How Difficult is the Everest Base Camp Trek? Age, Skill, & More! | Trek Tips

How Difficult is the Everest Base Camp Trek? Age, Skill, & More! | Trek Tips

World Wide Trekking

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VIR BHADUR - 02.10.2023 14:37

Good informations

Rawiri Te Waata
Rawiri Te Waata - 18.06.2023 10:27

How much will it cost to trek to the EBC and back

Mitchell Andrisevic
Mitchell Andrisevic - 02.05.2023 14:56

How easy is it to buy ganga on the EBC trek?

Gung Ho Adventures
Gung Ho Adventures - 13.12.2022 21:57


TREKMATE - 12.12.2022 14:15

Go to trek . Nothing is more than that.

subhash karbelkar
subhash karbelkar - 02.12.2022 11:28

thanks for the video. How difficult is Jiri to Namche (bypassing Lukla) trek? from what I read on few days elevation gain and subsequent loss is about a km

John Lawrence
John Lawrence - 23.11.2022 03:39

Yes: I attempted the EBC in 2014 when I was 73. It was extraordinarily exhilarating - as if you were walking on a different planet - but I found it quite demanding and travelled very slowly . I took three days to reach Namche and I got as far as Tengboche with its large monastery and then came back. My guide would not take me further as he said conditions were too primitive, and in any case I had a return flight home booked. I must admit the cold at night was extreme and you need to carry a lot of gear to cope with it, as the tea houses only provide one thin blanket on the bed. But I would not have missed it for the world :- walking among those mountains was just amazing . I hade a guide and a porter both at $10 a day.

N AZ - 30.10.2022 05:45

so it takes close to 1 month for a return trek right?

Srn Das
Srn Das - 29.10.2022 05:23

Nice suggestion Sir❤️❤️🙏🙏

Frank Ttt
Frank Ttt - 06.09.2022 10:14

I did it 2016 n 2017 - it’s mostly easy

Everlearning - 02.07.2022 21:54

How about camp 1 that requires profesional mountaineering skills ?

Rambling Tog
Rambling Tog - 04.05.2022 15:47

How many thousands of other capitalists are on this wander?

Patrick Price
Patrick Price - 17.03.2022 19:42

Is that considered a summit?

Sagar Khaga
Sagar Khaga - 03.12.2021 08:23

So it's an afternoon walk through the garden of Eden

Alex Oyarzabal
Alex Oyarzabal - 09.06.2021 02:38

Love to do it , but my acrophobia won't let me...............

John snow
John snow - 31.05.2021 05:13

Do you see the ice fall from basecamp ? If not is it possible to go to it or do you need permit to climb at that point

Kari Pintakivi
Kari Pintakivi - 08.04.2021 20:30

Level of difficulty is impossible to assess for each individual. a) Physical fitness means different things for different people. b) some people do well on asphalt and treadmill, but can not walk on uneven real trail (having grown in cities and have no balance nerves & muscles = many young Asians) c) acclimatisation ability plays a huge role, and it is genetic and can not be trained (I am faster than any westerner up there at 66 years of age and double hip replacements, because I acclimate phenomenally well) d) Persons not used to primitive conditions, poor hygiene etc can have mental problems.

I have been there 5 times and it has always been just a walk in a park. Some outwardly sporty people complain and suffer. Impossible to tell. Kilimanjaro, Aconcagua and Inca Trail were also easy, went up the Dead Woman's pass 45 minutes faster than others in the group.

Kari Pintakivi
Kari Pintakivi - 08.04.2021 20:10

How about the helicopter rescue scam? Do you have a western guide who prevents the local guide from making trekkers sick on purpose (AMS or spoiling their food) in order to earn a $1500 reward for each client he can make call a helicopter evacuation to Kathmandu? The average bill sent to the insurance agency is $22000, split between a "rescue broker", helicopter operator, scam hospital in Kathmandu (charging $1000/day for unnecessary "care" and tests), trekking agency and the guide doing the dirty work (sometimes literally). This is vastly more profitable business than trekking itself. Trekking agency can make more profit from just one client "rescued" than what they make from an honest trek itself. About 2500 fake rescues happen every year in Khumbu now. Google this and be informed.

bob penfold
bob penfold - 09.02.2021 14:56

15 days not from jiri it's not

lakota stevens
lakota stevens - 01.02.2021 09:40

Loved Kara & Nates series on this if anyone is looking for a real time trek!! it was awesome. 4 years ago!!

Lywaitz - 29.01.2021 15:14

During which month is best to vist the EBC

Sambo's mummy
Sambo's mummy - 20.01.2021 16:33

I was hoping there was a way of just driving there 😣

Doug Koontz
Doug Koontz - 15.01.2021 19:10

Is this trek 12 days one way for a total of 24 days needed? or is it 6 up and 6 back?

Mahalo 83
Mahalo 83 - 07.01.2021 00:53

It was easy, did it in 2016, smoked a spliff at EBC 🤙😀

Jason Rosman
Jason Rosman - 31.10.2020 00:26

Are there any additions to this trek as in any summits ?

Galden Sherpa
Galden Sherpa - 08.09.2020 07:46

Responsibility of guide!

Guide! What really it means? Lots of people might not know what guide is but it's not a new word for those who are involved in tourism industries. in simple language guide is a person who leads travellers or tourist through unknown or unfamiliar locations. Not only that a guide is believed as a reprehensive of the company he works for and also an ambassador of the country.
Anyone can be guide,
but to be a good guide is the main part. To guide on an unknown or unfamiliar location is not only the features of a guide. A guide should have Moral character professional respect, responsibility & Habits behavior general knowledge of the field & skills to handle a team. But for me a guide is not just a guiding people, a guide is a caretaker or parents who shows the right path taught the journey and take cares their team members & whole staff like kids. As we everyone knows that parents never complaints to their children beside many problems, just like that guide also face lots of problems through the journey, he does his duty, shows respect to the guest and keeps smiling all the time and also take cares of all the team like family. I don't mean that entire guide is same but some of them are not doing their duty very well, as lots of time on journey we hear that the guide had left the guest on the half way, it's completely unprofessional and it affects our Tourism industry. A guide is the backbone of the tourism industry and Tourism is the 2nd backbone of our nation, I feel shy to say that lots of people are in these professions but only few people are professional and some of them are just running the image of the Tourism industry.. And lots of tourist they don't know what really guide means, some of the tourist they think that they have paid money to company and they have bought them. it's not right. The guide is there to show you the way, to point out the famous mountains, landmarks and of course dangers.
They are there to keep you safe, to fascinate you with tales of local lore and wild adventures. They are there to make you comfort and ease your difficult situations & give best possible experience on your trek that's why they are always very polite and helpful. So I think guide should be treat with respect and acknowledge the experience and wisdom they possess. We all know that lots of tourist travel without guide have lost their friend & their life too & sometime couldn't complete the dream for which they have waited for a long time. I think the government should make rule to take guide compulsory or else they can't go certain region for trek just for their safety. in that case for sure tourist will understand as well and will follow the rule. Because when a tourist dies in our country the news spreads everywhere on social medias and people won't visit Nepal once they read such news. And if we have such rules many guides won't be jobless and the tourism industry will be systematic which will help to increase the economy of our nation. And at last once again I want to let everyone know that guiding people on journey is not only guide, he takes responsibility of the whole team, takes cares of the team members, arrange accommodation and bring you safely to fulfill your dream of the journey. And both guide and guest should have mutual understanding and respect 🙏 between each other. 🙏 And to all the readers and Friends who are in tourism industry, I heartily request please always be loyal and respect your professions. Thank you, Galden Sherpa!!!

Brooklyn Powers
Brooklyn Powers - 12.03.2020 08:24

Noah Wyle’s doppelganger.

Leia Cha
Leia Cha - 09.10.2019 09:22

I spent my 72nd birthday May 1st on the Mt. Everest Base Camp.
I made in 12days.
It was the best and most excited thing I ever did, also it was hardest thing I ever did in my entire life.
I still can not believe I actually made it.
I did training hike to in 6 days to Annapurna base camp then from the top, I took helicopter down to experience the view from the Sky.
Plus I wanted save my knee for the Mt. Everest.
I followed your input drinking plenty of water eat plenty of good meals and snacks in between. I only took 1/4 Diamoxin from Dihgboche twice a day after I had brief moment of headache and slight strange feeling in my tummy next morning.they said if you feel sick already, it is too late to take pills.
I would do it again soon for different trekking area but my next challenge is Mt. Klillimanjaro 2020.
I started training from gym to the local mountains in Southern California.
I need to work on endurance for longer hikes and build my cardio.
It is scary to think about it but I can not leave it as a dream only.
My bucket list will be no longer be a waiting list. At my age?
I have to keep on TREKKING, because it makes me happy.
And I want to die happy lol.

Vijay Rai
Vijay Rai - 22.01.2019 06:54

Yes see this and do the trekking!

DeepsEmo - 14.10.2018 16:39

Great information! Thanks a lot!

Sudip Sur
Sudip Sur - 10.10.2018 11:51

Sorry I have to disagree with you. I have done Everest base camp trek twice with Cho la pass the second time and I know how it feels. Trekkin agencies sell this trek as easy or moderately strenuous. But in my opinion this trek requires a lot of stamina and fitness. One other thing no one tells you is the hygiene which is non existent. One has to be physically and mentally prepared to do this trek.

Gary Button
Gary Button - 08.10.2018 01:27

Nice video - my wife and I did this trek two years ago - we are in our '60's and before the trip we hiked, climbed mountains and back-packed to get in shape for EBC trek. Being in good shape made the trip both successful and enjoyable.

Kumar Tamang
Kumar Tamang - 01.09.2018 11:28


Ishor Rai
Ishor Rai - 04.08.2018 05:10

Wow nice video!
