AFib Ablation Made Easy: Expert Consultation Guide

AFib Ablation Made Easy: Expert Consultation Guide

Doctor AFib

1 год назад

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Cristiano Costa
Cristiano Costa - 15.10.2023 04:34

Doctor AFib, thank you for the great content! What do you think about RMN cardiac ablations using robots like stereotaxis? Do you have any experience with it? Do you think that we are going to transition to robotic ablations over time?

Cheryl June
Cheryl June - 05.10.2023 06:24

I need this and I’m so nervous

Maryam Rana
Maryam Rana - 01.10.2023 15:58

Thank you so much for this clear explanation....I found this video while searching for some information for my final year presentation on AFib

steven mckinsey
steven mckinsey - 28.09.2023 01:41

I had my ablation last week to treat PVCs. The whole process sounded scary to me , but but the time the doctors had me in the surgery room I was waking up in my hospital room. I give mad props to the doctors who do this everyday.

Stan WasARunner
Stan WasARunner - 26.09.2023 20:55

I am having a cardiac ablation on Thursday. Mr Drs are good but I have learned so much from you and more importantly gained much comfort in deciding to go done this path. Was diagnosed about 3 months ago. I am 61, Never have had any symptoms. Also no diabetes, not obese, exercise a lot (did marathons for years and last four years bodybuilding probably both a little hard on my heart), don't smoke, eat well, less than a drink amonth, cholesteral is good (HDL a little low). Was hoping it would go away magically on it's own but seems like it won't.
Thanks for the great videos (I have watched and shared a number of them).

GTLee9 - 25.09.2023 19:44

What constitutes seeking to have an ablation. I was first diagnosed Aug 15 2023. My heart rate was 176 at one point that I saw. I’ve had a couple mild episodes since then a couple days apart. When would I seek ablation ?

Jamie Vogt
Jamie Vogt - 11.09.2023 18:27

Hi, My mother has been experiencing both AFIib and SVT, we actually discovered the AFIB when she was supposed to have an ablation for the SVT. They got her on the table and she was in AFIB, not SVT. So both. Shes scheduled to have both Ablations done at the same time. She's 65 with Rhumetoid Arthritis, and smokes and drinks regularly. I cannot for the life of me find any information about these two procedures being done at the same time. If you have any information about additional risk factors or success rate for patients who treated SVT and AFIB with an ablation in the same procedure, I would REALLY appreciate some peace of mind by being in the know!

3Vimages - 07.09.2023 01:06

I am having my procedure done next week ...... A new ablation method from Germany ....... I think it is the pulse method I have seen mentioned on these videos. I am English having it done in Luxembourg ...... the best hospital I have ever experienced. I met the consultant today ..... 6th Sept 23 and I am having it done on the 14th. Not because it's urgent but because the doctor said the sooner the better.
I am very confident with this hospital ..... wish me luck please 🙏

Daniel Gagne
Daniel Gagne - 06.09.2023 01:01

I’ve had svt for the last few years, never lasted very long, unfortunately last year in November I had a episode that wasn’t stopping, went to the ER and they ended up giving me adenaseen ( I know I didn’t spell they right) since then I’ve been on metropital and have been to the ER 2 more times for the same treatment, last time being this morning, now I’m at this point of what’s next, my doctor is going to try a different medication and I’m going to see the ablation doctor very soon…

Phil Brennan
Phil Brennan - 11.08.2023 00:34

I had an ablation procedure & two cardio versions which did not fix my AFib issue. I went onto to have Afib flutter, which I was schedualed in for another ablation procedure, I was knock out on the operation table but then woken after 15-20 minutes and was advised that as I was in Sinus rhythm they did not proceed with the procedure. After approx a week I was in Afib constantly & every ECG I do with my apple watch shows I am in Afib, heart rate can range from mid 60 - 90. I have an appointment for another ECG & see my specialist.

Mike Enfinger
Mike Enfinger - 23.07.2023 22:55

I had an ablation after decades of paroxysmal atrial fibrillation. I was being treated with metoprolol, which isn’t a good choice for a-fib but, it helped some. I eventually went into persistent A-fib and needed help. I’m 2 years post-op and doing a lot better but, can’t come off my medication. I’m no longer in a-fib and was taken off the anticoagulant. I don’t think they got it all but, the meds keep it in check. At what point would you recommend another procedure to eradicate it, or would it be advisable to just keep taking the medication. I’m 56 years old and healthier than most 30 year olds otherwise. My cardiologist said there was a lot of misfiring on the back of my heart and even around the valves. What do you think?

darrell kottal
darrell kottal - 14.07.2023 14:48

I am scheduled for an ablation August 3 2023 ,, Every medicine for arrythmia was useless and each one left me SOB My Cardiologist Electrophysiologist is using the cold method which I do not understand. really afraid as I am soon to be 77 worried about the outcome

Mellowyellow - 06.07.2023 13:05

I go in to get this procedure done in the next hour. Thank you for this video.

Cheryl Cooper
Cheryl Cooper - 28.06.2023 04:59

Is Atrial Tachycardia the same as Atrial fibrillation?

ed whelan
ed whelan - 13.06.2023 16:54


George Ruiz
George Ruiz - 11.06.2023 03:19

I just had an ablation procedure. I hope that is the last time I will have an AFib. my procedure took 4 hours. is that normal?

pememepee - 07.06.2023 23:34

Im going in for cardio version in a weeks time. Ive been afraid but you have explained very cleary for me a layman to understand.Ablation probably will happen at a later date my cardiologist said.Thankyou for this information, have a great summer x

Anneke Louw
Anneke Louw - 06.06.2023 14:52

Thank you Doctor for putting our minds at rest regarding this procedure. Our 30 year old daughter is due to undergo one within the next 2 weeks.

Cris - 19.05.2023 19:56

Just had my ablation done on Monday in Austin, Texas with Dr. Z . He is an amazing amazing amazing DOCTOR and his team today is day five. I feel great. I wish I would’ve did this sooner and anybody that is worried or scared about the procedure don’t be I promise it is something you wish you would have sooner instead of taking meds I couldn’t do it no more because meds was literally making me depressed and too many side effects!!!!!!!!!

Mishane23 - 16.05.2023 22:34

I am a new A Fib patient (less than a month), have had A Fib nearly 50 times since. I am scheduled for ablation next week, so ready to hopefully be successful and no more, or a lot less episodes. Thanks Doc.

Daves not here
Daves not here - 14.05.2023 20:48

I had a CryoAblation after having 2 Cardioversions

J OBrien
J OBrien - 04.05.2023 06:50

Thanks for this really informative video. I have my a-fib ablation this Tuesday. Even though I’m a nurse this explained exactly what’s going to happen & things I didn’t know.

Jack Harris
Jack Harris - 24.04.2023 15:23

Thanks for the great video. I have shared it with family and friends. I had what I thought was my first AFIB attack February 10, 2023. Horrible experience. I thought I was dying, laying on the floor struggling to breathe. Three hospital visits later, one cardio aversion later, and I am scheduled for my ablation in one week.

The afib is accompanied by vertigo digestive issues and ringing in the ears. It is impossible to tell what is side effects of the medication or afib. All this and new high blood pressure. I am hoping if we get the afib under control, the other issues will either resolve or we can then better address them.

One interesting thing is all this started after a really bad experience with Covid-19.

I'm a normally very active, 70 year old man, hiking, trekking, and other outdoor sports.

Hoping for the best with my ablation. 🙏

flilguy - 17.04.2023 06:30

I had open heart surgery in 1989 to repair two holes. ASD and VSD repair. My AFib is caused by scar tissue from the surgery in 1989. Now they want to poke a hole in my heart and make more scar tissue. I cannot get on board with this.

Charlie Atkinson
Charlie Atkinson - 17.04.2023 01:17

I am an 87 year old guy that just got diagnosed with a fib after a flutter. I plan to work with my physicians to get a catheter ablation. Thank you surely surely Charlie❤

Margaret Withrow
Margaret Withrow - 10.04.2023 04:32

Absolutely love all your videos! I'm a little different from most of the folks here. I'm 72 female with Afib that showed up in an EKG in Feb right before a minor procedure. I have my Cardiologist appt next week 4/11/23. It's a scary situation as I also have the blood gene Factor V Lieben and have an IVC. Would so love to hear back from you before I see my cardiologist.

Diana Laycock
Diana Laycock - 09.04.2023 15:40

I had my ablation two weeks ago in Riverside Community Hospital, Riverside CA. I’m a 74 year old healthy active woman. I was very surprised how comfortable I felt after the 3 hour procedure. Had minimal discomfort at my groin area for two days but no pain. Tylenol was all I needed.

chuck connors
chuck connors - 05.04.2023 17:52

Can I have a different hospital and doctor do a second oblation the first doctor said it wasn't his problem that the blood pressure went up and the pulse was still 90 after the ablation when the pulse was 55 before the permanent AFib that I've tolerated for 2 years straight the last six months of those two years the pulse was 121 to 136 all day all night for six months straight a few days before the procedure the pulse went down to 80 he was supposed to record the procedure ifor me he did not record

Joseph Manderson
Joseph Manderson - 23.03.2023 07:57

Hello Dr. Absolutely loved your video… I’m scheduled for my ablation, for April 18, 2023. I’m having it done at the Michael a DeBakey Veterans Hospital. I met with the doctor and his PA and they were really awesome. Made me pretty comfortable. I have paroxysmal AFib so I’m hoping to get in front of it early. I’m 58 no other underlying medical,issues, a little overweight. I was really active befor my AFib, it’s been about 15 months since I was diagnosed with it. Any thoughts or experiences with the Houston VA. Cardiology department? I haven’t read anything negative about them and my experiences have always been really good with a Houston VA and I’ve been going there for 20 years and like I said I love your video please keep them coming. I’m definitely going to check out your book and program as well.. Thx Dr, Joe M

woo tang
woo tang - 10.03.2023 07:31

I used to get Afrib 5 to 10 times a day. Since Covid started I mean scaredemic I would wear a mask just over my mouth and learned to breath through my nose for the past 2 years. Now I only get it maybe once every other week and it’s about a 1/4 of what it used to be. That didn’t heal the hole in my heart so I have to get that fixed.

Jimmy Patterson
Jimmy Patterson - 08.03.2023 04:29

This is the best explanation I've heard. I used it to explain to my family what I was having done. Thanks

Rethse - 24.02.2023 07:53

I have SVT also I Diagnose last December and now waiting my schedule for Radio Frequency Cateter Ablation next week 🙏🙏🥺🥺🥺

john wickenden
john wickenden - 22.02.2023 18:38

Thankyou for this

Gordon Wellard
Gordon Wellard - 19.02.2023 20:43

I had an ablation at the best heart hospital in the world..Bart's of London...totally cured of any atrial fibrillation now...the treatment I had over the 10months before with MRI and echocardiogrammes plus the cardio ablation and an implant to monitor my heart would have cost over 300 thousand dollars if I had to use your insane health insurance scam medicine n the USA....shame you your governments don't care about your National Insurance payments were about 20 dollars a month taken directly from my salary throughout my working life..if you are unemployed they are credited to you free....

Theo Karatsinidis
Theo Karatsinidis - 18.02.2023 09:53

had AFib done 3days ago success was conscious lightly sedated wake felt no pain went home the same day fill good

Damien Bell
Damien Bell - 17.02.2023 08:12

This is my next step, this guy Dr is great, explains everything , and I understand it all lol.

Himachali_Jangla - 09.02.2023 13:29

Thanks for sharing this video, very informative. I am having a question about the "heart rate high" which happens only when my sugar levels are high - trigger point is dibetic. As long as my sugar levels are normal, I dont get a PSVT problem- heart rate high.. hence, I am looking for advice, as I know in my case, diabetes is the trigger point so whether I should go for AFIB or should control my sugar level?

D Zack
D Zack - 31.01.2023 00:24

Thank you for this info.

David D
David D - 29.01.2023 16:30

Doctor, do you seal the holes you made to get in to the chamber? Why is it worse to wait before getting the ablation?

RBRILLANTES11 (HollyWood06California)
RBRILLANTES11 (HollyWood06California) - 29.01.2023 16:26

I had an ablation last November 2022 and since then I never had Afib attack. But I'm still taking Amiodarone 200mg 1x a day, Metoprolol 25mg 2x a day, Pradaxa 150cap 2x a day & Ranolazine tab 500mg 2x a day and I don't know what medication makes me suddenly feel dizzy, lightheaded, sometimes nauseas, weak sometimes stomach discomfort and constant constipation! I have a question Doctor? What medication do you think makes me feel uncomfortable or side effects from all of this I'm taking?

Dr. Reuven M Rosenberg
Dr. Reuven M Rosenberg - 27.12.2022 21:26

Hi Doc, does everything in this video also apply to Atrial Flutter? Is ablation effective for flutter? How do Flutter and Fib differ?

Matariki Redskynights
Matariki Redskynights - 15.12.2022 00:58

I've had two cardio version's and no afib four months now My cardio hospital doctor want's to have ablation at other hospital. Why? I have no more Fibrillation.

selman khan
selman khan - 07.12.2022 01:23

My wife had fast heart rate and was rushed to hospital.
There the cardiologist referred her to ablation doctor
in the meantime a cat scan wS done which showed she had chronic liver disease for which we were not told
The doctor did cardiac ablation and she looked ok but later would sleep a lot.
4 months later she was diagnosed with cirosis of liver and liver cancer
Was an ablation was necessary when she was diagnosed with chronic livetdisease was it the anaeesthesia made her liver worse

T O - 05.12.2022 00:38

When my heart goes into AFib, I eat jalapeño peppers to put my heart in rhythm.

Junior Rodriguez
Junior Rodriguez - 30.11.2022 11:13

Thank you for explaining this procedure in great detail and discussing all possibilities. It is truly appreciated. It seems that the procedure is similar to the procedure for ventricular tach which is the situation we are dealing with.

Xymo Nau
Xymo Nau - 28.11.2022 21:05

What about if you have multiple heart problems? My cardiologist said I would likely need one, but at that time I would be required to be on a pacemaker full time, as my heart would now be unable to beat without one.

Will - 16.11.2022 06:27

I just had an afib ablation performed. I get to feel the train emfs everytime a train passes by outside from me.. it really blows a chunk. I have a plethora of pvc's and electric shocks. Smh...if my Injection Infarction wasn't so low (10)% I wouldn't have had the ablation and it only cures over 100* to afib but 72-100 tachycardia it doesn't cure which I didn't know. So expect less than half the problem to hopefully go away

Flight101 - 14.11.2022 23:47

My quality of life has been zero for three years or more.. im getting over 30,000 ectopic beats a day, flutter and poss AF.. it’s horrible, im terrified but my cardiologist just keeps saying i hve to live with it. Its cruel and not right ! Im 47 and cannot do anything.. i have lost 4st because eating sets them off, walking, talking, anything.. im petrified to live yet he has no idea what its done to me mentally.. 😢I have asked to go to another area on the NHS and see a cardiologist but im told i cant do that. How unfair is this. Im sick of lying in bed crying day after day, week after week, month after month. Broken, depressed, suicidal with misery because of these but apparently your QOL doesn’t count as a necessity to do the ablation. Im so done… 😢😢 this isnt living. Im just barely existing.

gdok - 13.11.2022 02:39

I had my ablation in London, UK 🇬🇧 back in 2014 - just one procedure, no repeats required and I've never had any episodes of AF since. I was allowed home the same day and had no complications whatsoever. It was done courtesy of the UK NHS (National Health Service) and it cost me absolutely nothing.

Bruce Prigge
Bruce Prigge - 08.11.2022 19:30

Thank you! 🙂
