Blackbird | Award Winning Sci-Fi Short Film

Blackbird | Award Winning Sci-Fi Short Film

Marquee Louisville

2 года назад

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@geoben9801 - 15.01.2024 11:37

So it appears that it worked. But why the creepy music implying something isn't right? 🤔

@davidturner4824 - 17.12.2023 08:42

Trippy, this will probably be possible someday.

@Maybe-we-are-the-Aliens - 21.11.2023 10:22

Soul anyone? the reality is the mind and the chemical structure of the brain and the day-to-day existence of any human is not based on physical life - but on the soul of each individual - without a soul - life would not be possible - you would only have an organic biological robot - it makes me sad that people believe in technology and the thought of transhumanism and living forever - first off
how boring to be alive without a soul - no matter the appearance or form - and secondly who would want to live in the cesspool of human ego forever -ya the rich people and elite who have all the rest of us under their thumb - but the ordinary person who has to live in a prison world from cradle to the grave not so much - Death is scary but on the other side everything you ever suffered here leaves in a twinkling of an eye - I have seen this - felt it - 1000 times the best feeling you have ever had on your best day here - trust me - death should not be feared - can you learn to die before you die - give up thinking this life here is so great - you don't know this yet?

this was a non spiritual short and on that level it was done well - a lot accomplished in a short amount of time. Thank you for that.

@donkenmuir9504 - 12.11.2023 10:36

Good film. But a great loss for him

@andrewhancock2451 - 21.10.2023 17:30

The substrate that underpins the electrical patterns of our thoughts is biochemical and always changing in response to hormones (among other things) and other regulatory system. Tech might be able to emulate the generation of electrical signals at some level, and hence our thoughts, but without the underlying substrate, that mind will not change in the same way. What could go wrong?

@markeidt6404 - 02.09.2023 03:30

With the advancement of AI technology this may come true.

@mybestfriendisamonkey173 - 27.08.2023 23:22

Never know.

@KutWrite - 27.07.2023 06:51

Who's to say if the first wife was a real human? This may be v2.0.

I liked it, esp. the iffiness and creepy aspects.

@marshad9270 - 22.07.2023 14:47

Great horror short.. 😳 extremely creepy !

@breakfreak3181 - 17.07.2023 00:35

1 minute in. So they are wide awake, speaking to each other and then fall asleep within 1 second of resting their heads against each other? GTFO! Well I suppose it's better than half of the shorts I've seen that start of with brooding inaction wasting a significant portion of their run time!

@Brucebod - 11.07.2023 15:36

All that technology, but they can still get into a dangerous car accident.

@DrDavelope - 30.06.2023 05:33

Black Mirror but with a humanity twist.

@WarrenStarCat - 22.05.2023 02:02

People that brush their teeth when they wake up are " Confused."

@cachecacheboris - 19.05.2023 06:43

yeah he should return the product for a refund

@Maybe-we-are-the-Aliens - 06.04.2023 10:07

black bird sinking into the dread of night - you were only waiting for this moment to arise.

@chrissyorr9385 - 01.04.2023 05:17


@dotznzeros5829 - 02.03.2023 01:23

When you Take a break from the robots taking over the world type stories and focus on the positive things technology can do its really sweat

@phreakatron - 08.01.2023 21:02

This is dope af!

@davidgray2845 - 31.07.2022 06:13

I enjoyed this, but to be honest this was done better by Black Mirror like 5 years ago. This almost feels more like a nod to that episode.

@afreensarfaraz1742 - 17.04.2022 23:08

Black mirror and Upload 😁

@annazapolska9748 - 16.04.2022 19:33

Wondered what will happen with his real wife. Turn off.

@josuaelsabiodelasmontanas6352 - 14.04.2022 16:27

I can understand you John, muy wife died five years ago. I am agree with your words. Excuse my poor english. Regards from Spain

@DobieDad - 14.04.2022 03:10

And the "Synthetic" will still say, "Not tonight, I've got a headache."

@mandolinic - 13.04.2022 23:57

Strange that they have the technology to connect to the mind of a woman in a coma, yet lack the ability to make her face look realistic on the screen.

@UnicRat - 11.04.2022 22:26

I kept thinking: He'll say no. If I'd died, I would want (from whereever I may be then) my partner to find another living, feeling, loving partner as soon as he is ready for it instead of clinging to a machine that can't feel or love. Sometimes letting go is proof of love and it also gives you the chance to cherish life again! So, no, no, no to this kind of idea of "uploading consciousness" to wherever. No and nonsense.

@mauricefernandez3390 - 09.04.2022 09:11

All I can say is great job.

@automateTec - 02.04.2022 05:46

Sure, no problem, right after this short message from Blackbird Corporation.

@little_wonderer9290 - 31.03.2022 01:32

What if he wasn't actually talking to his real wife and it was the AI that convinced him to order this thing and let his wife die

@circomnia9984 - 30.03.2022 23:09 can have any body....with any face....and he chooses his middle aged wife again?!? Like exactly what he already had for a couple of years?!? What kind of man needs a new car, and decides to buy exactly the same old model and color as the old one he had?!? This would never happen in real life. Any man would immediately order a Anna Hathaway or Liv Tyler or whatever model. But I get it, this just fantasy.

@Bojan-tg2vk - 30.03.2022 12:44

This reminds me of the movie "Her", with J.Phoenix.

@petershim5900 - 27.03.2022 01:38

My heart broke 😭😭😭😭

@pharmagator - 21.03.2022 07:21

I'm not crying... You are crying...

@karimbennett5651 - 17.03.2022 00:52

Such a beautiful story. It would have been quite interesting though, if during the pairing sequence her consciousness was inadvertently duplicated and her biological body woke up with her “there,” while the synthetic body “woke up” with her “there” as well, and no clear indication if who was the duplicate and who was the original, if there even is such a distinction.

@Hokova - 16.03.2022 18:26

I´m pretty sure this was a episode of Black Mirror.

@darkbulb367 - 15.03.2022 16:25

You drones don't realize that these concepts have actually been in progress for decades. It won't be you that goes in the blank, it'll be a copy. You die & a copy of you goes to the bot. It'll be a fucking Logan's Run. People will think they're being "recycled". An A.I. version will be created and the human will die. It's likely the A.I. would not know the difference. Why would a clone not think it was the original?

@Chris-sx3he - 15.03.2022 04:10

I liked it!

@brandonjenkins8520 - 13.03.2022 20:39

that was damn good

@georgegeranios2918 - 13.03.2022 08:47


@davepowell7168 - 12.03.2022 00:26

Tripe and offal! Pork scrabblings are a suitable sidedish for refined offal.

@glennparker5516 - 11.03.2022 16:03

I see the concept however i find it disturbing good thing it's fiction or is it?
Great job cast and crew.

@SynthoidSounds - 08.03.2022 08:41

Nice story, but very predictable. Perhaps more interesting than the the film itself, which is well done, is some of the commentary here, for which this seems like such a radical "new" concept. If anything, it does indicate how each new generation can be so mystified and amazed by an old concept, but repackaged in a contemporary format. Will this ever become possible? Maybe . . . but it will definitely be for the elite, and most likely available in sovereign countries without a lot of regulatory restrictions.

@darcihoudeshell2588 - 05.03.2022 06:16

WOW! That was really good! My mind is blown! 🤯 What a scary concept!

@snoopy0155 - 05.03.2022 00:10

Wow! What a mindblowing story! Last time I had this feeling was when I saw "Matrix".

@nicolebogda1482 - 04.03.2022 09:42

*sigh*… how many could I bring back? This is so beautiful…taking even that 50/50 chance & having it work?? 500% priceless!

@nanarose8537 - 02.03.2022 12:13

Whoa...this kept my attention as well as blowing my mind. The emotional aspect gripped me. I like the cinematography, the acting, story, and kudos on the directing. 👍👏👍

@emzywillrich7243 - 02.03.2022 04:20

I can't have anything like that in my house! That's worse than the robots they already have monitoring us.

@alicekane3913 - 28.02.2022 05:35

So...the 'real human' dies once the AI takes over?? Am not sure that would be satisfying to EITHER partner.... 😵 (Well made film however! Kept me totally involved. Kudos to the fine actors! And to all those who put this production together.)

@victormartinez5580 - 28.02.2022 04:53

Wow. That will haunt the depths of my mind.

@douglas9607 - 28.02.2022 02:16

Yeah, that was very good. Thank you
