The True Origin Of Humanity: Our History Is NOT What We Are Told!

The True Origin Of Humanity: Our History Is NOT What We Are Told!

Secret Origins

1 год назад

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cute pic
cute pic - 16.09.2023 14:01

We believe in GOD and that the Bible is book of GOD now they lied to humanity i think this would crumble the mind of GODS believers

Jeweline Cole
Jeweline Cole - 16.09.2023 08:34

You give half information

James Ortiz
James Ortiz - 16.09.2023 05:51

Bullshit! 🤗

Johnny Carrillo
Johnny Carrillo - 16.09.2023 00:58

Out of 8 billion creatures in this realm called earth 7.6 billion are a procreated race called
H U - M A N S a race which was procreated through the act of RAPE Angelic celestrial beings who wear given clear instructions to protect and teach the ways of the creator to the creation of MAN , instead they tried to exterminate them and raped their daughters, procreating the
H U - M AN race we see today ....a being which closely resembles the creation of MAN outwardly, but inwardly they lack a soul , they are all spiritual beings in a flesh vessel procreated by spiritual beings....Yet not all are from the procreated race , there is a small remanant left from the original creation the majority of them live in poverty infested areas , poor ,weak , uneducated to this world system,there is roughly 400 million of us left who will soon be rescued from this place . .those guilty of this crime will come to justice and all of there 7.6 children will be destroyed

Corey Spain
Corey Spain - 15.09.2023 18:54

Humans have always and will always embellish retelling of stories and facts!

cosmic child
cosmic child - 14.09.2023 16:53

The book of Enoch is the prequel to the bible. It was conceived first around 1800 - 1500 BC when the albinos entered Sumer and Anatolia, and in time learned the philosophies of these nations. In attempting to write their own story, they used the stories of their conquered, as they had no other stories themselves. This practice has been reused again and again. Canaan, where Judaism was born, indeed later Christianity and then even later Islam(who were previously following Judaism in Canaan until the Persians took control of Egypt and Canaan, they all used a combination of Egypt and Canaan philosophies and knowledges to write their story. Same in India using the original writings and stories, inserting themselves into them and changing the stories.
This is where the link between religion will later join and be discarded by Aliens.
You see it already starting if you are aware of the "alien agenda".

Devanox 4Five
Devanox 4Five - 14.09.2023 08:38

26 minutes in and I’m just finding out what I was watching was an intro 😂😂

felix ota
felix ota - 13.09.2023 20:55

Your images are not true images, ancient Egyptians and the people around them were blacks.
The stories about Adam and Eve is not also true. Adam and Eve were suppose to be first two humans on earth.
How did you know they ate the forbbiden fruit, no animals or human animals can reproduce without sex.
Spiritualism is real and it doesn´t work that way.
All Greek translation are lies is just to favour the west.

Robert Zaborowski
Robert Zaborowski - 13.09.2023 07:00

Anyone who spendes any more than 2 hours looking into our DN.A. and its required proteins , can not possibly fail to recognize that it is a product of intentional design.... Obviously , design requires a designer.....
In order to believe otherwise , would require that that person be ill-imformed , un- informed , or purposely dis-informed.....

Wooworld Entertainment
Wooworld Entertainment - 13.09.2023 03:10

The Bible tells the origins, God doesn’t make mistakes and leaves a book out. The book of Enoch is perversion. Everybody be so interested to read about giants and magic instead of reading about Jesus. This video is false

Spiritual Builder
Spiritual Builder - 13.09.2023 01:06

You breathe hard like me 😂

Brandon Pemberton
Brandon Pemberton - 12.09.2023 06:33

666k views. Quite appropriate for this nonsense🥴

Dragon King
Dragon King - 11.09.2023 20:59

As human by body im Norce and Royal in my opinion the Viking known as Eric The Red invented Christianity and Paganism Vikings were in America first before anyone and I'm Viking my old cousin was Tor / Thor I was born in America do you notice how Christians are heathens putting Christmas trees up and lights and hanging wreaths on doors that's what heathens do and Saint Nicholas was a heathen

Dragon King
Dragon King - 11.09.2023 20:48

A E.T. created humans God is from another dimension world 🌎🌍 I'm a watcher we Angleuses did not fall we flew down 🕊️ in UFO / UAP I'm the One who came into a baby without a starship im here to help the humans from a beast that attacks and the nephilim are Bigfoot and Yeti also call mountain Apes and Rock Apes and Warewolf and in my opinion the story of Adam and Eve never existed it is a lie.

Alexander MacGowan
Alexander MacGowan - 08.09.2023 05:19


Dawn Winston
Dawn Winston - 07.09.2023 17:50

VERY interesting 🤔

Sa-Ra King
Sa-Ra King - 07.09.2023 16:22

Mankind will never truly know the “ who what when where why or how” mankind came about we have religious beliefs and we have scientific theories…pick your poison…✌🏿

HermitCard - 06.09.2023 21:24


Rich Vedrus
Rich Vedrus - 06.09.2023 18:15

These idiot's didn't create crap Namaste

Mark Taylor Wilkerson
Mark Taylor Wilkerson - 06.09.2023 03:40

Satan's false teachings God our Father created us trust in his son Yeshua for salvation this is corrupting the word of God false teachings beware

Nautique - 02.09.2023 10:41

To hard to listen to with the Sssssssse & saliva in his mouth….

Keroy Scafe
Keroy Scafe - 02.09.2023 02:02

god create human

Tang Chi Lin
Tang Chi Lin - 31.08.2023 20:33

The GOOD NEWS is our family from other worlds have traveled here to help rescue humanity from the evil agenda of the dark powers here on planet earth. It is my understanding that they have sealed off access to our planet so no other negative forces can intervene. They have plans to counteract everything the earthly dark forces have scheduled. The only things left for the dark forces to work for is to keep poisoning people with their genetic modification experiments, to get people confused, sickly and dying or dead, to ensure the fewest number of humans are able to participate in the Ascension Process now underway.

There are two groups of humans. Those that have had their minds stolen and are controlled by mass hypnosis through their television sets and mass advertisements, and those of us who see that something very evil is happening. This calamity around the planet for the past 2 years will continue on for as long as it can endure. It is a spiritual war upon humanity. On one level it involves the economic system of the world, but on a deeper level, the fundamental level, it is actually all about human souls and how many souls can be kept in bondage. As far fetched or fanatical as this may sound, to those of us that have a personal relationship with God, it makes the most sense

Ullyr Wuldan
Ullyr Wuldan - 30.08.2023 08:22

Got an hour of Farengar and not a single mention of the Dragon Stone or leaving thinking to my betters lol

The black goat of the woods
The black goat of the woods - 29.08.2023 07:40

You can not be religious if you don't have an amazing imagination.
They cab say the wildest shit that would make a d&d-player go, wow.....
But say Santa Clause is real and your crazy....

fred ruiz
fred ruiz - 29.08.2023 05:38

Sorry, but once I heard your tone of voice

marasoul219 - 29.08.2023 00:09

I suggest you to read Quran to know who created us

Jesse - 28.08.2023 04:26

To many ads

Trent Reynold
Trent Reynold - 27.08.2023 17:10

Religions have it right and wrong its all been twisted we are children of light the light is within us called heart, mana inner strength surrounded by the body so our light is surrounded by darkness our bodies. never have a cross its a false idol you have the cross in you, from your third eye to your tailbone and shoulder to shoulder is your cross. So the light is in you and you need to look inside to find the light and resonance between the brain and heart is the key alone the back bone the fluid activate the light. Look at the sun with eyes closed to fill with light. Your body is on the cross skeleton and when you die and your body decays your light is released. Burning the body releases the light faster, you don't need the church you are the church you are the temples you have to look inside yourself to become divine and you can do anything manifest anything create anything be one with the light and one with the all our true God, light in me life in me I have read the emerald tablets lf the light is in you your soul the words will resonate with you, so church is a place of business and money not to activate the light in us all death is nothing to fear the eternal fire is where you go to wait to be reborn and it repeats until you find the pathway of the light, ( light into thee ) ( life into thee)

Emanuel bufole
Emanuel bufole - 24.08.2023 22:35

We are not a product of creation nor of evolution, all these theories are just a search for a truth that is beyond the capacity of our understanding as human, creation is a topic needed to be left alone or else for informative purposes or out of curiosity we need such topics and try to connect the dots and see wether something will come up, of which i doubt, so personaly i beleive the human has never evolved but only his environment through scientific or technological discoveries have given the impression of evolution but wars, selfishness, jealousy, racism and all the negative aspects of humanity that existed than are still present now.

hothaze - 23.08.2023 12:35

I feel like i live surrounded by people with no intelligence. And that is a problem that we have globaly.
They dont see we are creation of the universe, instead they are looking for proofs and proofs of some ancient orks, who decided to MAKE A HUMAN.
WTF? hahahahahahahahaha this is more than ridiculous. :) but sweet 😂 and tv programs make some money! ;) take care people ;) just ask your mummy who made you come true xD 😂😂🎉

PRIMUS GRANT - 21.08.2023 21:49

Thoth built the pyramids, and the Greeks changed his name to Hermes. fact check racist

Truth Repeater
Truth Repeater - 20.08.2023 19:31


That one guy
That one guy - 20.08.2023 01:51


That one guy
That one guy - 20.08.2023 01:44

So your telling me marvel didn't make the watchers wow😂

mark josemanders
mark josemanders - 17.08.2023 05:06

All Religions Are False!
Soul does not exist! afterlife does not exist! jesus does not exist! satan does not exist! God does not exist!
hope nonsense does exist!.
everything has a cause! Can you make yourself? no! how can god make his own? can't!
evidence! god doesn't exist!
energy and matter cannot be created or destroyed, that is to say, it has always existed! and will always exist!
universe has always existed and will always exist!
evidence! god didn't create universe!
can you prove or explain that god exists! no!
then god doesn't exist!
everything has a cause! but god has no cause? what nonsense!
god making his own out of nothing! and god who makes everything out of nothing! without evidence! or explaining anything! is logic? no!
is madness!

Soul and afterlife!
People talk about energy! and a soul! that goes to afterlife! while that energy which is nothing more than body heat!
What cannot be destroyed that's right! spreading everywhere! and perishes in everything! so what!
Not going anywhere specific! is not consciousness either!
There is no evidence for soul! and there is no evidence for afterlife!
You have to prove something like that first before you can say that!

Evolution and origin of life!
You really think god made a man in sand blew on it and there's adam grab a rib from adam and there you have eva!
That's how it went? because that's nonsense
You never looked up origin of life!
You never looked up evolution!
Even if they don't know everything yet! they try to explain! and prove things! which isn't easy! is better than nothing!
And claim things without evidence or explanation! that's the easiest thing to do, but that doesn't make it true!
Origin of life talk about blocks of life! who by circumstances! originated!
Step by step! small changes over time!
And small mutation over time!
And that counts for evolution too! they don't claim that something came out of nothing!
The bible does that without explanation! without evidence!

Debate real and truth!
There is no good or bad is illusion!
There are no winners! there are no losers!
everything that is made! is fake!
made truth is not truth!
Is no more than I say everything people think! or made!
is fake and cannot be real or truth!
Otherwise we wouldn't have had to make it! and think about it!
that also means that god does not exist!
Because they have to made it! thought about it!
So that's fake! and can't be real or truth!

Burden Of Proof is for everyone!
Claim! you believe in god! why? try to explain! try to prove!
They don't know! they just believe in god!
Claim! that you don't believe in the claim! why? try to explain! try to prove!
They don't know! they just dont believe the claim!
Claim! you don't believe in god! why? try to explain! try to prove!
They don't know! they just don't believe in god!
Claim! you know god doesn't exist! why? try to explain! try to prove!
They know more! and that's why they don't believe in god anymore!
Every claim must be explained! they all think they don't have to explain it!
Doesn't mean they don't have to explain it!

you need evidence first! that god exists! and has always existed!
you need evidence first! that god has created something! especially what cannot be created! energy! matter!
you need evidence first! how god made his own out of nothing! and made everything out of nothing!
you need evidence first! what does it matter to anyone in this world!
you still have a very long way to go! for proving something!
let alone explain something!
before you can say anything about it!

Jonathan Parks
Jonathan Parks - 13.08.2023 22:35

😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 that's not even their real names you so far behind you could be considered a A$$ 😂😂💯

benjamin padilla
benjamin padilla - 13.08.2023 13:25

Before we even discover bio engineering. They were doing DNA manipulation so can deny that this is truth . Can you tell me they just fantasized all of this .

E-MO TASTE - 13.08.2023 12:08

If really this story is true. Then who gave the espieration to the Bible writers. No wonder the Rastepharans all ways says the truth will reveal one day.

warehouse jo
warehouse jo - 13.08.2023 05:36

very imaginative,
very fanciful.

Omar Almeyda
Omar Almeyda - 12.08.2023 17:50

Way too many commercials.

Code Blue
Code Blue - 12.08.2023 15:26

Hell of an intro 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽

Old Man from Scene Twenty Four
Old Man from Scene Twenty Four - 12.08.2023 10:11

What's missing from the story is when the Teens brought the scrolls home, their Mother used several pages to light the Cooking Fire. She saw no value in them, to her they were just old papers.

Valerie Byrd
Valerie Byrd - 12.08.2023 10:07

The ananocke if that's how it's spelled .Came to concur and left their off spring here to control us until they came back when their planetary system came back through through ours again and went back out of ours
Ours was not only the only planetary system they took advantage of but others that their planetary system crossed paths with.Pretending to help and in fack also helping them selves making us better slaves but manipulating us as well .Just like they do now only better now through thek knowledges.

Valerie Byrd
Valerie Byrd - 12.08.2023 08:31

Book of Enoch was to truthful and a straight forward in your face the way things happened. And they didn't won't that revealed as truth.

SCAI Office
SCAI Office - 11.08.2023 21:25

this is i believe also mentioned in the Bible from the Jehovah Witness

Javier Hernandez
Javier Hernandez - 11.08.2023 13:34

So the watchers were Neanderthals?..

Miguel - 11.08.2023 07:41

ABOUT DUE.👄🐏🐏🐂🐂🐂🐄🐄🐄🐖🐎🦘🐩🐩🐃🦜🐬🐬🚂🚋🚋🚎⛴️⛵📫🕛

Jaguar Paw
Jaguar Paw - 11.08.2023 06:05

Someone interpreted what someone else's interpretation was, and not even the interpretation of the original text.
