Case dismissed against USC student accused of campus dorm rape

Case dismissed against USC student accused of campus dorm rape

ABC News

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makampo thiane
makampo thiane - 21.09.2023 11:54

imagine if its your son falsely accused and possibly jailed.

Charles Ostman
Charles Ostman - 21.09.2023 06:16

Vanessa Grigoriadis is a hardened fanatical feminist who has her own issues, which she expresses through her "consent" narratives. Closer to the real world, things have changed considerably in the past few decades. Of course, men should NEVER force themselves on a woman, ever, no matter what the circumstance. But now we've entered a sort of inquisitionesque realm, in which any man can be accused of anything, no matter how false the accusation, and the fanatical "activists" immediately pounce on the circumstance, often for their own agendas. Even just asking for a date can be very risky, many guys are backing away from even trying to date anyone.

Jocelyn Vee
Jocelyn Vee - 21.09.2023 00:01

Ugly women

Heisenberg Waffles
Heisenberg Waffles - 20.09.2023 14:02

Why was the USC girl's name censored??People ought to expose her too

DOKU - 20.09.2023 03:15

this guys a pure weirdo

ROY FR - 19.09.2023 20:44

women just dont want to take accountability for their own decisions.

Christine Munroe
Christine Munroe - 19.09.2023 04:18

She's old enough to be responsible for herself. Just because someone gives you a drink doesn't mean you drink it.

Dark Tracker RS
Dark Tracker RS - 19.09.2023 03:03

molly needs to go to jail,. what a c.nt

Cule - 18.09.2023 13:52

Show her face.

Nothemba Jozi
Nothemba Jozi - 17.09.2023 21:37

Simple solution:stop sleeping with strangers.

Angelica Barb
Angelica Barb - 16.09.2023 21:03

Stop being irresponsible and drinking to the point of death.

Regal_7 - 15.09.2023 21:24

1 in 5 female undergrads feel as though they were victims of sexual assault? Tf? Sounds like a you problem doesn't it? Are you really trying to convince people that 25% of the male population are rapists? LMFAO

James Kwon Lee
James Kwon Lee - 15.09.2023 20:52

This is actually bad for all women. It's difficult enough for them to be taken seriously when an actual event happens. Whoever is responsible for the false accusation should face jail time.

Russellviews - 14.09.2023 21:38

Why do they show the innocent mans face and block out the guilty woman's face?

Russellviews - 14.09.2023 21:37

Her boyfriend likely found out she cheated so she decided to claim rape.
I mean, yea, he might have to do 20 years in prison for something it didn't do, but at least her boyfriend won't be mad.

Afs Jam
Afs Jam - 14.09.2023 21:16

Remember justice is never served.

daboys1215 - 14.09.2023 08:54

Guys, just avoid women entirely and get a dog instead.

Dhanush Raj
Dhanush Raj - 14.09.2023 08:00

I think all men should go on a sex strike considering how even consensual sex can be turned around as an assault, figuratively at the drop of a hat. It's a huge deal for virgins, but hell with it.
Never engage without secretly having prior evidence of consent such as a voice recording or a pen camera video clip of the consent. Still not completely safe from false accusations, but a proof of evidence. Exercise caution at all times.

Peace out.

PS: Anything you say can, and will be used against you in a court of law. If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be appointed for you by the state.

Daniel Davies
Daniel Davies - 12.09.2023 17:18

looks like she raped him

Gooze - 11.09.2023 18:22

Wait, it is not enough that she should say that she wants to have sex, but rather that he has to ask are you sure. This takes the burden of responsibility and totally puts in on the man and takes any sense of responsibility from the woman. WTF.

Samveer Sidhu
Samveer Sidhu - 11.09.2023 11:07

You said yes, sadly you cant remember saying yes. Due to that, his life is destroyed.

Tamilis LP
Tamilis LP - 08.09.2023 19:55

That's absolutely no Rape! The girl wantet him and I feel bad for him. But next time he should have sex when both are sober. Seriously, if she had a alcohol poisoning and can barely walk then I whould wait till the next day. I imagine it's like he's having sex with a corpse 😅

bac 2023 bruhhhh in 10 days
bac 2023 bruhhhh in 10 days - 08.09.2023 00:09

What consensual today could be rape tomorrow

john sebastino
john sebastino - 07.09.2023 21:33

what is the possibility that this guy is related to Azim Premji - the founder billionaire CEO of Wipor group of companies
what is the possibility that this woman was drugged
what is the possibility that the judge was bought by the billionaire

Minister Of Affairs
Minister Of Affairs - 06.09.2023 19:40

Glad that the rape charges were dropped. However, all off them should be booked if they were under 21 and drinking and the bar owner should be booked as well if he/she knowingly allowed entry.

Tilersun - 06.09.2023 15:22

The elephant in the room is alcohol. It's time to world started seeing it as the poisonous, ruiner of lives that it is and not just a bit of harmless fun.

Stephan Ledford
Stephan Ledford - 05.09.2023 23:57

I wonder if avoiding having sex altogether is even "safe", since it seems that the word of the woman is enough to convict a man or ruin his future even if he is not convicted in a court.

Not so Great Leader Mao
Not so Great Leader Mao - 05.09.2023 12:53

When both people are extremely drunk who is the rapist and who is the raped

hei law
hei law - 05.09.2023 09:04

Free young meat, why not?

Janet Schories-Gargala
Janet Schories-Gargala - 05.09.2023 05:08

These girls should b charged

Sch-Eit - 04.09.2023 16:56

this man ought not touch female and booze anymore

Sam Rockwell
Sam Rockwell - 04.09.2023 06:26

The question is WHY do women put themselves in these vulnerable situations to begin with?

Noir Lily
Noir Lily - 04.09.2023 05:21

I think that both of them need to take responsibility and accountability. Both were drunk... But to accuse him of drugging her 🤔🤔🤔

vostro vostro
vostro vostro - 04.09.2023 04:33

That biyatch is dillusional , she was the agressor the bar video show s clearly what a kunt

SomeYoungGuy Johnson
SomeYoungGuy Johnson - 27.08.2023 18:52


SomeRandomGuyFromTheInternet8937 - 22.08.2023 22:10

False rape reports needs to be punished as much as rape. Because you got the government to rape someone

motovlogger92 - 22.08.2023 03:24

He got BOB and Vagene.

Arminius Cherusci
Arminius Cherusci - 14.08.2023 03:35

Universities were all supposed to be a place of learning. Look at all these future “doctors” and “engineers” having sex, getting drunk, and so drugs. It’s sad!!!

cassiasnowcat - 11.08.2023 19:23

Sign this paper if you consent…

Joseph Williams
Joseph Williams - 11.08.2023 11:55

This why you dont get drunk

Miro Gamed
Miro Gamed - 11.08.2023 10:58

Both should get prison sentences

Gerry Romero
Gerry Romero - 10.08.2023 08:42

If you can't handle your alcohol. Don't drink.

Sunny Boateng
Sunny Boateng - 09.08.2023 04:18

These hoes wants to get drunk then put the blames on others. Please stay far away from these hoes

Sunny Boateng
Sunny Boateng - 09.08.2023 04:12

Stay away from these scallywag!

J031 Gamerz
J031 Gamerz - 08.08.2023 16:06

Then she should also ask his consent before kissing him and he should also have the same type right to provoke the consent of his

Lifedeather - 07.08.2023 09:04

Frat moment 🤮

Veronica2yu - 08.07.2023 03:06

Maybe he should not be so cheap, going near another cheap person, they belong in the sewer where there is a lot of dirt like them. No lie. Thirsty, desperate, no standards on who they are near. Those, creatures, are beyond ugly. They might as well go to the local prison and find pedophiles and serial killers to do, ewwww, bcz they clearly do not know who they are near those sick creeps who has one night stands

Katie B
Katie B - 29.06.2023 00:03

Always video tape it
