Dragonflight | Disc Priest M+  TOP TIPS For 10.2

Dragonflight | Disc Priest M+ TOP TIPS For 10.2


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@tbone8358 - 13.02.2024 00:43

Why showing ramps when this is for M+

Ramps are for raids just so everyone knows. I’m sure you all know this though and it’s good info to share but just a bit confusing since this video is for M+

@pstatonvt - 10.02.2024 16:11

Hi! What addon/profile are you using to have those arrows around your target's health bar?

@mclpb88 - 17.01.2024 19:25

I also could add that using Binding heal + Protective light (10% less damage after casting Flash heal on yourself) is very strong. Also, do you find space to cast the "empowered" Holy nova? Im not using it atm cuz all i want is to do the Mind Bender rotation. All that said, im very new to disc and some of your tips are very good and applicable to a lot of other classes

@ObelixTheGreat - 21.12.2023 12:29

Hello:!! Very good video. Helpful tips for new player like me. Good work!! Can i ask what Weakaura do u use for disc??

@billflynn9962 - 18.12.2023 22:16

nice video, but bender should have near 100% uptime if you're smiting correctly.. so don't really have to "hold" it.. definitely should hold and wait if within few seconds of big boss dmg so you can time it with penance/mindblast if needed but dont need to hold it for more than 3 or 4 secs usually

@iGlimmyr - 16.12.2023 12:31

Here’s my problem with “abc” cuz when I ABC I run out of mana so freaking fast. This season I have had to completely re-learn how to play because I’ve been running out of mana before phase 2 in some boss encounters of amirdrassil. I’m sure it’s easy for some people but I have bipolar and I only exist in 2 realms, black and white. I don’t do well in gray. If “abc” is an absolute must do, I’d like to know what people are casting that’s NOT using up their mana. Not trying to be a dick I just genuinely don’t understand. Ps- I try to save mana and just spam smite but that too eventually eats my mana.

@scriptis8227 - 02.12.2023 11:25

Here's another tip for disc: The only two dungeons I'd run the improved purify on are Dark Heart Thickett and Waycrest Manor. For any other dungeon you can throw that point elsewhere (probably death throes tho)

@optimusd3854 - 28.11.2023 23:20

I've got another tip, roll a caster alt, this will help you learn to get damage out. I am a mage main and always wanted to try healing but too worried I'll mess up, I find Disc works well as I'm naturally focused on damage opposed to healing.

@geo1plev - 28.11.2023 04:45

Nice video dude 👍 One tip I can add is to use your rapture offensively before big pulls or boss mechanics, so you got a safenet in your party's effective HP and don't panic (as you said b4) if casts go through or people taking avoidable damage.

@coreyoz - 27.11.2023 10:56

DOPE thumbnail

@papa2wars789 - 27.11.2023 05:58

What addons are you using, and do any of them not let you roll for raid loot? I have something going on during raids that will not let me roll for raid loot.
