昔日拉拉队员竟变成获奖健美达人?!孟天和健美明星一起硬核健身! From Cheerleader to bodybuilder?! Day Works Out with a Bodybuilder

昔日拉拉队员竟变成获奖健美达人?!孟天和健美明星一起硬核健身! From Cheerleader to bodybuilder?! Day Works Out with a Bodybuilder

Plus One

54 года назад

754 Просмотров

Dayday最近跟一位健美明星挑战了一把“硬核健身“! 她曾是拉拉队成员,后来竟登上美国含金量最高的健美赛事舞台并闯入前三?!她是如何通过健身成为健美达人的?美国的健身狂魔们又是怎么锻炼的?每个月健身开销多少?Dayday这次健身效果如何?打开视频看看他究竟一次可以做多少个俯卧撑吧!

Day took the challenge of working out with a bodybuilding star! Once a cheerleader, this bodybuilder came in second in one of the most famous bodybuilding competitions in America! How did she turn into a bodybuilder star from a cheerleader? How do fitness lovers work out and how much do they spend on gyms in America? How did Day’s workout challenge go? Watch the video and find it out!

#健美 #健身 #femalebodybuilder #arnoldclassic #cheerleader #fitness


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@christophermalpartida5302 - 17.03.2021 04:21

$600 for the fitness suit?! Love the video!

@sichen7093 - 30.06.2021 18:32

终于找到了你了dayday! 自己开频道了太好了👍 加油💖 太喜欢你的style了!

@marcsong2386 - 04.08.2021 05:18



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