to make me laugh lately after another moment of darkness for me personally.
