Love, Sam (FULL GAME)

Love, Sam (FULL GAME)


1 год назад

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@1WildArtist - 22.12.2023 09:09

I'm trans (ftm) and there's only 2 people who know. I live in a small town in corn country USA and being trans, gay, or anything that isn't straight cis is weird to people. I likely won't ever be able to tell my parents or my grand parents, but I was lucky enough to meet a wonderful man who loves me for me. He respects my pronouns and my chosen name and I'm beyond thankful for him. I relate so heavily to Love Sam because I know what it's like to be afraid of yourself. To be afraid to accept yourself. And this story is tragically beautiful in the way its written. I'm so glad there's people making games like this and touching on issues that so many people forget exist. So many young gay/trans/lgbtq kids have committed suicide because of how their families and friends reacted or because they couldn't accept who they were and my heart breaks for them.
I hope that whoever is reading this, whether you're gay, straight, or any other sexuality/gender that you know you aren't alone. You don't have to do any of this alone. You are loved.

@Madmatilda42 - 18.12.2023 13:17

This game is awesome. It reminded me of psychonauts. I know that I have felt alone, even while being surrounded by others.

@Veggieyumyum - 16.12.2023 18:14

I'm late but as a trans and gay person who's can't come out and live happily this game broke my heart specially when I relate how's Kyle have to hide himself it hurts and thank you jack

@trinitymyers932 - 14.12.2023 09:15

i wounder if sean is on of the many that got pots after getting covid

@Jade-vd2xf - 13.12.2023 09:27

This turned into something I wasn’t prepared for. That was profound honestly.

@shivvers. - 12.12.2023 16:43

This is one of the most intricate and well created games in the past few years. The story is heartfelt, the atmosphere is scary, and after completing the game and seeing everything knowing how the story plays out, you notice how everything was told to you from the beginning

@fatherlessbehavor - 12.12.2023 11:07

i'm not one to often comment on videos, especially since i watch them on my tv but i opened my laptop to comment on this one after hearing what jack said at the end. and yes, im aware im late to this lol. but ive been binging jacks horror vids lately and came across this one

trigger warning // the following comment contains topics of self harm, suicidal thoughts / attempts / suicide in general, sexual assault / rape, transphobia, ableism, death in general, / brief mention of shootings at the end / read at your own risk

i turned 18 and i am a trans man, i more or less knew since i was in 7th grade when i had originally discovered i was a trans man and was very out and proud about it, but due to self hatred and hatred from others, i was constantly 'figuring out' a new gender, a new name, a new identity. a new me. a me where nobody would be able to bully, a me that was likeable, a me that i liked. but it was hard. im autistic (along with countless other disorders / illnesses. both born with and caused by trauma, including childhood trauma) and didnt know until i was 15/16, more or less. i never understood why i was different from others. i never understood why i could never fit in or understand social cues, why i didnt know i was the punchline until i had already laughed with everyone, unaware i was the one we were laughing at. i had taken pride in being the funny friend, unaware that the only thing funny about me was what others saw and not what i had said. that they laughed at how lame my jokes were. that i was the popular kids pet. my grandma passed away when i was in 7th grade, my grandpa had open heart surgery when i was in 7th grade, my uncle died when i was in 7th grade, i was at my lowest. while it was not my first attempt, and it wasnt my last, i did attempt to take my own life. i wont go into the details of how as its a lot to try and explain, but my mom found out. she came to my room, she asked how many pills i had taken. i lied and told her i didnt know, when i had taken three handfuls. i was shaking uncontrollably and hallucinating and .. scared. i was addicted to pills at that point due to a previous attempt, but i had taken so much more than i usually did. she simply sighed and told me to get some rest. i asked if i had to go to school the next day and she said if i'm alive and got up, leaving me. i was 12 or 13, convinced i was going to die in my sleep that night. i had never fell asleep as happy as i did that night. now i can proudly say i have fallen asleep happier than that night, but i didnt know i would be alive to witness it. instead of going through the details, i began self harming at 4 years old and took my first attempt on my life at 6. i now havent done either of those things for over a year now. but i am battling with other things, addiction to weed and alcohol, though i havent taken pills in over a year now either. when i was 16, though, i opened a case against my own dad. i cant go into too much detail as its still ongoing, but he sexually assaulted and raped me in my youth. i was 12 the first time he raped me, but i was so young when he began touching me that i dont remember my age. he was abusive in all ways, withheld medical attention even though i have a really bad immune system that often makes it so i require special attention when im sick, hit me for crying until i stopped, etc. and i have two younger siblings. my father, a raging alcoholic my whole life. my mom, a pill addict until i was 12 and an alcoholic sense then. though she wont admit to the alcoholic part. she overdosed in front of me when i was 6. ive had to take care of my siblings since the day they were born, despite only being 2 when my first sibling came into the world. my mom wasnt supposed to survive her attempt. they thought she was going to die overnight. christmas 2019, my dad pulled a gun on us. i wasnt supposed to survive that night. but i did. my parents got divorced, even though they shouldve long before. i am now looking into changing my legal name, but im scared. scared of rejection from my family. i dont know what to do anymore. while i am in a better place than i was 5 years ago, even just a year go, i still feel helpless. and sometimes i still feel like that poor 12 year old girl who thought her dad was doing this to her out of love.

this doesnt even begin to explain my life, just a scratch at the surface. ive been in and out of foster care, been in shootings, but those are things i need to process before i can begin to talk about them publicly. i know this got scrambled and may be confusing to read, and im sorry

for those of you who read this, or even skimmed it, thank you. and im in much of a better place now than i was then. every time you think of ending your own life, think "one more day", "one more week", "one more month", "one more year". do that every time until you no longer have to remind yourself. there are people who will listen and be there, but sometimes you just have to find them

@stuffincorporated. - 09.12.2023 03:21

Womp womp

@UchihaChikiru - 08.12.2023 08:00

This was fantastic, recommended it to my bf immediately!

@NeelieLladnek - 05.12.2023 09:10

This game conquered your ADHD for the time. It's a sad as fuck story and also sad that these kind of things actually have happened or are happening. I Loved watching you play this. Did they ever make another type of game like this? It would be soooo awesome if they did.
I am stuck with a broken HP Lap and this Chromebook so i can't use steam right now to play anything. But watching you play them kind of makes me feel like i played it with you.

@thestra247 - 04.12.2023 11:50

"don't eat someone's heart"
wise words from Sean mcloughlin 2023

@user-sh2zk1fs2u - 04.12.2023 07:04

It’s a LITTLE disturbing to have an argument with a friend who is overly obsessed with his crush who doesn’t like him back after watching this 💀💀💀

@fourtenphotography3976 - 04.12.2023 02:42

I’m fairly new to Jack’s channel, and just watched this video for the first time and WOW. This is probably the best horror game I’ve seen in my life. I don’t like horror, games or movies, but watching Jack makes it so fun, so I got hooked, and this one just blew me away. Not only the game itself, but Jack’s reaction to it. His reaction validated my own response to the game, and reminded me that video games aren’t just a dorky way to waste time, like some people think. When done well, it has just as much artistic expression and creativity as a movie, a book, a play, any type of storytelling really. It’s art! Awesome game, and thanks to Jack for sharing it and being so real. Bravo

@hirokiangel7399 - 04.12.2023 01:50

Kyle is a hate enducing character for me. Not just bc he screwed sam over (my name jfc that was WEIRD) but because it would've been so easy to prevent. If he just talked to someone, about being gay, his feelings towards Sam, ANYTHING! all of this could've been prevented, which is why I hate him so much. (In a loving way)

@sailormoon592 - 03.12.2023 21:53

Dear diary,
I havent left a diary entry in years and i cant beileve its December 2023 and im still watching this video and now leaving a comment on it.
A lot has happened this year for me, depression, moving a 6hr drive from my hometown, anxiety, my cat died just last month, a lot has just been going down hill every month or so of 2023 but every year i find myself returning to this game, to this video.

I feel alone sometimes, i have friends and family i stay in contact with but its not the same as highschool, i miss thoes days of year 12, now it just feels like "whats the point"
I know, pitful but with rent, bills, the unfairness of the world, working to only make minimum wage, ect i just want to go to sleep and never wake up.
I find myself relating to sam but not hoping for her end, but in the same way i openly ask for it.
Sorry i know this is depressing and im rambling, in hopes someone does read this, i hope that your not alone.

Love, see

@CoryTheCorsterCory - 02.12.2023 06:18

This video is a year old... I hope someone reads this and gives me some good or interesting advice

I am nearly 20 years old
As any other person out there, I've rown up and changed, but I was too busy with faking who I actually was that I didn't learn that I was changing, now I feel like I have a delay from hat changed or who I actually am and the present.
This has lead me to a personality crisis that I feel like I'm slowly getting babysteps out of it, but I feel like I still have so much to learn about myself and I don't even know how or where to begin with. I think that very little basics are set, I identify as Agender and Pansexual, I noticed that my religious feelings and thoughts were mostly remnants of how religiously I was taught by my mother and me having actual fear of "failing god", so now that I actually feel like I have the freedom to think for myself and actually see what/how I feel, I notice that I identify as an agnostic nihilist, I also learned that my fave colour is dark green and that the music that I REALLY enjoy, unlike just blasting music I used to listen, would be popular rock, like Nirvana, ACDC, Metallica, Kiss, Linkin Park etc.

This to me sounds like I know a good bunch of myself and I'm considering changing my name to officiate that I'm a new me, but the more I look into stuff the more I see that I know nothing about a lot of stuff, so... I still am worried that, despite learning a lot 'bout myself I still know nothing...

@rivergaming2393 - 30.11.2023 23:45

I never had a heavy crush.... Ive always struggled with a back and forth of wanting to be wanted, wanting to be touched and helled and shown some sort of anything to the point i clung to everyone that showed me even a microcrunb of that but then not wanting any sort of phsyical or emotional anything from anyone that i shoved everyone so far away.... It still haunts me to this day....

@thelumpofdirt6257 - 29.11.2023 06:46

has anyone else felt the long for a hug but you don't allow people to touch you for, *reasons*.
a stuffie can only help so much

@gummygwyn - 28.11.2023 10:37

Sam and Brian really deserved better, especially Sam 😢 she had a future that never got realized because of someone else's jealousy

@tara_143 - 28.11.2023 06:37

Really didn’t see that ending coming, I had the same views of what you had so finally clicking it was Kyle was truely a surprise.

@Tord_LARSSONtheNORWEGIAN - 26.11.2023 23:22

I think i jumped to the ceiling when the window opened 🥲

@perseusa3358 - 26.11.2023 19:44

Jack’s acting <3 <3 <3

@utteroi400 - 26.11.2023 05:49

Sean: immediately goes into closet

@CaZyBuNnY - 24.11.2023 16:42

Finally got around to watch this video. I've been feeling really awful and depressed for the last couple of months. I'm glad I have good friends I can count on to easy the feeling of lonieless, helplessness and the dreading feeling of being "useless". I can be proud of the progress I've made and I know it won't be like that forever. Better days come and nothing stands still. So to whoever may be struggling with something similar: you are not alone. many of us go through to similar situations. moving forward is ALWAYS worth it. please never give up and hold onto hope. it will get better. this may sound like a lie right now but it's the truth even if it doesn't feel like it. hang in there ♥

@samthewham6671 - 12.11.2023 12:03

The phone rang right when there was a drawing of a phone ringing

@hazelord - 09.11.2023 10:20

My dad used to have a tattoo of his name on his biceps 😂😂.

He was kind of a gangster in his highschool days though. But i find it funny that now all four of his children are game nerds :p

@4951guwon - 05.11.2023 17:05

Bro literally every character in this game deserves better like they could've had a normal teenage love story if one of them weren't literally drowned by jealousy or hatred☹️

Like Kyle always hid his homosexuality because the others would tease him and he can't even confess since it would have ruined Brian and he didn't want that, it kept going until he actually went insane and became obsessed with him that it led to bad things, he blamed everyone but when they all left he couldn't do anything but to blame himself 😞😞

Sam also didn't deserve to die when she just wanted to be accepted and loved, Brian was the first one who actually considered her as a friend and Sam considers him as her only friend, she fell in love with him and I just know that she was relieved to get a letter from "Brian" to meet him at Colton hill, thinking that they were gonna talk things out, only to die there because of Kyle

Heck even Stacy deserves a better boyfriend who actually loves her and didn't use her for something like that, I just know it hurt when she realized

Also poor Brian for being involved in something he didn't wanna be involved in in the first place bros💔💔

@pinkfluffybug - 02.11.2023 12:49

For awhile I felt alone and depressed, and it affected my personality. I made annoying jokes, and was clearly unstable. After awhile someone very special to me found ME. They helped me through alot and I've never been happier.

@raydenshumock - 01.11.2023 04:08

I’m lonely as I can be. Hopeless as I can be. But. I’m still trying. To make something out of my career. And out of myself. Although I’m stuck. Although I’ve hit a wall. I’m trying but. Mmm. Love ya jack thanks for the kind words of advice !! 😊

@lilyhartle5664 - 30.10.2023 05:35

The feeling of feeling insane for not being able to control your emotions is real. For knowing you shouldn't feel that way but still feeling it. It sucks that we can't control our emotions. It sucks that we know we shouldn't feel the way we do but also can't stop feeling. It's overwhelming and that feeling of feeling insane for feeling the way you do. Thinking you're broken because it seems everyone else around you can feel normal emotions except for you. It's incredible how being isolated and being special are two sides of the same coin through different perspectives. We find unique things to be valuable and important to protect until it comes to people. Then they are only important if they can be used for something deemed valuable or helpful or beneficial. Otherwise it's a problem. It's a weakness. It's a disorder that needs to be fixed.

@elizabethweigle6146 - 30.10.2023 00:41

This is my third or fourth time (at least!) watching Sean’s play through of this game, and each time I love it more and more! As someone who was bullied at a young age and less than average social skills, I can relate so much to Sam throughout this story. And I love Sean’s commentary and advice through all of it! The part that always gets me is when the others start rumors about Sam, and when we realize that Kyle is the one who killed Sam and is the reason why most of the story’s events happened. I love a good twist, especially when I don’t see it coming bc I can usually guess the twist right and I annoy myself every time!!
And I also love that Sean can play a game that’s serious or funny or out-of-your-mind-dumb, and he matches his energy to the game! When it’s serious, he’s serious. When it’s funny, he’s funny. When it’s sad, he’s sad, etc. Of course there are times that he tries to lighten up the mood by saying stuff like, “That’s not okay,” and, “Seriously, if this ever happens to you,”[Cut to Sean staring into the camera and talking directly to the viewer], “If anything like this ever happens to you, speak up! Say something! Don’t let this, this scumbag get away with it because they will get away with it, unless you do something!” He really cares about his viewers and I really appreciate that he can play a wide variety of games and match the energy without being fake or forcing the emotion or ruining the “seriousness” or “goofiness” or a game’s tone and message. 😊💚

@splatterdrive6970 - 29.10.2023 13:25

man this story just makes me sad Fuck

@user-uk8wd9qp2q - 28.10.2023 23:48


@nathangreen4266 - 27.10.2023 07:18

Moral of the story is don't let yourself be consumed by jealousy

@Jillykins33 - 26.10.2023 20:38

It’s sad to realize this has probably happened many times in real life. All great stories are based on real life events.

@thevoyagesystem - 24.10.2023 05:50

Its so sad returning to this video after everything that's happened and all thats going on right now and to not cry even though I sobbed last time. I guess you just start getting numb to it....thats so fucked up

@hollystar311 - 22.10.2023 19:25

I thought Sam was a guy and this was a gay love story at first, and then the twist came and IT IS A GAY LOVE STORY

@piperpowell5024 - 21.10.2023 20:24

I was in tears by the end

@toribug1899 - 19.10.2023 08:48

There’s a lot I could say about this, but I’ll keep it light hearted: the ticking clock in the apartment sounds exactly like my husky when she has hiccups

@GameOver-nm2us - 17.10.2023 11:51

I watched this game a year ago, was confused as fuck, watched it again today and oh wow is it incredible (not scary tho) I wish there were more games like this

@6devil95 - 16.10.2023 01:56

