Rare Amps from the Early Days of Orange Amplification | Reverb Interview

Rare Amps from the Early Days of Orange Amplification | Reverb Interview


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@pwayne3580 - 04.03.2019 17:25

GRO 100

@C0nnie - 07.03.2019 11:03

I’d kill for that matamp

@SamLibman - 11.05.2019 20:19

Absolutely legendary. He’s the David Attenborough of music and rock, haha.

@Satchmoeddie - 13.05.2019 01:31

MatAmp GREEN, BLACK, & ORANGE for ORANGE. I have dropped these down flights of stairs and they won't break, or stop working, but they have to say MatAmp on them, or the amps will break. You can't have just English on a European amp. Kelmt/Echorette had the symbols on their amps way before Orange did. They are an obscure German made amp. Their tape delays are legendary.

@jessedelaney77 - 21.06.2019 01:08

What a lovely bloke. I'd love to have a beer with him.

@HiHello-ku1fl - 05.07.2019 06:05

@Reverb Are the sounds the actual amps being played when they are shown and talked about? If so the earlier Matamp Orange sounds more looser/warmer and the "pics only" OR120 sounds tighter and slightly brighter a little closer to Marshall but still warm and fat too. I have a 72 pics only OR120 but would love a Matamp Orange like the white one he's playing in the beginning of the video. They should make a reissue of that amp down to the exact circuit and transformers etc . and while they are at it make the big 200 watt Orange Matamp with KT88's!

@Pacafeliz - 08.08.2019 08:55

Dang I'll have to make a demo of my Jimmy Bean half stack some day soon! It IS a great sounding amp, but well, not THE BEST. I prefer the HH ones. Stay tuned!

@RocknJazzer - 24.10.2019 08:26

his voice is opposite of his amps

@brunkpudle3140 - 16.11.2019 07:50

do a video on sunns already

@dennismuldoon9042 - 24.12.2019 05:08

I wish for any gift you may bestow upon me. Love your amps and a merry Christmas to all at orange Amps🎅

@MikePotterpurerockmikey - 24.12.2019 07:40

After 35 years I just wish I could play! Anything to help me sound passable would be great 😂

@Nonexistanthuman - 31.12.2019 09:43

Makes me want to own an orange amp soon. I never had a real amp bigger than 30 watts

@saemikneu - 04.02.2020 22:25

I got a combo bass amp will wil buy a tube bass amp in the future. I did them! A little less treble because no horn in my combo. But with a proper cabinet, it sounds great!

@HiHello-ku1fl - 12.02.2020 00:37

From the small clips and comparing the sound of the Matamp version here to the Pics Only OR120 I think the OR120 sounds a bit tighter on the bottom and more focused in the mids maybe? More mid pucnh and less wooley? Anyone else hear that? I think I like the pics only OR120 better but the clips are so short it's hard to hear really. I have hear people say the Matamp version doesn't get quite as gainy as the pics only or later and the Matamp has more of a hifi sound whatever that means I'm not quite sure. I do like the slightly tighter bottom and punch of the mids on the pics only OR120 and and I think they got even gainier as time went on each year but again I'm ot 100% sure. If anyone knows these amps I would love to hear your take on the tone and sound differences. Thanks!

@bethanycarlton4562 - 15.02.2020 02:43

What a sweet and humble guy!!!

@ashleyrowe2945 - 05.03.2020 12:02

This brings it all back . I had a band in 69 ,we recorded two tracks in the basement studio. I put my SG Special through a 120 head with 4x12 cab . It ripped the room up!! . I think they had the mixer from Joe Meek's studio .Fleetwood mac were in the shop on the same day also . Great times . Thanks Mr Cooper

@TheYespie - 17.03.2020 00:42

Came for the amps, stayed for the ASMR

@elyogito5621 - 20.03.2020 09:03

I would hug this man and thank him so much for his brilliant mind and hardwork because I had to work hard to own a solid state Crush Pro 120 in black and as a death metal guitarist I always fell in love since the first day I listened and played through a orange cab 🍊🖤

@BishopEddie5443 - 23.03.2020 06:09

WONDERFUL! Such memories.

@nomadenview - 24.04.2020 17:40

David Attenborough is that you? Lol
Awesome video btw

@Blackforrest_samurai - 02.06.2020 02:13

Don’t forget Black Sabbath

@thethesaxman23 - 06.06.2020 00:59

Funny the such a mellow-mannered guy would make powerful rock amplifiers!

@UraniusGuitar - 24.06.2020 13:46

long live mr cliff I love orange!

@renodavid - 04.07.2020 15:09

Good to finally see the man that started Orange! They’ve always been a somewhat faceless company to me, so it’s great to finally see and hear Mr. Orange. 😉

@riffwizardsupreme - 03.08.2020 08:30

cliff cooper asmr?

@Boomheyyou - 30.08.2020 13:34

Seems like a very nice gentleman

@roberthoule9693 - 11.09.2020 01:43

I just bought my first Orange Amplifier. I'm very happy. I am more educated with respect to Fender amps (boooo big time) and Marshall (what have they done) but have in my quest discovered a pure, wonderful clean clarity in a simplified and effective design, the Orange Amp. Love it! Amazing that the clean tone of a single channel tube amp would be superior to any of the so called 'tone monster' amps. Finally, the gain is superior to any amp gain on any of the gain monster amps.

@Krrrimmi - 11.09.2020 17:10

Amp of all ROCK Gods.\m/

@AidenBradley95 - 14.09.2020 06:39

Protect this man.
Protect him with your lives.

@gabrielvelloso9834 - 12.10.2020 20:17

Such a nice gentleman

@DLC-music - 03.12.2020 18:53


@riffwizardsupreme - 09.01.2021 07:43

can we get this video without music?

@kylevaughn7118 - 07.02.2021 18:07

Experts in the sound department? All I hear is this dudes lips smacking and mouth noises. Gotta tune that out

@iplaymytele - 23.06.2021 21:55

Absolutely wonderful…!!!!
I truly love my ( ORANGE 🍊 CRUNCH PRO 120 head….!!!

@bobsbigboy_ - 08.12.2021 12:11

GREEN Matamps are way superior to Oranges

@michaelpietzsch - 25.12.2021 13:55

The ASMR is strong here

@patrickolivier1 - 04.01.2022 17:19


@futur_sunds - 09.01.2022 10:08

I want him to narrate a childrens book for me.

@Fatherflot64 - 29.03.2022 05:41

And you know Stevie Wonder didn't choose it for the color. . .

@vox1966 - 18.08.2022 00:57

Had the or120 overdrive with rare 6 12 cab best amp I ever owned bought it in Baltimore in 1974 had a Or 80 as well used with a Marshall B cab from early 70s with 20 watt greenbacks that head kept blowing the speakers out

@timmytVA - 30.01.2023 16:09

What a charming man. Thanks for sharing this history Cliff.

@laurifinlandia - 19.03.2023 07:38

what a delightful gentleman he is, makes one proud to use his amps.

@TheSavagederek - 18.08.2023 04:32

Love Orange amps ❤

@Counterkillify - 16.01.2024 06:50

Ironically enough, Orange make one of the best selling quality transistor amps on the market!

@LatrellMitchell-k1z - 24.01.2024 20:20

I love my orange amp and epiphone sg standard guitar I playing blues rock and hard rock muisc my favorite bands is led zeppelin and deep purple and the doors.

@D_Money_Mane - 31.03.2024 05:08

Didn't know Stevie Wonder help push Orange early on

@mlouise9646 - 18.04.2024 07:51

Anyone else here for a bedtime story?!

@RobbiesGuitar25 - 14.09.2024 20:58

I would love to meet Cliff, he would be so cool to talk to and hear all the stories of his career and everything especially in the 60’s-70’s I’m 14 and my dream amp is an Orange Matamp OR-100/OR-200 and cliff is a super cool dude in my books, thanks man for all the amazing things you’ve done for music, From Paul Kossoff and Jimmy Page to Sleep and Sabbath (before anyone argues with me Tony Iommi used Matamps for a time) you’ve flipped music on its head may we have many more years with you YOUR A LEGEND

@Dropdeadshred2025 - 13.10.2024 18:47

I sure am glad that Cliff decided to do his own thing. Doing his own thing led him to making the best amps EVER!!! My favorite for sure!!!

@AIC68 - 08.12.2024 10:22

