Hofmann's Potion - Albert Hofmann LSD Documentary

Hofmann's Potion - Albert Hofmann LSD Documentary

Kaleb Smith

11 лет назад

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Candie Canderson
Candie Canderson - 29.09.2023 22:09

Acid is the best ❤

TOMASZ Serafin
TOMASZ Serafin - 24.09.2023 02:17

Wizard Oz. Ignore the little man pulling the levers!!!❤

Eugene Love
Eugene Love - 22.09.2023 05:00

Kristen Ram Kleps
Kristen Ram Kleps - 16.09.2023 20:02

This is wonderful! ☺️

John Smith CEO Choke Collar Records
John Smith CEO Choke Collar Records - 08.09.2023 20:05

Used properly, it gave you incredible insight into your true self.

Robert - 15.08.2023 00:56

Lsd had changed my life repaired my nervous system , amazing

lentejas - 09.08.2023 17:54

Never tried LSD, I'm high right now and watching this is very mind opening. I'm uncertain about ever trying mushrooms or LSD, I'm kinda scared of my own mind, but I respect the people who go into these trips and can connect themselves with the earth❤

Kamran Pipekesh
Kamran Pipekesh - 07.08.2023 21:39

Last Sunday I used one , I don’t need to telling the wonderful worlds what i saw, God’s unimaginable powers, mercy’s, greatness..are truly Recognizable in the new way’s..near to the sunrise my mind begins crushing.. it was intolerable.. than I decided take a Xanax to get calm,,when i eat the tablet and back to the bed my the blood pressure begins rising with intense hartbits , i get so hot.. feels unconscious..than my soul, mind clearly give a message that your life is come to the end, I feels The death is close with every single cells.. I going to die soon Undoubtedly.. the fragments of death is forming above my head, it like a water but lighter than air, smells Unexplainable.. that smells begins change a shape and become a circular with blue clouds around, from inside I feels the existence of my family’s who died a few years ago, i said this is it, finally i will see the most strange mystery by myself, the smells of death now feels like sweet.. In this times i see my face from up, I think she will find me death in The morning, Than I see my wife crying at the hospital asking a doctor why its happened, I get extremely sadness about leaving her alone, begin bagging the God please give me more time’s to live.. the circular getaway disappeared and I slowly back to the normal conditions..i had clearly experienced when the death is close the person understands and feel it clearly with no single mistake,tongue is close, you can’t say a single word, you can’t communicate with anyone, when its begins the person is totally unable to contact with this word, just watching the events with clear minds..

Roger Penfold
Roger Penfold - 01.08.2023 12:54

Adverts start after ONE MINUTE FIVE SECONDS then more adverts every 5-6 minutes 😡😡😡😡😡😡😡

Mark C
Mark C - 30.07.2023 23:27

Not every person is cut out for this if your a control freak you’ll loose your shirt but it’s all about your settings

Mark C
Mark C - 30.07.2023 23:21

Keep in mind God made it impossible for us to not run across substance like this

Stefan Schleps
Stefan Schleps - 21.07.2023 22:07

My first trip was the 31st of October 1967.
My second psychedelic excursion was on the 3rd of July 1972.
Now I just practice meditation.
Find your way. The life unexplored is not worth living. Examine your being.
Everyone can lead a full and balanced life.
Each spoke in a wheel is important.
A path is formed by treading it.
Laoshr #60

k windsock
k windsock - 14.06.2023 11:26

I understand the chairisniss

Eric Nyamu
Eric Nyamu - 05.06.2023 22:40

Reliance On a substance to get a certain desired feeling is called addiction. This man destroyed so many people ., he'll be punished by God serverly

Footing Ball556
Footing Ball556 - 28.05.2023 18:07

This man and Shulgin among others are truly legends. Hofmann was probably the first man in the western world to bring back hallucinogens and start researching them and Shulgin discovered so many compounds himself. May them rest in peace

Lena Bryce
Lena Bryce - 15.05.2023 12:23

Someone needs to give Putin LSD.

Mat22 - 21.04.2023 23:13

LSD can show you the way but it won’t get you there.

I_Am_No_One No_One_Am_I
I_Am_No_One No_One_Am_I - 21.04.2023 01:57

I am greatful for my Psychedelic experience. And I am in debt to these pioneers.
