The Shmupcast - Episode 1 - The 1CC Mentality - feat. Aktane

The Shmupcast - Episode 1 - The 1CC Mentality - feat. Aktane


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@AKTANEARCADE - 03.04.2022 19:14

Thanks for this opportunity to be on your channel ! Hope people enjoy this one, it was fun to do.

@scienceandmatter8739 - 03.04.2022 19:21

Love from Germany. First bullet . Only Infinite left.
Letssss goooo

@prodoomer3166 - 03.04.2022 19:27

Oh cool!! Thanks guys!!

@stgcvlt - 03.04.2022 19:41

My 2 fav peeps on the internet on a shmup podcast, this can’t get any better! Thanks for putting this together dudes ❤️

@mattatsu - 03.04.2022 19:47

Awesome video guys! And is perfect timing and I was getting down about my struggles to 1cc Natsuki Chronicles on Medium/Normal, lol! I did use 4 credits as opposed to my 6, though, so thanks for making me feel good about that!

Also, R-Type Final 2 has a “kids” difficulty which is just insulting lol… My stubborn, 38-year old ass refused to play on that and got absolutely destroyed on Normal.

@onemorequarter1087 - 03.04.2022 19:53

This is an excellent way of letting people know it's about fun first. Interacting with the community is as much fun as playing the games. Remember don't have to be an awesome player just an awesome person. Thanks guys🍻

@EMMA-GAMES - 03.04.2022 20:49

I wanna go to ak's arcade...

@scienceandmatter8739 - 03.04.2022 21:38

Get some Sound FX beginning Background to get the Shooting Vibe in Folks Hope for more EPISODES

@scienceandmatter8739 - 03.04.2022 21:39

Also language barrier hold a Lot potentiell for the Genre Back.

@letsblocking - 03.04.2022 21:53

I agree, demystifying these games so that "normal" people are able enjoy them is essential for the growth of the genre. Getting into shmups is tough and the only gameplay you see is from super skilled experienced players. Most STG players are not superplayers, they're just normal dudes who really like the games.

I love the point about credit feeding too, as far as I know this is how Japanese arcade players learn the games since they don't have access to save states and it seems to work well for them! Of course watching others play and discussing the games also helps them improve and that's another reason why the social aspects (streaming, sharing videos, social networks, etc.) are so important for the western community.

I'm still a beginner at these games but the community spirit is a big part of what keeps me playing, probably even more than the games themselves.

Thanks for the great insights, I look forward to your next videos!

@scienceandmatter8739 - 03.04.2022 22:18

The Archive Arcaden Hamster shmup Ports only 6.99€ the Game . But Theres a Lot of them . Maybe you can review & Rank them ?


@RewdanSprites - 03.04.2022 23:30

A lot of people do seem to put a lot of pressure onto themselves to get a 1cc. I tend to only do it if I like the game as a way to give me a reason to keep playing a game I like in a new way. If I don't enjoy it I won't do it or if it starts to feel like work 🤣.

@HideAndRead - 03.04.2022 23:58

I love the monkey & baby modes!
I forget which game it was but I remember seeing a girlfriend mode for co op, in which all bullets were aimed at player 1.
Have fun, get good 🤙

@soratheorangejuicemascot5809 - 03.04.2022 23:59

For shmups I've been working on.... I keep banging my head on the stage 1 of Dodonpachi Resurrection BL-A because I always end up having less than 1st extend score. I think its a sign thar I should really drop the game. I also got the same problem with Deathsmiles right now. On Sora, I keep dying from my risky play going melee since I barely even shoot in that game, and I am almost close to the last stage.

@davy_K - 04.04.2022 02:38

Credit feeding is a valid tool when going for a 1CC as well just for enjoying a game. I find if I continue too much it starts to feel "cheap". You can end up just spamming bombs and credits if you don't show control. I try and budget myself to 2,3 or 4. It's a good way of practicing a game if your aim is for a 1CC and the version you are playing doesn't have save states, a level select or a training mode. Like the idea of a dollar clear - a 1DC!! 😀

@driftingautumn751 - 04.04.2022 03:09

This is such a great chat with you two! It's nice to see Aktane "in the flesh" :)

I'm a beginner to shmups myself, and although I don't have the drive to 1CC any shmup I pick up, it's still great to be reminded I don't need to "go hard." Currently into Steredenn and just enjoy the fun of doing runs.

Thanks you two!

@NareKICK - 04.04.2022 05:34

Just wanted to let y’all know that after watching your Mushi video, I finally got past stage 3 and made it to stage 5 but died midway to the boss. Looks like I’m on my way to my first 1cc after training for a while on original and then switching back to novice. I’ll definitely go for Mushi original afterwards but it’s been great to really dive into one game for a while. I have found this conversation today really helpful for someone who was just really struggling to figure out how to get into the genre. If I had a capture card, I’d share my progress, but eventually I’d like to.

@1CCJAM - 07.04.2022 14:29

Goes without saying you need to be having fun, but I think a lot of the fun, depth and ingenious design of these games really shines during the 1cc process. Most modern shmups these days have novice modes you can 1cc first. Even with the harder arcade games you can always set yourself smaller goals, like reaching and defeating the 3rd or 4th stage boss on 1 credit. You can then come back to the game when you have gained more experience. I totally agree with the sentiments in this video though, shooting games are so much more than just superplayers, high scores and 2-alls.

@GojiGuy - 09.04.2022 17:18

This was a great podcast! It's so nice hearing about different people's shmup journeys and how the genre is perceived outside of the community.

I'd love to chat with more people about the reality of Shmups as a genre in the market and industry at large.

Happy to hear a new shmup pod!!

@RetroChampion - 26.04.2022 21:17

Awesome episode can’t wait for more of them! Great advice.

@999samus7 - 26.10.2023 14:42

This is a really good video, I was watching other stuff and I was feeling soooo tired of them, this is so laid back and chill and it is contagious, thank you guys, your words is something I needed to listen to.

@flottenheimer - 12.12.2023 23:30

Nice interview. So, Shmuptopia, what are some of the easiest stumps you've 1cc'ed (as opposed to Crimzon Clover 'Arcade' and Vesara 2 being some of the hardest)?

@ryan_d.v - 14.03.2024 19:00

Great conversation. Been really enjoying shmups lately, modern gaming just doesn't do it for me anymore with having to balance work/relationships/fitness. Feels like a return to tradition and I really feel arcade games in general will make a comeback.

I don't own a lot of Shmups, but of the ones I have Crimzon Clover World Ignition is easily my favorite. I got it a few years ago and would just credit feed my way through Unlimited just because it was so fun to play. Took me right back to my childhood playing Raiden on a cabinet at our local Papa Gino's (R.I.P.). This was before I knew of the Shmup community, much less what the term "Shmup" was, I just thought the game was kickass. Like you guys talk about here your enjoyment of the game is everything and as I've gotten older I've realized this with other games too, especially competitive multiplayer games.

I'm currently working on my Arcade Original 1CC for Crimzon Clover, even keeping a notepad on my desktop for notes on the stages. But holy smokes is Stage 3 hard. 1, 2, and 4 are a cakewalk compared to this stage. When you guys talked about this concept in this episode my mind immediately went to that. It really changed my perception on stages and their difficulty, and that just because the stage is later doesn't always mean it's harder. Or it can mean that the fundamentals of the stages differ and you might be better in one area versus another, meaning you need to refine your abilities for the parts that are "harder". I love how much self reflection goes into shmups, I never in my life could have imagined how complex these games really are. They remind me a lot of going to the gym and lifting weights, or playing a Soulsborne game, it all comes down to the player.

Just wanted to say thanks for the good content and looking forward to catching up on the rest of these.
